Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday
Discus 10 years ago 104,244 views
-I was thinking about this the other day. I was going through and kinda listing- What are my favorite fish. Like Number one- I’d have to say angelfish. Yep- out of all of the freshwater fish out there. I am taking angelfish. And yo folks- this is over Red Ryukin goldfish and bosemani Rainbows- Angelfish are by far and away my favorite aquarium fish. You can learn how I keep Angelfish here in this video. Check out these ALTUM ANGELS! Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: So on this species Sunday- we are gonna be talking about angelfish. Angelfish come from all over south America and the Amazon basin. The scientific name Pterophyllum is derived from the Greek πτερον, pteron (fin/sail) and φυλλον, phyllon (leaf). Which obviously their tall fin shows us how they got their name. They are a part of the cichlid family and will show their aggressive behavior and bullying of each other. This is kinda what I like about them- they are graceful looking but don’t take any ! They have that territorial behavior. Especially when breeding- I have found that the best way to get them to breed is to purchase a group of like 6 of them as juveniles and let them pair off on their own. NOTE: for me, at one point in the pre-YouTube era I had two breed sets of them in this tank, which were separated with a giant mass of water wisteria- Personally- I believe fish- Like humans like a privacy when they wanna get busy if you know what I’m saying. At this time I had one who was the “5th” wheel who just got pounded between the two breeding sets Breeding these fish is pretty easy to do, which is part of the reason they are so readily available in the hobby. Also too, generally speaking, you would rather have a captive bred fish than a wild caught one as they are hardier. My guess is that 99% of the fish you see in the shops are bred in captivity. The exception would be Altums which leads me on to some of the different varieties of these bad boys. Why not start with the sweetest variety- Altums. So sweet. These are the most pimp Angel fish I have seen. They get 30 cm OR A FOOT TALL! They are WAY more sensitive and have a rough time in shipping. They require a PH as low as 4.8-6 with very little hardness in the water- If you can keep a light flow under them in the tank. Live Black worms for food. Tap water lots of driftwood. Colombia and Venezuela, where it occurs in the upper Rio Negro and tributaries of the upper Rio Orinoco including the Rio Inìrida and Rio Atabapo. Yes, there are other kinds of Angelfish. Tell me what you know about Anglefish. and if you are just joining us.... Facebook: Instagram: Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale!
10. comment for Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday
I follow your channel regularly...I want your opinion on angelfish filtration
My tank specs are
90 Gallon
10 Adult Angelfish, 12 corys, 10 Simese Algae Eaters
I am using Sponge Filter currently..
Kindly suggest.
Thanks in advance
20. comment for Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday
30. comment for Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday
I have came up with a list of fish for a 30 to 55 gal aquarium here they are
Kuhli Loachs if 55 gal
Blushy nose pleco
I need a type of schooling fish like a tetra any suggestions?
50. comment for Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday
wing, feather, or a part resembling a wing
(Don't pronounce the the "T")
Think pterodactyl.
one having (such) leaves or leaf like parts.
Anyway, I have one Phillipine blue marble pearlscale veil tail angelfish. One standard silver striped veil tail. One standard finned gold pearlscale, one standard finned silver striped with red eyes, one standard finned smokey pinnoy with red eyes and one standard finned black, white, and gold marbled angel.
the tank is a 75 gal
please can you make a video on how to make a diy co2 diffuzer at home
They are not Wild Altums, they were born in Germany from Wild parents, I had them for about two year now, and so far are about 25.5 cm high or about 10 inches and they keep growing, they share the tank with 3 discus.
My tank is well established and the Ph is about 6.4 to 6.6 and they are just fine.
I personally never had any issues with them. Except the one time I removed all the gravel and wood, and tried to have bare bottom tank, My Ph shoot up to about 7.5, OMG! Such a stupid idea. Once I put everything back the Ph normalize and everyone was happy.
They are not that hard to keep, next time you see them, get them, you will never regret it !!!
100. comment for Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday
Glad to see the angel video. They were my first fish as a kid and the first cichlid I successfully bred and raised. I almost always have them kicking around in the fish room somewhere. They're a beautiful and rewarding addition to the home aquarium.
Keep up the good work and I nust say love the way your videos have become so much more professional and mature over the years.