I only have two fish left...

✨Social Media IG: theinflatablesealion ✨Contact Information (For Business and Sponsorship Inquiries Only) theinflatablesealion@gmail.com ✨Soundcloud (all of the music I use) soundcloud.com/meghan-eisenhauer ✨Video Requests? I do most video requests... So if you leave one, I'd be happy to make one! ✨Frequently Asked Questions 1. What do you film with? iPhone 5s + Canon Powershot SX530 hs 2.How many fish do you own? 1 male betta (Atticus). 2 female bettas (Hermione, Arseni). 3.What do you edit with? iMovie 4.How do you make your thumbnails? Moldiv and Fotr 5.Do you have any other pets? Yes! I have a Yorkshire Terrier and 4 Chickens Thanks for watching! Click subscribe to join the shark pool and become a little shark ✨

I only have two fish left... sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Discus 7 years ago 1,703 views

✨Social Media IG: theinflatablesealion ✨Contact Information (For Business and Sponsorship Inquiries Only) theinflatablesealion@gmail.com ✨Soundcloud (all of the music I use) soundcloud.com/meghan-eisenhauer ✨Video Requests? I do most video requests... So if you leave one, I'd be happy to make one! ✨Frequently Asked Questions 1. What do you film with? iPhone 5s + Canon Powershot SX530 hs 2.How many fish do you own? 1 male betta (Atticus). 2 female bettas (Hermione, Arseni). 3.What do you edit with? iMovie 4.How do you make your thumbnails? Moldiv and Fotr 5.Do you have any other pets? Yes! I have a Yorkshire Terrier and 4 Chickens Thanks for watching! Click subscribe to join the shark pool and become a little shark ✨

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Most popular comments
for I only have two fish left...

Wyatt Hermansky
Wyatt Hermansky - 7 years ago
That fish tank is hot
Guppy.Gal - 7 years ago
I would suggest platies or ballon mollies!
Youjung Lee
Youjung Lee - 7 years ago
When I don't have any fish left because the caretaker for the summer killed them with their carelessness..
jordan begley
jordan begley - 7 years ago
Of course it's messy and disorganised your only starting out. The fish keeping hobby isn't easy and it's a constant learning curve. Keep your head high and keep moving forward !
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 7 years ago
jordan begley I'm not just starting out. I've had tanks for over 5 years haha.
fishlover 9
fishlover 9 - 7 years ago
hi I loved your video ps (I subscribed) and I like the idea of this channel not being a strict fish channel maybe u could add platys or guppies i would not add Molly's cause my brother had a Molly and it got really big (compared to guppies or platys) I think neon tetras would look nice but they lay eggs I hope u see this comment
Ella E
Ella E - 7 years ago
Guppies and the endler breeding please! You could get some epic combos! As for male bettas, I highly recommend a dumbo halfmoon of possibly a metallic color. I used to have a maroon, sliver, and rose gold one named after David Bowie so if you could name a betta Bowie that would be AMAZING!!
InfinityPets - 7 years ago
Guppy Tank!
NoodleSpaz 160
NoodleSpaz 160 - 7 years ago
It would be cool to get some Guppies from Guppy Train on Facebook, he imports Guppies and treats them and ships them to you but the females he gets look like males and he has so many options! Also it would be cool to get sailfin mollies ( gold silver) whatever color.
Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
Sorry for your fish. I remember losing so many fish. Not a good thing. Good luck with your tank.

10. comment for I only have two fish left...

Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
for the male betta go with halfmoon. they are sooooooooooo pretty
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
guppies and platies. they breed amazingly fast.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
that's sad :-(
eswimhorsey Lover
eswimhorsey Lover - 7 years ago
Put balloon belly Mollies in the tank
Ella E
Ella E - 7 years ago
eswimhorsey Lover they tend to die easily though...
Kei's Scribbles
Kei's Scribbles - 7 years ago
I think neon tetras would be really nice! I have a group in my 20 gallon and they look very cool! I also have platys and they're super cute as well!
Kei's Scribbles
Kei's Scribbles - 7 years ago
Paweł S I've kept danios and if it really depends on the fish. Danios swim pretty fast and zip around and it might stress out her fish. If she didn't have Bettas in her 10 gallon then I would totally suggest danios since they're awesome fish to look at! Danios also nip at fins too:^(
Paweł S
Paweł S - 7 years ago
Kei's Scribbles I think Danio will be good choice too :D
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
how do I convince my mom and dad to let me get another betta fish u have a tank cycled already but they told me no
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
The Inflatable Sea Lion thank you that would be greatly appreciated
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 7 years ago
Dan's sad dimple __ I might have to do a video on that ;)
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
Hope Z
Hope Z - 7 years ago
so excited to see how this tank will turn out! good luck!
Rhythm F.
Rhythm F. - 7 years ago
All my fish died within a month. 3 dead betta fish I am going to take a break from the hobby
Oceanti - 7 years ago
I had that problem. Then I got a ten gallon cycled and heated tank with a lot if plants and had a betta live three years in it. Some bettas get stressed in a small talk and some get stressed in a big tank. Its better to see what they like because no two fish are the same.

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