How To Keep Discus Easily | For Beginners | The Indian Fishkeeper

This video will help a beginner to keep discus fish. Many hobbyists dare to keep discus, but trust me. It's not that difficult. You just need proper knowledge of the fish and perform your scheduled maintenance. Recommended Videos: Mechanical, Biological, Chemical Filtration Explained: How To Get A Breeding Pair Of Discus Fish?: How To Add New Fish: Deworming Fish Using Metro For Treating HEX: Epson Salt Treatment For Fish Bloat: The discus tank: Fish dominance: Fish hand feeding: Other Videos: How To Make Aquarium At Home: DIY Filter Media: Jungle themed fish tank: African Cichlid Mbuna Tank: How To Create 3D Background Aquarium: Floating Rocks & Waterfall In Fish Tank Like AVATAR:

How To Keep Discus Easily | For Beginners | The Indian Fishkeeper sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Discus 7 years ago 8,339 views

This video will help a beginner to keep discus fish. Many hobbyists dare to keep discus, but trust me. It's not that difficult. You just need proper knowledge of the fish and perform your scheduled maintenance. Recommended Videos: Mechanical, Biological, Chemical Filtration Explained: How To Get A Breeding Pair Of Discus Fish?: How To Add New Fish: Deworming Fish Using Metro For Treating HEX: Epson Salt Treatment For Fish Bloat: The discus tank: Fish dominance: Fish hand feeding: Other Videos: How To Make Aquarium At Home: DIY Filter Media: Jungle themed fish tank: African Cichlid Mbuna Tank: How To Create 3D Background Aquarium: Floating Rocks & Waterfall In Fish Tank Like AVATAR:

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Most popular comments
for How To Keep Discus Easily | For Beginners | The Indian Fishkeeper

Sukhdev Adak
Sukhdev Adak - 7 years ago
Is it beef/chicken/goat "heart" or "liver"?? I've heard that liver is the easiest to digest. By the way, where are you from in India?
The Indian Fishkeeper
The Indian Fishkeeper - 7 years ago
+Sukhdev Adak beef heart is best. Then goat and chicken. Liver might be easier to digest but heart has more protein content. I m from Mumbai.
jiarealty - 7 years ago
The only advice I would not follow is putting a Pleco with the discus. Pleco's grows fast and cause a massive bioload which quickly decreases water quality. Pleco when big also can get aggressive and I have seen some Pleco attach themselves to Discus causing injuries to the Discus skin. In place of Plecos I prefer Cory catfish which stays small, will eat anything that falls to the bottom of the tank that Discus have missed, and Cory's are very peaceful requiring the same water parameters as Discus. Overall, this is a good Video
jordan smith
jordan smith - 7 years ago
I disagree and there are only a handful of cories that will live in the high temps that discus require. Sterbia being one of them, as for plecos there are several varieties that grow no more then 6". one species the L46 will even live in the same temp as discus with no issues and only grow to 4". but as of right now my 7 bristol nose plecos and 10 Discus are doing fine in a 175 with a FX6. as long as water is changed when it needed then the discus will be fine. the reason for water changes discus are from acidic water and there for have a lower bacterial count in the water preventing them from getting external bacteria infection. if water quality is a huge thing for that person then a bare bottom species only tank.
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 7 years ago
Great videos Bro I have started a new channel for documenting my fish keeping experience
Please visit & subscribe :)
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 7 years ago
Thank you Bro, Surely Looking Forward to collaborate with you :)
The Indian Fishkeeper
The Indian Fishkeeper - 7 years ago
subscribed. and all the best. we might do a collab in future :)
Rajendra Kamble
Rajendra Kamble - 7 years ago
Good informative.
The Indian Fishkeeper
The Indian Fishkeeper - 7 years ago
Rajendra Kamble thank you. Please subscribe and share
rahul biswas
rahul biswas - 7 years ago
Friend can u help me for how to make salt water for marine tank. . plz
The Indian Fishkeeper
The Indian Fishkeeper - 7 years ago
Marine salt is available in local fish stores. It is different from the salt thatwe eat or rock salt, epson salt. Process is usualy mentioned in the salt packet that you are using. so i will recommend follow that. Generally it is mixing salt and RO water in a bucket. wait 24 hrs and then use hydrometer to measure the salt level. add salt or more water to adjust!!!
APM Gaming
APM Gaming - 7 years ago
luckily ur tank looks like a good 40-60 gallons....
u can keep about 4 to 5 discus comfortably...
i wouldnt go more than 6 ....for the fishes health sake...
APM Gaming
APM Gaming - 7 years ago
all basic info bro.....
the tank size does not matter ..
like u said 3 feet length and 1.5feet height .....
the capacity of water that the tank can hold is important (units in gallons US or UK...or liters.)
its minimum 10gallons per discus...
that is minimum 40 liters per discus fish ....
not being rude ..but get ur facts straight before posting any video....shouldnt be misleading people
The Indian Fishkeeper
The Indian Fishkeeper - 7 years ago
first of all thank you for watching and commenting your views. Yes this is all basic info as my intention was to educate beginners(explicitly stated in the title). A tank with 3 feet length and 1.5feet height & width usually equals to 50 US gallons. And as discus is a vertically flat shaped fish, tank height plays an important role. therefore, minimum 1.5 feet tank is recommended. I am pretty sure about the info in the video as it is given based out my experience and what i have learnt from fellow fishkeepers. Definitely not misleading. Again thanks for watching and commenting.
Sandipan Sarkar
Sandipan Sarkar - 7 years ago
sir how to keep pH stable
The Indian Fishkeeper
The Indian Fishkeeper - 7 years ago
Sandipan Sarkar keep tap water in bucket for 2 days and then use it for water change. I will make video on pH soon.
shahgul shaikh
shahgul shaikh - 7 years ago
bro lower the music we can barely hear ur voice
The Indian Fishkeeper
The Indian Fishkeeper - 7 years ago
I will keep tht in mind next time. thanks for the input!!!

10. comment for How To Keep Discus Easily | For Beginners | The Indian Fishkeeper

George Calderon
George Calderon - 7 years ago
great video and info thanks for sharing

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