My New Tank!!
Discus 10 years ago 15,340 views
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. Very nice tank by the way. And you are right, the stores overprice their tanks. And I really like the look of this one. :) Very nice tank!
I would make it some nice planted tank with discus and driftwood or some nice African Cichlids.... if you have the money you could try saltwater with corals ;) :P
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PM with the price you paid please, I won't tell. :-)
50. comment for My New Tank!!
You could do a lot of different cichlid setups.
Malawi: I would do msobo if you chose Malawi. They all start out yellow and the makes turn an electric blue color. By far the best looking mbuna.
You could do a tropheus tank.
Or a predator tank with kendalli, calvus, leleupi ect.
Or an awesome community tank with a mix of shell dwellers, cyps, comps, sand julidochromis.
I would do julidochromis dickfeldi, cyprichromis leptosoma kigoma, kipilli zebra comps and (multis, similis, Caudopuntatus or any colony forming shell dweller.)
South American:
Rio tapajos biotope
Geophagus tapajos red cap- personality like your old goldfish/ angels
Apistogramma agazizzi
Checkerboard cichlids
Green neon tetras, cardinals, rummynose
All come from the same river
Excited to see this setup
Baby tears are getting old
Hope for the best!!!