I Bought Some Fish!
Discus 8 years ago 52,784 views
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10. comment for I Bought Some Fish!
A few female bettas and guppies?!?
Mine is the cleaner fish also known as the neon goby
20. comment for I Bought Some Fish!
30. comment for I Bought Some Fish!
50. comment for I Bought Some Fish!
The reason petco won't sell more than 8 fish if they are running low because they believe that it's more important to maintain the ilussion that they are always well stocked to most people than to make one lage sale.
100. comment for I Bought Some Fish!
They live in large territories in the wild so it would be great
Seriously, great update. Glad you were able to visit a sane business and stock your pond.
they would also help the algae!!
Do you like bettas?
You should definitely get into bettas!!! I would love to see some bettas in your videos!!