My 100 Gallon Discus Tank - Controlled by Home Automation

I have a home automation system that monitors and controls many aspects of our home. One of the things that I programmed it to do, is completely automatic water changes on this fish tank. Twice each week, this tank drains out 1/3 of its volume via underground pipes and dumps the old water down the kitchen sink drain (just like your dish washer). Then, the tank is automatically refilled, including automatic Chlorine removal and PH adjustments. I used a Milwaukee Instruments brand PH meter and tapped into the LCD display using a PCB that I designed and built. The PCB monitors the PH value and controls a Micrometering pump to dispense acid buffer when needed. Someday I'll post more info on how it all works, if I have time....

My 100 Gallon Discus Tank - Controlled by Home Automation sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Discus 13 years ago 26,991 views

I have a home automation system that monitors and controls many aspects of our home. One of the things that I programmed it to do, is completely automatic water changes on this fish tank. Twice each week, this tank drains out 1/3 of its volume via underground pipes and dumps the old water down the kitchen sink drain (just like your dish washer). Then, the tank is automatically refilled, including automatic Chlorine removal and PH adjustments. I used a Milwaukee Instruments brand PH meter and tapped into the LCD display using a PCB that I designed and built. The PCB monitors the PH value and controls a Micrometering pump to dispense acid buffer when needed. Someday I'll post more info on how it all works, if I have time....

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Most popular comments
for My 100 Gallon Discus Tank - Controlled by Home Automation

Kevin Keinert
Kevin Keinert - 11 years ago
Someday when I have time, I take more video describing how I designed it.
Monica La Rock
Monica La Rock - 11 years ago
This is absolutely beautiful. I have a 110 gallon tank and would love to 'automate' it. I couldn't find your system instructions. They would sincerely be appreciated.
lumpy1space2princess - 11 years ago
How is your small yellow discus not dead?
D GW - 11 years ago
That Sir is awesome. I still use the old syphon and pail. In some ways I kind of enjoy 'playing' with my tanks (it's a hobby, not work). Well done though. Nice fish
Kevin Keinert
Kevin Keinert - 11 years ago
Hi Peter, I have other projects that need to be completed. I will shoot some video as time permits, but may not be until later this year. -KK
Peter Gibson
Peter Gibson - 11 years ago
Can you please show a video how you home automation controls your aquarium.
captainhelmet69 - 12 years ago
very impressed wish i didnt have to do my water changes very good set up check out mine see what you think
jne232 - 12 years ago
absolutely brilliant idea!!! I am impressed! I have scratched my brain on a way to automate water parameters! Best I came up with is a programable pump that is set to drain and refill the tank. however it would still require I add water conditioner and to make sure the pump shuts off at the correct water levels!! Still alot of bugs in the system. Looking forward to your update in time!!!!!
Kevin Keinert
Kevin Keinert - 13 years ago
Hi, I think they are called "Turquoise"

10. comment for My 100 Gallon Discus Tank - Controlled by Home Automation

scarhbar23 - 13 years ago
are the blue-ish discus in the tank Blue Pigeon bloods? :)
Stromstad89 - 13 years ago
@keinert hehe ok :) them i have a prob^^ i cant to that but i gess i can buy stuff to change water and have a PH meter or something that will help me alittle on the way:) ty for your answer:) btw you got lovely fish:)
Kevin Keinert
Kevin Keinert - 13 years ago
Hello, the system cannot be bought from a store. I have an OmniPro home automation & alarm system that I programmed to monitor a magnetic float switch and control solenoid valves, to do the water changes. I also bought a Milwaukee Instruments brand PH meter and tapped into the LCD display to monitor the PH value, then dispense acid buffer using a PCB that I designed and built. Thanks, Kevin.
Stromstad89 - 13 years ago
i will create a discus tank 720L and i like your waterchange/clorine/ph regulation system. so i woundered if you could help me, where i can buy this system and how it works/instalation. am greatfull for anykind of answers:)
Myke A
Myke A - 13 years ago
Excellent work. Beautiful fish with great strains! Check out my 7ft Discuss tank.

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