Medicating Discus - skin & gill flukes

I didn't follow the golden rules of quarantine and added a new discus to my aquarium too quickly. The result was skin & gill flukes introduced into my aquarium. The discus normally swim in all parts of the aquarium with their fins up, however after adding the new discus a day or two later they started huddling to one side of the aquarium and scratching against the plants and flicking their fins rapidly. I'm in the middle of treating my show tank (ugh) with Sera's Omnipur and the fish has responded quite well as you can see. Here are the technical specs on the Omnipur: Composition: 9-amino acridine hydrochloride 105 mg, acriflavine chloride 600 mg, ethacridine lactate 3375 mg, malachite green oxalate 79 mg, aqua purificata ad 100 ml.

Medicating Discus - skin & gill flukes sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Discus 11 years ago 29,215 views

I didn't follow the golden rules of quarantine and added a new discus to my aquarium too quickly. The result was skin & gill flukes introduced into my aquarium. The discus normally swim in all parts of the aquarium with their fins up, however after adding the new discus a day or two later they started huddling to one side of the aquarium and scratching against the plants and flicking their fins rapidly. I'm in the middle of treating my show tank (ugh) with Sera's Omnipur and the fish has responded quite well as you can see. Here are the technical specs on the Omnipur: Composition: 9-amino acridine hydrochloride 105 mg, acriflavine chloride 600 mg, ethacridine lactate 3375 mg, malachite green oxalate 79 mg, aqua purificata ad 100 ml.

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Most popular comments
for Medicating Discus - skin & gill flukes

kayxx - 7 years ago
Can I also use this for my goldfish cause he has goldfish. I will separate them and put the sick one in a other tank cause the other one seem healthy and otherwise i will treat them too but is it safe for goldfish ?
Bocskai Csaba
Bocskai Csaba - 9 years ago
Do you add this daily or just once in a week?
Celina Gomez
Celina Gomez - 9 years ago
What causes gill flukes? I just ran to Pet Smart for meds for my Ram and bought the API General Cure since I didn't see much variety. I hope it works.
Rahul Sudhakaran
Rahul Sudhakaran - 9 years ago
+Celina Gomez Try using Seachem Paraguard
AquariumGarden - 11 years ago
Thank you garnaal038!
AquariumGarden - 11 years ago
Thanks for the sub Mccrayfishh, much appreciated! Also glad you were able to get some help from the video, hopefully your fish are back in good form ASAP.
mccrayfishh - 11 years ago
I'm having that issue now. Jumped the gun with two new discus. I even had a QT tank up but thought I was good. Any way, good info, helped me out. You got my sub.
Joris van der Kamp
Joris van der Kamp - 11 years ago
nice! yea i am subbed!
AquariumGarden - 11 years ago
I'll give it a shot, thanks Jermiemcd
AquariumGarden - 11 years ago
Thanks Brian.

10. comment for Medicating Discus - skin & gill flukes

AquariumGarden - 11 years ago
Thanks PAMN, I asked my LFS to pick up a bottle of PP for me. I'll use that next time and in my quarintine tank.
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Good job on catching it and treating it. Tank looks great!
jeremiemcd - 11 years ago
Good luck with the meds, I agree with mn on prazipro it's a great product=)
TM Aquatics
TM Aquatics - 11 years ago
Good that you caught it quickly and jumped on it. They seem to be doing well. I had some flukes in my 120 Discus and treated with Prazipro. Prazi doesn't color the water or stain silicon, which is nice. Prazi works great for flukes.

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