How to Deworm and remove parasites from Discus

Please watch: "Discussing the pros and cons of Feeder Fish" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Hi guys, today I'm sharing a little secret on how I deworm my discus and remove any parasites both internal and external.

How to Deworm and remove parasites from Discus sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Discus 9 years ago 12,004 views

Please watch: "Discussing the pros and cons of Feeder Fish" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Hi guys, today I'm sharing a little secret on how I deworm my discus and remove any parasites both internal and external.

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Most popular comments
for How to Deworm and remove parasites from Discus

jan stolk
jan stolk - 7 years ago
Yup , you butchered that name .
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 7 years ago
Ha Ha! I'm sure I did
Prasanth Prashu
Prasanth Prashu - 7 years ago
Can I switch on the external filter after putting flagyl tablet in the fish tank ? should I crush the tablet and make it powder then I put it or should I put it in the tank without crushing it ? My red parrot fish is not eating any food so is it ok if I put two tablet in fish tank then do water change 50percent or completely after 3 days ?
vinay babu
vinay babu - 6 years ago
Prasanth Prashu y
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 7 years ago
You can put it in whole. Your external filter can be on. Do a 50% water change after 3 days and repeat the dosing. Then do another 50% after the next 3 days
Abhay Hegde
Abhay Hegde - 7 years ago
my discus has worms can i still use flagyl? as a cure ?
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 7 years ago
+Abhay Hegde OK great :)
Abhay Hegde
Abhay Hegde - 7 years ago
Maurice Aquariums thank you so much I'll do this first thing tomorrow and revert to you soon thank you so much
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 7 years ago
+Abhay Hegde OK great, do a 50% water change, then use four tablets. Leave it in for 3 days, then do another 50% water change and add 3 tablets again. Then do another water change 3 days later. They should be fine after that. Keep monitoring them and keep up with your water changes. These fish require Fred water every 2 days normally. Monitor their eating and their poop. They may not start back eating right away but that's OK. Feed them blood worms to coax them back to eating. Their poop shouldn't be white and stringy anymore.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 7 years ago
+Abhay Hegde it won't affect them. They can even eat it and be fine. Its actually best when they do eat it, as it gets in their digestive track and kills the parasites in there. I've used it with no bad side effects
Abhay Hegde
Abhay Hegde - 7 years ago
+Maurice Aquariums i just hope it won't harm them as it's a medicine not meant for fishes...
Abhay Hegde
Abhay Hegde - 7 years ago
Maurice Aquariums it's 100lts tank i guess its 30 in gallons...
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 7 years ago
+Abhay Hegde yes that's the signs get some flagyl quickly. What size tank do you have? So I can instruct you how to dose.
Abhay Hegde
Abhay Hegde - 7 years ago
Maurice Aquariums they have lost their appetite completely one of my discus died today and few of them are giving out white stringy poop....isn't it a sign of worms?
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 7 years ago
+Abhay Hegde that depends on what kind of worms, can you see the worms? Is it hanging on or out of the discus? Flagyl kills internal parasites so if its worth a shot, I've cured parasites and worms before using flagyl. Its the metro inside that does the trick and it will work for worms too.
Zeev Kovalsky
Zeev Kovalsky - 8 years ago
Using Metro U calling a secret, well well. :-))
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Zeev Kovalsky lol it is where I'm from lol so I share my knowledge.
Brian's Opinion/Comments
Brian's Opinion/Comments - 8 years ago
You should have also mentioned that you need to remove all carbon from the filters if being used.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Brian's Opinion/Comments I can prob still do that.
Brian's Opinion/Comments
Brian's Opinion/Comments - 8 years ago
Hmm, 3 days..... I think metro is only active for about 24 to 28 hours.. Also you can buy pure metronidazole in a powder form here in the U.S. Around 40.00 dollars can get you enough to treat about 1600 gallons.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Brian's Opinion/Comments that's awesome. I tried getting the powder here, but it isn't available.
Robin`s aquarium
Robin`s aquarium - 9 years ago
Great video!
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thanks Robin.
Fish Behind Glass
Fish Behind Glass - 9 years ago
Good advice. Prevention is the best medicine.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Prevention is always better than cure, and cheaper too :D
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thanks man. The breeder gave me that tip. So being me, I pass it along.

10. comment for How to Deworm and remove parasites from Discus

colinbarsby - 9 years ago
Doctor's prescription is needed here in Australia too.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Wow its over the counter here. I thought the restrictions should be the same due to global governing bodies lol. But I guess not.
Tom Hughes
Tom Hughes - 9 years ago
Great video great advice!
LJohnson - 9 years ago
Old School Fish Guy
Old School Fish Guy - 9 years ago
Good one
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thanks Pastor
Ivory Queen
Ivory Queen - 9 years ago
Great video!
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thanks Ivory Queen :)
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 9 years ago
don't one have to use a dewormer like levamazole and prazi, then use metronidazole to get rid of the excess bacteria caused by the dead worms in the gut. every intestinal tract needs bacteria to help break down food. on the other side antibodies have the side effects of giving one diarrhea hense helping expel the worms but they will just eat them again.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
No you're right. If you look at the ingredients I put into my mix, I put in green peas, garlic, & spinach leaves. Those items all help move and clean out the fish's digestive system. So that causes the bowel movement to get any worms/parasites out. The metro does the rest.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
No its cool. The food I made for them has garlic, green peas, and spinach in it apart from the beef heart. Those additions help in the deworming bit, getting the fish to pass out extra waste. The metro will kill such parasites and the garlic will keep them off the fish. So its really an all around approach to keeping fish healthy.
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 9 years ago
+1deaver antihelmintic not antisemitic. darn google, lol.
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 9 years ago
+Maurice Aquariums sorry Maurice, I shortened praziquantel to prazi, forgetting the combo product that contains both praziquantel and metronidazole. my bad. So praziquantel is a antisemitic drug whereas metronidazole is a antibodic. any case, I don't want to seem argumentative, sorry if that is the way I'm coming off
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
The metro deworms them and kills the parasites. To prevent them from eating the worms a large water change has to be done at the end of the treatment to get them out the tank. Oh and prazi is metronidazole.
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 9 years ago
Great info Mo. I stupidly have never done this to any of my discus or any other tanks in my fishroom. I just noticed one of my GBR has a sunken belly so I think its time for me to start! Unfortunately my LFS was out of metro yesterday so today I'm heading out to every LFS within an hour or so from my house for the hunt! I've never heard of Flagyl.....where did you source it? Do your discus eat the medicated food easily enough or do you add any garlic oil or anything?
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Aww man. Well I guess the hunt is on then.
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 9 years ago
Great info Mo; but unfortunately I just did some quick research and looks like Flagyl pills are not sold over the counter in the states.  Which is a shame b/c I'm sure its a much cheaper alternative than the aquarium products.  I believe I can order online but this is one of those times where I really dont want to wait for shipping so I'm back on the hunt for the metro!
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
The discus eat the medicated food enthusiastically. Their food also has garlic, spinach, beef heart, cod liver oil, paprika and green peas. So I don't think they taste the medication. The flagyl is a tablet you can get at any pharmacy over the counter. Its pure metronidazole, so its perfect for parasites in discus. Its used for treating bacterial problems in humans as well, that's why its over the counter. Apart from in their food, just plop 2 in the tank, it'll dissolve on its own and have the same results. The discus will also peck at it. This is welcomed so it can get into their digestive systems faster. Give it a shot if the nearest pharmacy is 5 minutes away as opposed to hours for the next fish shop. This tip was given to me by my local discus breeder and I trust him. PS. Don't use on scaleless fish like neons.
T Holz Aquariums
T Holz Aquariums - 9 years ago
Good idea Mo!
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thanks man. The breeder who I got my fish from put me onto it. That's how he does it.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 9 years ago
I know what time it is!
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Oh! Yeah! :D
Great Video!
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thanks dwsdarius.

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