Most Beautiful and Popular Aquarium Fishes
Discus 10 years ago 1,496,010 views
Bu videoyu YouTube Video Düzenleyicisi ( ile oluşturdum Most Beautiful and Popular Aquarium Fish kinds for your Aquarium (Every kind Aquariujm fishes) (Gourami, Dwarf Gourami, Poecilia, Guppy, Poecili Velifera, Discus, Arowana, Ramirezi, Tetrazon, Plati, Molly, Ballon Molly, Golden Fish, Ancistrus, Vatoz, Pangasius, Chiclid, Demosoni, Neon Tetra, Pterophyllum scalare
10. comment for Most Beautiful and Popular Aquarium Fishes
how are you
20. comment for Most Beautiful and Popular Aquarium Fishes
30. comment for Most Beautiful and Popular Aquarium Fishes
I have started a new channel for documenting my fish keeping experiences
Please Visit & subscribe :)
50. comment for Most Beautiful and Popular Aquarium Fishes
Tell ya one thing, my cyphotilapia gibberosa moba blow away any goldfish.
No offense if English is a foreign language to you, but we learned fish was always fish, singular and/or plural, in kindergarden.
100. comment for Most Beautiful and Popular Aquarium Fishes
All the local pet stores where I live don't sell birds anymore because of that damn noise.
Can't enjoy calming fish with that uncalming chirping.