King discus aquarium 7
Discus 13 years ago 64,010 views
Discus (Symphysodon ) are a genus of three species of cichlid freshwater fishes native to the Amazon River basin.Discus are very popular as aquarium fish and their aquaculture in several countries in Asia is a major industry because there is feng shui at home. The main species of (wild) of the genus Symphysodon: Symphysodon Discus (Heckel Discus) - Heckel, 1840 Its area Rio Negro and its tributaries, this variety has as main feature of the 5th black cross line, very pronounced, with the background and color, both red and blue. Symphysodon Aequifasciatus Axelrodi (Brown Discus) - Pellegrin, 1904 Discovered near Belem and Rio Urubu, is the most common species, with brown background color with a tendency toward red and yellow. Symphysodon Aequifasciatus Aequifasciatus (Green Discus) - Pellegrin, 1903 Its complex Tefe River 'and regions Coari, Nanay and Japura Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon. This fish is presented in a wide variety of colors, from yellow and brown to olive green and dark green. They meet and grooved specimens with longitudinal (Royal Green) and specimens with red dots on the side. Symphysodon Aequifasciatus Haraldi (Blue Discus) - Pellegrin, 1904 Its complex regions of Manaus and Manacapuru, Purus River in Brazil and Leticia region in Peru. Looks like a brown variety, but has grooved longitudinal blue on the head, body and fins (longitudinal specimens that striatiunile predominates, is called Royal Blue However now many varieties have been selected especially in Asia and fully deserves the title of king of the aquarium
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