Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday

-I was thinking about this the other day. I was going through and kinda listing- What are my favorite fish. Like Number one- I’d have to say angelfish. Yep- out of all of the freshwater fish out there. I am taking angelfish. And yo folks- this is over Red Ryukin goldfish and bosemani Rainbows- Angelfish are by far and away my favorite aquarium fish. You can learn how I keep Angelfish here in this video. Check out these ALTUM ANGELS! Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: So on this species Sunday- we are gonna be talking about angelfish. Angelfish come from all over south America and the Amazon basin. The scientific name Pterophyllum is derived from the Greek πτερον, pteron (fin/sail) and φυλλον, phyllon (leaf). Which obviously their tall fin shows us how they got their name. They are a part of the cichlid family and will show their aggressive behavior and bullying of each other. This is kinda what I like about them- they are graceful looking but don’t take any ! They have that territorial behavior. Especially when breeding- I have found that the best way to get them to breed is to purchase a group of like 6 of them as juveniles and let them pair off on their own. NOTE: for me, at one point in the pre-YouTube era I had two breed sets of them in this tank, which were separated with a giant mass of water wisteria- Personally- I believe fish- Like humans like a privacy when they wanna get busy if you know what I’m saying. At this time I had one who was the “5th” wheel who just got pounded between the two breeding sets Breeding these fish is pretty easy to do, which is part of the reason they are so readily available in the hobby. Also too, generally speaking, you would rather have a captive bred fish than a wild caught one as they are hardier. My guess is that 99% of the fish you see in the shops are bred in captivity. The exception would be Altums which leads me on to some of the different varieties of these bad boys. Why not start with the sweetest variety- Altums. So sweet. These are the most pimp Angel fish I have seen. They get 30 cm OR A FOOT TALL! They are WAY more sensitive and have a rough time in shipping. They require a PH as low as 4.8-6 with very little hardness in the water- If you can keep a light flow under them in the tank. Live Black worms for food. Tap water lots of driftwood. Colombia and Venezuela, where it occurs in the upper Rio Negro and tributaries of the upper Rio Orinoco including the Rio Inìrida and Rio Atabapo. Yes, there are other kinds of Angelfish. Tell me what you know about Anglefish. and if you are just joining us.... Facebook: Instagram: Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale!

Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday sentiment_very_dissatisfied 127

Discus 10 years ago 104,245 views

-I was thinking about this the other day. I was going through and kinda listing- What are my favorite fish. Like Number one- I’d have to say angelfish. Yep- out of all of the freshwater fish out there. I am taking angelfish. And yo folks- this is over Red Ryukin goldfish and bosemani Rainbows- Angelfish are by far and away my favorite aquarium fish. You can learn how I keep Angelfish here in this video. Check out these ALTUM ANGELS! Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: So on this species Sunday- we are gonna be talking about angelfish. Angelfish come from all over south America and the Amazon basin. The scientific name Pterophyllum is derived from the Greek πτερον, pteron (fin/sail) and φυλλον, phyllon (leaf). Which obviously their tall fin shows us how they got their name. They are a part of the cichlid family and will show their aggressive behavior and bullying of each other. This is kinda what I like about them- they are graceful looking but don’t take any ! They have that territorial behavior. Especially when breeding- I have found that the best way to get them to breed is to purchase a group of like 6 of them as juveniles and let them pair off on their own. NOTE: for me, at one point in the pre-YouTube era I had two breed sets of them in this tank, which were separated with a giant mass of water wisteria- Personally- I believe fish- Like humans like a privacy when they wanna get busy if you know what I’m saying. At this time I had one who was the “5th” wheel who just got pounded between the two breeding sets Breeding these fish is pretty easy to do, which is part of the reason they are so readily available in the hobby. Also too, generally speaking, you would rather have a captive bred fish than a wild caught one as they are hardier. My guess is that 99% of the fish you see in the shops are bred in captivity. The exception would be Altums which leads me on to some of the different varieties of these bad boys. Why not start with the sweetest variety- Altums. So sweet. These are the most pimp Angel fish I have seen. They get 30 cm OR A FOOT TALL! They are WAY more sensitive and have a rough time in shipping. They require a PH as low as 4.8-6 with very little hardness in the water- If you can keep a light flow under them in the tank. Live Black worms for food. Tap water lots of driftwood. Colombia and Venezuela, where it occurs in the upper Rio Negro and tributaries of the upper Rio Orinoco including the Rio Inìrida and Rio Atabapo. Yes, there are other kinds of Angelfish. Tell me what you know about Anglefish. and if you are just joining us.... Facebook: Instagram: Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale!

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Most popular comments
for Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday

jorgemejia32 - 7 years ago
How many angel fish can I put in a 65 gallon tank?
kevinl98 - 7 years ago
jorgemejia32 about 4 to 5 will do!
wendell stamper
wendell stamper - 7 years ago
Dustin is it a bad idea to keep two angels together without knowing if they’re male or female? Will be going in my community rainbow tank. Thanks
The Fish man
The Fish man - 7 years ago
Intro scared me a bit lol!
Wild Pets
Wild Pets - 7 years ago
You sound evil but your information is nice... Not being rude. Its a compliment. Can i put cherry shrimp with them?
dtip4life 8472
dtip4life 8472 - 7 years ago
In 1975 got a silver Angel fish that was the size of a nickel for 10 cents at the LFS. In 1977 despite being in a 30 long tank with other fish its' body grew to about 6 inches and its fins extended from its' body another 6 inches. It lasted a few more years. Is that unusual for a Angel fish to get that big in a 30 gallon tank?
Megan Dodson
Megan Dodson - 7 years ago
How hard is your water? I want to keep angels but my water is hard af and all this talk of soft water has kept me from doing it.
Søren Andersen
Søren Andersen - 7 years ago
smart ass
Wyatt Afterglow
Wyatt Afterglow - 7 years ago
nothing about flow nothing to learn actually
Zhou Chris
Zhou Chris - 7 years ago
Lean to speak properly man

10. comment for Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday

Laurent Lieser
Laurent Lieser - 7 years ago
You're very stupid guy...
Jonathan Simpson
Jonathan Simpson - 7 years ago
have anyone had any suspension of a single angel fish killing other tankmates?
Ron Johnson
Ron Johnson - 7 years ago
I adopted 2 mated pairs of angels (nearly full grown) from a guy who was getting rid of his tank, and I put them in my 90. They constantly lay eggs and fight and I'm sick of seeing them get hurt. Would upgrading to a 125 gallon help or would that extra 2 feet in length not stop them from fighting?
Holly Anderson
Holly Anderson - 7 years ago
One of my angels has two small white growths on above his noes its not ich that for sure, I wondering if the other Angel could have done that to him but anyways you or anyone else have any ideas what it could be ? They are both very healthy and always wanting food which is a good sigh no parasite's ich ect, its some kind of growth or wound has to be..
tank9er michael
tank9er michael - 7 years ago
yo I have a high ph where I live...I have other angels in other tanks that are doing just fine in this water... but I just bought a pair of koi angelfish for another tank...think they will be ok? or shld i try to lower the ph....thanks man!
tank9er michael
tank9er michael - 7 years ago
note- I'm not trying to spawn them..if they do sweet but it's not the "goal".
Sameer Mhatre
Sameer Mhatre - 7 years ago
Hi Dustin,
I follow your channel regularly...I want your opinion on angelfish filtration
My tank specs are
90 Gallon
10 Adult Angelfish, 12 corys, 10 Simese Algae Eaters
I am using Sponge Filter currently..

Kindly suggest.

Thanks in advance
Remington Ewing
Remington Ewing - 7 years ago
Way overstocked man, angels and Siamese algae eaters can both get up to 6 inches each, and 10 angels need a much bigger tank, I would reduce it to 4 angels, 3 algae eaters, and those 12 cories. Maybe you could add a dwarf gourami in there aswell, or a shoal of large tetras
Holly Anderson
Holly Anderson - 7 years ago
I could really use some advise ASAP on my two new angles ,I got one yesterday and one today they are both juveniles about 1 in a half to 2 inches long , the problem is the new one is picking on the other one he's not hurting him/ her or anything he will chase him but only for a second other times he will ignore my other angle altogether. The one I got yesterday seems unhappy since I got the new one. He's staying at the top of the tank for 10 minutes at a time than will swim a little and go back to the top of the tank in the corner again. I think he's scared of the new angle even though he is actually a little bigger. Can you please tell me if this is normal behavior or not ? Other times they swim right past each other and stay close to each other but not very often , if you can please give me some advise on what the problem might be I'd really appreciate it, if it gets worse I'm going to take the new angle back to the store.. Please help!!
Small Tacklebox Fishing
Small Tacklebox Fishing - 7 years ago
I have a 25 or 30 gallon tank with two angels and I want to know if I can put my betta in there.
Jerome Saverimuttu
Jerome Saverimuttu - 7 years ago
Small Tacklebox Fishing nooooooo
Wayne Stapleton
Wayne Stapleton - 7 years ago
What a complete fool.. Obviously after 10 years, he knows nothing about Angelfish
Douglas Pereira
Douglas Pereira - 8 years ago
Porco Dio!!!!!

20. comment for Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday

Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Check out my new: No Maintenance Aquarium Videos
CRETIN216 - 8 years ago
SUP MAN!.Mike from cleveland..go BROWNS! angels.i got 2 i had for about 6 years.i got videos on my page of them laying eggs.check it out!...igot a few nice batches out of them.i wanna make my tank (29)gal. a community tank.wondering what fish get along with them and do i have enough your channel bro!
walt russell
walt russell - 8 years ago
Alike women I like them all
pure era vlogs
pure era vlogs - 8 years ago
Jay's Aquariums
Jay's Aquariums - 8 years ago
I kept altums before in my 150 gallon and the guy i got them from quarantined then already so i didnt have to bother with that. They are susceptible to columnaris and white spot though, but once they are acclimated they are hardy. i had mine acclimate to a ph of 6.5-7 before they died
ershelton85 - 8 years ago
Hey dustin, i have a quick question? I have 4 discus and 2 angels in a planted 55 gallon tank, on of my angels has holes in its gill plates and will not eat it only hovers near the surface breathing heavy. I have looked all over the internet and can't find a straight answer to this question, Please help!
John’s tanks and more.
John’s tanks and more. - 7 years ago
Look up gill flukes or hexamita (hole in the head disease)
G B - 8 years ago
Shut up! God, I've never heard anyone use so many words to say nothing!
chad moore
chad moore - 8 years ago
you suck  you never told us anything about how to keep them at all!
Hugh Mungus
Hugh Mungus - 8 years ago
I had some Altum angels , but then one day the heater stopped working and they died
Hugh Mungus
Hugh Mungus - 8 years ago
saamohod They both die in the end .
saamohod - 8 years ago
Would you prefer your Altum angels stopped working and your heater died?
dragonrage122 - 8 years ago
i have a question on how to add new angelfish to an aquarium. I have one in a mostly empty 55 that's been on his/her own for about five months, but i'd like a group of around four or five in the future. should i add a full group at once so he's not battering them mercilessly or is there another way to go about it?

30. comment for Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday

Seth Hall
Seth Hall - 8 years ago
Hey Dustin! I have been watching your videos of community freshwater fish.
I have came up with a list of fish for a 30 to 55 gal aquarium here they are

Kuhli Loachs if 55 gal



Blushy nose pleco


I need a type of schooling fish like a tetra any suggestions?
Michael Solis
Michael Solis - 8 years ago
The Golfing Fishkeeper Zebra Danios would be pretty neat.
Pigglesx Griff
Pigglesx Griff - 8 years ago
Rummynose tetras are a nice additional to tanks, just make sure they're to big to fit in the Anglefishes mouth. Also with Gouramis, i had two in the same tank and they ripped shreads of each other. Provide plenty of cover for the loaches also, or the Anglefish will think they're a worm!
Aquaristik Master
Aquaristik Master - 8 years ago
witch temperture is your tank bro ?
Count - 8 years ago
Fuck, I'm a ravens fan
Thomas Gaglione
Thomas Gaglione - 8 years ago
Hey man, love your vids! I got an angel fish a few weeks ago and he/she just seems so bored in my tank (55 gal). Are they schooling fish?
Pigglesx Griff
Pigglesx Griff - 8 years ago
Yes mate, most definitely.. Usually in groups of 6-8 until they pair up then things can get a little messy.
Carri Tolbert
Carri Tolbert - 8 years ago
i recently purchased my first angelfish. i couldnt tell you what variety if i tried. they are stll about the size of a quarter and are already getting agressive with my small tetras. any pointers????
Pigglesx Griff
Pigglesx Griff - 8 years ago
Remove the Tetra's as they are a natural food source, or provide plenty of plant coverings and caves etc so they can hide.
Joash Miranda
Joash Miranda - 8 years ago
I live in Bolivia, which is close to the Amazon River. I have two altums about 4 months old, and two marble angelfish. Great fish and yes they LOVE blackworms.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
What's up Fishtank People? I am doing a bunch of 30 second videos on Instagram- Follow me for more shorter random videos CLICK HERE:
Sky Guy
Sky Guy - 8 years ago
ever had any puffer fish as pets I know you love angel fish I like Angels this too I just can't keep them in my tank size my dad used to take care of them when I was younger like 30 tanks worth so just let me know what you think about puffer fish because I love them
noah shaw
noah shaw - 8 years ago
Ball sweat
Before I say this, I'm ugly.
Before I say this, I'm ugly. - 8 years ago
fallriver999 - 8 years ago
NPSH - 8 years ago
always nice to see your greeting opening DUSTIN fish tanks............
AnragTheGamer 777
AnragTheGamer 777 - 8 years ago
man angels live with which fish??
lizzyanthus1 - 8 years ago
I've always loved Angelfish too, Dustin! I got 9 when you got the sale going at Imperial Tropicals back in the beginning or so of this year. (2016). Super great buy one get two free sale! These guys are beautiful too, and growing very well. Hungry little buggers though, aren't they? Or is it just mine? LOL. Feeding them flaked food and blood worms and freeze dried baby shrimp. They also like the algea wafers, when I feed them to the BN Plecos I got at the same time. Also they will eat shrimp pellets. They don't bother my plants though of which I am grateful!
AristotleX2016 - 8 years ago
I was wondering if a 85 gallon long would be ok I was concerned that at just under 18 inches high it would not be high enough for adult Angels...
becksta29 - 8 years ago
hey mate can you please do a video on species of worms and parasites in the fresh water fish tanks that we all have to look out for?i have had so many types of worms and bugs etc living in my tansk its driving me nuts not knowing what they are and if they will hurt my fish or not.thers this new one that's got a black head and tail and black markings uneven lines along some of its body and its like cream off white brownish,it looks like some kind of insect larvae to me and I have had a lot of flying insects in the house and around tank and its laying light brown eggs along top of water line.please help me anyone if you know heaps bout worms,i am going to post some vids soon as my stupid iphone lets me download them to my pc,i have never done a vid on youtube before but il try and get it done soon and then maybe someone can help me identify them
oqihouqiop - 8 years ago
you should take those out first off then go buy a fish known for eating insects. also maybe get an African butterfly they will keep the top of your tank safe from bugs landing on the water
Ryan CM
Ryan CM - 8 years ago
I just got an angel fish from the pet shop like an hour ago
RJ plays
RJ plays - 8 years ago
what fish can be good choice as tank mates for angel fish??
Pigglesx Griff
Pigglesx Griff - 8 years ago
Pretty much anything they can't eat
virtualguitarist - 8 years ago
Im looking for some red angel fish or koi angels that have a high percentage of red. Are you fermiliar with any companies that sell something like that?
king0dasouf - 9 years ago
I like how he gives no real info on keeping angelfish!!!!
fantastic time scootering
fantastic time scootering - 7 years ago
king0dasouf yeah
Luis  Cruz
Luis Cruz - 9 years ago
they Dustin what I'm new to this what kind of fish can i keep with Angelfish i was thinking zebra daino, tiger barb's what you think
Sir Ratman
Sir Ratman - 8 years ago
Depends, they can eat smaller fish

50. comment for Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday

Noah Wade
Noah Wade - 9 years ago
if i get 2 angelfish of the same sex will they fight, and if i get one male and one female will they instinctively breed
Troy M
Troy M - 9 years ago
Anyone else see the angel get nipped in the background? 2:34
Sky Guy
Sky Guy - 8 years ago
saw it but that happens with semi aggresive fish community tanks
Steve Christie
Steve Christie - 9 years ago
A quick note. You did mention they are a member of the cichlid family and they are territorial however you neglected to point out they are carnivorous. Graceful, beautiful, and will disappoint the hell out of you when you drop a $20 school of neon tetras in their tank.Love your channel Dustin keep up the good work.
Dire Crusader
Dire Crusader - 8 years ago
That's the ONE reason I don't keep neon's with my Angelfish. I learnt that the hard way in my 70 gal. Angel tank. Black Skirt tetras are the way to go when you have Angelfish, check out my vid on my tank with them.
Candace A
Candace A - 9 years ago
Hey Dustin, how are you? Question, for the Angelfish, what would you recommend for flow rate? I just got two baby angelfish in a 36gal long aquarium and they are always hiding in the corners.. Not sure if it is because the flow rate is too fast or they are just shy and getting used to the tank. I am running a Fluval 206 canister (slowed the rate down to 50% to get them accustomed) and another filter, the Topfin 40 internal filter (using a spray bar and lowered the flow rate to the lowest setting) This is my first time housing Angelfish and so I'm not sure what behaviour is normal. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Michael Mathes
Michael Mathes - 9 years ago
You are completely wrong. Angelfish need temperature at about 76 to 80 degrees. They need clean water on the acid side. I have four gold knife veil angels with two blue rams , eight cardinal tetras and two Cory cats. Do not listen to the advise from the other person. I have been doing this since 1973 and I am very very good.
Dracula Em
Dracula Em - 9 years ago
I have one Angel fish I did buy 3 when I first purchased him but he attacked the others so he is now by him self until recently I brought a baby black one and he attacked that also. So now he is by him self with 4 widow tetras 2 albino cat fish and one black and orange albino cat fish. Doesn't seem to bother him PH level is at 7.3 he is kept in a 130L tank with a hood over light little to no plants (he rips his fins on) so I have resorted to soft fake as live die to quick with my fish around haha and drift wood for my cat fish :)
Dracula Em
Dracula Em - 9 years ago
His name is Oscar and he is 5 years old and is still kicking alive :) I also run two air pumps and two filters.
Nico Giacomini
Nico Giacomini - 9 years ago
I just got two angle fish. How do i know there gender?
Pigglesx Griff
Pigglesx Griff - 8 years ago
Pretty hard to determine most of the time, it's just easier to get a group of 6-8 and let them pair up themselves
MrAbhimca50 - 9 years ago
Angel fish having bloat and its spreading one by one and killing them all I started using metro 400 mg today itself I have lost five till now and three more sick out of them 1 eats the rest don't please suggest how long should I continue the treatment and what food and what abt angels who don't eat
Pradeep B.S
Pradeep B.S - 9 years ago
can i mix angel fishes with gold fish
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Anthony Nardini Not a problem! Still alive and well!
Anthony Nardini
Anthony Nardini - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming - Nice! Thank you for the information.
FlipGaming - 9 years ago
+Pradeep B.S I've done it for over a year. Just be aware that you'll have to clean the gravel more often. goldfish will survive in angel fish temp waters as long as it is consistent. I would also suggest getting angels that are babies. I had a little aggression issues with my larger one (bought it large) since it was trying to display dominance. Never left marks, just got irratated that the goldfish kind of swam where ever it wanted. However when I grew the angels out young there was never any issues when they got large.
KongRC225 - 9 years ago
+Joeli P yeah that's true, but it can be done.
Joeli P
Joeli P - 9 years ago
Generally goldfish aren't kept with tropical fish
KongRC225 - 9 years ago
+Pradeep B.S Goldfish can survive a temperature of 90°, so yes you could technically put them in the same tank, but I don't know if the Angel's would hurt the goldfish. That's up to you to decide if you want to put them together, and if you have a good enough filter than you should be fine if you put them together.
Pradeep B.S
Pradeep B.S - 9 years ago
Ok..thank you for the info
Michael Mathes
Michael Mathes - 9 years ago
Yes angels like clean water and a temp of 78. Goldfish 60 degrees and are dirty. They are carp.
Pradeep B.S
Pradeep B.S - 9 years ago
@Michael Mathes : so you are saying no....its risky
Michael Mathes
Michael Mathes - 9 years ago
+Pradeep B.S  No. Many reasons why you can't.
lana delrey
lana delrey - 9 years ago
I love these.
Martin Welters
Martin Welters - 9 years ago
I love angel fish and would love to keep some, but I have a heavily planted tank with high flow and I heard that angels do not do well in high flow tanks. What's your opinion about that?
Jeffrey Enos
Jeffrey Enos - 9 years ago
Dude you rock !
Steffan Jansen van Vuuren
Steffan Jansen van Vuuren - 9 years ago
ptero :
wing, feather, or a part resembling a wing
(Don't pronounce the the "T")
Think pterodactyl.

one having (such) leaves or leaf like parts.
Doctor Astronomy
Doctor Astronomy - 9 years ago
He's become my favorite yt fish guy
Cory M
Cory M - 9 years ago
did not know that Thad for blue mountain state kept aquariums... and was into angelfish.
Emily A
Emily A - 9 years ago
You're hot and I'm getting angelfish tomorrow :)
Brynjar Konradsson
Brynjar Konradsson - 9 years ago
Hey love your videos, great attitude. I've never kept anything else but plattys since i keep turtles and the platys are bred for fodder, but bought 4 of the scalare for a 250 l musk turtle river delta set up (they dig the roots and plants and coexist in the wild. So far only 1 has been eaten and the other are very concious about the two turtles. Love these guys, display a whole lot of inelligence.. compared to the platys at least
Jake Mckenzie
Jake Mckenzie - 9 years ago
What other fish can be with these fish?
Mr. Semenine
Mr. Semenine - 9 years ago
Most South American cichlids
Rich Blondin
Rich Blondin - 9 years ago
can you recommend a good place to order angels from?  I plan to put them in a 150, how many would you recommend how many I can put in a planted community tank.
tetra neon
tetra neon - 9 years ago
I have saw alter angel in 4 shops out of 20
Raina Townsend
Raina Townsend - 9 years ago
I currently have 6 juvenile angels in a 60 gallon tall which is massively over filtered. I will hopefully be upgrading them to a standard 125 gallon (or possibly a 135 gallon?) Tank in the very near future.

Anyway, I have one Phillipine blue marble pearlscale veil tail angelfish. One standard silver striped veil tail. One standard finned gold pearlscale, one standard finned silver striped with red eyes, one standard finned smokey pinnoy with red eyes and one standard finned black, white, and gold marbled angel.
CYCO274 - 9 years ago
Angelfish are great I had them many years ago, I just got rid of my silver dollars in my new 80 gallon set up for some Angels, cool vids subbed.
Soulful follower
Soulful follower - 9 years ago
I have 6 angelfish one of them is bully what should i do.
the tank is a 75 gal
Pigglesx Griff
Pigglesx Griff - 8 years ago
Feed it to the ducks
Jess MacDougall
Jess MacDougall - 9 years ago
I have a small blushing who is temperairly in a 10 gallon. I am setting up a 45 gallon soon for him and maybe get some variety of angelfish on there.
Snipercube - 9 years ago
In my 125
Snipercube - 9 years ago
+Jess MacDougall cool I have a blushing koi angelfish and a marbled angelfish
Jess MacDougall
Jess MacDougall - 9 years ago
+Jess MacDougall She is blushing koi angelfish lol
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 10 years ago
What's their lifespan
K00L VIDEOS - 10 years ago
I love angelfish too! Nice update
ian hennus
ian hennus - 10 years ago
lol my lfs has 5 altums in sale
JeffreyTheKid - 10 years ago
I have two angles in my 25 gallon tank and they are AWESOME my favorite fish. Ever.
LatiinDiime - 10 years ago
What Fish Are Compatible With Angel Fish? I'm Gonna Prolly Get A 36Gallon Or So Tank..
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
Mollies,tetras,swordtails,discus,bristlenose pleco,guppies,upside down catfish,goldfish(optional), and other angels
fourtriangles2112 - 10 years ago
Angelfish also one of my personal favorites, cornerstone of a tropical community tank. When I lose a fish (I have 5 tanks) I generally throw the dead into the brush or if it's small down the toilet, only twice I have actually buried a fish one was a calico oranda (as big as a fastball) I had for over 10yrs. The other was a female angelfish which we also had for nearly 10 years, we called her the A fish because of a pattern on the side of her face, she was the first successful breeder (4 sets of fry that survived) numerous egg layings. This was a great fish, a personality fish, I always have a set of angels on the go they are the quintessential tropical fish I highly recommend them to anyone (of course if you have your tank established & a bit of experience say 1 year). Aside from that try black skirt tetras the term "bulletproof" comes to mind, set up a tank with those for 6 months & let the bio culture establish & introduce a couple angelfish.
SKINSKIN72 - 10 years ago
Beautiful fish Justin! I've just recently started keeping angels. What other species have you found in your experience that do well with angels? By the way, my tank's a 75 gallon and heavily planted.
Luke Sippel
Luke Sippel - 10 years ago
Vista Plant Guy
Vista Plant Guy - 10 years ago
i have a couple koi  angelfish! I bought 6 babies hoping to grow a pair up and  2 died and the other 4 all ended up being males!
Joe Guinness
Joe Guinness - 10 years ago
How many angels could i keep in a 125 litre community tank
Fishhippiegirl - 10 years ago
Miss having angelfish. Right now all my tanks are full, but I will have them in my tanks again one day
unholy boner
unholy boner - 10 years ago
i am thinking about adding ghost shrimp to my planted tank. will they do good in there and not eat my plants?
epic nelis
epic nelis - 10 years ago
happy me a ph on 5.4in my altum tank :)))
CurlyLocksss - 10 years ago
That tank looks amazing.
Divyan Chamunda
Divyan Chamunda - 10 years ago
hi dustin 
please can you make a video on how to make a diy co2 diffuzer at home
Chapalap - 10 years ago
Man great video, made me look up altums right away haha beauties! Love the channel, been subbed for a while now love the enthusiasm. With that being said... you need to put something in front of that lotus to hide the grow point, tank looks awesome but hiding where they all stem out from (in my opinion) Would greatly improve the look of that tank :) Love it either way 
majestic cichlids
majestic cichlids - 10 years ago
Great video Dustin, I would love to keep real altums one day myself. I have an angelfish breeding project and would really appreciate it if you could check it out under majestic cichlids and drop me a comment, give me your opinion on my angelfish breeding project and tell me if you think that I am on the right track, that would mean a lot to me coming from you.
fishtankfreak - 10 years ago
Rumor has it, angels (being a cichlid at heart...) can be a little troublesome with plants. Is this true?
fishtankfreak - 10 years ago
Thank you for your input Dustin! You rock!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
This is NOT true.  I have never seen this- they spawn on amazon swords- that's it
Tony Ngo
Tony Ngo - 10 years ago
What happened to yours?
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
How big do scalar angelfish grow??
RBProductions815 - 10 years ago
+Dustin's Fish Tanks I have Brazilian Swords, Amazon Swords and java moss. Just wondering if and which ones are low light and high light plants. I seemed to have better luck growing them under a crappy old t-8 bulb than I did under my Finnex FugeRay Planted LED fixture. I dose it with seachem flourish and excel. Figured you were the guy to ask! haha thanks
Fvaldes - 10 years ago
I have 2 Altum Angel fish that I got free from a friend, Yeap! Free, he bought them for $80 Canadian a piece, and he got bore of them in about 2 weeks, so they are hand me down Altum Angels.
They are not Wild Altums, they were born in Germany from Wild parents, I had them for about two year now, and so far are about 25.5 cm high or about 10 inches and they keep growing, they share the tank with 3 discus.
My tank is well established and the Ph is about 6.4 to 6.6 and they are just fine.
I personally never had any issues with them. Except the one time I removed all the gravel and wood, and tried to have bare bottom tank, My Ph shoot up to about 7.5, OMG!  Such a stupid idea. Once I put everything back the Ph normalize and everyone was happy.
They are not that hard to keep, next time you see them, get them, you will never regret it !!!
Johnny CaponeVlogs
Johnny CaponeVlogs - 10 years ago
Eddie and I just put angelfish in his tank not that long brother-in-law Eddie,the Eddie you know
connor leech
connor leech - 10 years ago
I just got a pinoy angelfish. I haven't seen to much about them anyone know anything?? I. Have 4 other Angels as well in my 75g
thecubanknightanole - 10 years ago
There's a guy in Germany that breeds then
ZippyDragon - 10 years ago
Which species should i do discus or rainbowfish and why please comment!

100. comment for Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday

Unicorn Powerz
Unicorn Powerz - 10 years ago
Ugh ... I love angelfish :'( they wouldbe the only species I would pick also :)
ryansmith83 - 10 years ago
Good news, Dustin! Several breeders are now spawning altums in captivity so they are more readily available and not as sensitive to acclimation as the wilds. You can also keep altums, both wild and tank-bred, in tap water without too much fuss. You just have to acclimate them first. They obviously won't spawn in this water but if you're just keeping them as display fish it doesn't much matter.

Glad to see the angel video. They were my first fish as a kid and the first cichlid I successfully bred and raised. I almost always have them kicking around in the fish room somewhere. They're a beautiful and rewarding addition to the home aquarium.
carlmelo - 10 years ago
Yeah. Angelfish are totally awesome! They're my dream fish right now since my tanks are too small for them. Lol.
Dean Hurt
Dean Hurt - 10 years ago
I like the professionalism in your videos now, Dustin.  
hpiguys Workshop
hpiguys Workshop - 10 years ago
Never knew how to spot an Altum Angel as I wasn't that big into them.  Now that I know exactly what it is I can call BS at every hobby shop in town claiming they are selling Altum Angelfish in their tanks. They all have just regular Angelfish.
rallymadboy - 10 years ago
Enjoy your vids. Have 6 at the moment but have never got a successful fair :-(, Do you know how to sex them. Also would love to buy some of your plants at time but untill you start doing international shipping this won't happen due to the fact I'm in Co. Dnegal rep.ireland.
Keep up the good work and I nust say love the way your videos have become so much more professional and mature over the years.
StupidCompanyVEVO - 10 years ago
Heiko Bleher is THE man.
Gus Stav
Gus Stav - 10 years ago
my angle is a pig 
Gloria Raquel C
Gloria Raquel C - 10 years ago
Love my angels! Whats your opinion on the discus?
Xai Xiong
Xai Xiong - 10 years ago
ive alwys had this problem, but whats the best tech to differentiate the males from females?
Simon Tran
Simon Tran - 10 years ago
Angelfish Manacapuru red back
Matt Ostrowski
Matt Ostrowski - 10 years ago
I have about 5 Angela but my favorite by far is my blue one I rescued from a pet shop with torn fins and it was just beat up but now he's the most beautiful fish I have. Picture the color of a powder blue gourami and that's the color of my angel fish
exhumed07 - 10 years ago
I got 2 black angels in my 55. started off with 6 angels of different verieties with bodies about quarter size. black laces out grew, out competed, and killed the rest. their name really don't represent their nature :P
Frank S
Frank S - 10 years ago
I adore angelfish too! I would say that my favorite ones are the gold veil-tailed angels. They are so graceful and yellow is one of my favorite colors. I have three in my 55-gallon aquarium. They're about the size of my palm. I really like how they are clever and swim right up to the surface when they see me coming to feed them. 
Predator-R/C-And-Aquatics - 10 years ago
I thought you got altum angels on your trip to peru
ZachZottoTV - 10 years ago
Those fish were lovin those bloodworms lol
oqihouqiop - 9 years ago
+Dustin's Fish Tanks dustin! Can you do a species Sunday on invertebrates like crayfish snails shrimp etc I want to start a shrimp tank and I also want to know what kind of fish I can keep with my new crayfish (he's in a small tank at the moment but I'm getting a 55 gallon)
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
They always pound them-  I saw my apisto get chomped by the checkerboard the other day over them...
Wes-Fish Care
Wes-Fish Care - 10 years ago
I absolutely love my 1/2 Blue Marble Angel
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
dirtrulz112 - 10 years ago
my black viel just died after 4 years
patrick cogley
patrick cogley - 10 years ago
Aquarium Adventures in Cbus gets them in during the summer
Bonnie Miller
Bonnie Miller - 10 years ago
I have 2 angelfish I got from someone free on craigslist....
paducahFishFan - 10 years ago
Pulling for Steve Smith who got ditched from the Panthers.  Sorry Dustin.  Smith is in my Payton category now.  A hall of famer that should've been given a chance to retire at the franchise he helped take to the Super Bowl.  Just like Payton Manning and a few others.  I know the NFL says it is just a business.  I've made a business decision to only buy Steve Smith Raven's swag this season.  Maybe a bean counter in the Panthers franchise will notice a drop in cash flow.  I don't plan on what the Panthers this year unless they are playing the Ravens.
Luis  Cruz
Luis Cruz - 9 years ago
Hi there i have two Angelfish in a 20 gallon tank 3 goldfish but not Healy planted yet just 1anubias nana, and Amazon sword,water wisteria i also have 1 plecostomus but my questions was can put neon tetras and cherry shrimp with Angel fish
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
He's a beast that is for sure...
J Squared
J Squared - 10 years ago
I also love angelfish, Black veils are my favorite! But a nice big silver with a bright red eye is also a very beautiful sight to behold. My understanding is that if it's a nice bright red in the eye it's a sign of good health for the fish,I don't know whether that's true or not. I have 12 black lace angels and six silver laced angels that I'm trying to grow out. At some point in the future I would really like to try to breed the Ultimatum angel, I understand only a few people have been able to successfully breed them. I think most of the successful breeders are from Germany.
K B - 10 years ago
altums are really the ones to try and have in a home tank..wish they were more available. 
Jonathan Jennings
Jonathan Jennings - 10 years ago
Dustin how did the discus due in the pond?
Pigglesx Griff
Pigglesx Griff - 8 years ago
+Jonathan Jennings you can keep your pond at 80 degrees? wow must be hot where u live
Jonathan Jennings
Jonathan Jennings - 10 years ago
Shane Riley
Shane Riley - 10 years ago
Didnt you get altums from peru I think it was you because I looked in your playlists and saw the peru trip and saw altums on a picture. Also I want to breed kois because dhey got da looks
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
nah- they look kinda like them- pointy faces- but they aren't
ShinyGoldBacon - 10 years ago
I can't have a tank big enough for angels now, but I hope to get some someday.
chirs fitzGerald
chirs fitzGerald - 10 years ago
Yo, Dustin! Love the angelfish. Also nice work with the video editing your videos are looking more professional and still have the awesome content thats driving us all to your channel.
MasterAquatics - 10 years ago
Also, dustin what can I do with my alagae problem in my tank?? MY tank is over run with alagae constantly now since I installed a new light fixture. I keep them on 8 hours a day, but it still covers my tank. MY tank is also planted. I do not over feed. and also water changes only do so much.
MasterAquatics - 10 years ago
what exactly is a pearlscale angelfish?? Also, how come mixed color variation angelfish are not as popular as pure breed?
Brazilianboy 10
Brazilianboy 10 - 10 years ago
Had some in Brazil they are really cool fishes to have. Nice video Dustin.
Mathew Hirschbock
Mathew Hirschbock - 10 years ago
blue ghost
Cut It Up Freshh
Cut It Up Freshh - 10 years ago
the Black Veil looks cool, another cool videos.   
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
thanks- the edits are helping show off more fish for sure. thanks for noticing ;)
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Nice... I like the Heiko Bleher pic... with those HUGE wild caught.... Thank D......
Angel Brady
Angel Brady - 8 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
I love that pic- pissed it isn't me---yet
Alex Wick
Alex Wick - 10 years ago
Keep doing videos like this, it is very nice.
Alex Wick
Alex Wick - 10 years ago
No problem
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
KampKarl - 10 years ago
i have 4 dantum angels 
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 10 years ago
I came to this conclusion also...I wish I had bought some more blue angels at the aca...but my all time fav is the Altum and a 8 bar Angel I seen in the amazonas magazine I believe with their Angel article
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
they are sic- I am regretting not getting some Parva Rainbows from there too :)
summoner2183 - 10 years ago
Love angels!
NickMach007 - 10 years ago
Angels are a classic. Great addition to a planted tank
NickMach007 - 10 years ago
Angels are a classic. Great addition to a planted tank
Ryan Swank
Ryan Swank - 10 years ago
Anyone have Angels with Tiger Barbs?
Anthony Piti
Anthony Piti - 10 years ago
I tried that once and the angel just couldn't cut it. Tiger barbs do great with a fish that can "referee" like rainbow or red tail sharks to name 2.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
I agree with Joe- I wouldn't do it. Heck- I regret putting 8 of them in my 220 with my rainbows.  constantly nipping at the bigger- faster fish
Capemann - 10 years ago
I have 6 Tiger barbs with my 4 Angels, they seem to be doing fine :) 
Joe Acey
Joe Acey - 10 years ago
Probs not... It's not a good idea generally
Jace Griffin
Jace Griffin - 10 years ago
I love angelfish. I've never had any but they are my 'dream' fish. I can't get them right now though because I have guppies. I love my guppies, they were actually the first fish I had when I started this hobby (yes I'm new, but I've really advanced in a year!) I'm still learning. I also have a Honey gourami. Does anyone know if the angel (s) (I want koi angels) will get along with my honey gourami, Mr. Spitz? I have a 30 gallon.
Mgcroco - 10 years ago
+Jace Griffin Yeah, definitely!
Jace Griffin
Jace Griffin - 10 years ago
they are so pretty ^0^ <3
Mgcroco - 10 years ago
+Jace Griffin Lol, not too weird, i made an 130 litre into my guppy tank XD.
Jace Griffin
Jace Griffin - 10 years ago
yahh. i decided i'll wait to get angels until i get a bigger tank. i'm actually making my 30 gallon a guppy tank. (oddly) 
Mgcroco - 10 years ago
Honey Gouramis might be able to go with angelfish but you would have to buy the angels first. If you are getting an angelfish for that sized tank you will have to put almost nothing else as 29 gallons is the minimum tank size for angelfish i think.
Tim Lucas
Tim Lucas - 10 years ago
I have a nine inch tall male silver angle and a six inch tall female silver angle and I had a koi female that bred to my male and she past a few weeks ago. But your angles look nice.
Keith's Planted Aquariums
Keith's Planted Aquariums - 10 years ago
Great video as usual! I love angelfish too:)
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
TheRick2325 - 10 years ago
Love my angels, I wish they were altums
Christian Swogger
Christian Swogger - 10 years ago
+Dustin's Fish Tanks how could I send a picture of my angelfish to you I'm not sure what kind it is
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
they rule
Tidal Flux
Tidal Flux - 10 years ago
love my angels your angels all angels! love the rescape too cant wait till it fills in!
Montel Herring
Montel Herring - 10 years ago
My big male green sunfish
Montel Herring
Montel Herring - 10 years ago
My big male green sunfish

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