My Discus Fish Tank [HD]

New video of my Discus fish tank. Since the last video I have added quite a few more discus. Might seem overstocked however they are all happily together and my filtration is more than adequate. The following fauna exists: 8 x Assorted Discus 9 x Harlequin Rasboras 8 x Corydora Sterbai 1 x L333 Cat fish 5x Kuhli Loaches Filtration consists of: 1x 1000lph Canister Filter 1x K1 Fluid Bed Filter I feed them all Tetra Color Bits and Freeze Dried Black Worms Temperature is at a constant 28.3 degrees Celsius 30% water change every second day. If you have any questions regarding the video, please leave your comments below. Cheers, Will

My Discus Fish Tank [HD] sentiment_very_dissatisfied 30

Discus 12 years ago 90,376 views

New video of my Discus fish tank. Since the last video I have added quite a few more discus. Might seem overstocked however they are all happily together and my filtration is more than adequate. The following fauna exists: 8 x Assorted Discus 9 x Harlequin Rasboras 8 x Corydora Sterbai 1 x L333 Cat fish 5x Kuhli Loaches Filtration consists of: 1x 1000lph Canister Filter 1x K1 Fluid Bed Filter I feed them all Tetra Color Bits and Freeze Dried Black Worms Temperature is at a constant 28.3 degrees Celsius 30% water change every second day. If you have any questions regarding the video, please leave your comments below. Cheers, Will

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Most popular comments
for My Discus Fish Tank [HD]

Tom Kidman
Tom Kidman - 7 years ago
cool fish bro.
willzy - 7 years ago
lol, thanks bro
shailendra soni
shailendra soni - 8 years ago
what that is the bottle ?
shailendra soni
shailendra soni - 8 years ago
willzy thanks bro definitely searching and using in my tank
willzy - 8 years ago
JooteLelo K1 media, look it up on google
Chandan M N
Chandan M N - 8 years ago
fishes are good
Prakash Salunke
Prakash Salunke - 9 years ago
can we kept discuss fish with engalfish & goldfish in one tank
David Fisher
David Fisher - 9 years ago
is that home made interior filter it for that tank with discus wow
K00L VIDEOS - 9 years ago
faaantastic looking tank dude!
Jeff Porcaro Groove
Jeff Porcaro Groove - 10 years ago
gorgeous fish, boring tank...finish the job!
danny adrian
danny adrian - 10 years ago
how large is this tank? also what is that bottle looking thing?
Hyuna A
Hyuna A - 7 years ago
danny adrian its a filter
Omar Alvarez
Omar Alvarez - 10 years ago

10. comment for My Discus Fish Tank [HD]

Vlad Paclisan
Vlad Paclisan - 10 years ago
My favorite Discus is Blue Tiger Discus!
Cindy O'Hara
Cindy O'Hara - 10 years ago
can you tell us about the bottle filter? what is it for...I've never seen that before.
Russ Andres
Russ Andres - 10 years ago
The rock on the bottom left looks like Jabba the hut
Akul Anand
Akul Anand - 10 years ago
True nice spot
Helena Ditto
Helena Ditto - 10 years ago
any wood?
willzy - 10 years ago
Not in this video. Check my other ones
Quan audio
Quan audio - 10 years ago
I do water change twice a week and my fish getting dizzy every time I do water change. Why is that?
Cinzmm - 10 years ago
Fantastic setup,love you're discus they seem to be thriving.
Billy L
Billy L - 10 years ago
Nice! What do you feed them with?
William Yeung
William Yeung - 10 years ago
I feed them tetra colorbits and freeze dried black worms.
Matt Richison
Matt Richison - 10 years ago
Ok I'll try them thanks!
Matt Richison
Matt Richison - 10 years ago
I had cardinals with mine but they died off one by one, but my discus still look and eat fantastic. Any clue why that happened? They wouldn't eat a damn thing.
willzy - 10 years ago
I've never kept cardinals with discus, however, cardinals are not very hardy. 

In the wild environment, I think discus actually hunt cardinals and maybe the cardinals were getting stressed? It's possible it was occurring during lights out so you might not have noticed it.

If you want to keep a school of small fishes with discus I recommend: Harlequin Rasboras, Rummy Nose Tetras, Lemon Tetras
eChrisBC - 10 years ago
Does it have to be saltwater in Discus Tank's?
willzy - 10 years ago
No, Discus require fresh water not salt water.

20. comment for My Discus Fish Tank [HD]

Greg Henson
Greg Henson - 11 years ago
What is the media inside the bottle?
willzy - 11 years ago
k1 media
Dorian Fanfishmania
Dorian Fanfishmania - 11 years ago
nice pigeons,congratz
Mirza Muhammad Umer Rafique
Mirza Muhammad Umer Rafique - 11 years ago
This soldwong jerk, prob goes to every other discus video and comments that crap. Be aware guys this fella is full of shit
Mustapha Nor
Mustapha Nor - 11 years ago
nice tank..
suko-reef - 11 years ago
what used in the bottle? the bottle is a biologic filter?
Predrag Jones
Predrag Jones - 11 years ago
willzy - 11 years ago
No it means I change the water on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Monday, Weds etc...
willzy - 11 years ago
Check the updated video.
James Doria
James Doria - 11 years ago
hey what does changing the water every 2nd day mean? like every 2nd of the month?
aquariuman oscar
aquariuman oscar - 11 years ago
Nice tank but iy is ruined by the filter

30. comment for My Discus Fish Tank [HD]

Ziyaad Bayat
Ziyaad Bayat - 11 years ago
K1 media, never heard of it before looks similar to biopellets in the concept. Looks like it works great
willzy - 11 years ago
Thanks, no need for power filter though.
willzy - 11 years ago
Cheers mate! That's K1 media in the bottle.
Ziyaad Bayat
Ziyaad Bayat - 11 years ago
Stunning fish man. What media is that tumbling in the bottle?
michael velasquez
michael velasquez - 11 years ago
Nice bro , love it , expect that ugly moving bed filter . maybe get a better power filter.
Stevie Moore
Stevie Moore - 11 years ago
Absolutely! Fair enough, your discus look lovely. I used to maintain a discus tank for a client and we had really good growth with Rotala, Anubius sp. and a few Echinoderis (sword) species just with regular gravel, fluorescent lighting of the right spectrum and a few additives. It all depends on how many plants you want, and in some cases like yours, it's more about the fish than the landscape.
willzy - 11 years ago
They are cichlids, their aggressive behavior is natural.
willzy - 11 years ago
Live plants to me require too much maintenance. For the types of plants that I want, would need high powered lights, co2, aqua soil etc and I can't justify the time and cost (higher electricity bills) I'll rather devote my time to keeping the discus healthy.
willzy - 11 years ago
Domestically bred discus can live and thrive in a wide range of PH i.e. 6-8. Best thing to do when introducing your discus is slowly acclimatize it to your aquarium. There's plenty of information on the internet that teaches you how to do this. Cheers! Will
SN1PExST3ALTH - 11 years ago
I am almost ready to add some discus to my tank. water is cycling. I thought the the PH should below 7.0 for them to survive Email me back with some tips for a long life for my new discus Thanks Steve
Stevie Moore
Stevie Moore - 11 years ago
Why no live plants? I know the warmth and water conditions can make it tricky. Is it just a personal preference?
willzy - 12 years ago
No background on the tank. It is see through because I wanted to view it from the other side as well. I am using something similar to the Marineland LED. Look this up on Amazon. My water parameters are as follows: PH: 7.4 Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 20ppm Cheers! Will
Joe6490 - 12 years ago
Is there a backgriund on your tank ? I can't tell. Also what kind of lighting are you using and what are your water parameters ? Beautiful fish !!
willzy - 12 years ago
Hi, I prefer to use canister filters or HOB (Hang On Back) filter. There are benefits to both i.e. HOB filter is easier to clean, Canister filter holds more filtration media.. Its up to you, just make sure you cycle the tank before you put any fish in. In regards to substrate I prefer Sand instead of Gravel. The fish poop and other stuff will stay on top of the sand (easily visible) which makes it a bit easier to siphon up whereas for gravel it can fall between the cracks.
C Anderson
C Anderson - 12 years ago
We are setting up a discus tank 120 gallon. Could you comment on what type of filteration system you prefer? Do you prefer sand or gravel on bottom of tank? Thanks
willzy - 12 years ago
We don't have many discus breeders down in Australia. I've bought all my discus from a variety of local fish shops.
curtman81 - 12 years ago
Right on man! I am a big Discus fan also. I have some vids up. Still adding to my 55gal. Did you order them online,or through a local pet shop/breeder? Just curious. I am still wanting to get a few more. Beautiful tank. Cheers

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