Josh's Discus Fish Tank - Blue Fish Aquarium 11.13.14
Discus 10 years ago 63,952 views
Here is Josh's 125 gallon (60"x18"x24") with 11 discus fish, 50 cardinal tetras, 10 sterbai corydoras, 1 royal farlowella, 2 reticulated borneo suckers, and 2 long-fin electric blue rams. This tank has been running for approximately 5 months. The strains of discus in this tank are a marlboro red, 2 x blue snakeskin, red turquoise, 2 x cobalt, blue pigeon blood, red pigeon blood, snakeskin x flachen, red snakeskin, and a red turquoise. These fish get fed 2 or 3 times a day and are fed Hikari frozen brine shrimp, Hikari frozen blood worms, San Francisco Bay frozen beef heart plus, and discus flake. The aquarium normally gets a 33% water change a week but does sometimes get a 25% water change twice a week. Filtration on this tank includes 2 x Fluval 305 canister filters and is heated by 2 x Cobalt 250 watt glass heaters, maintaining a temperature of 81 degrees Fahrenheit. Live plants include a bronze wendtii crypt, green gecko crypt, crypt spiralis, and a compact sword. Decor rock includes a mixture of lace rock and pagoda stone, as well as some driftwood. The substrate is mostly sand with Carib Sea Ecocomplete Black behind the rocks and driftwood to support the plants' needs.
This is wonderful I just have a question about filteration of the tank. How do you clean the debris from the substrate, specially in the areas beneath driftwood? In general, what do you recommend for filteration of discus fish tank? I am new to this field :)
10. comment for Josh's Discus Fish Tank - Blue Fish Aquarium 11.13.14
What Tamp?
I was told 80°