Jewel Cichlid Tank Care - Full Grown & Tank Mates
Discus 7 years ago 945 views - I feed all my jewel cichlids these dried shrimp cubes. They’re full of protein and they snatch them up like crazy. Omega Shrimp Sticks: Cichlid Pellets: Here’s my jewel cichlid care guide. What's wrong with Tobasco? The water parameters are perfect. The other 5 platies are healthy and active. Back in October they were in an uncycled tank and Tobasco developed a red spot on his head. After the nitrogen cycle was established, he got a lot healthier. His lips turned back to black from white, the red spot on his head got smaller but never fully went away. Now he looks like this. He lost weight very suddenly, looked like this for a week, looked healthy again, now he's back to this. Thin, pineconing a little, and his spine is bent. I feed him separately because the other fish are so much faster to eat and they push him around. What else can I do? I don't think he has parasites because they probably would have spread to the other fish since October. Could it be the hemorrhage in his head causing this? #WeAreGonnaNeedABiggerTank! The new tenants moved into the 60 gallon a couple days ago. Hopefully they will pay the rent on time. 😝 okay, as long as they continue to be entertaining and watch tv with me, they can have free room and board. Lol I’ve been going into the LFS for over 3 months talking to these guys and finally decided to make due on my promise to give them a home. I named the big guy Luca Brasi...well you know... cause he sleeps wif da fishes and has that tough guy expression on his face. I swear I saw him mouth the words “wtf is this sh*t” when I put a piece of broccoli in. Haven’t named the others yet. Gotta wait and see their personalities. I put some frozen carrots in this morning. They nibbled at them, but the fish jury is still out debating on if it’s going to remain part of their varied diet. Hello I didn’t know how to leave comments under your videos so I am trying this.. I have a couple of JD’s as you can hopefully see in this pic he is yellow and dark and blue and pink I have never seen one like this before I was told he was or it I am assuming it’s a male is a yellow morph haven’t found anything on that topic was wondering if you could help? *White poop alert* Read the sticky, but my guy it's behaving different then the post. He hides a bunch, not bloated, has not lost any color, and is only semi interested in blood worms. I noticed this about a week ago. Poop is white, segmented, and long. I removed all my decor and have been doing daily wc's (going on day 3). I was going to continue this and observe. At what point do I attempt to medicate? And if/when I do, is it a parasite, bacterial, a worm, or just high stress? My other discus seem fine. Tank is currently at 84 degrees. Jewel cichlid care. Those of you who have sand bottoms to your discus tank, post some pics of your setup! I’m tired of the dirty look to my bare bottom from those messy water piggies and toying with ideas, but I’m torn.... lemme see what you have or give me suggestions 🙂 the monsters await your ideas. I do this every 6 months. Since I mix hot and cold and go straight to the tank for water changes, I just want to make sure I’m not adding any heavy metals or whatever unnecessarily. I put a bottle of polyfil at the end of the hose to see if I catch any sediment. Nothing remarkable to report. If it’s been more than 6 months for you and you’re just playing on the internet, you can do yours today too. Just a friendly reminder... Oh I don’t add salt unless they are ill. There is literally 0 salt in the amazon, it’s pretty much the softest water in the world, barely any dissolved solids. I figure if adding salt helps cure illness, maintaining a little salt helps prevent illness. Salinity kills certain external parasites and aids gill function. I don't think it's a necessity, but I'm not aware how it harms the fish so I do it as benefit. Not high levels. Maybe a tbl spoon per 20-25 gallons. About 25% the level I maintain when they're sick. I've seen no ill effect on them. They're healthy, happy and active. I don't add any salt but fish tolerate it much better than people give them credit for. I have used salt to cure ich with plecos cories glass cats loaches other cats etc etc and they never showed any stress from the salt. But if they don't need salt I wouldn't use it... All it's gonna do to breed salt resistant parasites in your tank. And it's not just his business but majority of them out their. Some even sell the fish cheap but the shipping cost is 10 times the price of the fish. If you can’t or don’t want to pay the price for high quality stay out of the hobby. mike well its not just 1 fish. its like a group of 4-6, Over night.Ive been looking to buy discus for a while which I already did and majority of the places try making money off of shipping cost.
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