My 600 litres (~158 gallons) discus tank

My 600 litres (~158 gallons) discus tank Discus: 4 x Angel diamond 2 x Red turquoise 3 x Pigeon blood red Other fishes: Black phantom tetra Red phantom tetra Scalare Plecostomus Corydoras julii Best Regards, hyll

My 600 litres (~158 gallons) discus tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Discus 14 years ago 144,057 views

My 600 litres (~158 gallons) discus tank Discus: 4 x Angel diamond 2 x Red turquoise 3 x Pigeon blood red Other fishes: Black phantom tetra Red phantom tetra Scalare Plecostomus Corydoras julii Best Regards, hyll

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Most popular comments
for My 600 litres (~158 gallons) discus tank

pierre malfondet
pierre malfondet - 11 years ago
What are the lighting used for the tank?
fewferfev - 11 years ago
Pleco love to latch onto the slimy sides of Discus fish and Angels because of their available large sides. They don't go together even if this hasn't happened yet.
EXIT Athlone escape room
EXIT Athlone escape room - 11 years ago
Beautiful fish. Really lovely. I invite you to my channel - check how looks my tank with discus.
Damjan Gomez
Damjan Gomez - 11 years ago
Love the fish and the tank, but i am not sure that it's a great mix of fish . However, i like it.
Dana J
Dana J - 11 years ago
beautiful hard are discus to maintain
Danny Roberts
Danny Roberts - 11 years ago
Nice setup. Music is from Blade Runner? Awesome video.
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
that pleco is enormous what are you feeding it?
EXIT Athlone escape room
EXIT Athlone escape room - 11 years ago
You have a a great tank ... It seems to me that as you remove one branch fish will be presented nicer .
MORE1500 - 11 years ago
Nice tank. I would have gone with a Gold Nugget or a Bristlenose pleco. Perhaps a Flying Fox. Yours seems rather large for 158 gallon tank.

10. comment for My 600 litres (~158 gallons) discus tank

aqib2000 - 12 years ago
Good job it's chasing those angels around they stay still for too long
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris - 12 years ago
what lighting are you using?
thecoldzero911 - 12 years ago
without the fisheye effect will be much better :) ...though , nice tank
johnnyjaaav - 12 years ago
awesome tank! i hate that pleco though. discus are amazing in your tank.
harry van wolput
harry van wolput - 12 years ago
to much fish and no free space
Goober tuber
Goober tuber - 12 years ago
Always critics on tank videos but he has a point about the current issue. Other than that its a great tank, well done.
Polar Freeze
Polar Freeze - 12 years ago
Beautiful Tank Mate
shredorDIE425 - 12 years ago
a little over stocked there einsein:)lol
njw1383 - 12 years ago
beautiful tank. Great job! I've subscribed to your channel. Hope you can sub me back?
John Peters
John Peters - 12 years ago
do the angels get along with discus?

20. comment for My 600 litres (~158 gallons) discus tank

booker1989 - 12 years ago
The Pleco is too much of a distraction from your seriously nice Discus. Lovely tank tho!
robertiny12345 - 12 years ago
dont reply if your going to moan. this tank is a fantastic tank. looks beautiful. current is good for fish! all the fish seem to be moving very freely. they look like there doing great.! get a life!
Hamlet thats all
Hamlet thats all - 12 years ago
how can u keep the water so clear and clean my 10 gallon tank with 2 filters keep dirty all the time even when i change like 30% of the old water every 2 weeks :(
Douglas Meyer
Douglas Meyer - 12 years ago
you have such beatiful fish and nice wood why not aquascape it better
angelfish4life - 12 years ago
By what i have seen the water is looking good but the flow is to much maybe you need to do some cutting with pvc pipe so you can spread the water evenly and i think you need some tall plant too the discus is healthy but a little stress cos of the water flow and yes the pleco look too much movment in that tank but i think it a nice tank very healthy fish this is just my thinking so if you not agree it your chioce but still look good thought
aaaaheahea - 12 years ago
True... einstein. ;)
aaaaheahea - 12 years ago
Thank you so much!
aaaaheahea - 12 years ago
Perhaps... but they are fully colored and they can eat from my hand so they are very social, pleco doesn't attack them, im lucky but thanks for the heads up!
borhanus - 12 years ago
that big pleco is making the discus frighten and there is too much current .many thing wrong with this tank .Discus not moving freely .angels also doing the same thing
Jp Dave
Jp Dave - 13 years ago
Beautiful tank, great music that goes with it as well.

30. comment for My 600 litres (~158 gallons) discus tank

David Go
David Go - 13 years ago
Overcrowded, but since they seem healthy..I don't care anymore..XD
minimixcloblounge - 13 years ago
too much fishes :s
aaaaheahea - 13 years ago
@zoeeileve Good question, ive got a good friend that also are into fishes but mostly into Malawi. If i need to be gone a full weekend i always ask him to feed my fishes but if he cant i often change lots of water the day before so they have new and fresh, then i try to feed them "to much" so they can stay w/o for some days, they can stay w/o food for a week if they need to, something i dont want to try but they can.
aaaaheahea - 13 years ago
@zoeeileve You will trust me, if you realy want someting it will take you there, it only cost time... and time is what we have alot.
aaaaheahea - 13 years ago
@zoeeileve Thanks again! I use four "Powerheads" with two filter mats 15*30*20cm. I know the feeling, Discus are so expensive so if you got the money then go for it because they are the most beautiful freshwater fish there is! (my opinion). I bought a brand new tank from a dealer here in sweden, i bought the background at the same time then the pumps and filters online. I had it running for one week w/o any sand, plants or roots, then w/ for two weeks before i bought the tetras.
aaaaheahea - 13 years ago
@zoeeileve Thanks, well it's like a beautiful girl... you just cant take your eyes of it. ;)
Peter W
Peter W - 13 years ago
the pleco is so awesome
TheAtheistAussie - 13 years ago
Haha i was just about to say the song reminds me of Blade Runner, the scene with Harrison Ford and the chick. Then i saw the artist and what song it was under the video and i was right!
Davide Milluzzo
Davide Milluzzo - 13 years ago
può essere bello ma non è il biotopo del discus
aaaaheahea - 13 years ago
@MrPaulicool Thanks for tip, i had no idea!
aaaaheahea - 13 years ago
@279howard Ok, thanks for feedback!
aaaaheahea - 13 years ago
@TheAmol297 Hi's a funny character! ;)
Amol Bhoir
Amol Bhoir - 13 years ago
the funny part is i loved your pleco the most :P
Chris Swanson
Chris Swanson - 13 years ago
Dude, i respect and love you just for playing this amazing song. ^_^
Howard Lu
Howard Lu - 13 years ago
loving the tank but I think 1 species of brighter colored tetra would be better
Nicole Eivissa
Nicole Eivissa - 13 years ago
Wow that corydoras is really big! How it has grown so big? Anyway nice tank!
Bangaltiger - 13 years ago
aaaaheahea - 13 years ago
@1234FischMr It looks smaller through the camera due the "fisheye" look.
F1shguy - 13 years ago
i love discus but they're so expensive!!! did you buy them as juveniles, if so were they cheap when bought young?
Pauli Kennsteh
Pauli Kennsteh - 13 years ago
very nice. but be carefully anglefish can have worms which can be very dangerous for discus.

50. comment for My 600 litres (~158 gallons) discus tank

JimHinCO - 13 years ago
Luis Hernandez
Luis Hernandez - 13 years ago
really nice tank and your fishes also nice put tomany different species inthere
rusk1y1 - 13 years ago
i am setting up a 150g high discus tank, i was wondering if u could tell me how many discus and angel fish i can put in there? thanks!
Osvaldo Vázquez
Osvaldo Vázquez - 13 years ago
wow when i looked to your plecos i think in the mine because it is very beautifull, but are they a lot of fish in your tank.. dont you believe it?????? lol
bilal solmaz
bilal solmaz - 13 years ago
nice set up but too much fish for discus tank. try to get rid off some fish. plz start from pleco. discus hate plecos.
zack s
zack s - 13 years ago
aawwww very beautiful
J05H-8 - 13 years ago
wait for me said the pleco to the discuss
johnherrera305 - 13 years ago
@strawwoodclaw by the look of his Discus', I think the Pleco is not a problem.
tanya otwaska
tanya otwaska - 13 years ago
aaaaheahea - 13 years ago
@EatMySchwartz61 Works very fine together! :)
EatMySchwartz61 - 13 years ago
Pleco!!! :D How is it with the Disucs?
Hao Ly
Hao Ly - 13 years ago
FUCKING AMAZING! soooooo nice man!
strawwoodclaw - 13 years ago
that common pleco will stress your Discus out, trying to feed off there slime coats at night
1992pattrow - 13 years ago
aaaaheahea - 13 years ago
@vinayvmware Thank you so much!
Vinay Sundarasastry
Vinay Sundarasastry - 13 years ago
Myke A
Myke A - 13 years ago
Excellent job mate. Keep up the good work. These fish truly are amazing. Check my 7ft discuss tank out please :)
aaaaheahea - 13 years ago
@mattsoccer20 Thanks mate, i use a simple black/plastic bakground, each is 100x60cm so i use two witch i put together with black silicon.
Roberto Bing
Roberto Bing - 13 years ago
aaaaheahea - 13 years ago
@melpat07 Thank you!
melpat07 - 13 years ago
love it
aaaaheahea - 14 years ago
@NoiR1111111 Thanks alot!
NoiR1111111 - 14 years ago
Looking good! Nice branches and healthy looking fish. Good job!
aaaaheahea - 14 years ago
@snyderguy I can only agree to that, they are all a big happy family. :)
Cundalini - 14 years ago
Pleco name is Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps This is very nice Discus tank

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