King of DIY Comes Over to Feed My Animals!
Discus 7 years ago 54,766 views
GET THE 2018 SOLID GOLD CALENDAR ► We all know Joey Mullen (The King of DIY here on YouTube) knows his stuff when it comes to fish. But what does he know about other pets like axolotls, dart frogs, and rabbits? Let's find out, and let's see if he gets a finger removed by the axoltols in the process. ;) Subscribe to Joey's Channel ► __________ NEW VIDEOS FRIDAYS (and sometimes Tuesdays)! Subscribe ► Website ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► solidgoldaqua Twitter ► __________ Become a Solid Gold Member! ► __________ Music: "Carefree" by
10. comment for King of DIY Comes Over to Feed My Animals!
20. comment for King of DIY Comes Over to Feed My Animals!
30. comment for King of DIY Comes Over to Feed My Animals!
And it was funny to see Joey feeding the Axolot.
I recently watched a documentary and there was an animal that looked like an Axolot but it actually had fins and it could swim. So then it got me thinking if Axolot is a cross bread of a certain fish, of-cores I did read somewhere that the Axolot is a hybrid, but I am not to sure as I don't know a great deal about them, yet they do look cute.
Thank you for sharing. And to Joey, in future, please use tweezers or tongs.
Take care.
50. comment for King of DIY Comes Over to Feed My Animals!
Joey-wnat the worms
Greetings from Korea~
The most fun videos too
100. comment for King of DIY Comes Over to Feed My Animals!
You would have him if it came to it. Lol
hello guys.
Umm Jenny are you forgetting the whole Axoltie thing?
Sounds like my husband
After watching solid gold=da goldfish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're like soccer mom's but with animals
“Negative 6”
Me when someone asks if I did my homework
I love to see the previews of videos
But if he wasnt.. they would have made a nice couple (they both have the same passion and love for the hobby)
Maybe in another life tho :D
Jennie should do more videos with someone (like 2 people in a video)..
These videos are funny and she doesnt just smile (like she does when she is just her in the video).. She laughs too
So much fun and laughs :D
I often smile when she talks about him hahah
Who lives in a
-Story of my life
Someone please answer