Ice Fishing in Minnesota! // VLOGMAS DAY 10

GET THE 2018 SOLID GOLD CALENDAR ► Yay Vlogmas! :D Follow along as I bundle up for below-zero winter temperatures to go ice fishing in Minnesota with my family over Christmas vacation! You'll also see me returning home to my furry family in Florida and get a teaser clip from next week's video featuring Joey Mullen, the King of DIY on YouTube. :) __________ NEW VIDEOS FRIDAYS (and sometimes Tuesdays)! Subscribe ► Website ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► solidgoldaqua Twitter ► __________ Become a Solid Gold Member! ► __________ Music: "Carefree" by and "Funky World" by

Ice Fishing in Minnesota! // VLOGMAS DAY 10 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 50

Discus 7 years ago 36,189 views

GET THE 2018 SOLID GOLD CALENDAR ► Yay Vlogmas! :D Follow along as I bundle up for below-zero winter temperatures to go ice fishing in Minnesota with my family over Christmas vacation! You'll also see me returning home to my furry family in Florida and get a teaser clip from next week's video featuring Joey Mullen, the King of DIY on YouTube. :) __________ NEW VIDEOS FRIDAYS (and sometimes Tuesdays)! Subscribe ► Website ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► solidgoldaqua Twitter ► __________ Become a Solid Gold Member! ► __________ Music: "Carefree" by and "Funky World" by

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Most popular comments
for Ice Fishing in Minnesota! // VLOGMAS DAY 10

Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
Growing up spending lots of time around the various lakes of Minnesota, I've always had a fondness for lake fish like sunfish and crappies. Maybe one of the tanks in my fish room should be a Minnesota-lake-themed tank! :P

Bendytendy The Conservative
Bendytendy The Conservative - 7 years ago
Rainbow cupcake is that on January sixth? I need to go!
Bendytendy The Conservative
Bendytendy The Conservative - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics Did you know international falls was the coldest place in the world last Friday and grand forks was on Sunday it was -51
Bendytendy The Conservative
Bendytendy The Conservative - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics where in minny are you from? I’m from Blaine.
Angelfish aquatics
Angelfish aquatics - 7 years ago
Hey solid gold would u recommend warm or cold water for goldfish?
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
Oh my, is that an Irish setter? That's by far the best dog breed in the whole world. Also has anyone seen where I left my luck charms.
Ksquizzles4209 - 7 years ago
Gonna need a big tank for Mn fish! Good idea for your big tank in your new fish room... might need to make that 4k gallons so you can get some Wallys and snakes in there ;-)
Rainbow cupcake
Rainbow cupcake - 7 years ago
Are you going to the fort Lauderdale reptile expo January 6??
Jess A
Jess A - 7 years ago
Angelfish aquatics Oh I would be. I would start vicious rumors that she kept all her goldies in bowls when the camera was off.
Angelfish aquatics
Angelfish aquatics - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics I wouldn’t be mad at you if you missed a weeks worth of videos so u could be with your family
Jess A
Jess A - 7 years ago
That would actually be awesome! I love keeping natives and you don't see it a lot on YouTube. I think you were joking but they can actually be really beautiful little fish.
Jackie Thomas
Jackie Thomas - 7 years ago
More vlog style please ❤️
Travis Michaud
Travis Michaud - 7 years ago
Do that Minnesota tank.
K - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics that’s so cool that you are from MN and moved to FL. I too am from MN and moved to FL. Small world, super cool. Oh my goddddd, your dad’s name is Mark too lol. My dad’s name is Mark. This is weird now haha!! Loved ice fishing too. A lot of good times.
lucas lagoon
lucas lagoon - 7 years ago
As a fellow Minnesotan and someone who studied at UMN for fisheries biology you need a Minnesota tank with orangeapotted sunfish!!!
Tigress_Free2BeMe - 7 years ago
I am in Minnesota. Which lake are you by? I am by Medicine Lake!
meza231000 - 7 years ago
That will be pretty cool
Kristin Beach
Kristin Beach - 7 years ago
As a fellow Minnesotan I think it would be absolutely awesome to see you do a Minnesota tank! Especially with some adorable Pumpkin Seed Sunfish
David Reynolds
David Reynolds - 7 years ago
I think that would be be a great idea! Those little yellow ones were pretty cute..
unholyorders - 7 years ago
Do it!
tom bristow
tom bristow - 7 years ago
love it arrrhhhhh cant wait for next vid
Lunar Moonlight
Lunar Moonlight - 7 years ago
Mannn I miss ice fishing so much! I used to go fishing in both Minnesota and Wisconsin (Danbury, specifically), and would fish at the cabins of my older relatives. Nowadays, I sadly am fishing for studying and trying to get through school :\

Hope you're enjoying your time here in Minnesota (I can't believe you're also from MN, it is really surreal sitting here in MN knowing you were here XD)! Even though I've found your channel only recently, I've grown to love it. Happy Holidays and hope you have a great New Years!
FishingCraziness1 - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics cool I didn’t know that you
Aqua Gods
Aqua Gods - 7 years ago
Rad video
Jbay2608 - 7 years ago
I love fishing, but I don't know if I could put up with the cold to be able to enjoy ice fishing....
Native Fish Keepers
Native Fish Keepers - 7 years ago
That first sunny you caught was a Pumpkinseed sunfish. They are one of the most beautiful sunfish there are. With that being said, you should so do a native tank. With over 900 species of freshwater species native to the US, I am sure you can find something that interests you.
Deep Blue
Deep Blue - 7 years ago
I really want to go ice fishing.
Tobias klebark
Tobias klebark - 7 years ago
Chuck Chuck
Chuck Chuck - 7 years ago
I live in mn
Robin Love
Robin Love - 7 years ago
I don’t quite understand how you can love fish so so much but would happily have a fish bite down on a hook and drag it out the water like that. Seems very contradictory
Ed Dex
Ed Dex - 7 years ago
You were with your family I don't care for you using up time on editing stuff when you can be with your family...I loved the fact that you are so close with your family and especially with your grand ma..IMy grand ma passed away this christmas.. God Bless

10. comment for Ice Fishing in Minnesota! // VLOGMAS DAY 10

Brian Hunt
Brian Hunt - 7 years ago
Your super pretty you like snowmobiles and you like ice fishing i love your gold fish and all your other pets your soo awesome there needs to be more girls like you in this world
WikingNordArmy - 7 years ago
Are you from Sweden??
Fish Flakes
Fish Flakes - 7 years ago
The sunnys bit me
Heather & Andy Zellman
Heather & Andy Zellman - 7 years ago
Do you have any favorite fish stores in Minnesota?
kyle Elleson
kyle Elleson - 7 years ago
I'm from Minnesota and I call those pickle roll ups
81Kush - 7 years ago
realy like u can catch fish aswell as keep fich because u had me wondering from the start..
Vincent Angeldust
Vincent Angeldust - 7 years ago
Are you single? ;)
majooismajor - 7 years ago
not sure if she is or not..... but if you do talk to her, ask her if her hot granny is available :P
Rebelle Fleur
Rebelle Fleur - 7 years ago
what a perfect family. you re so incredibly lucky!!
aliza goehner
aliza goehner - 7 years ago
Fuckin classic Minnesotan Christmas!!
motojaguar - 7 years ago

20. comment for Ice Fishing in Minnesota! // VLOGMAS DAY 10

Jui Yung
Jui Yung - 7 years ago
where ur betta been ??
Nick Valentine
Nick Valentine - 7 years ago
wolfseek - 7 years ago
Just give me one night I’ll beat them cheeks
Olivia Amen
Olivia Amen - 7 years ago
You inspired me so much to get a calico goldfish and I have a 30 gallon tank for one fish and I have a really nice bubbler
Colin Churchill
Colin Churchill - 7 years ago
I suggest doing vlogs randomly..for example visitng petshops, getting mew fish or animal, ect.
Just R
Just R - 7 years ago
Waiting for the next update. I love you Jennie! I just found your channel a day ago. Love your videos. And your interaction to your pets is so cute. Have a nice dayyyy
Miguel Gama
Miguel Gama - 7 years ago
Do a tank with some sunfish
YouBetcha Gamer
YouBetcha Gamer - 7 years ago
I loved your going home videos :) I'm from Minnesota and can appreciate what you vlogged
CL Roman
CL Roman - 7 years ago
So nice of you to share your family and holiday time.. Thank you
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
That ice house is sooo cool! I had no idea they made those. Please more fishing and vlog type videos!

30. comment for Ice Fishing in Minnesota! // VLOGMAS DAY 10

DiemSylvan - 7 years ago
In the UK pigs in blankets are small sausages wrapped in bacon, they are also known as pigs in kilts and a few others names here.
DiemSylvan - 7 years ago
My brain heard you say that you open presents on chirstmas eve bc you are fushian and I thought it was a religion that I'd not heard of. Or are you perhaps Faustian? I've heard of that. I played Lucifer's assistant in a play based on Faust written by an artist I know.
Stefani anna
Stefani anna - 7 years ago
Hey Jenny! Merry Christmas! Could you do a video about the pegs you use to hold vegetables under the water? I really need to make some or buy some, but I have no idea where to find them.
Diana Velez
Diana Velez - 7 years ago
Did you see the rose
Anustup Online
Anustup Online - 7 years ago
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 7 years ago
Looks like you had a good time. Happy New Year!
Windex - 7 years ago
I FUCKIN KNEW YOU WERE FROM MINNESOTA! When I hears you say bag I just knew it
Olivia Williamson
Olivia Williamson - 7 years ago
Those things are called pickle wraps btw
Ashley Baker
Ashley Baker - 7 years ago
Vlogs ☺️
azeem s
azeem s - 7 years ago
cold like minnesota
StudnickaAquatics - 7 years ago
I spent a lot of time ice fishing with my Dad, my Uncle, and my cousin when I was a kid. We mainly caught white crappie, and walleye from Nebraska Lakes. Great times.
Chris Littrell
Chris Littrell - 7 years ago
I live in Indiana but it don't get as much snow as it does in Minnesota.
Ice fishing sounds fun.
Glad all ya pets are still doing well.
J3ssica Glov3R
J3ssica Glov3R - 7 years ago
As a proud Wisconsinite, i still can never see the enjoyment in playing in the snow and ice fishing, lol...thank God I moved to Georgia, by still miss the Christmas feeling of watching the snow fall on eve and day
Keyan Severson
Keyan Severson - 7 years ago
What part of Minnesota? I live about 30 min south of Rochester
Eevee Dominations
Eevee Dominations - 7 years ago
I love the vlogs you should do them more often even if it isn't vlogmas
Roman FishGuy
Roman FishGuy - 7 years ago
that really pretty sunfish you caught was a pumpkinseed sunfish
sanni gopal
sanni gopal - 7 years ago
please reply!

can I pet a tiger barb in a bowl
Edwin Brown
Edwin Brown - 7 years ago
Lots of love from another Minnesotan! Ice fishing and corn cobs sounds about right
Bridgette Showman
Bridgette Showman - 7 years ago
You have such a lovely family. Looks like a wonderful Christmas.
Doingitfresh - 7 years ago
Solid VLOGs

50. comment for Ice Fishing in Minnesota! // VLOGMAS DAY 10

Devenbobeven - 7 years ago
Your dad reminds me so much of my own. He would macgyver just about anything. Still does :]
Brooke Kelsey
Brooke Kelsey - 7 years ago
What happened to the discus?
Tylor G
Tylor G - 7 years ago
cool your family lives in mn. i grew up in rochester, mn.
OneDogsTotal Aj
OneDogsTotal Aj - 7 years ago
The way henry ran towards herrrr omg im dead
Jess A
Jess A - 7 years ago
Your brother making funky noises when you try to do an intro... doesn't he know that is Henry's job? :)
Jess A
Jess A - 7 years ago
Pickle roll ups... oh, Minnesota. lol
Aquarium Konnection
Aquarium Konnection - 7 years ago
cold there, nice to see the family
Craig Anderson
Craig Anderson - 7 years ago
I like to go ice fishing and ice skating to
CharlieTiel - 7 years ago
Hey! My dad is named mark too
Cynthia Daniels
Cynthia Daniels - 7 years ago
Did you buy some new goldfish while you were in Minnesota?
Ron Villa
Ron Villa - 7 years ago
Pickle roll ups look crazy. Hope you have a happy New Year stay safe see you next year
iHanna - 7 years ago
Loved the vlogmas videos and SO hope you'll consider doing lots more vlogging in 2018! You're so good at it, and we like hanging put with you & the pets.
Happy New Year to you & yours.
/Hanna, new subscriber in Sweden
Hyuna A
Hyuna A - 7 years ago
You’re so pretty!
jane stevens
jane stevens - 7 years ago
This is one of my favorite videos. Thanks for sharing.
Bjorn Solheim
Bjorn Solheim - 7 years ago
Yes pls Jennie!
// Prettyicewolf //
// Prettyicewolf // - 7 years ago
It’s been getting colder in Minnesota, especially in my household because I sleep in the basement 0~0
Marieke van Esveld
Marieke van Esveld - 7 years ago
Hey, Just a tip, dogs on ice can get bad injuries... all that sliding with the legs is really bad.. love your vid
Ben Burns
Ben Burns - 7 years ago
Where are you in Minnesota?
couch crumb
couch crumb - 7 years ago
Weird how Minnesota is right beneath where I live, and it was -43 on Christmas Day. Lol but then again Canada is cold as shut
Lauren - 7 years ago
it has been so interesting to see a little more about you. i hope you continue doing some form of vlogs after december whether its just small clips in your animal videos or the occasional longer full video. glad you had a great christmas & you/joey's video was so funny last time so im excited for the next :)
Vero Mortera
Vero Mortera - 7 years ago
Hi Jenny! You have a lovely family! Why did you move to Florida? Do you see them often? Happy new year!
Robb5994 - 7 years ago
Fantastic video.Great seeing your family
Twger - 7 years ago
please vlog daily. i would love that!
Jessica Bloom
Jessica Bloom - 7 years ago
I LIVE IN MINNESOTA what part of Minnesota are you in
Bipolar Bettas
Bipolar Bettas - 7 years ago
Fricken Joey...
SamanthaR - 7 years ago
I've enjoyed the vlogs so much. Your Dad's fish house was so fancy:)
SamanthaR - 7 years ago
Thanks so much +Springbank Koi and Aquatics! It's a picture of one of my goldfish, his name is Rooster. He was a rescue in the "return pond" at my LFS and I just had to bring him home:)
Springbank Koi And Aquatics
Springbank Koi And Aquatics - 7 years ago
SamanthaR love the goldfish in your avatar
Josh Hibbs
Josh Hibbs - 7 years ago
Sunfish are all over the country I think: that would def. be awesome if you could make a tank with some in them though. Such beautiful fish.
Jacqueline Martinez
Jacqueline Martinez - 7 years ago
Of course the pupper wants belly rubs!
Josh Hibbs
Josh Hibbs - 7 years ago
Loved this video! Got to see the family and love the ice fishing shack.
Saf Vlogs
Saf Vlogs - 7 years ago
Its nice to see you happy with your family
Dane Abomasum
Dane Abomasum - 7 years ago
I can’t wait for this channel to get back to normal again (if it does). I subscribed for goldfish videos, not dart frogs, leopard geckos, rabbits, cats or Christmas vlogs.
J Rem
J Rem - 7 years ago
I love the blog style
So-Lo Aquatics
So-Lo Aquatics - 7 years ago
Great job on catching a Crappie!
Shey's Betta
Shey's Betta - 7 years ago
Europe opens christmas presents on Dec. 24th, too... no shame in it... :D
Me Me
Me Me - 7 years ago
Fishermen only marry a fishermen
christindemarie - 7 years ago
Is arlo still alive? I never seen you talk about him when you go around to feed all your pets ☹️
christindemarie - 7 years ago
Aw okay...did she mention arlo in a video?
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Dead Arlo
Dead Discus
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
christindemarie Nope, dead.
winndowful - 7 years ago
I would really like to see more vlogs from you in the future!
Jackie Thomas
Jackie Thomas - 7 years ago
You don't ever have to apologize for spending time with your family ❤️ I was happy to see how happy your animals were to see you, so sweet
CH Music
CH Music - 7 years ago
finland can be -27°c in the winter
JustMyFish - 7 years ago
LOL fishing down the toliet. Nice vid Thanks.
Biju Rai
Biju Rai - 7 years ago
excellent vedio am verry enjoy this vedio thank u
Lochlan Whaites
Lochlan Whaites - 7 years ago
What happened to Arlo?
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Yes it is. He was a lovely fish. Happy New Year to you!
Lochlan Whaites
Lochlan Whaites - 7 years ago
Big City Bettas oh that's sad...I didn't know because I don't have social media, any way happy new year from Australia. Last night of 2017 now...9:29am
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Lochlan Whaites No clue. But I know she posted it on social media awhile back.
Lochlan Whaites
Lochlan Whaites - 7 years ago
+Big City Bettas When? was it the same thing that effected her goldfish?
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Lochlan Whaites He died.
Biju Rai
Biju Rai - 7 years ago
nice femily
James Wilson
James Wilson - 7 years ago
Very warm vid girl... although 1F is summer time weather compared to our -39C in Eastern Ontario. Once nice to see yoir family together...very warm
heatherwanderer777 - 7 years ago
You'd probably have to run a chiller if you had a tank of Minnesota fish as even the average floriday day is probably way warmer then it gets in Minnesota
T-Man - 7 years ago
Definitely mix vlogging in with videos this year.
Liam But
Liam But - 7 years ago
You should have a red breast sunfish in your tanks
mizzabroadwaybaby - 7 years ago
Awesome! How is your betta fish BTW haven't seen him for a while?
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
mizzabroadwaybaby It died months ago.
Rocky Lee
Rocky Lee - 7 years ago
girls who go fishing <3
Linda Fredriksson
Linda Fredriksson - 7 years ago
what was that dog breed
Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
She's a Golden Retriever.

100. comment for Ice Fishing in Minnesota! // VLOGMAS DAY 10

Charley Praither
Charley Praither - 7 years ago
I love vlogs!! I’d love to see your progress on the fish room more firsthand
Katie Erickson
Katie Erickson - 7 years ago
Me too!
das Dilemma
das Dilemma - 7 years ago
Oh, hi Mark
Frezarules - 7 years ago
Yey Joey! Hope you had a good trip and Christmas XD
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I m from Eastern Europe and its winter here too

But right now its nowhere near as cold as I have seen in this video aka Minnesota

(with that big ice and stuff.. very cold area it seems.. especially in the winter)
Sunny Kashi
Sunny Kashi - 7 years ago
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Now I m super hyped for the Jennie and Joey video :D

Thx for the tease tho hahah
danyell rohrs
danyell rohrs - 7 years ago
glad you had a wonderful christmas with your family. Glad to see all your pets doing well.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Thank you for inviting us in your family s house and fish house :D

We appreciate :)
Travis Wilson
Travis Wilson - 7 years ago
Loved it! Next time you're back in Minnesota you should have a little meet and greet <3
Miruka MKS
Miruka MKS - 7 years ago
has anyone wondered where arlo the betta went
Miruka MKS
Miruka MKS - 7 years ago
really??? how did you know
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Miruka MKS Died months ago.
Yours Truly
Yours Truly - 7 years ago
That's fishing in style! Very cool!
Jamie Ostman
Jamie Ostman - 7 years ago
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do a meet and greet in duluth before you go
Jamie Ostman
Jamie Ostman - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics why'd you have to go lol. I should name one of my first axolotls corn cob lol
Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
Duluth is where I lived right before I moved down to Florida. I worked at Animal Allies Humane Society. :)
Krista Reneè
Krista Reneè - 7 years ago
I love your necklace!
Jimmy Vang
Jimmy Vang - 7 years ago
Live in Minnesota-Love minnesota- but I hate the winter time
Elizabeth Ann
Elizabeth Ann - 7 years ago
But Joey posted a pic like 10 hours ago of you in the gallery
Julie Keller
Julie Keller - 7 years ago
Your bunny is just so freaking cute! I swear, he acts more like a dog than a rabbit :D
Quality Content365
Quality Content365 - 7 years ago
I live in Minnesota and I literally have the same Christmas
Fly With James
Fly With James - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas Jenny
Lloyetta J. Ewing
Lloyetta J. Ewing - 7 years ago
I love your ginger kitty. On July 24 2017 I lost my (Thomas) he was alittle over 20 years old. It was the worse day of my life. How about you pet him for me, Please?
Lloyetta J. Ewing
Lloyetta J. Ewing - 7 years ago
thalia jc I know he's with me. That why my emotions go crazy sometimes.
thalia jc
thalia jc - 7 years ago
Lloyetta J. Ewing I lost my 15 yr old best friend, Junior, July 8th this year. I know exactly how you feel. I feel like he's with me sometimes and I'm sure your friend is, too. Love like that transcends life and death.
Lloyetta J. Ewing
Lloyetta J. Ewing - 7 years ago
Ecartts he was mostly blind, and totally deaf. And the last couple years he got skinny. But I just couldn't make the call, he told me when it was time to go. Like I said worse day of my life. No I did not let him suffer. He went off food, so we spent the day with friends and family that wanted to say goodbye. He is in the flowerbed with a ceramic angel at his head.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
20 years ? Thats a lot of time.. you should be happy that he lived so long

(there are other cases when a cat died at 15 or even less)

Sorry for your loss tho
reynolds326ify - 7 years ago
Omg I love your grandma! Silly question, how do you know when the lake is safe to walk on?? California girl, born and raised so I have no clue! Thanks for sharing!
BrokenWings1018 - 7 years ago
we make pickle roll ups as well! and green onion roll ups, maybe it's a Midwest thing? I live in Michigan.
Zach Dieter
Zach Dieter - 7 years ago
I love that you visit MN, im up in Duluth Mn!
Chaz *
Chaz * - 7 years ago
I LOVE your family. Your dad is awesome.
Golden Gray
Golden Gray - 7 years ago
It's Simply Dez
It's Simply Dez - 7 years ago
I love the vlogs!
Mack m
Mack m - 7 years ago
this was such a cute video. It's nice to see you're a real person.
BAS Aquariums
BAS Aquariums - 7 years ago
My first ancistrus spawn reached a sellable size recently. There are 2 left if you would like one. it would mean a lot to me if you had one of the fish I've spawned in your fishroom
Nick The Shy Dude
Nick The Shy Dude - 7 years ago
What kind of plecos do you own?
Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
I have albino longfin bristlenose plecos, but none of the babies have turned out albino so far.
Nick The Shy Dude
Nick The Shy Dude - 7 years ago
Is is crappies or croppies?
x Kaze
x Kaze - 7 years ago
never seen joey move so fast lol
Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
I thought he was going to break the whole aquarium lol!
Andrea Shelton
Andrea Shelton - 7 years ago
I would love to see more videos of your life. Thanks
Mitch - 7 years ago
when the pets met you and that cute music went on
xxohmycaptainxx - 7 years ago
Commented on your instagram post as well but would loveeee to see you do a native US fish tank in the new fishroom. Was hoping you'd decide to make your big 2000 into a native tank. Some smaller gar species and a bunch of blue gills and sunfish would look amazing in a naturally scaped tanked. Happy to see you having a good time with your family. You really deserve all the smiles and laughs you can get after the year you've gone through. Love you and your channel so much and hope you're enjoying your holidays!!!
Lhasa Kivan
Lhasa Kivan - 7 years ago
Hello Jennie... Long time viewer... After the pig in the blanket ... And the Crappie... For some reason I thought you were a vegetarian...??1?
Kat de Vries
Kat de Vries - 7 years ago
My American Eskimo Dog's name is Doby!!!!!!
Lara Ostenberg
Lara Ostenberg - 7 years ago
Hope you had a great Christmas and are looking forward to 2018. I grew up in Alaska and Colorado so I have done my fair share of fishing: reg., deep sea, and ice. There is something cathartic about fishing just relaxing and enjoying the company! Thanks for all of your vids I find them truly helpful.
TriniRCmodels - 7 years ago
@ 8:53 i glad to see you too Jen
CatAleah - 7 years ago
Don't fish feel pain?
Jackson Harrison
Jackson Harrison - 7 years ago
Minimally, they’re not like humans at all really.
Stewy Lipbite
Stewy Lipbite - 7 years ago
Yes they do :(
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Its a long discussion with people that will agree and others disagree

But you can always search articles about this on Google (some are interesting)

But I can answer for you with 1 thing.. They do feel STRESS and fishing them adds a lot of stress. Jennie for example dropped the fish back into the water.. but those who wants to also eat them.. they will keep them without water or even throw some salt on them.. That can be horrible and stress the fish to death. Some die faster because of amount of stres.. caused by not having water and being in a place like a bucket (crowded with not much space)
Krity Kat
Krity Kat - 7 years ago
I've always wanted to ice fish. That is too cool!! Hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas!!
Angel Balboa
Angel Balboa - 7 years ago
My husband has us open gifts at midnight because he just cannot wait any longer! I'm from Wisconsin orginional so it was cool seeing you home! Glad you had a great time!
Samantha Picou
Samantha Picou - 7 years ago
Your family seems like nice cool people. You should definitely name a fish corn on the cob
Ricardo Gutierrez
Ricardo Gutierrez - 7 years ago
So what happened to the discus again
Angel Balboa
Angel Balboa - 7 years ago
Ricardo Gutierrez they passed away after refusing food. She tried everything under the moon and they just wouldn't eat.
lourdes fernandez
lourdes fernandez - 7 years ago
Yes yes yes please add be awesome
Charis dlr
Charis dlr - 7 years ago
Wtf was that ham cream cheese and pickles snack?!
lauren grosjean
lauren grosjean - 7 years ago
I've really enjoyed your vlogmas vlogs can't wait to see more!
Morgan Rose
Morgan Rose - 7 years ago
Loooovvee these chill vlogs. Id enjoy it if u kept it up:)
francisco menjivar
francisco menjivar - 7 years ago
Hey are you selling the baby
KMH Reptiles
KMH Reptiles - 7 years ago
You probably are back in Florida you probably left just in time. It’s mad cold here in wisconsin and I know mn has been the same
KMH Reptiles
KMH Reptiles - 7 years ago
Talked to soon lol. That’s how it is here just when you think it’s going to get warm or cold it does the opposite. Your dad has some cool ideas
francisco menjivar
francisco menjivar - 7 years ago
Hey now I know where you get your good looks haha.,
ananth s
ananth s - 7 years ago
Omg! I love your videos jenny
Kaitlyn W
Kaitlyn W - 7 years ago
I’m spending the holiday in Minnesota as well! These freezing cold temperatures have been a real shock to my Texan system. ❄️
francisco menjivar
francisco menjivar - 7 years ago
Good video no great, I miss Minnesota, I'm so jealous have fun enjoy your family it's that's wonderful.
Mia Elizabeth
Mia Elizabeth - 7 years ago
Yeesssss, the Vlog style of video would be so cool, merry Christmas and happy new year Jenny!!!
Jagged Guillermo
Jagged Guillermo - 7 years ago
When I saw Henry, I go NUTS!
Andrew Madden
Andrew Madden - 7 years ago
All i ever catch is sunfish and bluegill when i go fishing. The occasional perch or bass but mostly sunfish. Great vid so glad all your animald are doing good
Mariah Cano
Mariah Cano - 7 years ago
OMG I love hammy rolls! We use zesty spear pickles and a wedge of cream cheese.
Cyberhawkzz - 7 years ago
Why did you move so far away? Just curious.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Dunno if something changed in time.. but this was the story when she first moved
Ecartts - 7 years ago
From what I know or remember.. some people from where she is now asked her if she wants to work with them at some Goldfish farm or something like that (with fish overall)

She said yes and now she s in Orlando :)
kiki dee
kiki dee - 7 years ago
I always get so excited to see new solidgold videos posted. Can’t wait to see the next one with joey visiting again.
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan - 7 years ago
What a precious family you have
Deeznutz !
Deeznutz ! - 7 years ago
Family always comes first. We understand. I love when my favorite you tuber's commingle. Rachel just visited Joey. Joey visiting you. It's the best.
Rozetta - 7 years ago
I went ice fishing in Minnesota today on lake Minnetonka, didn't catch anything :(
FabFish - 7 years ago
can get a shoutout
Bella Marek
Bella Marek - 7 years ago
Bendytendy The Conservative
Bendytendy The Conservative - 7 years ago
Bella Marek same I’m from Blaine, where are you from?
Jason Goad
Jason Goad - 7 years ago
Y don’t u take them back with u back home n put them n a aquarium
Justyne Rud
Justyne Rud - 7 years ago
Pickle roll-ups are sooo good in corn beef
Jonathan Rojas
Jonathan Rojas - 7 years ago
cool fam time vid
Jeffrey Lei
Jeffrey Lei - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas! Glad that you are back!
Sophia Du Pont
Sophia Du Pont - 7 years ago
Springbank Koi And Aquatics
Springbank Koi And Aquatics - 7 years ago
Sophia Du Pont can't beat koi for Christmas
THE VIRAL CAT - 7 years ago
Can't wait to watch you and the king of diy
John James
John James - 7 years ago
Ice Fishing??? I actually in love
Max Ayala
Max Ayala - 7 years ago
saludos me alegro que la ayas pasado muy bien junto a tu familia ......y me alegro de que todas tus mascotas estén super bien ...
Cal Darling
Cal Darling - 7 years ago
I don’t know if you’ll see this but I live in Minnesota!!! It’s freezing today -30 degrees, and I go ice fishing all the time it’s really fun. I do think you should do a mn native tank with some longear sunfish, redsided dace and rainbow darters! It would be awesome and very colorful with lots of movement
Bendytendy The Conservative
Bendytendy The Conservative - 7 years ago
Cal Darling at least you weren’t in grand forks it was -51
Miguel Gama
Miguel Gama - 7 years ago
Cal Darling same
karen pereira
karen pereira - 7 years ago
The first date my grandparents ever had was ice fishing. Cool video looked like you had a fun time Happy New Year! Peace and Hugs KP
Julian Perez
Julian Perez - 7 years ago
Make a fish tank of dose fish
Marc Avall
Marc Avall - 7 years ago
You look nothing like your mom lol
Andy Ward
Andy Ward - 7 years ago
Pigs in blankets are small ( cocktail ) sausages wrapped in streaky bacon and roast in the oven .
Lin Carr
Lin Carr - 7 years ago
Hello Jennie, enjoying your family and friends is definitely more important then vloging .
My husband and I didn't even wrap our gifts for each other. Long story
Forensic Forager
Forensic Forager - 7 years ago
I live in Minnesota!
Kri Bu
Kri Bu - 7 years ago
You explain things like your dad.
Also we also open our presents during Christmas Eve
Rachel Moffat
Rachel Moffat - 7 years ago
Yaaaay! Great vlogmas! Your family is so cute! Looks like you had fun. Not a big bunny fan but yours seems soooo sweet it’s changing my mind. Those sunfish were quite stunning. Happy New Year!
Darryl Gretton
Darryl Gretton - 7 years ago
Is it only in england that 'pigs in blankets' are sausages wrapped in bacon??
Ashley Baker
Ashley Baker - 7 years ago
we put jam and honey on our biscuits too, some of them are even baked with cheese in them. idk lol
Denise  Pollitt
Denise Pollitt - 7 years ago
Ashley Baker . This it what I mean, it's all so confusing but very interesting, lol. If the "biscuits" in "biscuits and gravy " are anything like our version of scones it would be very weird to put any kind of meat "gravy" on them. We have jam and cream with scones.
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
+Ashley Baker - hmmmmm, I don't know mashed potatoes and dinner sausage sounds awfully Australian to me.

PS: thats not all what a scone is.
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
wrapped in pastry
Ashley Baker
Ashley Baker - 7 years ago
Biscuits and gravy is kinda what would be considered scones (I think I’m American
Denise  Pollitt
Denise Pollitt - 7 years ago
Darryl Gretton . I think it must be. It's amazing how different things are in America to the UK. I'm still trying to get my head around " biscuits and gravy" which is a more a southern thing I think. Trust me in is not English biscuits and gravy, lol.
Joshua Fuhrman
Joshua Fuhrman - 7 years ago
Teagan LaRocque
Teagan LaRocque - 7 years ago
Why does the title say vlogmas day 10 but it’s takes place on Christmas and it’s dec 29
Nat Baxter
Nat Baxter - 7 years ago
Ya you caught a fish
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
You did great.... vlogmas was awesome!! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas with your family.....Happy New Year to you .... looking forward to all the exciting things to come in 2018!
Bunny Mama
Bunny Mama - 7 years ago
Jumpin' Joey, I'm looking forward to that. The clip was funny!
Allison Barry
Allison Barry - 7 years ago
glad you had a good time with your family. can't wait to see your next videos
Gavinprior1 - 7 years ago
Are the discuss still in the tank? or what happened to them?
Angel Balboa
Angel Balboa - 7 years ago
Gavinprior1 she couldn't get them to eat anything and so they passed away.
Caroline Sewell
Caroline Sewell - 7 years ago
Gavinprior1 I believe the Discus died
Owen Chute
Owen Chute - 7 years ago
What lake your parents live on I live in Minnesota
Yuki - 7 years ago
please keep up with vlogs I will miss them soo much
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
This is really interesting, I don't know much about ice fishing so it was cool to see.
animallover22 - 7 years ago
Love the hat your brother is wearing have the same one
Gabriel Vinícius
Gabriel Vinícius - 7 years ago
The baby plecos are warriors
Courtney Brommer
Courtney Brommer - 7 years ago
Wisconsin native here, and I love hearing your MN accent come out when you're with family. :)
yingfing thao
yingfing thao - 7 years ago
When I first watched your videos I notice you pronounce bag like beg. I have a friend and she’s from Minnesota. She pronounce bag the same as you, but you live in Florida. After watching this video, now I know why you say bag the way you do, you’re from Minnesota also. My mind exploded.
Eeka Speeka
Eeka Speeka - 7 years ago
Will you go to joeys to see his fishroom?
Texiipop - 7 years ago
I haven't finished watching but I'm screaming lol pigs in blankets are sausages wrapped in bacon XD I think what she was thinking of is a Toad in the Hole? which is a sausage cooked inside of a Yorkshire Pudding
Devin B
Devin B - 7 years ago
Texiipop fully regional, only thing in common is some sort of sausage is involved. I've seen bacon wrapped smoked sausage, pancake wrapped breakfast sausage, corndogs, corn breaded breakfast sausage, croissant wrapped hotdogs, hot dog in a slice of bread folded over it and baked and a few other takes all called pigs in a blanket depending on where I was in the U.S.
Texiipop - 7 years ago
vi warner really? That's cool, when I was in America pigs in blankets were the same, is it a regional thing maybe?
reynolds326ify - 7 years ago
I always thought pigs in a blanket were sausages wrapped in pancakes, that’s always what it’s been on menus where I am from... I am so confused!
Angel Balboa
Angel Balboa - 7 years ago
Texiipop yeah. As someone said already, pigs and a blanket are a hotdog wrapped in croissant
vi warner
vi warner - 7 years ago
Pigs in a blanket are exactly what she described at least in America
RebelSPY618 - 7 years ago
Keep up with the hanging out vlog vids :)
carlmelo - 7 years ago
Crystal Silva
Crystal Silva - 7 years ago
I loved the last video of you and Joey! So hilarious!
Linda Juliusson
Linda Juliusson - 7 years ago
Omg your dad is amazing who have build all that fish house things! lol I don't know how to say it in english I'm sorry. Your family is so nice!!
JAZZ KING9810 - 7 years ago
Happy New Year to you!!
claudia gallagher
claudia gallagher - 7 years ago
Im obsessed with Jennie tbh
Melissa Byers
Melissa Byers - 7 years ago
That was awesome seeing you at home with family. Grandma was a doll. Loved the fish house. Lovely family!
Hillary Pena
Hillary Pena - 7 years ago
I dont understand how you're in the fish hobby yet go fishing ? So do you love fish or not
alicia - 7 years ago
She is a fish breeder, which means she culls (euthanizes/kills) the babies that are not heathy or up to her breeding standards. Couldn’t this spark the same debate? At least with fishing the fish are used for food unlike with culls where they are just destroyed. Just saying, not bashing. To each their own.
Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson - 7 years ago
Justyne Rud exactly I eat chicken hate eating meat but I have so many animals and love animals and I will not kill them myself haha.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Justyne Rud Its a difference between buying a dead fish (or slices of meat) and just cook it at home.. VS hunt the fish / catch the fish.. kill him (by letting it without water or whatever) and cook it when dead

I rather eat the first part.. 2nd part is not for me (I can have fun doing other things than just fishing). I can understand fishing if you are desperate for food and fishing is a solution.. but fishing as a hobby / for fun ? Not for me..
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I felt the same as you when she said she goes to bla bla fishing

But she didnt get the fish to cook it.. she dropped the fish back into the water so its not that bad. + It seems like its mostly her dad s thing.. not straight Jennie
Alicia Loh
Alicia Loh - 7 years ago
Fishing to show off local species.
ralle - 7 years ago
Believe it or not, people can make the distinction of what is or isn't food. She can have fish and also catch/eat fish. :I

Just like you can own farm animals and also eat farm animals. People can have pets and eat animals, lmao.
Justyne Rud
Justyne Rud - 7 years ago
Hillary Pena you can say you love animals but still eat them. A lot of people do. It's kinda similar
Adriana Nguyen
Adriana Nguyen - 7 years ago
Keeping fish is one hobby, and catching fish is another.
sir4movies - 7 years ago
yes please keep making vlog-style vids :)
Marcus Lindvall
Marcus Lindvall - 7 years ago
Great video! I got interested in aquariums and fish keeping through fishing!
julianne davis
julianne davis - 7 years ago
omg i love the pickle wrap things lollll
Gregzilla11 - 7 years ago
Shout out to your dad for wearing an old school Coyotes hat up in Minnesota
chlsk - 7 years ago
aww, I got used to the vlogs. can u like post vlogs even just once a week?
Ajani Benjamin
Ajani Benjamin - 7 years ago
Nice ca
Acuarios Llobregat
Acuarios Llobregat - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas and Happy new year! Nice video
TheJibootyinfiresme - 7 years ago
I love it when my two favourite channels come together
Ajani Benjamin
Ajani Benjamin - 7 years ago
That sunny was beautiful
KOPPAKZZZ - 7 years ago
almost 200K!! YAYYYY
Keyna'Stuff - 7 years ago
COOL. As in very neat. and cold.
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
I always say meh!i also say peh feh bleh and eh! That looked fun!
Jwen7836 - 7 years ago
These are great :) do more vlogs please! (Not saying decrease the animal vids though; you do both very well)
Brooke Tameling
Brooke Tameling - 7 years ago
Jaycee Saunders
Jaycee Saunders - 7 years ago
My dad's name is Marc too
pro clashers
pro clashers - 7 years ago
it snowed all day in St paul
TheJibootyinfiresme - 7 years ago
I love your grandma ❤
sugargliderlove123 - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you,your family and your slimy, scaly and furry family member
pro clashers
pro clashers - 7 years ago
what part of minnesota
Brian and Xman's Aquariums
Brian and Xman's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Good clean family fun...very nice...looked like a pumkin seed sunny that you caught.
Gabe Varns
Gabe Varns - 7 years ago
Love the vlogs, Jenny :)
Unicorn Indy
Unicorn Indy - 7 years ago
Yes def want to see more life vlogs
Unicorn Indy
Unicorn Indy - 7 years ago
I use corn beef in my pickle rolls. Those are the one good item I forgot to buy this Christmas
Unicorn Indy
Unicorn Indy - 7 years ago
Justyne Rud I never find anyone else who likes them. It’s nice to see others enjoy them I seriously go crazy eating them I can eat a whole plate if I don’t be careful they’re addictive
Justyne Rud
Justyne Rud - 7 years ago
Unicorn Indy same. They're so good I run out of them too fast
Zheng Amy
Zheng Amy - 7 years ago
kanong vang
kanong vang - 7 years ago
Best vlogmas ever:)
Pet Craz
Pet Craz - 7 years ago
Yes! Please more hanging around with you! I like you’re videos!
_ LowcusTheYellowGuy_
_ LowcusTheYellowGuy_ - 7 years ago
It’s fricking cold here to fricking hot here
Natasha White
Natasha White - 7 years ago
Oh my goodness, I live in minnesota too! I assume you live somewhere up north lol cause of all the snow and the low temp. I live a little bit south of the twin cities. It's cool to see yourself enjoying urself during the holidays. Enjoy urself!!!
Ema Eklund
Ema Eklund - 7 years ago
I cant fish any more because i feel too bad for the fish
aline da mirror
aline da mirror - 7 years ago
I feel the same way
RedRock Asrama
RedRock Asrama - 7 years ago
Ema Eklund Thank you for saying nicely what I had to bite my tongue for.
AquaticGuru - 7 years ago
your the best :D
hurricanerylee - 7 years ago
Im from Minnesota:)
Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 7 years ago
0:24 I have lived in minnesota my whole life and I have never heard of those.
animallover22 - 7 years ago
Sean Ford REALLY?!?! that's so weird.
Team Squshie
Team Squshie - 7 years ago
Tinkara Razpet
Tinkara Razpet - 7 years ago
He is married now... cryin' here
Chris Littrell
Chris Littrell - 7 years ago
How does this comment have any business being here?
You wouldn't give a second glance if he wasn't popular on youtube.
I think my eyes rolled so hard when i seen this comment I'm having a hard time seeing straight lmao.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
You are a beautiful girl.. no need to cry

You will find your own ,,Joey,, ;)
Gamefowl! /Life/Stile/
Gamefowl! /Life/Stile/ - 7 years ago
i so love fishing and pets you got the best of both worlds great video.
ya girl fundip
ya girl fundip - 7 years ago
Wow, sounds much more fun than staying home and playing on the computer all week when you're sick lol.
Sadya Barber
Sadya Barber - 7 years ago
analog56x - 7 years ago
Yes, definitely more vlog style videos Jennie!
Heather - 7 years ago
Your ice fishing adventure looked so fun! Glad you enjoyed time with your family (we don't blame you for not editing while you were there!) LOVE these collabs with Joey, too!!
Penni Penni
Penni Penni - 7 years ago
Thank you for taking me home to Minnesota for Christmas. I grew up on the shores of Lake Minnetonka live in Florida now. Although when we roll pickles and cream cheese up we roll it up in lefsa and bologna. I've spent many many a long night out in the fish house having a best time. Thank you so much I got tears in my eyes I'm home sick now.
Penni Penni
Penni Penni - 7 years ago
P.S. when you guys are walking that high squeak crunch of the snow I can tell it is really cold!
Michael Eugenio
Michael Eugenio - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing this with us . Very nice family.
Javier Duenas
Javier Duenas - 7 years ago
Anyone who can rock a skull necklace during the holidays, ice fish, AND raise fish too is immediately cool in my book!
Jami B
Jami B - 7 years ago
I've never gotten here this early! Thanks for sharing with us!!
Amanda Standley
Amanda Standley - 7 years ago
Really enjoyed watching your vlogs!
Kevin Leong
Kevin Leong - 7 years ago
How do you feed and maintain your pets when you go on a trip? How do you make sure your perimeters are right?
darkiee69 - 7 years ago
darkiee69 - 7 years ago
She said the axolotls hadn't been fed. All the others have been fed.
Kevin Leong
Kevin Leong - 7 years ago
Yes but she also said none of her pets had been fed during the whole time so I was wondering what the house sitter did.
darkiee69 - 7 years ago
She had a pet sitter.
Dewey Bussell
Dewey Bussell - 7 years ago
I love the family time. Fishing is a big part of my family as well. Love it
Allen Jones
Allen Jones - 7 years ago
Omgggggg I love your videos already me and my friend are herp/fish keepers (I keep alot of more bigger cichlids and rainbows and he's a nano guy) and i love your videos and i introduced him to your channel about a month ago, but we're also both huge fisherman and are ice fishing in ohio tommorow and im so excited to see you doing this just aaah! :) STAY GOLD <3
Valeria Sanchez
Valeria Sanchez - 7 years ago
I am so early that when I scrolled down to see the comment there weren’t any
Mark Lorenz
Mark Lorenz - 7 years ago
Your granda reminds me of mine <3
Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
Aren't Grandmas just the best <3
Kevin Leong
Kevin Leong - 7 years ago
Always LOVE watching your VIDEOS
N Conomos
N Conomos - 7 years ago
Irven Townsend
Irven Townsend - 7 years ago
I love your videos
Yoni Sanchez
Yoni Sanchez - 7 years ago
Love you....
AquaticGuru - 7 years ago
Alyssa Fenolio
Alyssa Fenolio - 7 years ago
Rileyy T
Rileyy T - 7 years ago
Jenna your the best. I extremely love you.
silvia cruz
silvia cruz - 7 years ago
I love your videos ❤️❤️❤️
Fishmeup - 7 years ago
Everything Animals
Everything Animals - 7 years ago
nina v
nina v - 7 years ago
Fishmeup - 7 years ago

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