My Freshwater Tank w/ Bichir, stingray, discus, needle fish

My freshwater aquarium with bichirs, needle fish, discus, and 'teacup' sized reticulated stingray(yes I know he will grow up to 12'' and that teacup is just a pet shop name for juvenile rays)

My Freshwater Tank w/ Bichir, stingray, discus, needle fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Discus 16 years ago 30,920 views

My freshwater aquarium with bichirs, needle fish, discus, and 'teacup' sized reticulated stingray(yes I know he will grow up to 12'' and that teacup is just a pet shop name for juvenile rays)

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Most popular comments
for My Freshwater Tank w/ Bichir, stingray, discus, needle fish

RinaDasler - 10 years ago
Is discus was fine with bichirs? I have 1 bircher & everyone tells me not to put it together with discus fish because bichir'll attack them &  they will be in stress, get sick & die......
TwentyFifthBaam - 10 years ago
you should take a moment and look back at ur old vids u've really came a long way good job man!
le happy merchant
le happy merchant - 10 years ago
You have come a long way man
connolan1 - 11 years ago
how big is that tank
TheNaturalGamer - 11 years ago
a legend is born
Ethan Norman
Ethan Norman - 11 years ago
do you sell all this? like your reptiles and your possums? they look like interesting pets
Tyler Spitz
Tyler Spitz - 12 years ago
Wait so the fish are dead bichirs live to be 30 years old that would be odd if he died
Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 12 years ago
i was talking to SlatanicGods
Earthling1984 - 12 years ago
yes, this video is about 5 years old, and this tank is different now.

10. comment for My Freshwater Tank w/ Bichir, stingray, discus, needle fish

Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 12 years ago
are they dead yet?
Earthling1984 - 12 years ago
hehe, this is an old video :P
BeyCinema - 12 years ago
Thus, the epic journey began :D
StarWarsCollectorO66 - 12 years ago
what do you reccomend for a sting ray breed? I want to set up a south american freshwater tank starting with a 40gal breeder and when they get larger mover to around a 125
Earthling1984 - 13 years ago
@tr4ey2 you have to be careful because 'teacup ray' isn't really any type of ray. Many baby rays are sold as 'tea cup' rays but they can grow to 4 feet diameter! You need to ask exactly what species of ray you are getting. The type I got gets to about 10" diameter and is best kept in a tank of 75gallons or larger when an adult.
Earthling1984 - 13 years ago
@Slatanicgods that isn't smart, ur rays will die soon.
Trey Edmonds
Trey Edmonds - 13 years ago
how big is that aquarium, and how big is needed for a single teacup ray
Jamel Hamdan
Jamel Hamdan - 13 years ago
Forget the fish how about that pirate skull!!
eimhing7 - 13 years ago
How big do the albino bichirs get?? Anybody?
Darin Gray
Darin Gray - 13 years ago
Cool Tank My Tank Has 2 Eels, 2 NeedleFish, 1 Stingray Pleco, 1 Bichir, And 1 Oscar

20. comment for My Freshwater Tank w/ Bichir, stingray, discus, needle fish

Darin Gray
Darin Gray - 13 years ago
Ethan Lee
Ethan Lee - 13 years ago
Ummmmmm i believe that retic (teacup) stingrays grow up too about 2 and a half foot. That is very bad for you as your tank will most likely be too small.
Ryan Wood
Ryan Wood - 13 years ago
@earthling1984 what size tank do you have? how many gallons?
Earthling1984 - 13 years ago
@TheDweebazoid over time he probably could eat your smaller fish.
Kabir Parker
Kabir Parker - 13 years ago
Nice fish but u need more. Get like 3 more discuses and needles.
Earthling1984 - 14 years ago
@adamisabella1 nope
Earthling1984 - 14 years ago
@kathberry8 maybe, but maybe not
kathberry8 - 14 years ago
could bichir live with axolotl??
Ethan Lee
Ethan Lee - 14 years ago
Where do you live? Love freshwater stingrays. Reticulated, pearl or what? Should get arowana. And is it Petco or Petsmart like that local pet shop or what?
Earthling1984 - 14 years ago
@dubcdawgs24 yes, it is difficult at well. Water chemicals must be kept in proper levels.

30. comment for My Freshwater Tank w/ Bichir, stingray, discus, needle fish

dubcdawgs24 - 14 years ago
Is it difficult to take care of a freshwater stingray because i had a saltwater blue spotted ray and it was very fragile
Earthling1984 - 14 years ago
@QBboy13 $60
Earthling1984 - 14 years ago
@QBboy13 Local pet shop had them.
bobbymaas - 14 years ago
@earthling1984 thats pretty good for a discus
Earthling1984 - 14 years ago
@bobbymaas about $30
bobbymaas - 14 years ago
how much did your discus cost, because ive seen them for up to $300
Peter Finelli
Peter Finelli - 14 years ago
Is the needle fish a needle nose gar or something else
raymond howington
raymond howington - 14 years ago
@amandamae4456 you can have a stingray ga i live in va and i have two rays and the sting hurts like hell but noone has every died from a ray sting the kill the sting put the sting under hotwater my ray are flower rays from peru and you can cut the barb off it will not hurt the ray the barb will grow back in a few months just cut it back off
sworddemon152 - 14 years ago
@nickssocool1 There are many different products for algae and you can buy a sting ray at almost any exotic tropical store. I Am getting mine from House of Tropicals in maryland. You can also check
Earthling1984 - 14 years ago
@nickssocool1 some from local pet shops some from online (liveaquaria). Ezcessive algae is caused from high nitrate levels. Water changes lower nitrates.
Nick Merrill
Nick Merrill - 14 years ago
were do you buy your fish, and how do you keep your tank free of algee
Harry Dick
Harry Dick - 14 years ago
@amandamae4456 no the live in indian rivers and the grow huge
Earthling1984 - 14 years ago
@amandamae4456 yes, there are many types of stringrays that live in the ocean(marine / saltwater). There are also a few types that live in freshwater. Be careful what type you buy... this one I had only gets to be 12 inches max disk diamter... others get to be 4feet! They are usually sold as babies or 'teacups' so you really need to know the variety you are getting... 'teacup' is NOT a type of stingray, just a word used to describe them when they are small.
Earthling1984 - 14 years ago
@amandamae4456 I'm not sure if they are illegal in North Georgia. They are pretty rare to find though. You should go to some small pet shops and ask if they can order you one. I think they do have a stinger on their tail, but it is probably just like a bee sting to a human... but still, I wouldn't touch it! Their sting depends on the species, some aren't so bad, some are deadly.
Earthling1984 - 14 years ago
@Rob10321 They aren't illegal here. The pet shops sell them :)
eimhing7 - 15 years ago
I have my tea cup in an 80g tank and he has loads of room. Nice tank btw!! Love the brichirs-must try and get one off them!
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
I agree, for most rays, a 120gallon would not be ok. For the type of ray I had, which only reached 12" max, it would be fine. There are many different types of rays, and they all require different tank specs. The majority of freshwater rays sold are the smaller type, however, you have to be careful when purchasing so you don't get stuck with a ray that grows many feet in diameter!(unless that is what you want).
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
It is recommended to keep stingrays alone. A 120gallon tank would be fine for a single adult ray.
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
Stingrays are NOT beginner fish/pets. They require a 75+ gallon tank for young, and 125+ tank for adults. I do not recommend stingrays unless you are an experienced fish keeper.

50. comment for My Freshwater Tank w/ Bichir, stingray, discus, needle fish

David K
David K - 15 years ago
how big of a tank do i need for one small stingray and like 1 fish ?
bilal solmaz
bilal solmaz - 15 years ago
i think it is too late to tell u to get that discus out from that tank. bcz it wont live in there with those junk fishes. it is already dead right?
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
Would probably be full size, but as stated before I have given him back to the petshop I got him from for store credit. This tank isn't large enough for an adult ray. For a young ray it was sufficient. I planned to either get a larger tank, or trade him back in when he was overgrown for the tank.
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
I haven't cleaned my sand in over a year. Sand is very fine, and as such not many pieces of food/poop will get into it and under it like it would in gravel. To keep my sand clean I have a good water pump in the tank. This will make food/poop which is lighter 'fly' around the tank and get sucked up by the filter, and the sand stays on the ground. My pump is about 350GPH. AZOO1200 is the brand/model.
jus kuz
jus kuz - 15 years ago
i wanna get a fresh water stingray but i have rocks. how do u clean the tank with a sond bottom??
garrette taylor
garrette taylor - 15 years ago
dark but amazing tank man very beautifull
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
only if you have a huge tank... 200+ gallons.
garrette taylor
garrette taylor - 15 years ago
any samll saltwater stingrays i cN PUT IN MY TANK?
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
It's cool, I enjoy comments :) I do still have some of these fish. Some of them I don't. I traded the stingray back to the shop I got him from because I originally planned to get him a larger tank when he grew larger, but decided to just take him back for store credit(since they offered store credit), instead of setting up a new tank. Some of the other fish I do still have. If you notice though, not in this tank. This tank is now my turtle tank. It has the turtles, eel, and a couple fish.
lawrence nguyen
lawrence nguyen - 15 years ago
do you still have this tank? or any of the fish havent seen many vids lately on fish lol sorry for the over post i like your vids alot.
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
Sand took a few hours. When I put in the sand, I turned off all filters/air pumps so they wouldn't be hurt by the sand in the water. Once the majority of the sand settled after a few hours(like 5 hours I gave it) then I turned back on the filters/pumps and the water was clear within another couple hours.
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
sure thing
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
180+ gallons
lilyaman213 - 15 years ago
what is this 200G fish tank?
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
up to 12 inches - disk size
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
ghost shrimp is their favorite, but they will also eat other things. Mine is picky and only eats live foods. Some will eat frozen foods.
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
yes for full grown it would be. I know this. For their size at time of this video, 40gal was fine.
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
for keeping clean sand a filter isn't the thing that helps(well of course the filter does.. but...)... An air pump in the tank is what helps. I don't think I have one in this video, but I do have one on this tank now. Most waste and stuff that gets stuck on the bottom of the tank is light(lighter than sand). An airpump in the tank(not a cheap one from wallmart but like a 300GPH to 400GPH pump) will cause enough water flow to keep any waste off the ground and caught by the filter fast.
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
Where I purchased he was $60
SilentPrayingmanTis - 15 years ago
I was told buy the person who worked at the pet store that they are pronounced "biker" like a guy riding a motoercycle kind of biker. I always said bichir like i was french lol
Jason Dann
Jason Dann - 16 years ago
how deep and how high is this tank?
Earthling1984 - 16 years ago
you don't 'clean' sand like you do gravel. It stays pretty clean as long as you have a power head in the aquarium so any debris gets pushed up into the water and then the filter. As for cleaning it for use in a new/fresh aquarium... Sand isn't that expensive, if I make a new aquarium, I would buy new sand.
lawrence nguyen
lawrence nguyen - 16 years ago
thank ya to bad no shop sells them around here i hope yours grow nice and big when i get older ill probly have more birchirs >.> and the only one i can find in my town is senegals they are pretty plain.
Earthling1984 - 16 years ago
$39.99 where I got.
lawrence nguyen
lawrence nguyen - 16 years ago
how much are ornate birchirs?
evilways66613 - 16 years ago
nice tank.
Earthling1984 - 16 years ago
Local pet shop here in Illinois.
noah pointer
noah pointer - 16 years ago
where did you get the ray i want one
speedybrook - 16 years ago
I Would Like To Set Up My Tank Like Yours (the sand part) how would i start too... ie: were would i get the sand (for a good deal) and how would i clean it? thank You Very Much... Everything Looks Really Good
ThowHilton - 16 years ago
your bichirs ever bite each other?
Earthling1984 - 16 years ago
This is a 40gallon. The setup of it has changed if you watch my other vids you will see I added on 2 connected tanks. a 20gallon and a 10 gallon. A 40gallon is NOT large enough for an adult stingray. When he gets older/larger I will either get him a new tank (the stingray) or trade him in for another 'teacup' sized one.
Earthling1984 - 16 years ago
actually in this vid that is krill. I often use frozen cocktail shrimp also for feeding my fish. But yea. This wasn't a "feeding" video. I just put a little krill in there then decided to make the vid after. I don't like making vids(unless feeding vids) with bloodworms or blackworms as they get all over the water after the are thrown in until all eaten. I didn't want that, and didn't even think to throw it in for this vid as it isn't a 'feeding' video.
Earthling1984 - 16 years ago
I meant stingray :) The eels are in the other tank ;)
Earthling1984 - 16 years ago
I know what my fish need for food. I put in the shrimp for the eel and bichirs shown in the video. I feed blackworms, bloodworms, and many other types of frozen foods. All my animals are 'spoiled' :)
Earthling1984 - 16 years ago
I don't really like backgrounds for the reason that my magnetic algae cleaner would get stuck on and rip off the background. Having a plain white wall behind the tank I like. Personal preference I guess... A background wouldn't help the fish in any way.
Earthling1984 - 16 years ago
he is not going to die due to being alone. I agree most fish like to be in groups of their own kind, however, it will not kill them if they aren't. Discus do need very good water quality, as does the stingray.

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