How to keep Discus fish: Steve's Discus tank update

GET ON THE FREE LIVE 'PLANTED TANK 101' WEBINAR & GET A 50% OFF COUPON! GET A BADASS TANK! Fry-day Update. Discus fish Fry in Steve's tank. Discus Fry in a 55 gallon tank Steve's Tips on How to Care for Discus Discus Collecting, Attempt to hunt up some Discus around a fallen tree in the Amazon Discus Glad to be sharing Steve's tank on a Sunday. I guess this isn't really a "species sunday" (which is now trade marked by the way ;) but steve's tank is rocking so i figured I hope over to his place and share what he has going on. Love the glosso and dwarf hair grass that he has going on in there. I think his plan of growing out the fish really worked out pretty well, they are monsters and i don't think he's had them all that long. I think he should do some really thin tall plant in the back to really make it pop. (skinny sag or onion plants would be killer in my opinion) Steve is just gonna rock the rotala which is straight. I was gonna do a Species Sunday on Clown loaches but mine decided to hide on me when I busted out the camera. Make it a great week folks! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Instagram: Aquarium Plants For Sale: Fish Tank People Social Community

How to keep Discus fish: Steve's Discus tank update sentiment_very_dissatisfied 31

Discus 12 years ago 33,056 views

GET ON THE FREE LIVE 'PLANTED TANK 101' WEBINAR & GET A 50% OFF COUPON! GET A BADASS TANK! Fry-day Update. Discus fish Fry in Steve's tank. Discus Fry in a 55 gallon tank Steve's Tips on How to Care for Discus Discus Collecting, Attempt to hunt up some Discus around a fallen tree in the Amazon Discus Glad to be sharing Steve's tank on a Sunday. I guess this isn't really a "species sunday" (which is now trade marked by the way ;) but steve's tank is rocking so i figured I hope over to his place and share what he has going on. Love the glosso and dwarf hair grass that he has going on in there. I think his plan of growing out the fish really worked out pretty well, they are monsters and i don't think he's had them all that long. I think he should do some really thin tall plant in the back to really make it pop. (skinny sag or onion plants would be killer in my opinion) Steve is just gonna rock the rotala which is straight. I was gonna do a Species Sunday on Clown loaches but mine decided to hide on me when I busted out the camera. Make it a great week folks! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Instagram: Aquarium Plants For Sale: Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for How to keep Discus fish: Steve's Discus tank update

Amboo ooo
Amboo ooo - 7 years ago
This was 4 years before Jason Derulo's Swalla.....but he sang it.

Maybe jason watched
rafal kowalski
rafal kowalski - 8 years ago
hi.. this rocks are superr. can u tell me where to buy them????
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
What's up Fishtank People? I am doing a bunch of
30 second videos on Instagram- Follow me for more shorter random videos CLICK
Rachel La
Rachel La - 9 years ago
what a cute little cory cat
Odin's Eye
Odin's Eye - 9 years ago
Any way we could get an update on Stevie's discus tank bro?
MarsOneOnOne - 9 years ago
W GH==TS            SUP           DUSTIN

Annabel - 10 years ago
I <3 Discus!
johnny chimpo
johnny chimpo - 10 years ago
Fresh Jes
Fresh Jes - 10 years ago
always love some good wu-tang lyrics and fish tanks!

10. comment for How to keep Discus fish: Steve's Discus tank update

Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
What kind of Stones are those?? Cool… 
jeff mosier
jeff mosier - 9 years ago
Sorry its Flint Ridge Flint found in Licking Co. Ohio. Some places illegal to harvest a lot of places private property. I have some in my planted tank..... OUTSTANDING
jeff mosier
jeff mosier - 9 years ago
+Mike Kollin Looks like good ole Ohio River Rock
reaperferno - 11 years ago
Douch !
Jayson King
Jayson King - 11 years ago
FishTankArmy - 11 years ago
The Cory Cat is like " HELLO YOUTUBE! "
Char and Bree
Char and Bree - 11 years ago
That Cory Cat is rocks, man. It's just in there patrolling and pimping.
Aris Sharif
Aris Sharif - 11 years ago
The Cory is so active compared to mine...
Pamfilo22 - 11 years ago
Solo cory rules! :D
Powerman2442 - 11 years ago
Two Turtles might be the best pet shop in Ohio. Have you ever been to SomethingFishy Inc. in Cleveland?
Narutosagemode85 - 11 years ago
Does Steve have a YouTube?
kountatalk - 11 years ago
*correction. It's a 72g bow front :)

20. comment for How to keep Discus fish: Steve's Discus tank update

kountatalk - 11 years ago
Its not a 55g. It's a 75g bow front. The tank is big enough for the amount of fish steve has in it
Vestora Cx
Vestora Cx - 11 years ago
Nikolas thats the right amount people say 6-7 for a 55 avg
NIKOLAS GONZALEZ - 11 years ago
too many fish for that tank size bro !!
Vestora Cx
Vestora Cx - 11 years ago
Dat cory is a ratard
Bartek Roszak
Bartek Roszak - 11 years ago
to many discus,to small tank sux...
Matthew Owen
Matthew Owen - 11 years ago
Hey I've been to RMS! It's a cool store. Have you ever been to 2 turtles in Akron Ohio
iam73en - 11 years ago
i turned on closed captions for the first time randomly before this video to see how it worked and it failed in your initial minute of conversation haha
lefteris gk
lefteris gk - 11 years ago
0:00 dat face.
sarazorz - 11 years ago
"we're so white it's awesome"
Tang526 - 11 years ago
Hell yeah WU TANG

30. comment for How to keep Discus fish: Steve's Discus tank update

FishTanks704 - 11 years ago
Is it mandatory to keep discus in a school or will it be fine if you just keep 1 discus ?
xelA ppaR
xelA ppaR - 11 years ago
Tank's looking amazing. That cory cat looks super super happy! :)
Supa Tanks
Supa Tanks - 11 years ago
Loving the Discus!
omnihash - 11 years ago
What's the temperature of the tank? Seems to be quite low with all the thrilling plants.
Salvatore Ciraolo
Salvatore Ciraolo - 11 years ago
discus / discuss ... hmm.. discussing discus
jimmys grampa
jimmys grampa - 11 years ago
dustin yer such a goon!
theturtleman09 - 11 years ago
whats that?
almcloud - 11 years ago
That Cory must like Hot Discuss Water lol
almcloud - 11 years ago
Wicked Discus! Wtg Steve!
marshall fishgamelover
marshall fishgamelover - 11 years ago
hey dustin i would like to know where your steve got his discus thnk you! by the way im a really big fan and im trying to watch all ur videos lol and thnxs to u and ur videos im keeping some good healthy fish!
Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 11 years ago
you should make a video about the legend of the lonely cory
GreenBanditsFTW - 11 years ago
what kind of rocks did he use do you remember?
rickyd454 - 11 years ago
yes their really good camo against the roots of trees which is their bio tope breeding and genetics defently factors in but ive learned the hard way a dark back round or off water quality can pepper up a fish quickly
Joe N
Joe N - 11 years ago
NOPE, not at all if the rocks in that aquarium are Inert.
Joe N
Joe N - 11 years ago
young Zach he has more then enough CO2 that the loss is not that much, the plants will pearl with that diy co2 setup and he is best to leave some kind of aeration at nite so the discus dont choke on CO2 overnight since the plants CANNOT photosynthesize when lights are off.
Bob Nugget
Bob Nugget - 12 years ago
I got some nice plants from dustin and the swords he sent me are literally the best I have ever seen. they are thick, full, and freshly awesome. I love them and they are one of the highlights of my tank. thanks Dustin!- Nick
theturtleman09 - 12 years ago
how many gallons?
theturtleman09 - 12 years ago
the rocks will raise the ph alot
Sander Bauwens
Sander Bauwens - 12 years ago
about 10 would be better, he is defenitly stressed out now
ProtagonistNonTheist - 12 years ago
They have no room to swim. He needs a bigger tank if you want to keep large fish such as discus.

50. comment for How to keep Discus fish: Steve's Discus tank update

velvetris - 12 years ago
wht substrate u used?
exxcel19 - 12 years ago
also i think he can move the airstone behind one of the huge rocks in the back,it takes away from the fish...
exxcel19 - 12 years ago
you can put neons with discuss?i didn't know that..
TripleWX - 12 years ago
LOL "Cory Cat straight trippin'"
Brendan Kavanaugh
Brendan Kavanaugh - 12 years ago
Iwagumi eh? I loved that log with the anubias in the old tank so much it is hard to see such a different layout. I have to say I usually like a dark rock/fish approach to iwagumi but we will see how your blond version turns out. The plants will change it a ton, excited to see it in 2 months.
Saphire023 - 12 years ago
Awesome tank! What kind of rocks are those?
wonderboy2402 - 12 years ago
Just as a cleanup crew, and enough to keep each other company. Not sure if they would disturb the fish from breeding or some such though. I have about 15 bronze cory in my 55 and I have 4 pepper with fry in my 29 gallon tall. LOL.
Captain Savage Aquatics
Captain Savage Aquatics - 12 years ago
Great video!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
I know his whole first album....;)
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
agreed, he needs at least that many more...
jarog99 - 12 years ago
Alaa - 12 years ago
U woke up the hole house relax shit man!
Garbage Man
Garbage Man - 12 years ago
travis p
travis p - 12 years ago
Glad to finally see some hairgrass in a video of dustins.
fbexi1981 - 12 years ago
That tank is sweet!
LakeErieWalleye - 12 years ago
Didn't know you worked at RMS Dustin.. I go there every few months just to walk around and spend money haha. great store!
Guppy Rookie
Guppy Rookie - 12 years ago
You can name this series Sundays with Steve
TheBlackLotusKing - 12 years ago
Also in my experience with discus peppering is more like an undesirable trait rather then stress marks. I've kept discus in a 200g community (6 pigeon) with a black background. From that experience and my friends thoughts on them (owns a discus breeding facility near where I live) I can definitely say its more of a dirty genetic look then a sign of stress. Your right about the vertical marks turning into specks but in the wild those vertical marks are used as camo more then anything else.
TheBlackLotusKing - 12 years ago
This is where I also think differently, I think discus are more social shoaling then an actual schooling type fish. Shoaling is more like a group that hang around with one another. Schooling fish tend to stay close together and move as one unit. Also his tank is a 75g with 8 discus a small shoal of cardinal tetras and a cory. If he removes 3 then it would be 5 discus, 5 discus would be perfectly fine as far as social wise goes.
jashelps - 12 years ago
hairgrass is really easy it grows in whatever tank/pond you put it in
bobbonecrusher - 12 years ago
iv allways loved cardinal tetras
rickyd454 - 12 years ago
discus are a schooling fish and they do best in numbers of six or more which is another reason to keep more of them. and as far as peppering goes most discus strains have these things called stress bars that flare up from time to time due to stress or other reasons. But pigeon bloods which i believe is what he has do not have any stress bars instead they get this thing called peppering. Peppering is little black dots that pop up[ on the fishses body and face caused by stress or dark backrounds.
Taylor - 12 years ago
That is straight sexy!
Jwhiser1302 - 12 years ago
Awesome sp sun D!!!
jkirk3348 - 12 years ago
Love the look of the rockscape
duffthebeast - 12 years ago
akalegs - 12 years ago
Wow......what a tank!
Les Malades
Les Malades - 12 years ago
hes brother talks about it in the video
andy79yoda - 12 years ago
Omg love it!!! Love the rocks!!!
mecolin27 - 12 years ago
wow! i have had some of my discus to this date for a year and they are no where near that size !
backerj11 - 12 years ago
watch the video and he will tell you
Aaron Lewis
Aaron Lewis - 12 years ago
What is zac youtube channel?
samueljames - 12 years ago
what are your thoughts on nano tanks?
Money - 12 years ago
tell him to move the sponge filter to the back lol?..tank looks good tho , the discus are so timid , mine is a bully hah
canuckgame - 12 years ago
did you even watch the whole vid?
Sebastian Rivero
Sebastian Rivero - 12 years ago
You the man bro , love this channel
River Shark
River Shark - 12 years ago
I love the hardscape on this tank. One thing I learned is when using rocks in your tank use the same kind throughout. It looks more natural than having a bunch of different looking rocks scattered around. This tank is a perfect example- looking good!
TheBlackLotusKing - 12 years ago
I think differently, in my opinion a little more space for the discus to move around without bumping into each other is much more visually appealing. I have no idea what your talking about with the background but ok lol.
seandelevan - 12 years ago
Giovanni Urso
Giovanni Urso - 12 years ago
hey dustin mind checking out my video to see my tank and comment what u think i need to work on ?
Zack Hitchens
Zack Hitchens - 12 years ago
We Weren't expecting a shout out Thanks Dustin! Steve's tank is looking sweet. Can't wait to see in a month or two!
rickyd454 - 12 years ago
a fulll tank is way more vissually pleasing and i believe that tank is a 72 so 8 full grown is fine but whats not fine if this is a pb strain the black backround is going to fuck him because of the peppering the discus will get from the black backround
Brent Haglund
Brent Haglund - 12 years ago
So I've been thinking of starting a planted tank. I've been looking into dwarf sag or Java Fern as a carpet plant. From what I've read they're both very durable and easy to maintain. Any preference on either one. Btw you and thegreenmachine are both the people I've been going off of for ideas on what to do.
DJ Dr Sean
DJ Dr Sean - 12 years ago
That tank is going to look dope in a couple months
TheBlackLotusKing - 12 years ago
I would take out 3 just looks way too overcrowded still an awesome tank though
Jonathan .N
Jonathan .N - 12 years ago
If anything, I would recommend getting a under rate canister filter the sponge filter ruins the amazing aquascape..
Sergio Morales
Sergio Morales - 12 years ago
I love this tank,congrats Steve.
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 12 years ago
blood pigeon i think, but i may be wrong.
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 12 years ago
did u say how many gallons the tank is.
lairdboy - 12 years ago
Steve.. those rocks make the scape.. nice roadside find..

100. comment for How to keep Discus fish: Steve's Discus tank update

Joseph Diesing
Joseph Diesing - 12 years ago
wait... is the sponge filter permanent?
joe c
joe c - 12 years ago
love the tank looks good from SD California:)
9385dee7 - 12 years ago
Koebel_7 - 12 years ago
Hey I can't get my aquarium hood to work the button is not working right. Any help?
O Canada
O Canada - 12 years ago
Looks sweet, but he must be asking for algae with those high lights, dirt AND Co2, ohh well best of luck. Keep doin' whatcha doing!
travismccrayfish - 12 years ago
RMS is one of my go to LFS'. How long ago did you work there?
quietace - 12 years ago
What type of Discus are they?
wonderboy2402 - 12 years ago
Give that cory three more friends.
Tim Burchell
Tim Burchell - 12 years ago
creepy into.....
mattyb201 - 12 years ago
Awesome tank Steve, those rocks really compliment the discus colors. Good choice
turlte red
turlte red - 12 years ago
can tou make a video about breeding goldfish
OneBadAssMerc - 12 years ago
hey pimp you should do a video about cyanbacteria. starting to turn into a real bitch for me.
watch057 - 12 years ago
Under 10! Nice discus!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
She Want The D LoL plays
She Want The D LoL plays - 12 years ago
mattyb201 - 12 years ago

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