How To Keep Discus Fish: Species Sunday: Steve's Thoughts on Discus

Discus Fish are one type of fish that I am not trying to keep any time soon. Discus tanks are Steve's main thing. Check out my other videos of Steve's Discus fish as well. Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: Discus Playlist How to keep Discus- Steve is the man when it comes to keeping Discus who better to ask then him? While I haven't ever kept Discus, people have been asking and Steve has kept them, so here you go. Steve does not recommended them for beginners. The biggest thing with Discus is keeping them above 80 degrees. This rules out a few plants or at least makes it harder to do. I like the idea of raising discus in a bare bottom tank for starters. Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on Planted Aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted Tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy. "Planted Tanks Made Easy" Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Aquarium Plants For Sale: Fish Tank People Social Community

How To Keep Discus Fish: Species Sunday: Steve's Thoughts on Discus sentiment_very_dissatisfied 55

Discus 12 years ago 98,231 views

Discus Fish are one type of fish that I am not trying to keep any time soon. Discus tanks are Steve's main thing. Check out my other videos of Steve's Discus fish as well. Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: Discus Playlist How to keep Discus- Steve is the man when it comes to keeping Discus who better to ask then him? While I haven't ever kept Discus, people have been asking and Steve has kept them, so here you go. Steve does not recommended them for beginners. The biggest thing with Discus is keeping them above 80 degrees. This rules out a few plants or at least makes it harder to do. I like the idea of raising discus in a bare bottom tank for starters. Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on Planted Aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted Tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy. "Planted Tanks Made Easy" Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Aquarium Plants For Sale: Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for How To Keep Discus Fish: Species Sunday: Steve's Thoughts on Discus

speeddemons004 - 7 years ago
which fish are there as alternatives for discus
Inappropriate Reefer
Inappropriate Reefer - 7 years ago
As soon as I heard, "regular water change is a must"... I'm out. LOL
Maxik - 8 years ago
Your aquarium looks beautiful but seems a bit overcrowded.
sagrath1982 - 8 years ago
talk about discus with no discus in the tank to show!? lol
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
What's up Fishtank People? I am doing a bunch of 30 second videos on Instagram- Follow me for more shorter random videos CLICK HERE:
Cody Chamberlain
Cody Chamberlain - 8 years ago
lol if your gonna keep discus do a barebottom ... 10 secs later if keep discus get you a heavily planted tank
Zoie Clements
Zoie Clements - 7 years ago
He was referring to when they're babies to do a bare bottom. And once they get old heavily plant the tank so that the plants can consume the excess nutrients.
ItsAceDeNiro - 8 years ago
Cories wouldn't like temps of 82-84 at all though.
Freshfruitz - 9 years ago
Could I have one discus in my planted 30 gallon, I have some strange blue gourami, 7 neons, 1 fancy guppy, 2 zebra danios. I have a 55 in the storage so when it gets bigger I can add it to that possibly.
Jonas Broch
Jonas Broch - 8 years ago
Chris Rego
Chris Rego - 9 years ago
808 love

10. comment for How To Keep Discus Fish: Species Sunday: Steve's Thoughts on Discus

KING MR - 9 years ago
That millennium rainbow is ridiculous!!! such a nice fish
MarsOneOnOne - 9 years ago
Whats up DUSTIN

Jamie James
Alan Sotelo
Alan Sotelo - 9 years ago
Nice tank man looks better than mine. (:
Alan Sotelo
Alan Sotelo - 9 years ago
Well there is a beginning for everything and discus keeping is one of them
Karl Fenech
Karl Fenech - 10 years ago
floating plants like frogbit / water lettuce work well especially for shading the tank, which suits the discus very well!
Devin Solomon
Devin Solomon - 10 years ago
What kind of pellets should they be trained on ?
xDAVMANx - 10 years ago
Way off topic, is a wave maker a no no in a planted?
Paul Willis
Paul Willis - 10 years ago
I'm sure your offerings are excellent for the newbie, however you just sound like another blow hard. I'm not shelling out anything for something I can get for free.
Gabe M
Gabe M - 10 years ago
I'm an aquaponics grower, and an intermediate aquarist as well, but I've not yet stepped up to discuss. I still have things to learn before I take the plunge, and am also currently in process of 125 gallon rebuild-for discus. My question to you is- If your tank is heavily planted, and you have the proper amount of fish (not overstocked) with a good clean-up crew- why do you need to do such frequent water changes? I don't understand how that many plants per fish, and some kind of power filter (like a canister) don't adequately filter waste by themselves. Can you enlighten me please? Thanks in advance- Gabe
RoboNarples2929 - 10 years ago
You don't have to do as many water changes but still more than a normal tank
ILY fish
ILY fish - 10 years ago
what kinda cory is that??
Whonton ____
Whonton ____ - 9 years ago
Yeah, I really want some of those guys but they're pretty expensive
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 9 years ago
Thanks! Yeah, I have learned a lot in the last 12 months or so... 
Whonton ____
Whonton ____ - 9 years ago
+Mike Kollin probably got ur answer by now but the are sterbai cories
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
Yeah, that's what I was wondering... It looks cool... 

20. comment for How To Keep Discus Fish: Species Sunday: Steve's Thoughts on Discus

Logan Moos
Logan Moos - 10 years ago
ya i straight up just went and got one myself before i saw this and i havent have any issues with her and its been 2 weeks i usually run my tank at like 86-89 and she seems to be out in the light more often
Taylor Shulse
Taylor Shulse - 11 years ago
hey i went from goldfish that i kept in a planted tank for 3 years. straight to discuss in a 125 with a 90 gal sump and i have no problems! if you want ill try and put up a vid of my beautifull babies!!!
RayMondoART - 11 years ago
wow, combination of rainbows and cardinals are magic!
i thought rainbows like alkaline and cardinals love acidic... so what is the parameter?
daness621 - 11 years ago
Does this guy have a youtube account?
stephen brown
stephen brown - 11 years ago
Great looking planted tank ...aquascaping is excellent. This is a 55 gallon?.....what lighting do you have? many watts? What about fertilization ?
flutterbuggarden - 11 years ago
What substrate is that?
CartoonsZ Channel
CartoonsZ Channel - 11 years ago
hello i just bought 2 discus about 2 or 3 inches and they dont eat food about 3 days, i trying to feed them with "tetra proqolour" special discus food (granules) and beef heart but they ignore food my tank is 300L temperature is 31 32C no plants no gravel just a tank and they breath fast. please help
MzBlooppable - 11 years ago
beautiful tank but where are the Discus???
Marnie George
Marnie George - 11 years ago
GODLY - i think im ready to eat my arm for an hour with Steve before my discus arrive.....fishtanktvpros dude, im counting on you for more discus time !
FishAntsPlantsAndDave - 12 years ago
1:33 what are the longerish bright green leaves coming from behind the log? i have a few of these plants never got their name. thanks

30. comment for How To Keep Discus Fish: Species Sunday: Steve's Thoughts on Discus

Shell - 12 years ago
Killer tank!
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius - 12 years ago
There is some good advice here. some is out to lunch. #1 keep you discus at at least 86 ( eliminates chances of ich) I keep discus under 2" at 88-90. you can have WAAAY more discus in a 75 gallon tank than 4. it's best to keep them in groups of 6. i stock 1 fish to 2 gallons of water until they are 3". at adult size i stock 1 fish to 8 gallons. Keeping them densley stocked helps keep them active and eating well. And you CAN breed discus in a planted tank. all plants work when using Co2.
Kristiāns Izaks
Kristiāns Izaks - 12 years ago
Steves TANK are cool !!! Like!
Charlie mjh
Charlie mjh - 12 years ago
but that tank doesn't have any discus in it :s
wjeon5000 - 12 years ago
discus dont really need plants in the wild their's barley any plants in the wild for discus
Bob Steven
Bob Steven - 12 years ago
I don't have the tank yet so nvm
wjeon5000 - 12 years ago
yes very crowded danios are very active and u have 6
kb3gjp123 - 12 years ago
Talk about how to deworm your Discus.
alphonsedoinel - 12 years ago
Gorgeous tank. Hard to make a tank look good with that amount of plant species, but you did a great job.
Brandxisor - 12 years ago
That's an incredibly beautiful, colorful tank that rivals a lot of the reef tanks I've seen.
Elvisr29 - 12 years ago
Bob Steven
Bob Steven - 12 years ago
thank you :)
Bob Steven
Bob Steven - 12 years ago
If you can respond, does this sound over crowded, a 10 gallon tank with 4 platy's a betta fish and 6 zebra danios can you please reply quick
spartan381 - 12 years ago
those are turquoise rainbow fish
Jp Dave
Jp Dave - 12 years ago
What's the name of the thin, tall spiky plant in the background of the tank? Dave, the Aussie
Matthew Martinez
Matthew Martinez - 12 years ago
Man that tank looks nice!
84Infinity - 12 years ago
Beautiful Tank!!
Utsukushii - 12 years ago
They're pretty easy to keep. I've had a few different dwarfs in my 29 with no plants. Clean water and temp at mid 70s. Feed regular tropical flake food and they should be fine. Mollies and tetras make good tankmates. Also, I noticed the Kentucky shirt. Are you guys in KY? I'd love to check out your tanks in person some time.
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 12 years ago
What's the name of the blue-and-white fish in the video? Looks like some kind of rainbow.
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 12 years ago
I believe that discus need a few of their own kind.

50. comment for How To Keep Discus Fish: Species Sunday: Steve's Thoughts on Discus

poppinsmoke81 - 12 years ago
also i use a sand substrate will that be ok for planting
TheRossiboy - 12 years ago
Awesome vid, Steve knows his stuff
poppinsmoke81 - 12 years ago
how about sprite for discus
dope sack
dope sack - 12 years ago
u need more discus videos more information on them
kev jar
kev jar - 12 years ago
I have a 55 gallon with nothing in it at the momment so could I get 2 angels and 1 discus?I'll heat it at 82F
Fabulous - 12 years ago
@anthony duffy I think it's dirt
anthony duffy
anthony duffy - 12 years ago
Isint it rotala?
anthony duffy
anthony duffy - 12 years ago
what kind of a substrate does this tank have, is it just dirt, or is it amano dirt or what?
AlexTubed - 12 years ago
RO is a must in my experience, a small change in climate such as rain and even good tap water can go wacky as a result of the water pumping stations. They actually add ammonia and such to make in safe for humans, weird.
coleworld777 - 12 years ago
Is Steve's tank dirted ?
joetaff - 12 years ago
Go Cats
Coasterintheyard - 12 years ago
DETAquarium - 12 years ago
Hahaha, I can tell. Tell him to get on it, did you get a chance to check out my videos?
Cody Yost
Cody Yost - 12 years ago
Dustin, have you ever kept native fish from the states? I'm curious because iv set up my 75 gallon into a native tank lol.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
small barbs in a tight school under them looks phat
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
thanks, ...ive got a 1000 videos in me, not to worry ;) thanks for watching
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
haters gonna hate, (it could be worse, you could have their miz life) :)
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
taiwan plant
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
never kept them, i do like there fins though
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
wait for the greenhouse with some alone in a tank
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
i need to try some first
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
steve talks like he will make a channel, he is just a mooch on mine though ;) (kidding, hes my boy)
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
I would, they'd probably like it floating imo
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
appreciated it
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
steveo has one, we'll get one rolling
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
I almost bought rams the other day actually...
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
no clue on the E. Argentinensis specifically, but Echnodorus do typically get big
icedsafe - 12 years ago
is it true that the plant Echinodorus argentinensis need a 400g aquarium? i just got one today for my balloon mollys fry love to hide on the leaf. and my aquarium is only 60l. :)
MyBadFool - 12 years ago
Beautiful tank. Very nice work.
fishdude3213 - 12 years ago
i am very jelly of his tank
John Glabe
John Glabe - 12 years ago
somebody PLEASE make a "What's Up Fish Tank People" auto-tuned remix. maybe to a little segment with Dustin repeating "Ludwigia" over and over
James Wyatt
James Wyatt - 12 years ago
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
This is high quality?
Randy H
Randy H - 12 years ago
Hey guys I need thoughts. I have a 20 gallon planted tank and I am not sure what fish I should put in there. Any ideas?
lolboysz - 12 years ago
O and sorry vids I meant lol
lolboysz - 12 years ago
Hi dustin I like your bids but can u pls do a vid about bettas thx and make more vids pls there awesome lol
frrok1- aquascaping
frrok1- aquascaping - 12 years ago
Great informational video! thanks!
SkullSquadronVF84 - 12 years ago
Steve is such a stud. Look at him!
Mike Abell
Mike Abell - 12 years ago
can you do water sprite with discus?
lolboysz - 12 years ago
Het Dustin can u pls do a video about bettas pls thx
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hello Dustin from Greece! I've been watching your videos for almost 2 years now, and you have helped me with a few troubles I've had. My biggest tank is a Planted Discus tank..check it out!
mike2dg - 12 years ago
Species sunday arowanas coz dont know much about em but look interesting
DETAquarium - 12 years ago
Dustin, great video, mind checking my vids out? I just started making them, also when is Steve going to start making his own videos?
98robbie98 - 12 years ago
fish tank tv ;)
ReDevil Sasi
ReDevil Sasi - 12 years ago
Can this plants grow on sand or need other medium? I need help because i started a fresh water aquarium
llo22222 - 12 years ago
Can you do a Species Sunday for the Flowerhorn
TheTrixsta - 12 years ago
Could you do a video on Glossostigma elatinoidos please! AKA Glosso
Achilles Reef
Achilles Reef - 12 years ago
one of the best fish for discus is ram cichlids there a hardy fish very docile love high temps great colors
Omar Hameed
Omar Hameed - 12 years ago
the most beautiful fish., why you don't make a discus tank??

100. comment for How To Keep Discus Fish: Species Sunday: Steve's Thoughts on Discus

Robert Jango
Robert Jango - 12 years ago
Appreciate the advice Steve - especially the online referrals. You said you can't breed Discus in a planted tank. I realize this was intended as good, general advice and not an absolute empirical statement. And I also know professional breeders don't keep plants with Discus. But I'm hoping to breed mine in a planted tank. I keep my plants in small pots on a bare-bottom tank along with a lot of water cabbage to help keep the water clean. I'm wondering if this would still interfere with breeding.
peartportnoy - 12 years ago
Kubutu Rainbow fish
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 12 years ago
Great Species Sunday man. Great tips. I've got a tank at 80 degrees with-Rotala,Bacopa,Giant Val, Micro chain sword, Crypt lutea, hygro corymbosa stricta and angustifolia, Hygro angustifolia willow plant, giant hair grass, ludwigia narrow leaf repens and java moss all are doing great, so those are all plants that do well at higher temps. Even the moss!
ReptiFish - 12 years ago
you should check out my discus vids and see what has happpened to me
Jordan Smith
Jordan Smith - 12 years ago
Great looking tank! What kind of lighting does he have on it?
scareface1197 - 12 years ago
turquoise rainbow fish
Adam Nienow
Adam Nienow - 12 years ago
Steve/ Dustin: What temperature are you running that tank right there?
lairdboy - 12 years ago
Beautiful tank Steve.. Whats up with the bowfront? Update when you get your Discus.
Jeffrey Swanigan
Jeffrey Swanigan - 12 years ago
Your friend has a beautiful tank! LOVE the rainbows.
Nick Lewis
Nick Lewis - 12 years ago
it is a rainbow of some sort
eurasianchica - 12 years ago
Amazing tank! I love the rotala in the back.
Recon9143 - 12 years ago
what is that big blue fish in that tank
Insanonaga - 12 years ago
Sexy rainbows. Dustin, you need to get someone to talk about south american cichlids. I need some help doing my SA cichlid tank. (55 gallons with 4 stage 40 gallons sump)
Dan McGarry
Dan McGarry - 12 years ago
Is steve's tank dirted?
frogbeergolfgolf - 12 years ago
Well you know were the un sub button is then.
3mopanda666 - 12 years ago
good looking tank bro!
frogbeergolfgolf - 12 years ago
4ft long.
microiguana - 12 years ago
Rushi Chereddy
Rushi Chereddy - 12 years ago
These videos keep getting better and better! :D
Jared T
Jared T - 12 years ago
These videos just keep getting worse and worse

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