King of DIY Comes Over to Feed My Animals!

GET THE 2018 SOLID GOLD CALENDAR ► We all know Joey Mullen (The King of DIY here on YouTube) knows his stuff when it comes to fish. But what does he know about other pets like axolotls, dart frogs, and rabbits? Let's find out, and let's see if he gets a finger removed by the axoltols in the process. ;) Subscribe to Joey's Channel ► __________ NEW VIDEOS FRIDAYS (and sometimes Tuesdays)! Subscribe ► Website ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► solidgoldaqua Twitter ► __________ Become a Solid Gold Member! ► __________ Music: "Carefree" by

King of DIY Comes Over to Feed My Animals! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 30

Discus 7 years ago 54,766 views

GET THE 2018 SOLID GOLD CALENDAR ► We all know Joey Mullen (The King of DIY here on YouTube) knows his stuff when it comes to fish. But what does he know about other pets like axolotls, dart frogs, and rabbits? Let's find out, and let's see if he gets a finger removed by the axoltols in the process. ;) Subscribe to Joey's Channel ► __________ NEW VIDEOS FRIDAYS (and sometimes Tuesdays)! Subscribe ► Website ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► solidgoldaqua Twitter ► __________ Become a Solid Gold Member! ► __________ Music: "Carefree" by

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Most popular comments
for King of DIY Comes Over to Feed My Animals!

Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
Let's find out what Joey knows about non-fish pets and let's see if he gets a finger removed by the axoltols in the process. ;)

Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 7 years ago
Live fish for them hahahaha
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics you can just let them dry out
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics auxillottle are awesome
Fyralynn - 7 years ago
Please get Henry a mate, rabbits dont live alone. You dont keep a school fish single, dont keep a rabbit single.
The Bandinator
The Bandinator - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics I think your fish room should be called the solid gold gallery
fuzzy wuzzy
fuzzy wuzzy - 7 years ago
Joey would make a really good animal show host talking to you animal planet
Nick The Shy Dude
Nick The Shy Dude - 7 years ago
Walmart has stuffed axolotls in the Valentine's section. At least where I am from they do
Fanny Vargas
Fanny Vargas - 7 years ago
I love it when y’all collab & I just like listening to his Canadian accent
Carlos Topete
Carlos Topete - 7 years ago
Amanda Hatfield
Amanda Hatfield - 7 years ago
Thats mean, Joey's finger matters!
NeonGaming YT
NeonGaming YT - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics you mean the axoltees?
Case Whitaker
Case Whitaker - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics question can you keep a watchmen goby and pistol shrimp in a 30 gallon tank with a blue doted jawfish? Please let me know
Anything Animals
Anything Animals - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics can you sub to me
Damaris Bueno
Damaris Bueno - 7 years ago
Miky Suh
Miky Suh - 7 years ago
already ordered my calendar from you, waiting from it.... ;)
Anything Animals
Anything Animals - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics hi I’m first besides you
Jagged Guillermo
Jagged Guillermo - 7 years ago
I saw a video, it said carrots are bad for bunnies
VsV GAMER - 7 years ago
I pretty much see u hat joey so......
Benedictus Andhika
Benedictus Andhika - 7 years ago
Are u farsha from mobile legend?? You should keep a bird as a pet
nabenmike - 7 years ago
HAHAHAHAHA Joey jumping from that feeding made my week!
Water Pigs USA
Water Pigs USA - 7 years ago
The Axolotl Feeding almost made me pee my pants.... So funny!!!! great video
majooismajor - 7 years ago
how to know joey is just starting to get going ....... he starts constantly saying "HOWEVER"
Zena Zehra
Zena Zehra - 7 years ago
do you still have your betta fish?

10. comment for King of DIY Comes Over to Feed My Animals!

Tulip Rose
Tulip Rose - 7 years ago
i have a lion head bunny named mocha
MY LEGGG!!! - 7 years ago
Joey are those Gucci shoes?
Kara Mitchell
Kara Mitchell - 7 years ago
" ha ha ha ha ha he ha" ....... HAHHAHAHAHAHAH
Linda Wade
Linda Wade - 7 years ago
The orange part of carrots are bad for a rabbit’s digestive system but the green top is ok. Not judging, I love your content and I know you really love your pets. You’ve taught me so so much, this little tip is the least I can do! I love you Jenny
Everything Fish
Everything Fish - 7 years ago
bo625james - 7 years ago
feeding the Axolotls d.i.y almost turned into destroy it yourself lmao
Fennie - 7 years ago
does anyone know where jenny got the hide for the axolotls?
Vanessa cutefox
Vanessa cutefox - 7 years ago
hey so I got a black moor goldfish but he/she is kinda purple (well not exactly purple maybe red but a dark red) is that normal?
Hunter Rohm
Hunter Rohm - 7 years ago
Hello. Since your a Goldfish girl I thought you'd be interested in the following vid from Dr. Novak. Denitrification (N2) using a Biocenosis Clarification Basket in the Aquarium Sump. Brilliant info for all fishkeepers. Good luck with your new building.
Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto Uzumaki - 7 years ago
Wut are u scared of joey u have 4 asian arrowana

20. comment for King of DIY Comes Over to Feed My Animals!

Just4fun -Family
Just4fun -Family - 7 years ago
New series idea… The king and his bunny… LOL
Devin Hu
Devin Hu - 7 years ago
6:04 he's staring into your soul
Jason Cartwright
Jason Cartwright - 7 years ago
What's the substrate in the Axolotl tank?
peter petersen
peter petersen - 7 years ago
OMG get a f*** room u2 g
Randy Sevilla
Randy Sevilla - 7 years ago
joey flexing with the rolex, lacrosse shirt and gucci shoes tho lol
Nikita Holgate
Nikita Holgate - 7 years ago
So just a quick question any suggestions would be really helpful. I recently got 2 axlotols and I'm having trouble getting one of them to eat. He eats bits of pellet but struggling with worms. Is there anything I can do to get him to eat better?
Nikita Holgate
Nikita Holgate - 7 years ago
Gingersnaap thank you will give that a try he is eating a few pellets but I don't feel the amount he is eating is a sufficient amount
Gingersnaap - 7 years ago
I would try trying to feed the one having trouble some frozen bloodworms. As adults they aren't a staple diet, but for small axolotls they're fine. They come in those frozen cubes. Use a little bit of tank water in a cup to defrost them and carefully feed. They're messy, but should be easier to eat.
Nikita Holgate
Nikita Holgate - 7 years ago
Gingersnaap they're both still quite small, it is the smaller one that I am having trouble with. I have tried cutting the worms into smaller pieces doesn't seem to help. He doesn't even attempt to go for them like the other.
Gingersnaap - 7 years ago
Nikita Holgate How big are the axolotls? And are you trying to feed whole worms? I have one axolotl that isn't as strong of a feeder and I sometimes have to cut the worms into smaller pieces for him.
julio dominguez-palacios
julio dominguez-palacios - 7 years ago
Me and my children are pissing ourselves with the bite
Money Team
Money Team - 7 years ago
Her laugh tho
Tina i Robi Puškadija
Tina i Robi Puškadija - 7 years ago
Jennie where is Arlo???
Eric Martinez
Eric Martinez - 7 years ago
Could i keep a goldfish in a 10 gallon? If so which type ?
Eric Martinez
Eric Martinez - 7 years ago
Ella Stanley Thank you! Are fantails considered fancy? Sorry im new to all this.
Ella Stanley
Ella Stanley - 7 years ago
Eric Martinez nope! Fancy goldfish need Atleast a 40 gallon

30. comment for King of DIY Comes Over to Feed My Animals!

Jurpik Jurpik
Jurpik Jurpik - 7 years ago
Thank you for doing it with Joey
Caitlin P
Caitlin P - 7 years ago
2 seconds in and already best video ever
JorlyWashMunch-alot - 7 years ago
I don’t know where in Orlando you live but did you experience any snowflakes these last 2 nights?!!!!!
Kamesh S S
Kamesh S S - 7 years ago
ThisIsAName - 7 years ago
The axolotls look a little on the thin side. I don’t know if it is the camera or not.
Ciaran McCarthy
Ciaran McCarthy - 7 years ago
BuG LiVeS mATter ToO
Cathy B
Cathy B - 7 years ago
hank or bud is short for henry. fun video. makes me wants to expand my pet population
Julia Rivard
Julia Rivard - 7 years ago
Joey is so funny lol so easily distracted like me haa
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 7 years ago
I love this video. It is fantastic.
And it was funny to see Joey feeding the Axolot.

I recently watched a documentary and there was an animal that looked like an Axolot but it actually had fins and it could swim. So then it got me thinking if Axolot is a cross bread of a certain fish, of-cores I did read somewhere that the Axolot is a hybrid, but I am not to sure as I don't know a great deal about them, yet they do look cute.

Thank you for sharing. And to Joey, in future, please use tweezers or tongs.
Take care.
Christina R
Christina R - 7 years ago
Joey is so darn attractive!!
Ron Villanueva
Ron Villanueva - 7 years ago
Jenny I think you need to see this!!
Candi My Crazy Zoo Life
Candi My Crazy Zoo Life - 7 years ago
OMG!! This was the best collab ever!!! I laughed so hard because I have axolotls too!!!
louslittlezoo - 7 years ago
I laughed so hard when the axolotl bit Joey!
justinjamesgames - 7 years ago
Ya mine bite to it’s really funny it doesent hurt but it takes some getting used to but Axolotls are amazing
carlmelo - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who found it funny when Joey said, "Jenny, that's your husbandry... is like cultivatin!" @ 8:24?
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 7 years ago
Hundredth Meridian
Hundredth Meridian - 7 years ago
Great video! You 2 have great on screen chemistry. Very funny.
Wade Higgins
Wade Higgins - 7 years ago
Joey brought me here
pecktec - 7 years ago
I think that rabbit and i have the same facial hair! Great video!
VanillaSpoon - 7 years ago
lol hes short

50. comment for King of DIY Comes Over to Feed My Animals!

Hacker Sí
Hacker Sí - 7 years ago
Two of my most favourite pet s channel did a vid together!!!
Deep Blue
Deep Blue - 7 years ago
Still could make a nice gif even if he didn't break the tank
Karen Rafferty
Karen Rafferty - 7 years ago
I can't wait for you to get more fancy goldfish! I miss them!
Amazing Jenny
Amazing Jenny - 7 years ago
I like feeding videos so this is awesome!!
Richard O'connor
Richard O'connor - 7 years ago
Jenny get a small painting scaifold, working from a ladder is not that safe.
RAD Aquatics
RAD Aquatics - 7 years ago
If I could give more thumbs I would. That has to be the best video I've seen in a long time. I rewatched the intro twice before even bothering to watch the rest, so glad I did. Joey has a lot of jokes, what's he going to think of, "Solid Gold Aquarium Gallery" sounds very fancy and waaaaay better than just aquarium gallery. Show him what you're working with girl!!!
NeON GaMiNg - 7 years ago
King of diy wearing Gucci shoes 5:11
Richard O'connor
Richard O'connor - 7 years ago
sure that is tank water puddle on the floor there?
Dexter Italy
Dexter Italy - 7 years ago
He almost lose his hand like " medusa" ( it should be the white axolot's name ) .
Oceanti - 7 years ago
Omg that's adorable when the axolotl's had the worm sticking out of their mouths it looked like they were sticking out their tongues!
Dawn Brock
Dawn Brock - 7 years ago
You are adorable, and so are all of your babies
Alexander Taylor
Alexander Taylor - 7 years ago
Axolotls have teeth but they're too tiny to break the skin. They basically just gum you
Josh Hibbs
Josh Hibbs - 7 years ago
Are you kidding! Joey wasn't afraid. HE EATS AXOLOTOLS IN HIS SLEEP! LMAO
Liam But
Liam But - 7 years ago
He’s sensitive because he is a freshwater scrub
Name Less
Name Less - 7 years ago
Here from DIY
YoungCDSoul - 7 years ago
He didn’t feed the leopard geckos. Did you guys forget about them cuz you were geeking out? Lol
Eric Martinez
Eric Martinez - 7 years ago
He’s a little odd.
Sarah Ayala
Sarah Ayala - 7 years ago
bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
That was sooooo funny. He swims with rays and gets jumpy about a 6 inch soft amphibian. Hahaha!!!! I probably would have jumped to.
Richard Cano
Richard Cano - 7 years ago
Hahah , he has big fishes and he got scare of one small little fish lol
Watersocs 32
Watersocs 32 - 7 years ago
AQUA FUNK W/ ANGEL FREAK - 7 years ago
I'm digging the FISH HOUSE I would love to have something like that one day. STAY FUNKY
Anthony Yan
Anthony Yan - 7 years ago
king of diy is such a stud
cello_shots - 7 years ago
Flightless flies should just be called walks. Fruit walks!
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
He is a great guy I love your channal and his
Tyler Peffley
Tyler Peffley - 7 years ago
I love when you guys collaborate very informative and fun
7oda Gamer///محمود دسوقى
7oda Gamer///محمود دسوقى - 7 years ago
I want 100 subscribers only. Can you appreciate it
deep sea siren
deep sea siren - 7 years ago
Jenny-They might bite your finger
Joey-wnat the worms

Vic Kim
Vic Kim - 7 years ago
Happy New Year Jenny and Joey!!
Greetings from Korea~
__Panda__ - 7 years ago
His Canadian came out when he said “ I’m so sorry.” I almost died from laughing!!!
Mezza Mez
Mezza Mez - 7 years ago
I absolutely love it when you two get together!
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Videos with him and his sister are my favorite

The most fun videos too
Down the Worm Hole
Down the Worm Hole - 7 years ago
fun video, thank you!
#KC Louison
#KC Louison - 7 years ago
U both are so chessy
Grace Kravis
Grace Kravis - 7 years ago
I don't know why there so scared of the axolotl the don't have teeth?
TheFirstFool - 7 years ago
Grace Kravis maybe because its movements are sudden, as he already explained?
Em.thomo - 7 years ago
Has arowanas and freaks out because of an axolotl
Pray4Mojo - 7 years ago
Nice $600 shoes joey
Goldfish :D
Goldfish :D - 7 years ago
Henry=#1 bunny
Stacey12 Stacey
Stacey12 Stacey - 7 years ago
The geckos didn’t make an appearance
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
you should have electrocuted him for me!
Night Owl
Night Owl - 7 years ago
Which is why he didn't bring that electrocution machine with him otherwise he will be electrocuted several times for "failing" to treat her pets properly....LOL
Dr.Proteinman Mcgains
Dr.Proteinman Mcgains - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary you girls are getting kinky now ;D
NeON GaMiNg - 7 years ago
OMG hi Rachel please recognise me
Lauren Klinger
Lauren Klinger - 7 years ago
Rachel O'Leary plans her revenge mah hahaha! Rubs hands together low key menacingly
Skye - 7 years ago
omg!! haha
redstardustX - 7 years ago
Shey's Betta
Shey's Betta - 7 years ago
Joey seems to be a cool guy but his laugh always sounds so fake... whyyyy?? :D :D
L L - 7 years ago
So freaking funny haha.
SHAFFI BAGHA - 7 years ago
Ed Delahanty
Ed Delahanty - 7 years ago
You never showed the lepoard geckos
Bec M.
Bec M. - 7 years ago
Have you thought about using the Aquadecor backgrounds that Joey uses for his gallery? They would make a minimalistic goldfish tank look much more beautiful.
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Jenny when will I visit joeys fishroon
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Yessss y’all r my fav fish keepers on YouTube
JustMyFish - 7 years ago
LOL what a come down joey on gold . Only joking he's a nice guy really just send him back to Canada in one pace. Good vid made me lath thanks.
Rachel Austin
Rachel Austin - 7 years ago
They have great chemistry.
JTS 21
JTS 21 - 7 years ago
I’m the weirdest rabbit owner... I pet my bunny in butt.. he occasionally twerks for like few seconds.
maimee - 7 years ago
do rabbit need groom? can you make a video of it? brushing henry's hairs

100. comment for King of DIY Comes Over to Feed My Animals!

saarxddd - 7 years ago
When his arm gets out of the tank you see the black axolotl rushing to the place like 'what happened!' lol
Thirsty Rabbit
Thirsty Rabbit - 7 years ago
I put $20 on the king
You would have him if it came to it. Lol
Thirsty Rabbit
Thirsty Rabbit - 7 years ago
Did he bring the shock game
Alyse Neirbo
Alyse Neirbo - 7 years ago
Bug lives matter
BioWest - 7 years ago
my 2 fave youtubers :D
Noah Huisjes
Noah Huisjes - 7 years ago
It is true though bug life's matter but if you let them live the dart frogs die soooooo
John James
John James - 7 years ago
Joey thinks you have weird pets but have you seen Ants Canada?
NanoTLG - 7 years ago
I got here trough Joey his channel. What i like about your rooms and setups. Is that your working enviroment and all your tanks are very clean. It has an modern, bit industrial feel to it. Its nice to see that ppl in the hobby can be tidy :) anyway you have an new follower .
Frezarules - 7 years ago
Describe Joey.... Easily distracted!
Doingitfresh - 7 years ago
Very solid sensitive biceps hehehe
Ashley Torres
Ashley Torres - 7 years ago
Please don’t forget to fix the pipe in the fishroom!!! It’s driving me insane. Haha♥️
Tommy Marka
Tommy Marka - 7 years ago
Hey Jenny, Good luck on the build will be following your journey! thanks for making these vids.
Sushma Sunwar
Sushma Sunwar - 7 years ago
Jess A
Jess A - 7 years ago
Am I the only one skeezed out by all the people shipping Jennie and other YouTubers like she is just a fictional character?
Jess A
Jess A - 7 years ago
Spencer Peters Being skeezed is in my nature. Get over it.
Caitlin P
Caitlin P - 7 years ago
I see. I follow both of their channels and think they're very entertaining as a duo making a collaboration.
Spencer Peters
Spencer Peters - 7 years ago
Jess A that’s just peoples nature, get over it
Jess A
Jess A - 7 years ago
Caitlin P Fantasizing about/wanting her to be in relationships with other YouTubers they are fans of, the way people do with book or movie characters.
Caitlin P
Caitlin P - 7 years ago
Jess A shipping?
Jess A
Jess A - 7 years ago
Joey has the Aquarium Gallery. Yours should be the Aquarium Louvre just to upstage him
JT - Plays
JT - Plays - 7 years ago
hello guys
Boetie boi
Boetie boi - 7 years ago
King of diy has gucci
Terr Ram
Terr Ram - 7 years ago
and looking cute as always jennie. :)
Terr Ram
Terr Ram - 7 years ago
you two are awesum together
Kyuubi Colly
Kyuubi Colly - 7 years ago
Hey jenny saw on joeys vid that you are having issues with cannablising in the axalotl tank, i remembered before you said you feed sparingly every few days , each to there own i thought but apon seeing the issue and knowing i kep 6 together with no issues that feeding every day will fix the issue i fed mine a few worms every day each and never had an issue. Hope it helps x
K-reef Aquarium hobby
K-reef Aquarium hobby - 7 years ago
Great video
fuzzy wuzzy
fuzzy wuzzy - 7 years ago
can you do a do and don,t video on the frogs I want some but know nothing about care or handling cleaning etc
Shelley H.
Shelley H. - 7 years ago
Did Joey wash his hands before sticking them in your goldfish tub?
Tumtum Rk
Tumtum Rk - 7 years ago
why you don't go to king of diy joey the owner of King of diy always come to your home
Armando Sandulan
Armando Sandulan - 7 years ago
Hello just asking if my icon has changed it is a like fish
Darko Leskovšek
Darko Leskovšek - 7 years ago
Blayde - 7 years ago
Armando Sandulan
Armando Sandulan - 7 years ago
Tina Absolom
Tina Absolom - 7 years ago
“What happened to your foot?” “Oh my brother ate it”
snow flakes
snow flakes - 7 years ago
I never said this before but Bug's Life do matter but I don't even like bugs Vanessa's a ladybug or a butterfly not a caterpillar those hairy bugs that are called bear something those creatures are not afraid of I'm afraid of spiders and the other I'm afraid of a fly a moth but they do matter your life matter I meant
Armando Sandulan
Armando Sandulan - 7 years ago
I'm so happy
Adrian Hickenbottom
Adrian Hickenbottom - 7 years ago
Love this collab! You both rock!!
atreadia - 7 years ago
You should always ask if they bite before you feed them.
Tumtum Rk
Tumtum Rk - 7 years ago
do you know how manipur gallon is an aquarium can you make a video on that
Tumtum Rk
Tumtum Rk - 7 years ago
do you know how manipur gallon is an aquarium can you make a video on that
Tumtum Rk
Tumtum Rk - 7 years ago
do you know how manipur gallon is an aquarium can you make a video on that
Armando Sandulan
Armando Sandulan - 7 years ago
Krista Baldwin
Krista Baldwin - 7 years ago
Joey and Jennie, sounds good to me ;)
Armando Sandulan
Armando Sandulan - 7 years ago
I love your channel even though I'm a new subscriber and also the king of DIY
Sara Rogers
Sara Rogers - 7 years ago
What happened to your Betta fish???
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 7 years ago
Lol joey is a lunatic in a good way
Matthew Hedges
Matthew Hedges - 7 years ago
Haha this was so fun #BugLivesMatter
Jessica Weber
Jessica Weber - 7 years ago
Is it just me or is joey not as tall as his own videos make him seem?...
Death Stricker264
Death Stricker264 - 7 years ago
it is 12:05 where I am right now
Jojen Bornales
Jojen Bornales - 7 years ago
I love the reaction hahaha
RissaMallos - 7 years ago
You guys are hilarious!
X-d caraig
X-d caraig - 7 years ago
I need help guys how do I cure fin rot? plz help me plzzz!!!
Leolu Bert
Leolu Bert - 7 years ago
Add garlic and water changes
TheFirstFool - 7 years ago
Daily 25% water changes is a good start, and raise water temperature a few degrees (F). But the other commenter is right, Google it.
MFL - 7 years ago
google it in case no one who sees this comment can help you
KatrinaThomas1990 - 7 years ago
Quick question, but im sure you have gotten it covered... Joey fed your axolotls using his hands.... then i saw in his video that he went to put his finger in your tub with the goldfish in.... Do you still consider your axolotl tank to still be contaminated? I just hope that he washed his hands before popping his finger in there :) xxxx
Kelly Vara
Kelly Vara - 7 years ago
If you listen to what she says, they did joeys video first and started hers in the fish room. She knows better than to let something happen.
S Johnson
S Johnson - 7 years ago
Well spotted! I didnt notice that. Really hope it didnt cross contaminate but it shows just how easy it is to make a mistake. Fingers crossed
Chaz *
Chaz * - 7 years ago
You guys made a great video. Loved it.
kawii girl
kawii girl - 7 years ago
Make a video about axol care
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
He didn’t feed the leopard geckos..☹️but that was so hilarious
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
He didn’t feed the leopard geckos..☹️but that was so hilarious
Blue Stuff
Blue Stuff - 7 years ago
When he said the rabbit would make a nice pair of mits
MillaRaeDeshibeau - 7 years ago
This video was awesome!! Joe is a comic relief and Jenny you tested his skills with your animals apart from your fish. I never laughed so much!!
little pet kingdome
little pet kingdome - 7 years ago
Blue Stuff
Blue Stuff - 7 years ago
I have about 30pet yabbys
Loven Kind
Loven Kind - 7 years ago
Bugs’ lives matter
Kayla Dickson
Kayla Dickson - 7 years ago
where are the discus?
Chris Cunningham
Chris Cunningham - 7 years ago
Hey I bought an axoltle about 6 months ago with 2 of my friends and their all from the same mother but mine is abnormally larger then there’s it’s weird
Kourosh Jalilvand
Kourosh Jalilvand - 7 years ago
Joey has been to your place twice, now we just need you to visit him!
Kimberly - 7 years ago
"bug lives matter"? really?
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
Loved the video
hahayourfunny94 - 7 years ago
"So how much do you know about Axolotls?"
Umm Jenny are you forgetting the whole Axoltie thing?
Gina Goth
Gina Goth - 7 years ago
You guys had me laughing the whole time!
Caitlin P
Caitlin P - 7 years ago
Gina Goth right?! Good vibes
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Gina Goth I’m sensitive!!
Yuma - 7 years ago
It's Ethan!
It's Ethan! - 7 years ago
Who is here before 1,000 likes?
Tilly Deno
Tilly Deno - 7 years ago
What area of FL do you live in, Jennie?? I'm a FL fish nerd as well!!
kb b
kb b - 7 years ago
Love the collaboration!! <3
Madison Erickson
Madison Erickson - 7 years ago
I wanted to see him feed the leopard geckos, imagine him with crickets
Ally Fiorido
Ally Fiorido - 7 years ago
A sensitive soul
Summer Folster
Summer Folster - 7 years ago
“He’d make a nice pair of mittens”

Sounds like my husband
Nick Padula
Nick Padula - 7 years ago
I love these videos! No matter if it's her giving us advice on our own fish hobbies or her friend fending off an axolotl it's always such a pleasure to watch these videos... Keep it up Solid Gold!
Mikel Moro-Usabiaga
Mikel Moro-Usabiaga - 7 years ago
Before watching solid gold=ugh goldfish?

After watching solid gold=da goldfish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feenie - 7 years ago
Pray4Mojo - 7 years ago
Nice watch too.
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
First the iPhone X then the sneakers wow!!
S T - 7 years ago
Feenie LOL Good to know I wasn’t the only one who caught that!!!
Summer Folster
Summer Folster - 7 years ago
Don’t chop off Sammy’s limbs
Pet Craz
Pet Craz - 7 years ago
Jenny, nice work with all you’re pets!
Pet Craz
Pet Craz - 7 years ago
Axalotles are going to “Evolve” Into salamanders?! No, they are already what they are going to be!
Ryleigh Lynn Johnston
Ryleigh Lynn Johnston - 7 years ago
I love your videos so much can you please do a video about how to start a nitrogen cycle/ set up a tank if you have no established aquariums.
Alisha Santiago
Alisha Santiago - 7 years ago
You two are cute together
You're like soccer mom's but with animals
Audrey Rose
Audrey Rose - 7 years ago
Hey bug lives do matter
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 7 years ago
Love how you have a microscope area! Glad to see the room rollin along!
SamanthaR - 7 years ago
I would flinch feeding axolotls too...maybe it's a Canadian thing.
Donna Kate Morgan
Donna Kate Morgan - 7 years ago
You guys are hilarious together ,
Ransomed09 - 7 years ago
8:50 "Do they have tongues?" lol
Jelly Jelly
Jelly Jelly - 7 years ago
How many goldfish do u have now?????
Ed Dex
Ed Dex - 7 years ago
Its so dreat seeing the Three Aquateers keep it up ...I wish I was over their to be one of the guys to help you put up those tanks. Well I would just be a fan it..
Ed Dex
Ed Dex - 7 years ago
I meant to say typ8ng skill not so they are
impyness - 7 years ago
Jennie and Joey- my OTP
KOPPAKZZZ - 7 years ago
I was wondering if the goldfish got the disease because of joey's visit last time in may I think? He is around a lot of fish. There is no other reason I can think of as to why all of sudden your fish get sick and die.
KOPPAKZZZ - 7 years ago
Joey may look like a man but don't let that fool you. He is a kid at heart. I love that guy.
Tyler Beavers
Tyler Beavers - 7 years ago
It looks like they have super long tongues when they eat worms. XD
wayouttatune2 - 7 years ago
he is not there just for the fish when will he be moving in.
Nicholas Beiser
Nicholas Beiser - 7 years ago
O t p
mark west
mark west - 7 years ago
I'm not to sure about injecting ax with iodine. its normally ingested. but we are listening to a man who electrocutes his guests
Nails_please And pets
Nails_please And pets - 7 years ago
" it didn't hurt me, I'm sensitive" -when someone pokes me
InfinityPets - 7 years ago
FreakyVines - 7 years ago
So cool, I love watching both of you guys!! Great video
Joseph Rialon
Joseph Rialon - 7 years ago
ive had axolotls for over 4 years now but i still get a fright whenever they snatch the food out of my hand when i hand feed them! hahaha
Linda Hickman
Linda Hickman - 7 years ago
I never expected Joey to be creeped out by a fruit fly!
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
How well do the cats and the bunny get along?
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Jeff K I think the pin gets along with Henry might than the cats
c k
c k - 7 years ago
Henry is so cute!
Greg Wittstock, The Pond Guy
Greg Wittstock, The Pond Guy - 7 years ago
Looking forward to meeting you both!
John Robinson
John Robinson - 7 years ago
I didn't say anything on DYI cause I wasn't sure... but I have already subscribed to your channel. I only forgot to ring your bell so I could catch all your videos. At this moment though that problem is solved. Fyi you are so much cuter than Joey. Lol. Much live sent your way
Caden MA Ryan
Caden MA Ryan - 7 years ago
Caden MA Ryan
Caden MA Ryan - 7 years ago
you and Joey are some of my favorite YouTubers
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
Great colab as you ,Joey and Rachel have to do a colab together.
Bryndís Bridget Smith
Bryndís Bridget Smith - 7 years ago
Jennie there are so many fruit flies that come in through my window ac (I also live in florida) just come get them
cassandra quirino
cassandra quirino - 7 years ago
Hahaha he's great
Bunnytaichou - 7 years ago
Now you need to go tour the aquarium gallery, Jenny. I'd love to see your reaction to it.
Bob Tate
Bob Tate - 7 years ago
That moment where he made the rabbit twitch that's captured in his video was priceless. LOL
E Reynolds
E Reynolds - 7 years ago
He thinks cultivating fruit flies is bad?? Try dubia roaches lmao
Vince lauf
Vince lauf - 7 years ago
joey when balls deeep
barking Coco
barking Coco - 7 years ago
congrats on 190 k subs
Fish Tropic
Fish Tropic - 7 years ago
Kendra Voracek
Kendra Voracek - 7 years ago
How big is that axotols tank again?
Jamie Wang
Jamie Wang - 7 years ago
Allen Jones
Allen Jones - 7 years ago
Anybody else find it ironic Joey was giving the one whose arm got bit a bunch of crap but as soon as he put his finger near it the thing bit him on the finger
Cam Gaylor
Cam Gaylor - 7 years ago
Are you all dating?
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
Yup, if you have kids its time to stop dicking around
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Glitter Sparkle
Glitter Sparkle - 7 years ago
Cam Gaylor he’s married
Cat Kruz
Cat Kruz - 7 years ago
What’s up with the betta?
ItzJuzt Brandon
ItzJuzt Brandon - 7 years ago
Joey’s laugh is amazing
Gingersnaap - 7 years ago
Joey is honestly me whenever I have to stick my hand in my axolotl tank to move things around, they snap at anything!! It doesn't hurt, it's just very sudden.
Kyeian - 7 years ago
...randomly, I could have sworn a jib was a piece of men's clothing (like a cummerbund or something), but upon googling, the search is mainly showing a sail. "I like the cut of your jib" is a way to say "I like your style". I don't think it's a particularly Canadian term, but I've never heard anyone actually say it before, just read it lol. Thanks for the video, I enjoyed this immensely
Valz Albo
Valz Albo - 7 years ago
Kyeian It's an old english phrase
Kendra Voracek
Kendra Voracek - 7 years ago
yahaira8a - 7 years ago
I love Joey and I love you!! Awesome video!
Emilia P
Emilia P - 7 years ago
Lmao the poor axolotl was probably more scared than Joey was
Olivia Ryals
Olivia Ryals - 7 years ago
Emilia P I don’t know... Joey was pretty frightened.
ItzJuzt Brandon
ItzJuzt Brandon - 7 years ago
“I’m sensitive”
Harry Potter Fans
Harry Potter Fans - 7 years ago
“On a scale of 1 to 10”

“Negative 6”

Me when someone asks if I did my homework
Andrew Lana
Andrew Lana - 7 years ago
Are you still building the 2100 gallon aquarium?
Jonathon Lewis
Jonathon Lewis - 7 years ago
My fish got brown spots and went away after a week. What did the fish have.
ya girl fundip
ya girl fundip - 7 years ago
you wonder why I have you on Snapchat lol

I love to see the previews of videos
johnathon holder
johnathon holder - 7 years ago
Are you ever going to visit his fish room
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Maybe she will.. but it might be when she goes to Minnesota.. Cuz from there is closer to Nova Scotia (as comparison)
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
johnathon holder I was wondering the same thing???
ur2good2b4got10 - 7 years ago
It would be sooo awesome if you and Rachel O'leary did a video together. Women can be fish geeks too with bad ass fishrooms...
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
mizzoktober1 - 7 years ago
Bugs DO matter! That is like me saying to you your wife doesn't matter. Everyone respects the world differently.
Cooper Moncrief
Cooper Moncrief - 7 years ago
noorhtc - 7 years ago
I subbed to Joey through Jenny from their first meet up. Two amazing fish keepers and such inspirations the both of you, through thick & thin.
Kirkwin Films
Kirkwin Films - 7 years ago
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Hey joey
Mr Namcraft
Mr Namcraft - 7 years ago
joe adams
joe adams - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I also live in Canada where do u live there
Julian Lankhorst
Julian Lankhorst - 7 years ago
Joey is part of th Gucci gang
Maximum max
Maximum max - 7 years ago
I subbed your channel before 1 year
Lauren Klinger
Lauren Klinger - 7 years ago
You can walk in a tank with freshwater stingrays no problem but yelp when an axolotl takes a little nip? Lol
Greg Wittstock, The Pond Guy
Greg Wittstock, The Pond Guy - 7 years ago
I’ve got koi that will suck a finger off!
Tilly Deno
Tilly Deno - 7 years ago
I see those Gucci sneaks Joey (;
Spencer Lake
Spencer Lake - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Hi joey
Marowak Maniac
Marowak Maniac - 7 years ago
My butterfly telescope goldfish has small black rips in his fins I don't know what's wrong with him
Jean Rey Hinaut
Jean Rey Hinaut - 7 years ago
you're so cute, Jenny!
Andrew Madden
Andrew Madden - 7 years ago
Can you PLEASE make a rabbit care video so i can send it to my aunt because im to akward to confront her. But she gives her kids bunnys and they have horrible care so ples make one
TheFirstFool - 7 years ago
Andrew Madden there are literally thousands of rabbit care videos on youtube. Will your aunt only trust videos made by Jenny or something?
Jessica Batdorj
Jessica Batdorj - 7 years ago
Early squad aaah feels so good
HK E - 7 years ago
Your lucy axolotl has terrible gills is her sister eating those too?
Skylar durrant
Skylar durrant - 7 years ago
He has sensitive fingers
Meghan Nicole Edwards
Meghan Nicole Edwards - 7 years ago
I ship it
Gingersnaap - 7 years ago
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Most of us know Joey is married and stuff

But if he wasnt.. they would have made a nice couple (they both have the same passion and love for the hobby)

Maybe in another life tho :D
Meghan Nicole Edwards
Meghan Nicole Edwards - 7 years ago
Ok people
Brandi Betke
Brandi Betke - 7 years ago
Diego Arana Jenny is single (she said in previous video) and Joey is married
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Jennifer has a boy friend and Joey is married
jeeshwat - 7 years ago
Meghan Nicole Edwards Me too but Joey has a wife and kids
DIY Pets !!
DIY Pets !! - 7 years ago
Where are you keeping your goldfish?
DIY Pets !!
DIY Pets !! - 7 years ago
Grant Wagner thx for the info
Grant Wagner
Grant Wagner - 7 years ago
DIY Pets !! She only has four because all of the other ones died
Hannah Spencer
Hannah Spencer - 7 years ago
Wow! I'm early! :)
MR. AQUARIUM - 7 years ago
Awesome vidoe
Samuel Amberg
Samuel Amberg - 7 years ago
Does he have a Rolex? It’s a nice watch!⏱ I don’t know if that is actually an accurate link
ya girl fundip
ya girl fundip - 7 years ago
aw man, I missed the upload while doing homework ha ha
Miss.Scales & friends
Miss.Scales & friends - 7 years ago
"It frightened me....i'm sensitive"
John Harvey
John Harvey - 7 years ago
Ecartts - 7 years ago
This video is hilarious!

Jennie should do more videos with someone (like 2 people in a video)..

These videos are funny and she doesnt just smile (like she does when she is just her in the video).. She laughs too
mizzoktober1 - 7 years ago
I agree but I think she is kind of a loner.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
These kind of videos with Joey now but also with your sister are my all time favorites

So much fun and laughs :D
Sydney Sparks
Sydney Sparks - 7 years ago
Love when y’all collab!! Happy New Years Jennie:)
Elektra Natchios
Elektra Natchios - 7 years ago
He’s so cute!!!! Your both are cute! I can’t stand it!
adamsboards - 7 years ago
Such a fun video!
biggunzcdb - 7 years ago
My bass ate my muddog's leg twice...
PuppyGirl TX
PuppyGirl TX - 7 years ago
I was the 1,345th person to view this video.
Jack S
Jack S - 7 years ago
Love the dynamics. Would like to see Big Steen and Jenny getting together.
Jack S
Jack S - 7 years ago
I guess not.
Basil Destiny
Basil Destiny - 7 years ago
I don't think Big Steen's fiance, Tiffany, would be too happy about that.
Cynthia Daniels
Cynthia Daniels - 7 years ago
I want to see Jennie do a video with Rachel and Joey.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
From all the names they gave them.. what Rachel did with her fish (Cranky pants) is my top favorite haha

I often smile when she talks about him hahah
Deeznutz !
Deeznutz ! - 7 years ago
I love it when my favorite fish guru's collaborate. Now Rachel, Joey and jenny need to meet up with Cory. Jenny needs a new goldfish mascot to go with Frank, captain cranky pants and Murphy.
The Water Box
The Water Box - 7 years ago
Haha So cool! Love seeing my two fav youtubers pissing about!
Heaven Stangvilla
Heaven Stangvilla - 7 years ago
I love how in almost everyvideo you make you are joyful and happy! you inspire me to do many things with animals. Love you !!!
Prokey Lafave
Prokey Lafave - 7 years ago
1st video that I’m watching, LOVE IT!!!
patrick star
patrick star - 7 years ago
Is mayonnaise an instrument
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Yep I think so....
MasochistMax - 7 years ago
Jevi Turtlebox
Jevi Turtlebox - 7 years ago
No neither is horseradish...
Alyssa Fenolio
Alyssa Fenolio - 7 years ago
patrick star lol spongebob reference!
Who lives in a
Pj Jones
Pj Jones - 7 years ago
I was having withdraw after vlogmas. Yay.
_prince mt_
_prince mt_ - 7 years ago
Hi love ur channel and all your pets, and I really miss Clyde!
XxKing_IsaacxX - 7 years ago
As soon as I got the notification I was like "Ohh I already love the video"
Will Frost
Will Frost - 7 years ago
The king is popping some pretty nice sneakers
Cooper Moncrief
Cooper Moncrief - 7 years ago
i love ur axolotls,u should sell axolotl plush
Danielle Cap
Danielle Cap - 7 years ago
This is probably one of the sweetest YouTube star guest meetups I've seen yet. <3
PuppyGirl TX
PuppyGirl TX - 7 years ago
I ❤️
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
PuppyGirl TX what abo king of diy
Ryan Clancy
Ryan Clancy - 7 years ago
Omg I don’t remember the character Medusa ever eating legs
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
Cut of his jib, I'm guessing it comes from sailboats and the jib sail.
folle des_bestiolles
folle des_bestiolles - 7 years ago
Yassssssssss girl
Nat Baxter
Nat Baxter - 7 years ago
Happy New year jenny
Matthew Kim
Matthew Kim - 7 years ago
Like bc why not
Oliver Piong
Oliver Piong - 7 years ago
Yesss I was so excited for this new videoooo
Casimir Funk
Casimir Funk - 7 years ago
Happy New Year, Jenny! You've inspired me to start a goldfish tank (I just set it up for an initial cycle tonight!)
Toyricx - 7 years ago
yay finally an upload
Zachaire Mayhew
Zachaire Mayhew - 7 years ago
Where is ur Betta fish?
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Zachaire Mayhew oh yeah what about ARLO
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
Interesting thing about the regeneration is that scientists are trying to figure out how to do it with people. That little trick these little guys do might someday eliminate a lot of suffering for people.
TheFirstFool - 7 years ago
Jane Doe at the moment, it isn't for regenerating human limbs lol. It's for regenerating spinal damage, and damaged parts of the brain, through stem cells.
Joshua Fuhrman
Joshua Fuhrman - 7 years ago
Yeah I was just kiddin
jonstfrancis - 7 years ago
It seemed like a good idea until they grew back an axolotl leg
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 7 years ago
Joshua Fuhrman lol it's not for generating entirely new people. It's for people who have lost limbs and things like that. I feel like you were kidding but I also feel like someone will see this and take it seriously.
Joshua Fuhrman
Joshua Fuhrman - 7 years ago
Why are scientists trying to increase world population? It's a conspiracy theory. OOOOHHhhhohooooo
Amelia's Menagerie
Amelia's Menagerie - 7 years ago
I need "It didn't hurt it frightened me, I'm sensitive" to be a meme. NOW!!
Rick Stalker
Rick Stalker - 7 years ago
Need to make a T-shirt out of it!
ejames genegobis
ejames genegobis - 7 years ago
Amelia's Menagerie JUST DO IT!!!
brein vol glitters
brein vol glitters - 7 years ago
Amelia's Menagerie yaass make it a meme
Joseph Garcia
Joseph Garcia - 7 years ago
Amelia's Menagerie shutyo ass up
Sydney King
Sydney King - 7 years ago
"It didn't hurt it frightened me, I'm sensitive"
-Story of my life
Amazing Jenny
Amazing Jenny - 7 years ago
Sydney King literally my favorite part
Fungus m
Fungus m - 7 years ago
thank you so much for improving the life of my Goldfish, you've done so much for goldfish, thank you!
Supergecko8 - 7 years ago
Twger - 7 years ago
Faisal Miah
Faisal Miah - 7 years ago
Hi joey!
Syed Hashmi
Syed Hashmi - 7 years ago
First comment
Wild Galaxy Wolf
Wild Galaxy Wolf - 7 years ago
Syed Hashmi but you thought
keng yang
keng yang - 7 years ago
Just saw this ine in his YouTube channel
Joel Garcia
Joel Garcia - 7 years ago
Breno Vitoriano
Breno Vitoriano - 7 years ago
Miky Suh
Miky Suh - 7 years ago
I watched just before the video from joey visiting your fish room ;)
Javier Frausto
Javier Frausto - 7 years ago
Poor axolotls, by the way, you misspelled axolotls in the description, "axoltols"
Kevin Leong
Kevin Leong - 7 years ago
You are all over the place!!! Joey are you ever with your family? Your constantly out!!!
Keira L.
Keira L. - 7 years ago
I love both of your guys’s
Kevin Jones
Kevin Jones - 7 years ago
Jennie thicc asf like legit my god, Feedin them fish aint all he's doin ;)
Versity F
Versity F - 7 years ago
Kevin Jones l like her car if you know what I mean
Michaela Hixenbaugh
Michaela Hixenbaugh - 7 years ago
Laoboy 1 someone without insecurities and a relationship built on trust maybe.
Orange Knight
Orange Knight - 7 years ago
Kevin Jones He was already in Florida on vacation with his family and he was just visiting another hobbits to talk and catch up not anything you were thinking about.
mtkt09 - 7 years ago
This dude watches asmr look at his liked vids lol
yahaira8a - 7 years ago
Kevin Jones p.s. Jenny is very pretty though!
yahaira8a - 7 years ago
Kevin Jones cochino!
Theo Amos
Theo Amos - 7 years ago
U think he went that far to see her animals ??
Lauren - 7 years ago
One that is trusting & knows that a collaboration video is work related. Its normal to have friends of the opposite sex. If my husband ever tried to control me like that i'd tell them to fuck off lmfao its unhealthy.
Just YouTubing
Just YouTubing - 7 years ago
Kevin Jones sure moron
Laoboy 1
Laoboy 1 - 7 years ago
lol who’s wife would let them go visit another female
Kevin Jones
Kevin Jones - 7 years ago
Love you too <3
Just YouTubing
Just YouTubing - 7 years ago
Morons like yourself ruin everything good in this world.
Amber Duggie
Amber Duggie - 7 years ago
SaphireDIY - 7 years ago
I love you Jennie your so awesome!!!!
Anything Animals
Anything Animals - 7 years ago
Haley's Animals
Haley's Animals - 7 years ago
So cool
Alyssa Fenolio
Alyssa Fenolio - 7 years ago
He can feed big fish but not a small axolotl! Lol
Jagged Guillermo
Jagged Guillermo - 7 years ago
'Cause he's scared
Abby H
Abby H - 7 years ago
Lala it’s not a lizard. Lizards have dry skin while amphibians have moist skin. And just like all salamanders, axolotls are amphibians
Lala - 7 years ago
It's a lizard. It just likes to swim in water .
Alyssa Fenolio
Alyssa Fenolio - 7 years ago
Lala first of all I never said an axolotl is a fish. And second of all and axolotl is not a lizard. Axolotl are amphibians. And instead of saying lizard try saying reptile instead it sounds smarter even though you were incorrect.
Lala - 7 years ago
axolot is a lizard, not a fish.
NeonGaming YT
NeonGaming YT - 7 years ago
Alyssa Fenolio because he's not used to it
Zheng Amy
Zheng Amy - 7 years ago
YAY!!!! NEW VIDEO!!!! :D
Von Chic
Von Chic - 7 years ago
Hey I’m first to comment I love your videos Jenny
Frail Official
Frail Official - 7 years ago
Love your videos!
Sadya Barber
Sadya Barber - 7 years ago
Rosie M
Rosie M - 7 years ago
Can i have 4 neon tetras, 2 Molly’s and a Betta in a 10 gallon tank?
Someone please answer
TheFirstFool - 7 years ago
Maiandria bit of a mouthful. I'd just say 'and everyone's happy'. :)
Maiandria - 7 years ago
@TheFirstFool Well, a happy aquatic animal. Does that sound better? lol
TheFirstFool - 7 years ago
Maiandria even the frog's a happy FISH?
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 7 years ago
No. Neon Tetras are sensitive so need a 20 gallon for stable water parameters. And need to be in schools of at least 6. A single Betta will work in a 10 gallon. Mollies are a no for sure. They need 30 gallons because some varieties can get to 5 inches. Your best bet is a Betta with snails and maybe shrimp. It is a good idea to only try bettas with other fish in at least a 20 gallon.
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
I think so the bio load should not be too much for a 10 gallon
catrosenight - 7 years ago
If you’re putting in a Betta, also put in as many plants as you can (either real or silk, not plastic because Betta fins are super fragile) so if they get stressed, the other fish have somewhere to hide or have something that distracts the Betta.
Logan Kimball
Logan Kimball - 7 years ago
No to the mollies they need a 20 gallon.
Maiandria - 7 years ago
I would try maybe 6 rasboras and a betta. I personally have two African Dwarf Frogs with my betta in my tank. Everybody's a happy fish. :)
Maiandria - 7 years ago
You need 30 gallons minimum for corydoras, though.
Megatronsters - 7 years ago
I wouldn't. That's very close quarters for a betta. They will be sharing the same space towards the top of the tank. You will need a docile betta, and you can't always guarantee that you will get one. If you do set this up, have an appropriate setup for the betta just in case it doesn't work out. Also neons will do best in groups of 6 or more. I wouldn't have 6 in a 10 with a betta.
Haley's Animals
Haley's Animals - 7 years ago
Males could kill your fish female's are ok just only do one any more information you need help with let me know
Rosie M
Rosie M - 7 years ago
i was always thinking of a female if i get a community tank. On another video someone said that i couldn’t
Haley's Animals
Haley's Animals - 7 years ago
Community bettas are best the fish are less likely to bite him make sure the betta is a female
Rosie M
Rosie M - 7 years ago
Ok thanks
Haley's Animals
Haley's Animals - 7 years ago
Rosie M yes
Anything Animals
Anything Animals - 7 years ago
Hey can someone sub to me
Anything Animals
Anything Animals - 7 years ago
Haley's Animals
Haley's Animals - 7 years ago
Jules - 7 years ago
Ooh, nice.
Hammylover 4545
Hammylover 4545 - 7 years ago
That is awesome and so cool!
Omar ́s Aquatics
Omar ́s Aquatics - 7 years ago
Betta vlogs
Betta vlogs - 7 years ago
Lol vid

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