How to Tie Anubias to Driftwood

How to tie anubias or any aquarium plant to driftwood or rocks in your aquarium. This is a simple design on an easy piece of wood that I am working on. Buy Anubias Free Tips Anubias Flowering: Species Sunday Beginner Plant- Anubias Minima, Anubias Congensis- 3rd 125 Gallon tank Hardy Aquarium Plants & Old School Filters Aquarium Plant Species. SPECIES SUNDAY! All Aquarium Plants Want to work with Dustin for that awesome garden pond or planted aquarium? Dirted tanks? Want more Dustin? How to Tie Anubias to driftwood. You could tie java fern to driftwood like this as well. I am always a fan of attaching plants to rocks like this as well. I know people use fishing line and black zip ties as well. I haven't ever done the small black zip ties, but it seems pretty legit. I would venture to say that it will probably take about a month or so for the anubias to be fully attached to this driftwood. Like I said in the video. I wasn't really feeling this tank so I figured I would just start with this driftwood and see where it takes me. I am now "seeing" the direction I want this TV Tank to head. Let me know how you all tie anubias to driftwood. and if you are just joining us... Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on Planted Aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted Tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy. "Planted Tanks Made Easy" Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Fish Tank People Social Community

How to Tie Anubias to Driftwood sentiment_very_dissatisfied 19

Discus 10 years ago 19,111 views

How to tie anubias or any aquarium plant to driftwood or rocks in your aquarium. This is a simple design on an easy piece of wood that I am working on. Buy Anubias Free Tips Anubias Flowering: Species Sunday Beginner Plant- Anubias Minima, Anubias Congensis- 3rd 125 Gallon tank Hardy Aquarium Plants & Old School Filters Aquarium Plant Species. SPECIES SUNDAY! All Aquarium Plants Want to work with Dustin for that awesome garden pond or planted aquarium? Dirted tanks? Want more Dustin? How to Tie Anubias to driftwood. You could tie java fern to driftwood like this as well. I am always a fan of attaching plants to rocks like this as well. I know people use fishing line and black zip ties as well. I haven't ever done the small black zip ties, but it seems pretty legit. I would venture to say that it will probably take about a month or so for the anubias to be fully attached to this driftwood. Like I said in the video. I wasn't really feeling this tank so I figured I would just start with this driftwood and see where it takes me. I am now "seeing" the direction I want this TV Tank to head. Let me know how you all tie anubias to driftwood. and if you are just joining us... Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on Planted Aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted Tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy. "Planted Tanks Made Easy" Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for How to Tie Anubias to Driftwood

Ella Gregory
Ella Gregory - 7 years ago
can u tie them to take wood ?
Bill Williams
Bill Williams - 8 years ago
Gabe Sansomfishkeeper
Gabe Sansomfishkeeper - 8 years ago
Gabe Sansomfishkeeper
Gabe Sansomfishkeeper - 8 years ago
What's better fishing line or thread?
Gabe Sansomfishkeeper
Gabe Sansomfishkeeper - 8 years ago
Can I put anybius in my 55
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 9 years ago
What other low light plants wood be good to grow in a ten gallon tank. My goal is to raise freshwater shrimp in this tank. They seem to flourish in tanks that have a lot of plants in them in the videos I've seen on You Tube. I just ordered an led strip from ebay and I'm hoping it will help the plants grow and live longer. I'll be glad when it's delivered.
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 9 years ago
Anubias seems to be a good beginners plant. Will it grow in regular aquarium gravel with plant tabs and CO2 applications?  I just started a 10 gallon with gravel being the substrate and an incandesant hood. There are 2 Anubis plants in it for only a few days. Do you  think they will stay alive?  Over 40 years ago I was able to grow corkscrew val. the same way. Why is dirt the main substrate now days?
Asad Patel
Asad Patel - 9 years ago
Thanx for all the tips.. Really appreciate. Hope it's going well on ur side.
yaoming yen
yaoming yen - 10 years ago
Are those anubias grow huge?

10. comment for How to Tie Anubias to Driftwood

ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
I just use black zip-ties for anubias, ferns and mosses. Takes 5 seconds to tie the plants and are more reliable than super glue or thread in my opinion and last longer than rubber-bands- which aren't best for slow growing plants or mosses.  Thread always gets messy so does glue. Thanks for sharing. Black Zip-ties guys, just try it.
Katheen Miller
Katheen Miller - 10 years ago
Anubais is one of my favorites, hard to kill, ! Well I came close, one is coming back strong, the other I think will make it. I went buggie trying to tie knots, so ya ! This is a great help. Especially. when I get another java fern w. Did kill the one I got at pet smart immersed. Didn't. Know ur plant sales then. Thanks for the video, always enjoy ur humor & helpful info.. kaye
AnnaBananaoh11 - 10 years ago
i've used thread to tie java fern.. by the end of 1st wk the thread got all fuzzy and was disintegrating in my tank. So i tried fishing line and plant just kept coming loose. Think i'm gonna try glue or rubberbands next time.
David Pennino
David Pennino - 10 years ago
Java ferns are over rated. No offense, but mine wouldnt attach for 3 months, in addition to their rotted roots, i took the dam things out :( but if they work for you then you are luckier than me.
Snigelkrantz - 10 years ago
I was recommended by the guy in my local fish shop to use Uni-flexx elastic strand meant for fly-tying. It's like the perfect mix between an elastic rubber band and regular thread. You can break it off by pulling, but it will remain elastic in water for years, only eventually losing colour. It got discontinued here but he likes it so much that he started importing it himself. I had to buy a roll and it's pretty great.
Dashingyetti7778 - 10 years ago
Hey man I have a question could u got watch my last update I got 2 new tanks used and 1 is suposed to be a 75 gall and the other is supposed to be a 120 could u let me no what u think the size is on them
James Campbell
James Campbell - 10 years ago
A brother I have been watching you're Chanel for awhile now..
I just got some german blue rams for my tank the guy at the shop said they are male and female but I'm not to sure if they are can you help me out
TheAngry Fishman
TheAngry Fishman - 10 years ago
I cannot imagine TheAngry fishman planted tank. I've been tempted by others. Lol
TheAngry Fishman
TheAngry Fishman - 10 years ago
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 10 years ago
Tempted you say? Lol
Hindsight Aquatics
Hindsight Aquatics - 10 years ago
I like to super glue mine to rocks.
Bill Zerkeley
Bill Zerkeley - 10 years ago
I like to use cable ties.
MrRandomJeremy - 10 years ago
The tank is fine for goldfish 29g is a good size tank for oranda's or a ryukin nobody believes me search it up the minimum size is 29 soo that is fine they might eat a plant though.

20. comment for How to Tie Anubias to Driftwood

Reefer RICO
Reefer RICO - 10 years ago
Hey how its going I need some help with my fish can you please go check out my latest video and drop a comment if you know what I can do thanks for your time
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
What happened to the goldfish that was there?
HybridHerps - 10 years ago
super glue also works for attaching plants to hardscape.
Patrick Ziegler
Patrick Ziegler - 10 years ago
I use the rubber suction cups from old heaters, etc.   Attach the cup to the side of the tank, stick an Anubias through the hole and you're done.  Fast, simple and creates a great effect.  Besides, who doesn't have old suction cups?  Super easy to move.
dfunkt - 10 years ago
that sounds cool!...gonna try that.
Livefromtha315 - 10 years ago
say my name
say my name - 10 years ago
yo dustin can you plz answer my puffer question.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
um- whats the question?
calgy84 - 10 years ago
I used rubber bands, but they get brittle and break after a month or so under water, which is fine if its attached on its on by then. Switched to green acrylic wool, very soft and doesnt cut into the rhyzom, plus if you use the right color its barely visible.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
good to know. I used to use rubber bands as well. I really wanna try small black zip ties...
Tim Lucas
Tim Lucas - 10 years ago
You should put a red caped oranda goldfish in that tank D. TANK ON!!!! :D
rebeljoe williams
rebeljoe williams - 10 years ago
Have you ever used gel super glue? I used it on my moss and it worked great,the moss 3x'ed its size now and attached it self fine. It does not hurt fish reef people use it on there rocks.
Bexley75 - 10 years ago
I swear by it, specially good for java fern!
rebeljoe williams
rebeljoe williams - 10 years ago
+Dustin's Fish Tanks It worked for me no ill effects on my fish or water either
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
i actually asked Bryan on this, he hasn't nor have I. I know my girl Margaret in Canada does though....
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 10 years ago
"what was that demonic noise"........ohhh you mean dustin, he was just closing a video   
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 10 years ago
haha yeah man it makes the ending more dramatic 
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
haha- Yeah- that was a nice grunt eh?

30. comment for How to Tie Anubias to Driftwood

Ruben - 10 years ago
I like what you did with the Anubias on the driftwood. I like to use this Invisible Thread 100% nylon and it' like clear.
ZippyDragon - 10 years ago
Hey Dustin my friend thinks that you can't tie anubias to rocks because driftwood has nutrients and rocks don't. Is this true?
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
......"If you can't tie a knot : Tie alot"........ Thanks D.... Tank On !! 
TheFishGamer - 10 years ago
That tank looks really cool and any suggestions on goldfish for a pond
TheFishGamer - 10 years ago
Ok thanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
Thanks,-depends on where you are located as far as weather, depth of pond, how much work you wanna do ect.  comets are easy, koi if its a huge pond,  fancy goldfish if you can get it deep enough and they aren't gonna freeze solid over the winter, (i have kept them over winter in KY in just 18 inches....just fantails, not orandas or anything too crazy)

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