Jacob's Planted Discus Aquarium

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Jacob's Planted Discus Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Discus 13 years ago 8,409 views

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Most popular comments
for Jacob's Planted Discus Aquarium

Eric Hsu
Eric Hsu - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video. I live in Seal Beach Orange County in CA. We are neighbors. It is hard water in the area. Do you use tap water, RO water, or mix? Thanks!
coolwater411 - 10 years ago
I really like Discus fish, but they are expense! Where do you buy your discus fish at?
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+coolwater411 Hi, I bought my discus from a local breeder on craigslist. The best fish sometimes don't come from a pet store. You can save allot of money too. Thanks for watching friend :)
jay Chaminda
jay Chaminda - 10 years ago
Hi jacob
Whats the gravel that you use on the tank.?looking pretty natural and nice
glennfabian - 13 years ago
Great video. I think you should spread the dwarf hair grass into small chunks. That's how I started my tank.
Gaetano Caminiti
Gaetano Caminiti - 13 years ago
You have a beautiful aquarium because in the future considering all the beautiful plants and beautiful discus fish will become a jewel! Good idea to put the Elodea canadensis because I also had this plant in my aquarium and I assure you that not only grow out of creating a nice view of the aquarium, it provides both to water and fish, a significant amount of oxygen and also absorb nitrates and then .... Good choice !
JacobsAquarium - 13 years ago
@ISUBANY11 Its a 50 gallon tall all glass aquarium.
JacobsAquarium - 13 years ago
@TheFishTeen I simply scooped it out with a fish net, as you see I have left some gravel in the tank, so some good bacteria still remains. Plus both filters have a bio trickle chamber, those c nodes have plenty of good bacteria to keep the tank low on nitrates and stuff. I tested my water multiple times and I have seen no signs of a re cycle. The tank has been set up this way for about three weeks now, thanks for the comment and watching! :-)
TheFishTeen - 13 years ago
What method did you use to switch out the gravel? Usually the gravel is the main bacteria source and if you remove it, your tank might go through a mini-cycle, so the bacteria can replenish itself.
KillSwitch - 13 years ago
How big is that tank?

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