Inti Aquarium, World's Largest Discus Fish Hatchery
Discus 14 years ago 137,952 views
Website: Like Us on Facebook: Peter Thode's 2007 visit to Inti Aquarium in Medan, Indonesia. They are the largest discus fish hatchery in the world. Thanks for watching!
Tapi Hasil pencarian google mengatakan Seperti Alamat dan No telepon di bawah ini..
Nomor telepon Inti Aquarium Medan: +62.61.7860852 Fax: 061 6496081
Alamat Inti Aquarium:
Jl Bangun Sari 67, Pandau Hulu II, Medan Area Propinsi/Kota: Medan
Kode pos: 20211
Inti Aquarium
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soalnya yg ngeliput videonya Itu Orang Bule...
jadi percuma ga bakalan di baless
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