LIOW VIDEO: Visit to Jackson's mini pet house 养鱼爱好者的家

As requested by some of my YT friends, I visited Jackson's house and recorded this update video of the flowerhorn & Wild Oscar to share. From this video you will know how much time , money and effort he spending on his pets. Those turtle boxes are special made to house baby terrapins/box turtle during night time or bad weather (day time will be in a big container at his balcony). He adopted the aro (below tank) from someone and it already used to keep in smaller space. (he tried to put it in bigger tank but still swim at one corner). These are not my pets and Jackson is kind enough to share his collections. So please understand that not every question I can reply on his behalf and I can't keep on checking with him. This will be my last fish video in 2017! Wish all my YT friends a happy new year!

LIOW VIDEO: Visit to Jackson's mini pet house 养鱼爱好者的家 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Discus 7 years ago 10,283 views

As requested by some of my YT friends, I visited Jackson's house and recorded this update video of the flowerhorn & Wild Oscar to share. From this video you will know how much time , money and effort he spending on his pets. Those turtle boxes are special made to house baby terrapins/box turtle during night time or bad weather (day time will be in a big container at his balcony). He adopted the aro (below tank) from someone and it already used to keep in smaller space. (he tried to put it in bigger tank but still swim at one corner). These are not my pets and Jackson is kind enough to share his collections. So please understand that not every question I can reply on his behalf and I can't keep on checking with him. This will be my last fish video in 2017! Wish all my YT friends a happy new year!

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Most popular comments
for LIOW VIDEO: Visit to Jackson's mini pet house 养鱼爱好者的家

Sean Playz
Sean Playz - 7 years ago
Where did uncle Jackson buy his arowana (long yu)
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
If you want to buy, go BCA located at no.22 Pasir Ris Farmway 2 Blk B unit 6/7. They going to shift out soon and can give some discount :)
Sean Playz
Sean Playz - 7 years ago
Thanks uncle
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Sean Playz the top one more then 5yrs below one adopted from someone who give up hobby. He also cannotremember where.
NASSER MOHAMED - 7 years ago
Hi bro I bought new super red arowana his age one year and half but the problem is more than one week he not eat anything I try feeding live small fish but still not eating and yesterday he jumped out of tunk but he looks like ok but he damaged his skin, isn't normal and what can I do to let them eat
redstardustX - 7 years ago
Bro the turtle enclosure is too small for them!
They don't have even place to swim! And its too small :(
Also the two arowanas that the tank was divided was like squeezed & they don't have enough space to swim
redstardustX - 7 years ago
GIBSONGASPER123 yep u should
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
redstardustX i should have made the video more details so that my viewer will understand. All thinking that he animal abuse
redstardustX - 7 years ago
Ohh icic
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
redstardustX the box is special design for baby turtle when keep in at night or bad weather. They will be at his balcony most of the time. This baby turtle like to hide under the rock/hole or stay in one corner even he put them outdoor. They like small space to feel secure. The aro he adopted from someone who keep in small tank. Even put in big tank the aro will remain in one side.
vmkr 00
vmkr 00 - 7 years ago
Now my arowana got sick,got something white like tiny wool on her body n the fish dowan to eat as last time...I want to buy medicine but I m not sure wheter it is fungal infection or bacterial infection...her body full of tiny white bubbles....bcause they r selling 2 diff medicine(for fungal and bacterial infection),which one should I use? Anyone pls help....
James Lim
James Lim - 7 years ago
no harm trying both medicine?
vmkr 00
vmkr 00 - 7 years ago
GIBSONGASPER123 okay...anyway tq
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
vmkr 00 sad to know that. Take photo or video of your fish and consult your pet shop to see what medicine best for that condition. I'm not expert and don't want to mislead you. Hope got friend here able to give some advice.
Stan W
Stan W - 7 years ago
Wow what a collection! A well anticipated video. It was good to see how the old friends you gave him were doing.
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Stan W Haha! I'm there to 'check' on him. To ensure he take good care of them. He's a crazy person who love pets like crazy. He got his own way to keep them.
james johnstone
james johnstone - 7 years ago
i love the wild oscar but bro aro need a biger tanks
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
james johnstone Yes bro. He understand that but he adopted that aro from someone and it always swim at one corner even he put it in bigger tank. The ex-owner put it in small tank so maybe the aro used to it.
Kick CRAFT - 7 years ago
Do u guys have any thoughts of a red tail Asian arowana living in a 5 feet long term ?
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Kick CRAFT you means RTG in 5 feet tank? Here we only keep xback golden and red aro. Now seldom see rtg due to low demand.
C Mh
C Mh - 7 years ago
can i know ur friend jackson use what common pellet to his fish ,especially for enhance colour
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
C Mh you're welcome, we learn from each other. Actually most of the food are the same, packaging & brand different from different countries price also not the same. So no need to look for expensive one. Only your fish will know nice or not.
C Mh
C Mh - 7 years ago
+GIBSONGASPER123 thx for sharing experience , now i keep flowerhorn and blood parrot ,hard to choose the pellet that can enhance colour faster and effectively
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
C Mh the breed is more important. Some food may help but when u stop feeding with that, colour will be faded too. There are so many brand in the market, hard to say which one is good or bad. To me, when the food finished, i will buy other brand.
C Mh
C Mh - 7 years ago
+GIBSONGASPER123 frozen blood worm good in enhance colour ? or the shrimp is better
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
C Mh he got so many dry food for the fish. I also never go to that details. But flozen blood worms is one of the main food.
Ken Wu
Ken Wu - 7 years ago
I'm think arowana need bigger tanks....
Kelvin Lim
Kelvin Lim - 7 years ago
agreed. the two arowanas at the bottom tank are already bigger than the size of the given space. they look like they cannot swim around comfortably.

10. comment for LIOW VIDEO: Visit to Jackson's mini pet house 养鱼爱好者的家

Jehan Irani
Jehan Irani - 7 years ago
Use the same light for arowana as jackson turtles top scales are fading. I have noticed that compared to the previous videos
Ansh Pingale
Ansh Pingale - 7 years ago
Hats off..for his love and affection towords pets..
Leo lion
Leo lion - 7 years ago
I think he need more tank bigger is better. I know in Asia hard to get bigger tank
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Leo lion you're right. Small house having two 6 feet tanks and so many smaller tanks is no joke. Water and electricity bill cost a lot. He already trying his best. Sometime will move his fish to different tank.
nba exclusion
nba exclusion - 7 years ago
Thank you for the dedication towards doing this videos, appreciate it.
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
nba exclusion thanks for watching. Special made it for special friends like you :)
MrGuy136 - 7 years ago
Awesome video liow! Jackson has very unique ways of setting up the tanks. Seems to have modified most of the filters too. How often does he change the water in those tanks thou? Seems overstocked
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Thanks. Right, he modified most of his tank. water change once per week.
Ziber Strike
Ziber Strike - 7 years ago
Plz buy golden arowana
Ziber Strike
Ziber Strike - 7 years ago
Awesome bro
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Thanks bro :)
Mariam Bibi Hafejee
Mariam Bibi Hafejee - 7 years ago
I congratulate Jackson for his love for animals and I highly recommend him this as a hobby. What I liked in this video the most is his beautiful planted tank. I have finally built a beautiful pond in which there are many goldfishes, two turtles and a koi. I have this pond, four birds, a cat and an aquarium in which there are guppies, platies, an angelfish and two short tails. Jackson has many beautiful species of fish. As always, beautiful videos and keep up the excellent work.+1like.
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Mariam Bibi Hafejee thanks for your encouraging words.
Chan Win
Chan Win - 7 years ago
Nice update, liow. Thanks jackson for sharing too.
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Chan Win you're welcome :)
Kabilaash P
Kabilaash P - 7 years ago
Bro you gotta tell jackson to stop hoarding fish, the aro seems to suffer from upturned gills which results from a lack of space, he could always find a better home for his fish. This is borderline animal abuse.
Kabilaash P
Kabilaash P - 7 years ago
GIBSONGASPER123 Thanks for the info, you have put my mind at ease
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Kabilaash P those turtle will run freely at the balcony for sunbath but due to raining season, he need to keep them indoor. The boxes are special made for housing small turtle , we also need to keep them inside to prevent them from any animal attack during night time. Turtle like to hide under the rocks/hole and in a corner even you put them in bigger area. Baby turtle will feel more secure in small area. My turtle refused to eat for weeks in my bigger container, at the end jackson help me to look after it and now start eating. Thanks for your caring for the turtles. For arowana, he ever kept in bigger tank but only swim at one corner (maybe used to small tank at ex-owner's house)
Kabilaash P
Kabilaash P - 7 years ago
GIBSONGASPER123 in that case i understand but the essentials for life is food water and shelter the aros and the turtles are kept in very small enclosures maybe he can buy another tank to move one of the aros into and build a small pond to keep the turtles in
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Kabilaash P Bro, fyi this fish was already like that when he took over from someone who give up hobby. He put in the big tank also the same. If he want to abuse his fish, he will not spent so much money buying so many food/medication/water conditional for them.

20. comment for LIOW VIDEO: Visit to Jackson's mini pet house 养鱼爱好者的家

Carson Tan
Carson Tan - 7 years ago
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Living Nature
Living Nature - 7 years ago
Jackson home look awesome
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Yes. Singapore standard consider big.
d.yrieus s
d.yrieus s - 7 years ago
First aro seems to be red
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Yes, I also thought red aro, maybe due to the lighting. All are Xback.
d.yrieus s
d.yrieus s - 7 years ago
Cross back and xback no need tan
Noob In Wild
Noob In Wild - 7 years ago
The turtle enclosure is waaay to small please tell him to upgrade
Commonerprism - 7 years ago
GIBSONGASPER123 Actually that's incorrect those turtles don't like to be kept in small spaces. If you knew ur info which I don't think you do most of the turtles your friend owns need at least 50 gallons minimum per turtle.
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Noob In Wild normally will keep them at balcony run about. Now raining season so keep in door. Actually those boxes are special design for these turtle who like small area. If you put them in open space, they will also like to hide under the rocks/hole or at one corner.
Kascel’s Ants & Gaming
Kascel’s Ants & Gaming - 7 years ago
Nice turtles and terrapins!! Mind if I ask where he got those containers? Maybe share the link? and also I know I ask b4 but could u possibly tell me again where he got the turtle and also if possible how much?
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
can find the box from Taobao?
Kascel’s Ants & Gaming
Kascel’s Ants & Gaming - 7 years ago
Haha I see thanks for the info!
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
You copy and paste this : 爬虫爬宠饲养盒守宫蜥蜴蝎子蜘蛛角蛙甲虫昆虫寄居蟹乌龟缸饲养箱
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
乌龟小盒 I trying to send you the link but unable to paste due to 'super long link'
Kascel’s Ants & Gaming
Kascel’s Ants & Gaming - 7 years ago
What’s the keywords to search on Taobao? Sorry for the trouble
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Sorry, forget to tell u the price: Albino $315 (very small when bought), Pastel $200 and box turtle I never ask because he bought 2, one for my birthday present, so not nice to ask how much he bought.
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Kascel’s Ants & Gaming pastel at Pasir Ris farmway the shop also without sign board but i ever told you the photo outside the shop in one of my video ending part which i can't recall which video. The albino and box turtle bought at serangoon north ave 1 new pet shop open this year. You can see a tank outside with many albino turtle. Easy to find. Box bought from Taobao.
Roy Pang
Roy Pang - 7 years ago
what gallon tank for his bedroom
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Sorry I'm not sure. He custom made that tank.
xReaction GT
xReaction GT - 7 years ago

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