Large Fish Cichlid “Gourmet Blend” Food Review
Discus 7 years ago 776 views - This is excellent large Cichlid food! I highly recommend it. Give it a try if anything else. I really like this large Cichlid gourmet blend. I'd actually have to agree with this guy most people think angels are really hard to keep but I've had angels go threw a fish in cycle. They are actually pretty easy to care for once you get everything set up the way it needs to be after that it's just a matter of good maintenance. ^^exactly. Ph 7.8 and they still breed. And they go with alot of fish. Really not the impossible hard to keep fish they are made out to be. Buy adults. Juveniles take a lot of effort and wc to grow out well. You can do angels and discus together. Just have to watch aggression with the angels if they are spawning. Nice. Huge variety of discus when I lived in Perth but now back in n.z it's very limited. But discus aren't the big daunting impossible fish they are made out to be. Funny you should say that, that's pretty much what I went from to then getting discus and a bigger set up, still the same rules and principles, we've got a big marine tank now, that was a jump and a half. Would love to have been able to get wild discus. Had these since before they even had colour. Just like any other tropical fish. Need 5+ to create a proper pecking order and angels are really easy as well. Just don't try stuffing them into a small tank. Never had problems. From what I understand discus are very sensitive to changes in water parameters I may not be understanding that correctly though so don't quote me on it I know they are part of the cichlid family... Get use to doing lots of 50% water changes. A PYTHON that can be found on Amazon is your best friend. I use it all the time. Also it's not necessary but I went all out and purchased a ro/ri system to soften the water. Discus over 4" are fine to grow out instead of buying adults as stated above. If you feel like it please let me know what strains you want and I can get them to your door the next day. Google pictures of Discus to get a idea. Lastly don't mix German and Asian Discus. Even though this is a big controversial topic I believe it. Happy Discus keeping!
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