LIOW VIDEO: Visit to Jackson's mini pet house 养鱼爱好者的家
Discus 7 years ago 10,283 views
As requested by some of my YT friends, I visited Jackson's house and recorded this update video of the flowerhorn & Wild Oscar to share. From this video you will know how much time , money and effort he spending on his pets. Those turtle boxes are special made to house baby terrapins/box turtle during night time or bad weather (day time will be in a big container at his balcony). He adopted the aro (below tank) from someone and it already used to keep in smaller space. (he tried to put it in bigger tank but still swim at one corner). These are not my pets and Jackson is kind enough to share his collections. So please understand that not every question I can reply on his behalf and I can't keep on checking with him. This will be my last fish video in 2017! Wish all my YT friends a happy new year!
They don't have even place to swim! And its too small :(
Also the two arowanas that the tank was divided was like squeezed & they don't have enough space to swim
Ohh icic
10. comment for LIOW VIDEO: Visit to Jackson's mini pet house 养鱼爱好者的家
20. comment for LIOW VIDEO: Visit to Jackson's mini pet house 养鱼爱好者的家