Inti Aquarium, World's Largest Discus Fish Hatchery

Website: Like Us on Facebook: Peter Thode's 2007 visit to Inti Aquarium in Medan, Indonesia. They are the largest discus fish hatchery in the world. Thanks for watching!

Inti Aquarium, World's Largest Discus Fish Hatchery sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Discus 14 years ago 137,952 views

Website: Like Us on Facebook: Peter Thode's 2007 visit to Inti Aquarium in Medan, Indonesia. They are the largest discus fish hatchery in the world. Thanks for watching!

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Most popular comments
for Inti Aquarium, World's Largest Discus Fish Hatchery

Philipp Meinhardt
Philipp Meinhardt - 7 years ago
Schreckliche Zustände, deswegen habe ich nur Stendker Diskus, und nicht diese Asiaten
dirk mouvet
dirk mouvet - 7 years ago
sieht doch alles gut aus. ist bei stendker nicht anders, nur das die diskus aus warendorf einfach nur graesslich sind. ich kenne die inti brueder persoenlich. nette menschen die ihr handwerk verstehen.
Eddyes Emerald
Eddyes Emerald - 8 years ago
jika ingin menjadi reseller nya gmn ya, kbtulan saya punya toko khusus ikan discus
zainal harahap
zainal harahap - 9 years ago
Om kalo boleh tau. Alamatnya dimana. Saya sudah muter2 di jalan s. Parman. Tapi gak dapat. Mohon balasannya
Johny Desperado
Johny Desperado - 9 years ago
Alamat Inti Aquarium Jl Bangun Sari 67. Anda dapat menghubungi perusahaan di (061) 7860852.
Johny Desperado
Johny Desperado - 9 years ago
+zainal harahap Sebenarnya Saya tinggal di jakarta...

Tapi Hasil pencarian google mengatakan Seperti Alamat dan No telepon di bawah ini..

Nomor telepon Inti Aquarium Medan: +62.61.7860852 Fax: 061 6496081
Alamat Inti Aquarium:
Jl Bangun Sari 67, Pandau Hulu II, Medan Area Propinsi/Kota: Medan
Kode pos: 20211
Inti Aquarium

Semoga bermanfaat
zainal harahap
zainal harahap - 9 years ago
Di jalan apa om. Udh muter2 gak dapat2 tmptnya
Johny Desperado
Johny Desperado - 9 years ago
Cari di google aja mending Om...
soalnya yg ngeliput videonya Itu Orang Bule...
jadi percuma ga bakalan di baless
Scale Lily
Scale Lily - 10 years ago
Huge operation; I wonder if he has an already soft water source if he has hard water that he has to treat.  #discus   #aquaculture   #fish   #hobbyist   #tropicalfish  
Ded Zefyr
Ded Zefyr - 11 years ago
I'm severely icthyphobic, and I have nightmares about places like this...
D GW - 11 years ago
At first I was thinking that this is a cruel operation, but you make a very valid point. These people don't want fish to die, it costs them money. I would have to say they have no choice but to provide quality/healthy fish.
Thenandnow Allisgone
Thenandnow Allisgone - 11 years ago
Obviously these fish are healthy and happy, since you have to be doing something right in order for discus to breed. This isn't a fucking puppy mill, these are full bodied, alert, kings of the aquarium, and actually this one of the nicer operations I've seen. You know nothing about discus, go home.
Horacio Xavier
Horacio Xavier - 11 years ago
yes but worst it's people who caugth this in their habitat... and kill all the specie... so...
frank latulippe
frank latulippe - 11 years ago
so many discus in little tanks!!! dislike!!

10. comment for Inti Aquarium, World's Largest Discus Fish Hatchery

Richards Aquarium
Richards Aquarium - 12 years ago
they must hab=ve some money sitting there who said indonesia was poor lol
Lizbeth John
Lizbeth John - 12 years ago
I have so many of this fish
Rendra Hehuwat
Rendra Hehuwat - 12 years ago
Whew.. Good job..!!
Rizka Miranti
Rizka Miranti - 12 years ago
Haha, its usual for the employee of there to be naked when work. Cause the temperature is high enough.
MIKE ROGERS - 12 years ago
Allot of good Sushi If I must say so myself !! I'm amazed at the size of this Fish Farm !!! Congrats to you guys ... !!!!
Boy Waskito
Boy Waskito - 12 years ago
Wow...I've just seen it... Wow...Gua baru aja liat... Wish I can go there & buy some..
Peter Sorto
Peter Sorto - 12 years ago
LOL i just noticed that
PaNdeM0niuM - 12 years ago
with sooooooooo many discus, WHY DO THEY COST SO MUCH ???
HaikallP - 12 years ago
indo hebat juga ya gan?
Antoneeo Lasamahu
Antoneeo Lasamahu - 13 years ago
punya siapa farmnya ya ????

20. comment for Inti Aquarium, World's Largest Discus Fish Hatchery

zerounite - 13 years ago
@GwynnbrookFarm Not to mention it looks clean and proper. Looks like they take good care of the fishes
GwynnbrookFarm - 13 years ago
@zerounite I'd like to visit it too. My Dad was amazed at their huge facility. He couldn't believe how large their place was. Thousands of large tanks filled with nice discus and arowanas.
zerounite - 13 years ago
wow I would love to visit that place one day
napongthorn sarasit
napongthorn sarasit - 13 years ago
GwynnbrookFarm - 13 years ago
@tanmay0311 We use sodium bisulfate when we need to lower pH.
tanmay sharma
tanmay sharma - 14 years ago
wat do you use to lower the ph of water ???

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