Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop
Discus 5 years ago 8,734 views
Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop Watch the lovely aquarium fish varieties at the lovely aquarium fish shop. The Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop is located at Kalyan in Mumbai. The lovely aquarium fish shop deals in various types of aquarium fish as in freshwater fish, exotic fish and tropical fish. The lovely aquarium fish shop also deals in aquarium fish food, aquarium accessories, aquarium products and fish tank setups. The fish shop owner takes us through around more than 50 fish tanks to show the various fish varieties at their fish shop. The lovely aquarium fish shop has a wide collection of aquarium fish. From cichlid fish to gold fish varieties to tetra fish types to arowana fish types, the aquarium fish shop consists aquarium fish according to the need of every aquarium fish hobbyist. We get to see aquarium fish from small size varieties to medium size to giant size at the lovely aquarium fish shop. The lovely aquarium fish shop also has some uncommon aquarium fish varieties like the black shark fish, talking cat fish, green tetra fish and albino flowerhorn fish. Address :- Rambaug Main Road, Kalyan (w), Mumbai Contact No. :- 8655544545 The aquarium fish covered Danisoni fish Gold line corydora fish Guppy fish Trangelin fish Clown loach fish Marble angel fish Tuxedo angel fish Pink zebra fish Strawberry cichlid fish Severum fish Chocolate molly fish Rainbow shark fish Silver dollar fish Widow tetra fish Blue angel fish Santa claus molly fish Veil tail koi fish Black shark fish Molly fish Platinum diamond angel fish Cardinal tetra fish Oranda gold fish Neon tetra fish Common gold fish Ryukin gold fish White angel fish Kamfa flowerhorn fish Red dragon flowerhorn fish Tiger shark fish Albino flowerhorn fish Red severum fish White gourami fish Blue gourami fish Black moor gold fish Shubunkin gold fish Blue botya loach fish Koi fish Black neon tetra fish White fin tetra fish Glowlight tetra fish Feather fin cat fish Siamese algae eater fish Rumy nose tetra fish Black phantom tetra fish Endler guppy fish Mountain minnow tetra fish Hockey stick tetra fish Oranda gold fish Cobra guppy fish Betta fish Scar angel fish Fi color cichlid fish Red kodango cichlid fish Yellow kodango cichlid fish Oranda red cap gold fish Red parrot fish Yellow parrot fish Kuboto koi fish Red melon discus fish Blue diamond discus fish Leopard discus fish Silver arowana fish Pearl arowana fish Silver shark fish Ghost fish Red chilly arowana fish Red arowana fish Ranchu gold fish Golden pearl arowana fish Blue morph cichlid fish Rusty cichlid fish Bi color cichlid fish Six banded distichodus fish Butterfly koi fish
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जय महाराष्ट्र
Best wishes from indore (m.p.)
50. comment for Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop
Marathi madhey aaj
Khup chan
Ha na
His moto is only sell fish , bad me bhad me jao. Costly to bahot he