Moving the Apisto to the Neon tank?

GET AN AWESOME TANK! Planted Tank Fish- Apistos, Species Sunday - Apistogramma Apistogramma bitaeniata, Flowering Crinum Natan, 220 Cleaned up a little. Neon Tetras SPECIES SUNDAY. How to keep Neon Tetras in a planted tank Neon Tetra Tank. 90 gallons of only one species... NEON TETRAS ONLY Aquarium Fish Species...... Species Sunday: Fish Recorded on October 28, 2010 using a Flip Video camcorder. Thanks for checking out my Moving the Apisto to the Neon tank? videos. If you like what you see or hear rate this video or add a comment. Ask me questions. For more video, Live chat and custom user profiles to show off your planted tanks planted, reef or other fishtanks, check out Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Fish Tank People Social Community

Moving the Apisto to the Neon tank? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Discus 14 years ago 11,450 views

GET AN AWESOME TANK! Planted Tank Fish- Apistos, Species Sunday - Apistogramma Apistogramma bitaeniata, Flowering Crinum Natan, 220 Cleaned up a little. Neon Tetras SPECIES SUNDAY. How to keep Neon Tetras in a planted tank Neon Tetra Tank. 90 gallons of only one species... NEON TETRAS ONLY Aquarium Fish Species...... Species Sunday: Fish Recorded on October 28, 2010 using a Flip Video camcorder. Thanks for checking out my Moving the Apisto to the Neon tank? videos. If you like what you see or hear rate this video or add a comment. Ask me questions. For more video, Live chat and custom user profiles to show off your planted tanks planted, reef or other fishtanks, check out Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for Moving the Apisto to the Neon tank?

ph4s3sh1ft - 8 years ago
Excuse me HIS bitch!!! Hahaha. Love it
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 11 years ago
do a species sunday and update on the apisto's
217pat - 12 years ago
i know i am late but happy birthday dustins wife! lol :)
Scales13 - 12 years ago
Death to the shrimp!!!
Peter W
Peter W - 12 years ago
Do you have any black neons? They are pretty chill
nicofish1000 - 14 years ago
@Dustinsfishtanks yo sean virtual high five!!! shmorgasboard to the max!!! well dustin can I make a recomendation to get your cories out and about. this is working with my baby raphy cat my older ones are beyond salvation. instead of having them eat the remains wet the food before placing it so that it will sink to the bottom. the neons will adapt to eat off the bottom and the cory cats will go crazy. I hope my idea works. its working for me o and Sean I enjoy dialoging with you.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 14 years ago
@Tang526 I'm moving the moss now..good call...
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 14 years ago
@nicofish1000 I am putting this dialog up on fishtanktv com. You guys are great...I gotta see what will happen. Plus I wanna see my F-ing cory cats! there is a troop of them in there that I never see. I wanna see a smorgasboard of shrimp carnage!
DJ Dr Sean
DJ Dr Sean - 14 years ago
@nicofish1000 I know. Some cichlids are peaceful. Some fish can put up with cichlids. Dustin has a video of them chasing those rainbows so don't tell me they just take out their aggression towards other cichlids. I have seen aggression with cichlids with other fish live with my own two eyes.

10. comment for Moving the Apisto to the Neon tank?

nicofish1000 - 14 years ago
@ThaDrSean yo I have kept other fish with cichlids. his tank is definately big enough for two apistograma and some neons. so really its jut a matter of oppinion and set up I feel like theres only one way to settle this. I find cichlids are not agressive towards other fish because they do not percieve them as a threat to teritory. I was at a fish store in peru and they had plenty of other fish with dwarf SA cichlids. lol oy dustin and you put the apistograma in there with the neons
DJ Dr Sean
DJ Dr Sean - 14 years ago
@nicofish1000 Dude you would be wasting some money. Neons do not belong with cichlids. My cousin has tried to keep other fish with cichlids and they would only last a week. Hes no beginner, he works at a legit fish store in New Jersey while hes in college.
InvisieMoto - 14 years ago
a man gots to do what a man gots to do
nicofish1000 - 14 years ago
@ThaDrSean that really depends on the individual. my geo was kept with JD at the LFS it is by nature peace ful but it was king of that tank. rams arent as peaceful as they are made out to be I have two and they were beating on each other I have one isolated for cotton mouth right now from the fighting. cichlids in general are mean towards other cichlids not third party is unlikely that any harm will come to the neons or the shrimp. lol now I want ot buy some apisto to prove my position
Caio Stanchak
Caio Stanchak - 14 years ago
I think you should do it, I dont think they will eat the adult shrimps but certainly the smaller ones which would be good :D
Tang526 - 14 years ago
Oh yeah one other thing make sure to save the reddest females and males.. the clear ones can go if they must >__>
Tang526 - 14 years ago
hmm the coconuts are good idea, and i think you should put a bush of moss next to the coconut incase they do breed, because the might eat their young, it takes them a while sometimes to learn not to eat them. Take out the rainbows first if you are going to, cichlid like to be the "first" in the tank, it makes them feel like a badass. So yeah i would definitely go for it. neons look like they might need some pushing around anyways.
DJ Dr Sean
DJ Dr Sean - 14 years ago
@nicofish1000 Some cichlids are peaceful. I know for a fact that geo's and rams's are peaceful. The one in the video is mean.
nicofish1000 - 14 years ago
@nicofish1000 raphy cat as long as I kept the JD well fed he wouldent touch the other fish. you can do alot with fish as long as you got a good set up with plenty f separations and places to hide. I just dont think the apistogramma will eat the shrimp. your shrimp trap idea is brilliant tho I would have never thought of that.
nicofish1000 - 14 years ago
@ThaDrSean naaaa cichlid aggression is overated man. I had rams with guppies and now a geo sp. with plenty on tetra as well as ghost shrimp and he wont touch them. I like to call this desensitization. the cichlid is so used to having all the tetra around him his aggression wares off. this also works on shy fish which is why I bought my silver dollars from a buisy store I didnt want scared fish so I bought some that where desensitized of human presense hell I even kept my bezerk JD with a tiny

20. comment for Moving the Apisto to the Neon tank?

nicofish1000 - 14 years ago
apistograma to the max! go CICHLIDS. well my dear dustin I would not do that. I have rams which are about the same size. I highly doubt that they will eat the shrimp. o and I read up on apistograma the cockatoo cichlid. and you want to keep them in a one guy to three bitch ratio. too many bitches will make the guy freak out and not know who to spawn with. either a three to one or a two to one bitch to dude.
DJ Dr Sean
DJ Dr Sean - 14 years ago
No don't do it!!! You can make a shrimp trap with a watter bottle and you can clean out a lot shrimp. Just youtube DIY cherry shrimp trap. You can take out like 50 and feed them to your other fish. Its like the first one thaat pops up. those cichlids could are too aggressive for neons.

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