I got Discus for my 90 Gallon Aquarium!!!
Discus 6 years ago 17,944 views
Today I got discus for my 90 gallon planted aquarium!! I also have other tank mates with the discus such as neon tetras tiger barbs and an angelfish!!! Ill make another video on my discus aquarium setup Do you like aquariums and betta fish? Consider subscribing and hitting the bell! http://bit.ly/CTWSUBS Check Out Aquarium Co Op http://bit.ly/Aquacoop ---------Support My Fish Addiction!--------- http://bit.ly/CTWSupport ---------Awesome aquarium Websites--------- https://wildpetsupply.com/ http://bit.ly/flipshrimp Watch My Fish Room Build https://goo.gl/DThJgT My Aquascape Week http://bit.ly/aquascapeweek WISH LIST: https://goo.gl/P5ajYX MY INSTAGRAM: (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesInsta MY TWITTER: (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesTweet MY SNAPCHAT:(@thejimmotion) http://bit.ly/JamesSnap MY OTHER CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/TJEffect Aquarium Shrimp: http://bit.ly/flipshrimp Awesome Plants http://bit.ly/H2Oplants ---------Fish Equipment--------- Pleco/Snail/Shrimp Food: https://goo.gl/LyxJZ9 Guppy Food: http://amzn.to/2BKHNO5 Cheapest/Best Light: http://amzn.to/2kB5rcw WaveMaker: http://amzn.to/2kAdhn4 Help My videos by writing https://goo.gl/uERVij ---------Business only email:--------- cw47wabe@gmail.com ---------Mail me stuff--------- James Morelan PO BOX #085925 Racine, WI 53408
10. comment for I got Discus for my 90 Gallon Aquarium!!!
20. comment for I got Discus for my 90 Gallon Aquarium!!!
30. comment for I got Discus for my 90 Gallon Aquarium!!!
Otherwise the tank looks amazing. Your mom is adorable lol
50. comment for I got Discus for my 90 Gallon Aquarium!!!
This is amazing! Discus are so beautiful and I hope I can get some one day! And you're right about the neon tetras adding to the tank, they just complete the look and are so cute!
Personally, I’ve take the barbs out, they’re notorious fin nippers and they’ve probably been nipping.
The new aquascape is super dope, nice job btw.
Looks so amazing. I really want discus I just get worried since they are super sensitive, and high priced. But check out the diamond white discus!!
100. comment for I got Discus for my 90 Gallon Aquarium!!!
Can snails even be tropical!?
Shes so beautiful i love her so much, i hope u can help me.
Today i cleaned my tank and at the moment i watched into my bucket to see how much water i can fill in, the betta just swimmed into the "watercatchline" i pulled her out but she has lost one finn and shes just hanging around, doesnt eat, doesnt, swim, just lay on the filtration( i had to pull it out)and what can i do if she is injured badly?? Must i kill her?
Thanke u for hellping me(maybe)
Keep making thm