I got Discus for my 90 Gallon Aquarium!!!

Today I got discus for my 90 gallon planted aquarium!! I also have other tank mates with the discus such as neon tetras tiger barbs and an angelfish!!! Ill make another video on my discus aquarium setup Do you like aquariums and betta fish? Consider subscribing and hitting the bell! http://bit.ly/CTWSUBS Check Out Aquarium Co Op http://bit.ly/Aquacoop ---------Support My Fish Addiction!--------- http://bit.ly/CTWSupport ---------Awesome aquarium Websites--------- https://wildpetsupply.com/ http://bit.ly/flipshrimp Watch My Fish Room Build https://goo.gl/DThJgT My Aquascape Week http://bit.ly/aquascapeweek WISH LIST: https://goo.gl/P5ajYX MY INSTAGRAM: (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesInsta MY TWITTER: (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesTweet MY SNAPCHAT:(@thejimmotion) http://bit.ly/JamesSnap MY OTHER CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/TJEffect Aquarium Shrimp: http://bit.ly/flipshrimp Awesome Plants http://bit.ly/H2Oplants ---------Fish Equipment--------- Pleco/Snail/Shrimp Food: https://goo.gl/LyxJZ9 Guppy Food: http://amzn.to/2BKHNO5 Cheapest/Best Light: http://amzn.to/2kB5rcw WaveMaker: http://amzn.to/2kAdhn4 Help My videos by writing https://goo.gl/uERVij ---------Business only email:--------- cw47wabe@gmail.com ---------Mail me stuff--------- James Morelan PO BOX #085925 Racine, WI 53408

I got Discus for my 90 Gallon Aquarium!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 46

Discus 6 years ago 17,944 views

Today I got discus for my 90 gallon planted aquarium!! I also have other tank mates with the discus such as neon tetras tiger barbs and an angelfish!!! Ill make another video on my discus aquarium setup Do you like aquariums and betta fish? Consider subscribing and hitting the bell! http://bit.ly/CTWSUBS Check Out Aquarium Co Op http://bit.ly/Aquacoop ---------Support My Fish Addiction!--------- http://bit.ly/CTWSupport ---------Awesome aquarium Websites--------- https://wildpetsupply.com/ http://bit.ly/flipshrimp Watch My Fish Room Build https://goo.gl/DThJgT My Aquascape Week http://bit.ly/aquascapeweek WISH LIST: https://goo.gl/P5ajYX MY INSTAGRAM: (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesInsta MY TWITTER: (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesTweet MY SNAPCHAT:(@thejimmotion) http://bit.ly/JamesSnap MY OTHER CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/TJEffect Aquarium Shrimp: http://bit.ly/flipshrimp Awesome Plants http://bit.ly/H2Oplants ---------Fish Equipment--------- Pleco/Snail/Shrimp Food: https://goo.gl/LyxJZ9 Guppy Food: http://amzn.to/2BKHNO5 Cheapest/Best Light: http://amzn.to/2kB5rcw WaveMaker: http://amzn.to/2kAdhn4 Help My videos by writing https://goo.gl/uERVij ---------Business only email:--------- cw47wabe@gmail.com ---------Mail me stuff--------- James Morelan PO BOX #085925 Racine, WI 53408

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Most popular comments
for I got Discus for my 90 Gallon Aquarium!!!

Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Comment #discusaquarium for a heart ;) and comment what you think of the aquarium!! Check out aquarium Co-Op = http://bit.ly/Aquacoop
TheSeverum - 6 years ago
That's a molly...
janet wroniak
janet wroniak - 6 years ago
GORGEOUS !!! I love you're genuine enthusiasm !!!
Young Tank
Young Tank - 6 years ago
So I’m on a discus Journey myself did you do anything special to get your water ready or was your tank already running
Crypto Lord
Crypto Lord - 6 years ago
Discus fish need 81 85 temperature so your plants will die and if temp is bellow 80 your discus will take longer to grow big
Marie Wijesiri
Marie Wijesiri - 6 years ago
Steve Mendel
Steve Mendel - 6 years ago
its been 2 weeks. How are the doing? how many neons remain?
Hep Jive Jazz Ramblings
Hep Jive Jazz Ramblings - 6 years ago
Wong Jun Hong
Wong Jun Hong - 6 years ago
I love the fishes

10. comment for I got Discus for my 90 Gallon Aquarium!!!

Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Oh sweet! That’s so great advice I could even attach string to pull it out :)
Pouya Hajian
Pouya Hajian - 6 years ago
You are very gooooood.
cathedral94 - 6 years ago
Best of luck with the discus. They are extremely challenging to take care of.
Mike - 6 years ago
The other fish are odessa barbs
Akvaryumdaki Yaşam Günlüğü
Akvaryumdaki Yaşam Günlüğü - 6 years ago
Ollie Cagney088
Ollie Cagney088 - 6 years ago
gsa0318 - 6 years ago
Very nice, Your mom's reaction made me LOL!
Courtney Villa
Courtney Villa - 6 years ago
Be ready for one hell of an ammonia spike from adding all of those fish at the same time. You can stress out the tank by adding that many fish all at once.
Haruto Roku
Haruto Roku - 6 years ago
Beautiful tank, everything just works well and I’m happy for you! I hope you don’t put the aquarium salt into the tank with the cories and the plants because the salt will actually harm the cories and the plants, you could possibly dip them in a separate tank temporarily to help if you really want to, or keep them in a bucket for around 15-30 minutes and then move them back after, I’m new to the hobby but I keep cories and after a bunch of research I learned that the salt isn’t good for them.
Dylamos - 6 years ago
Highly reccomend taking a lot of time on those discus. Some of them might get some infections from the open wounds on their fins! Don't have to do full dosages of meds, just make sure you put some in with water changes every other day

20. comment for I got Discus for my 90 Gallon Aquarium!!!

Venelin - 6 years ago
Make a hair fix counter...
GoldfishRescueofWisconsin - 6 years ago
And an OMgosh counter
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 6 years ago
Omgomgomgomg you finally got some I'm so excited for youuuu!
Gavin Overcash
Gavin Overcash - 6 years ago
Try breeding them that would create good content
Devlin Hawkins
Devlin Hawkins - 6 years ago
I don't reccomend a water change while or immediatly after adding fish... extra unnecessary stress. Do it before. But amazing tank bud, I'm jealous
It's the E
It's the E - 6 years ago
How much do discus cost I never see them even at the high end fish stores near me?
PalJoey1957 - 6 years ago
Salt will do nothing for damaged fins unless they are fungsed, in which case there are better medications.
She Writes
She Writes - 6 years ago
I already know I commented... but I am just awestruck by how beautiful your tank looks now. Not only the discus, but also the beautiful neon tetras, gorgeous plants, and the other fish in there. It's SUCH a gorgeous tank.
She Writes
She Writes - 6 years ago
Dude!!! The tank looks so good! And the neon tetras looked absolutely stunning in the tank when you first put them in. I love the contrast of their neon stripe against the green backdrop. And the discus... O M G. Absolutely gorgeous!! Could you maybe do a video on the light you have on the 90 gallon? It looks beautiful and makes the fish look great. Good job on the tank!! Keep it up!
BigHit, YG, & SM
BigHit, YG, & SM - 6 years ago
Hey guys, I'm getting a koi and comet gold fish. I was wondering if I needed a big filter and a air pump. The tub I will put them in has a large amount of surface area. Plus I am on a very very very low budget.
Young Cobain
Young Cobain - 6 years ago
The discus won't kill the tetra?

30. comment for I got Discus for my 90 Gallon Aquarium!!!

awa arch
awa arch - 6 years ago
remove angel fish from tank ,it will bully and stress discuss
Jamester dominic Balan
Jamester dominic Balan - 6 years ago
Your so lucky
Alli Sten
Alli Sten - 6 years ago
I would definitely move the cories out of that tank. They prefer lower temps. Albino cories like temps at 73-74 degrees.

Otherwise the tank looks amazing. Your mom is adorable lol
Holden Hohman
Holden Hohman - 6 years ago
You should get flower shrimp or bamboo shrimp
Mitchell Langdon
Mitchell Langdon - 6 years ago
Hey guys I just set up a new 10 gallon aquarium and I have some questions. I have set it all up, put water in, but I am cycling it rn. How long should I cycle it for? (I have some well water in it and no plants rn)
my fishcave
my fishcave - 6 years ago
The plated tank looks awesome. Angle fish looks awesome. Discus already adjusted to you and following your hand. Curios I noticed a few black dots on few Discus fish. Is it some kind of old slime coat coming off or any foreign body.
Zachary Holmes
Zachary Holmes - 6 years ago
Get ur big Angelfish back!
richardm239 - 6 years ago
discus are awesome i have 4 also,sterbai cories and 24 rummy nose tetras ,i would leave all the tetras they look best in large groups but the barbs could go ,im doing 50 to 75% water changes every three days ,and i age the water and heat it ,discus love fresh water ,enjoy they really are an amazing fish to keep ,
YouTubeDatBoi - 6 years ago
Im actually working on my 75 gallon carpeted aquarium that I plan to house discus and cardinal tetras in. I recently came across a 180 gallon tank that I may just buy to have more discus. I absolutely love that fish.
YouTubeDatBoi - 6 years ago
Also, you just picked up a new sub :)
michael Goodwin
michael Goodwin - 6 years ago
You can say watt you want but I see angelfish and discus fish as being flat cichlids, I love um.
Jeremy Wiles
Jeremy Wiles - 6 years ago
Every time he says "actually", drink! :)
Jeremy Wiles
Jeremy Wiles - 6 years ago
Glad you found humor in that! I'm just giving you a hard time. Keep it up. Love your videos.
Mcflyeon MegaMcBusted
Mcflyeon MegaMcBusted - 6 years ago
I've always wanted to keep Discus and Angelfish. Hope all of your new fish are well :D
Shotta Singh
Shotta Singh - 6 years ago
Chris S
Chris S - 6 years ago
Its crazy how u can manage school and ur fish's at the same time..
rohit kumar
rohit kumar - 6 years ago
Add black background
Luis Bonilla
Luis Bonilla - 6 years ago
Love your videos, if there are no problems with the angels can you get 1 more or 2 so that the angel can have his own school of angels
ALMA - 6 years ago
Are they all still alive
Stan Watt
Stan Watt - 6 years ago
Well done, excited one lol :D
Rae Naidoo
Rae Naidoo - 6 years ago
Hey James can u make a discus care video I was also thinking of getting some
Mega Rounder
Mega Rounder - 6 years ago
Oh my gosh those fish are so cool

50. comment for I got Discus for my 90 Gallon Aquarium!!!

JITH -IN - 6 years ago
Bro how much cost for a 3 feet only aquarium without roof
Buddie - 6 years ago
Awesome tank :), I love the plants and the new fishes <3
Shael Soliah
Shael Soliah - 6 years ago
#discusaquarium !!!
This is amazing! Discus are so beautiful and I hope I can get some one day! And you're right about the neon tetras adding to the tank, they just complete the look and are so cute!
Shael Soliah
Shael Soliah - 6 years ago
Also the angelfish has beautiful colors! Can't believe I forgot :')
Archana Dhawale
Archana Dhawale - 6 years ago
One of ther best aquascapes
Blesson Roby
Blesson Roby - 6 years ago
U have to clean the cansaster filter
Benjamin Oliveira
Benjamin Oliveira - 6 years ago
They look great! i would remove those really spikey bits of drift wood you have. You don't want to take the risk of one of your larger fish scraping or hurting themselves on the decorations.
Maximum max
Maximum max - 6 years ago
#discusaquarium! btw awesome vdo! Loved it
Naturacuarios Chile
Naturacuarios Chile - 6 years ago
Make a video in Spanish, you speak so fast!!! XD hahaha... Lovely aquarium....
The Black Reaper
The Black Reaper - 6 years ago
Discus are pretty difficult to take of, but I'm pretty sure you'll do it well
Vinceshrimp - 6 years ago
I dropped 2 huge likes like you said but it made me unlike. 6:06
Nico Mills
Nico Mills - 6 years ago
Dont medicate a direct tank.
PHENOMENAL GAMER - 6 years ago
can discus live with gold fish
FrzngKangaroo Ropka
FrzngKangaroo Ropka - 6 years ago
I'm so excited for u getting these fish, jeezzz they are absolutely beautiful!!!!
Little Red
Little Red - 6 years ago
That angel is beautiful.

Personally, I’ve take the barbs out, they’re notorious fin nippers and they’ve probably been nipping.
Golden Discus
Golden Discus - 6 years ago
I have my discus aquarium heater set to 84
Golden Discus
Golden Discus - 6 years ago
Hey @challengethewild i would not put angelfish with discus they are going to fight
King Aquatics
King Aquatics - 6 years ago
Can you please give me a shoutout that would make my day great videos keep it up
Josh Booth
Josh Booth - 6 years ago
I bet those fins are damaged from the angel!! The fins are horrific
Dill ll
Dill ll - 6 years ago
Jealous but awesome fish and awesome tank
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 6 years ago
Cool discus tank!
boi69 - 6 years ago
Tbh i was never a fan of how most of ur aquariums looked but this one is absolutely beautiful love the aquascape
WalkingWorkOfArt SESH
WalkingWorkOfArt SESH - 6 years ago
Gorgeous tank, adorable fish! Congrats my man :}
Dara's Life
Dara's Life - 6 years ago
"honey, honey" wow i love this boy
FlipFlop FishFlake
FlipFlop FishFlake - 6 years ago
Bit of advice, I would replace the neons with cardinals. Neon tetras aren’t temperature with discus, as the temp for neons maxes out at about 75 degrees while discus need a minimum of 80 degrees. It’s actually a little known fact that neons like cooler water than most tetras, even though they can survive in warmer water for optimal health they need cooler water in the low to mid 70’s.
The new aquascape is super dope, nice job btw.
Anthony Davila
Anthony Davila - 6 years ago
Chico the Human no they don't.... Neon tetras are tropical fish and 70 degrees is a bit too cold. Here's a link https://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/paracheirodon-innesi/
robin the allrounder
robin the allrounder - 6 years ago
Buy a Flowerhorn
RkBunny - 6 years ago
Hi James!!!! ❤
Timothy Andrews
Timothy Andrews - 6 years ago
Colin Churchill
Colin Churchill - 6 years ago
I would keep the stocking in the tank as it is. Possibly add a group of 6 clown loaches to control/kill the snail population
Team Brotacular
Team Brotacular - 6 years ago
Nice tank, but you should get an arowana and stingray tank
Elizabeth Thurston
Elizabeth Thurston - 6 years ago
I always have the worst luck with neon tetras - I keep getting duds from my local pet store that can't survive more than 3 days in my tank. Any one got any tips?
Nicko Zamora
Nicko Zamora - 6 years ago

Looks so amazing. I really want discus I just get worried since they are super sensitive, and high priced. But check out the diamond white discus!!
Bob Caylor's Fish Hobby
Bob Caylor's Fish Hobby - 6 years ago
Don't take away from the Neon school. You actually won't get the same cool behavior they're displaying. The fish you mentioned as 'a barb or something' are actually Odessa Barbs. Dimmer lighting will actually show off the red lateral stripe. And, not annoyed because you're so excited but am annoyed that you use actually in actually every other sentence in this and the last few vids. Note my use of it above for reference, not once is it needed. It is very annoying to keep hearing you use it, when it's not correct grammar. Stop saying actually. lol Thanks for the vid. Fingers crossed that they do well.
Joey Jones Aquatics
Joey Jones Aquatics - 6 years ago
I’m a mod on this channel and I go through the comments making sure there aren’t any explicit comments. All of the comments are always so nice! You have the best fans!
ninja eeL
ninja eeL - 6 years ago
Bro this tank is flippin awesome! Keep up the good work
Wandering Pets
Wandering Pets - 6 years ago
I made a Betta Fish top ten list (in my opinion) and I’d love for anyone to look :))
Elliot Fry
Elliot Fry - 6 years ago
I really enjoy your videos! Keep up the great work :)
Junior B
Junior B - 6 years ago
Omg omg you got a beautiful tank with beautiful fish. Love your plants
Karen Wong
Karen Wong - 6 years ago
Discus is my dream fish too!
Sipit Salami
Sipit Salami - 6 years ago
Wow, nice fish
Alvin Lee
Alvin Lee - 6 years ago
OH my! Red dragon is literally my favorite discus!! Good luck on keeping them !
Tampa Tom
Tampa Tom - 6 years ago
Quarantine tank?
Insitefool1 Fish Keeping
Insitefool1 Fish Keeping - 6 years ago
I am so excited for you! Love the music, by the way!
KG Tropics
KG Tropics - 6 years ago
When you add more discus- if yo do, use cups to transfer rather than a net. That way guns won’t get stuck, break, etc. in a cup they are less likely to have any of that happen. I do it with all of my fish, including larger fish with 5 gallon buckets lol
DARSH PATEL - 6 years ago
Good looking aquarium
Lucas Hopkins
Lucas Hopkins - 6 years ago
Wow those are some beautiful fish bro, congrats on making the money to be able to afford those. Keep up the good work man!
Caring256 F
Caring256 F - 6 years ago
Congrats! Nice set up!
medic999 - 6 years ago
wow another great video dude
Melvins Aquatic Mpire
Melvins Aquatic Mpire - 6 years ago
Your talking about discus challenge the wild
Ruben Salazar
Ruben Salazar - 6 years ago
Looks so awesome!! Cool video and btw like the new animations you included lol! :)
Lochlin Bly
Lochlin Bly - 6 years ago

100. comment for I got Discus for my 90 Gallon Aquarium!!!

Waleed Qureshi
Waleed Qureshi - 6 years ago
My favorite video!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
Noam Chertock
Noam Chertock - 6 years ago
How many discus for a 55 gallon aquarium and can I get 1 110 aquaclear filter for it
Nicole Knight
Nicole Knight - 6 years ago
Noam Chertock I'd say 2.
Andrew Kloeker
Andrew Kloeker - 6 years ago
Almost 50K subs!
MacTX - 6 years ago
5:00 that surface skimmer pipe for the SunSun filter looks like it's pointed down. If you're not using the surface skimmer part of the filter, you can just remove that pipe. There should be a cap piece that came with your filter that caps the pipe for people who don't end up using the surface skimmer feature.
Dovey Dossett
Dovey Dossett - 6 years ago
Best of luck to you, dear. It looks like you put a lot of work into success with these fish. What a gold mine! The Odessa barbs are an unusual inclusion with a group of discus. I think they look nice. If they behave, you might add to their number. They are certainly a beautiful species. And well-behaved for barbs!
Matthew Grob
Matthew Grob - 6 years ago
Gilberto Calderon
Gilberto Calderon - 6 years ago
My angelfish gets along with all my other fishes.
Liam Peters
Liam Peters - 6 years ago
I would stay away from bloodworms because apparently the discus can get hooked but that’s what the king of diy said idk myself
Tammy Heron
Tammy Heron - 6 years ago
Your enthusiasm really makes me happy!! I'm starting out on my salt water journey soon and came across your videos when deciding on fresh or salt. You make everything to exciting and happy!! Thanks for your time filming, editing and uploading! There's people who really enjoy your videos. Good luck with the new additions, they are beautiful!!
lars anthonsen
lars anthonsen - 6 years ago
Get more neons
Fish 4 Life
Fish 4 Life - 6 years ago
Sorry James but I knew just before clicking on this that they will die no offence but u don't do enough water changes they need a lot!
Fish 4 Life
Fish 4 Life - 6 years ago
scoobyboi84 what did I say ! He killed them
Fish 4 Life
Fish 4 Life - 6 years ago
scoobyboi84 I don’t think he’s experienced enough to keep discus
scoobyboi84 - 6 years ago
Nathan B anyone who's getting into the hobby is going to have setbacks. I had them in the beginning. When I had to re-home my discus I chose to give them to James rather then sell them to someone on Craigslist who doesn't have basic fish knowledge. I think what happened was very sad but he did great nursing the discus back to health. He obviously cares about his fish and keeps striving to learn about the hobby. To me that's what matters :/
scoobyboi84 - 6 years ago
Nathan B those were my fish that I gave him. They were raised in local tap water since they were babies. I did a weekly water change 50 % and they were thriving. James will do great.
fruitastic1991 - 6 years ago
Lucky you got those discus. They are expensive.
Li Am
Li Am - 6 years ago
If you watch The King of DIY he used to breed Discus and knows a lot about them. Might have helpful info
Ricardo Martinho
Ricardo Martinho - 6 years ago
Be aware to the importance of water quality, discus is a very sensitive fish. 50% water changes every week is essential.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for the advice don’t worry I’ll be doing small daily changes over the next couple weeks
jcstahl - 6 years ago
I love everything about this tank! Great job all around!
Warrior - 6 years ago
cool fish
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thanks so much :$
Cade Horn
Cade Horn - 6 years ago
That's bat least 245 $ worth of fish
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ahh it’s crazy some can cost 100-300 each
Julian Garcia
Julian Garcia - 6 years ago
your the best thank you
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Awe thanks :)
alie novak
alie novak - 6 years ago
I love your videos so much and your tank looks soo amazing!!
Sam Osborne
Sam Osborne - 6 years ago
Actually really love that tank now! Congrats on getting discus
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Awe thanks so much :) and ahhh ikkkkk
Matt Craft
Matt Craft - 6 years ago
Discus are very high maintenance fish and need lots of care and need high temperature water
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
I’m actually planning on getting a new one soon :)
Lucy -
Lucy - - 6 years ago
Does anybody know if bladder snails are tropical?!!


Can snails even be tropical!?
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Yes they can unfortunately survive wide ranges of temperatures and can be pests
the flash
the flash - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ahh ikkkkk
Adriana Nguyen
Adriana Nguyen - 6 years ago
If you have any empty, snail-infested tanks, I would put your puffer in there for about a week, do a water change, and restock the tank.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
I’ve been thinking about it they would mow down the snails lol
Mike Schwitzke Jr
Mike Schwitzke Jr - 6 years ago
I would put some erythromycin in thier for the discus fins. General cure erythromycin and Ick X the holy trinity of Aqurium Co-Op. Or use melafix cheaper for that big of tank.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
That’s true thanks so much I have some api erythromycin I used it on a Betta and saw results litteraly in 2 days it works wonders!!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thanks so much I love each one!!!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ahh I know some big things are coming also!! And lol true true
Malak Ayyad
Malak Ayyad - 6 years ago
#challenger I just got new guppies yesterday and two of the females are bregnet do u have any tips
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Wow that’s so awesome I’m going to be making some videos on hippy breeding
Dean Maiden
Dean Maiden - 6 years ago
I like it! Btw I watch all your ads I hope that helps.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thanks so much and aweee :)
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ahh I know she was so surprised
XxFiresoundsxX - 6 years ago
for the 90 gal i think you need some tall plants for the back
XxFiresoundsxX - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
I put jungle Val but it will take a while for it to grow it
It is real
It is real - 6 years ago
Can u make a feeding video of all fish
It is real
It is real - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild nice thank u
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
I’ll be making another one soon :)
Joey Jones Aquatics
Joey Jones Aquatics - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
I heard they could be tank mates I was told they were all raised together
Alex Adams
Alex Adams - 6 years ago
Get a bunch of assain snails
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Shhh don’t spoil a new video ;)
George Burnett
George Burnett - 6 years ago
It is real in future a fine wire mesh over the syphoon.
George Burnett
George Burnett - 6 years ago
It is real Define a “Water catch line”
It is real
It is real - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild hey man i got a big problem with my betta,
Shes so beautiful i love her so much, i hope u can help me.
Today i cleaned my tank and at the moment i watched into my bucket to see how much water i can fill in, the betta just swimmed into the "watercatchline" i pulled her out but she has lost one finn and shes just hanging around, doesnt eat, doesnt, swim, just lay on the filtration( i had to pull it out)and what can i do if she is injured badly?? Must i kill her?
Thanke u for hellping me(maybe)
Sivasanjey Sujendran
Sivasanjey Sujendran - 6 years ago
It is so beautiful
Sivasanjey Sujendran
Sivasanjey Sujendran - 6 years ago
Ur welcome
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thanks so much :)
William Barefoot
William Barefoot - 6 years ago
Whats the dimensions of ur 90 gallon
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
I’m 4 ft by 18 by 24
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Danke shone!!! I use to take German
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thanks so much I can’t believe I have discus
faisal zahid
faisal zahid - 6 years ago
You should not record and drive
fearghal osullivan murelaga
fearghal osullivan murelaga - 6 years ago
Aquarium co op shouted u out
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ayy love that guy :)
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thanks so much :)
Matei Dragutu
Matei Dragutu - 6 years ago
Put a black background for all aquariums. It makes them look better. #challenger #discus *angelfish #discusaquarium
Matei Dragutu
Matei Dragutu - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild can't wait to
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
So True I’m thinking about putting a 3D background for them in the future
Reyes Vlog
Reyes Vlog - 6 years ago
How is your pond going?
Reyes Vlog
Reyes Vlog - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild ok
David Stewart
David Stewart - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
It is real
It is real - 6 years ago
Damien Singh
Damien Singh - 6 years ago
The aquarium looks amazing
Damien Singh
Damien Singh - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild NP
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thanks so much :)
Mercy Antony
Mercy Antony - 6 years ago
they are oddesy barbs
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ahh thanks so much I’ve seen them at the store but forgot their name thanks
Grayson Carico
Grayson Carico - 6 years ago
Love ya vids man keep up the good work!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Awe thanks so much
N8 the Gr8
N8 the Gr8 - 6 years ago
Cool!! Really hyped about the discus! I am currently in progress with a 120 gallon sw build. Discus is a dream fish and I am nervous about getting them for a fw tank.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
That’s so awesome I might be getting a tank like that!!!! And I was so nervous I still am
Johnnyofree - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
ayyy :D
Storm Hart
Storm Hart - 6 years ago
All of those fish are stunning. I hope you do well with them.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thanks so much me too!!
Heath Crowther
Heath Crowther - 6 years ago
The discus and the angel fish look stunning in the 90 gallon
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Awe thanks i love the way they look!!!
Arul Degea
Arul Degea - 6 years ago
I started following you on instagram from 3days before and your posts were awesome @James Morelan.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Awe thanks so much :D
Chris S
Chris S - 6 years ago
Woah talk abt flirt alert
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Awee thanks so much! :D
J. purple
J. purple - 6 years ago
The fins of the discus are damaged a lot,I hope you know what to do for that
J. purple
J. purple - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild ok I think that's good,discus is my dream fish to by the way
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thanks for the concern im actually going to start treating and monitoring that discus, i might remove him from the tank into a separate quarantine tank.
Chris S
Chris S - 6 years ago
They look like aliens
Chris S
Chris S - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ahh they do like flying saucers
Leon Drolet
Leon Drolet - 6 years ago
The combo of the discus and neons is art. Contrast in size and color and shape. Great combo.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ahhh omg they look so good together :D thanks
brendan preiser
brendan preiser - 6 years ago
like the new editing
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thanks! :D
Arul Degea
Arul Degea - 6 years ago
The tank looks very beautiful with those discuses and nice music.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
awe thanks so much! I'm happy you enjoyed it
Jeo Sioson
Jeo Sioson - 6 years ago
Some of my aquatic plants are actually turning brown what can I do tho? Oh btw you’re one of the channels on youtube that inspired me to keep aquariums again! Now I plan on breeding bettas and earn some money by selling the offspring so that I can keep on improving my aquariums and maybe a fish room too! From the Philippines btw! I love and learn a lot from your channel too. I think your aquarium is really cool too! You’re fish are so pretty, I’d love if I could keep Discuss in the future once I get a biggger tank.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
and i love the plan!!!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
some plants melt when they are added to a new aquarium you might want to trim of the dead leaves
Juan Contreras
Juan Contreras - 6 years ago
Tank looks great man, keep us updated on it please
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thanks so much and for sure!!
Yasmin Merold
Yasmin Merold - 6 years ago
Hey I'm setting up a 40 gallon and want to start with plant's. What plant's do you suggest? and what kind of lighting do they need?
Tim - 6 years ago
I'm not trying to get into your business bit if u dont mind I wanna recommend any plant that can reproduce well that way it can propogate and create a bunch to save money. Ex: any carpet plant, italian val, other plants that start runners. I also really like anubias cause it basically bullet proof. There are cheap root tabs you can find on eBay. I use oscmocote also off eBay. 100 package is the best deal and for me personally they work. Hope all goes well in your tank!
Yasmin Merold
Yasmin Merold - 6 years ago
Perfect thanks bud.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
awesome!! try a beamswork light they are cheaper but work well, and try getting stem plants first :D
HazySlazy - 6 years ago
Wass crackalackin
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
AYyy lol
Esteban Avila
Esteban Avila - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ayyy :D
mystical nation
mystical nation - 6 years ago
Great vid bro
Keep making thm
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thanks so much i will :)
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Awe thanks :D
Lionhimer - 6 years ago
I got my dream fish the other day, Dragon Goby!!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Wow thats awesome!!!!
Huy Nguyen Ho
Huy Nguyen Ho - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
The_Savge_Haker - 6 years ago
I replied to your insta story that you an agel and discus
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ayyy i tried to hide it XD
ClassyMoose - 6 years ago
Hi. just wondering, when are you going to get the fancy goldfish
ClassyMoose - 6 years ago
I would just get a 10 gallon kit from petsmart (super cheap by the way) and plop 1 or 2 fancy goldfish in there and then when they get older you could move them into a bigger tank or the pond. I only suggest the 10 gallon tank instead of moving them into the pond right away (which you could) because goldfish in a tank look really nice and you might want to enjoy their vibrant colors in a tank instead of a pond. either way is fine but it's just my suggestion even though both options work.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Maybe for the pond but i wish i could see them in an aquarium
achuuthkarthick raghuram
achuuthkarthick raghuram - 6 years ago
Also, could the swordtail/platy go with your other platys? She looked pregnant, check maybe? Thanks! Just advice! Oh, how were finals?
achuuthkarthick raghuram
achuuthkarthick raghuram - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild awesomee! She'll have strong colorful fry,. She's bright in color
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
She did look pregnant in the video im thinking about moving her to my 60 gallon :D
PuLsE_Mystic - 6 years ago
9:21 voice crack
PuLsE_Mystic - 6 years ago
Awesome video bro btw :)
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Oof XD
Fish Lover
Fish Lover - 6 years ago
U should get a background
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Your so right!!!! I was thinking about a black background but i wish i had a 3d one
DarksAquatics - 6 years ago
That’s awesome
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thanks so much
Johnny Huerta
Johnny Huerta - 6 years ago
Favourite tank already not just because of the fish the tank is just extremely beautiful with all those plants
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Awe thanks so much i love the plants 2 :D
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ahhh i know i love them so much :D
achuuthkarthick raghuram
achuuthkarthick raghuram - 6 years ago
Can you check and get back your old angel fish too please?! He loved you
achuuthkarthick raghuram
achuuthkarthick raghuram - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild yayyy!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Hmm i could try that would be cool :D
Erik-Jan Heida
Erik-Jan Heida - 6 years ago
hi im your 231th subscriber and i just wanted to give you a good idea. move the plants and the decorations more to the back of your tank. it will look alot nice than just spread in the middel of the tank. also try some filtersand as a substrate. its amazingly cheap and beatiful at the same time!
Erik-Jan Heida
Erik-Jan Heida - 6 years ago
wow that was a fast answer im not even done watching your video :)
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ayyyy wow that would be cool it could be a little path in the aquarium :D
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
awe thanks so much :D
Sean's Aquatics
Sean's Aquatics - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ayyy :D
Zert 13
Zert 13 - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Yayyy :)
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Awe thanks so much :)
IHas_ Gamers
IHas_ Gamers - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ayyyy :)
Cichlid Keeper
Cichlid Keeper - 6 years ago
I DMd you on insta, I want to give you tanks for free!!! Please respond @JustusDisarro
тσиιgнт - 6 years ago
#discusaqarium it's really nice and pretty and the fish go really well! uwu
тσиιgнт - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild of course :3
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ayyy thanks so much!!! :)
Mehdi Charaf eddine
Mehdi Charaf eddine - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Myles 124
Myles 124 - 6 years ago
Myles 124
Myles 124 - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild not much was just feeding my fish! Hope you enjoy all your fish and hope they stay well and healthy!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Hey what’s poppin!!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
BTW this is literally one of my dream fish i still have 3 more fish I NEED TO GET!!! One day ;)
IHas_ Gamers
IHas_ Gamers - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild what if you show a discus a disc will they say disc us test in next vid plz

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