My Discus Fish Tank [HD]
Discus 12 years ago 90,376 views
New video of my Discus fish tank. Since the last video I have added quite a few more discus. Might seem overstocked however they are all happily together and my filtration is more than adequate. The following fauna exists: 8 x Assorted Discus 9 x Harlequin Rasboras 8 x Corydora Sterbai 1 x L333 Cat fish 5x Kuhli Loaches Filtration consists of: 1x 1000lph Canister Filter 1x K1 Fluid Bed Filter I feed them all Tetra Color Bits and Freeze Dried Black Worms Temperature is at a constant 28.3 degrees Celsius 30% water change every second day. If you have any questions regarding the video, please leave your comments below. Cheers, Will
10. comment for My Discus Fish Tank [HD]
In the wild environment, I think discus actually hunt cardinals and maybe the cardinals were getting stressed? It's possible it was occurring during lights out so you might not have noticed it.
If you want to keep a school of small fishes with discus I recommend: Harlequin Rasboras, Rummy Nose Tetras, Lemon Tetras
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