My 100 Gallon Discus Tank - Controlled by Home Automation
Discus 13 years ago 26,991 views
I have a home automation system that monitors and controls many aspects of our home. One of the things that I programmed it to do, is completely automatic water changes on this fish tank. Twice each week, this tank drains out 1/3 of its volume via underground pipes and dumps the old water down the kitchen sink drain (just like your dish washer). Then, the tank is automatically refilled, including automatic Chlorine removal and PH adjustments. I used a Milwaukee Instruments brand PH meter and tapped into the LCD display using a PCB that I designed and built. The PCB monitors the PH value and controls a Micrometering pump to dispense acid buffer when needed. Someday I'll post more info on how it all works, if I have time....
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