My New Tank!!

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My New Tank!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Discus 10 years ago 15,340 views

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Most popular comments
for My New Tank!!

flyingrabbit - 8 years ago
Wow, I wouldn't buy anything made in the US. Can you get something imported from Germany instead.
Nicks Exotics
Nicks Exotics - 10 years ago
Hi you said that you can get and ship a 100 gallon I would really need one in the next months to a year how much would it cost
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
Oh I Wish I Had More Big Tanks! XD I Would Go Wild With That Thing! 
Obi1Goosie2043 - 10 years ago
How many neon tetras do you think can fit in a 75 gallon...?
. Very nice tank by the way. And you are right, the stores overprice their tanks. And I really like the look of this one. :) Very nice tank! 
TheNellehFox - 10 years ago
What did you end up putting in this aquarium? I dream of getting a huge tank one day, but at the moment all I can fit is my 15 gallon with a breeding pair of dwarf gouramis. I am actually in a bit of a sticky position, needing to buy a secondary tank to house the fry they produced, which will soon outgrow the temporary pet container they're in!
Kekecom Morhax
Kekecom Morhax - 10 years ago
I would make it some nice planted tank with discus and driftwood or some nice African Cichlids.... if you have the money you could try saltwater with corals ;) :P
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+TheNellehFox This aquarium is being used as a holding/grow out tank for the aquatic plants I sell on my website
Tara Lynn
Tara Lynn - 10 years ago
This was posted on my b-day
Devon Brown
Devon Brown - 10 years ago
you should put moneywort in it with some angelfish again
zamudio96 - 10 years ago
You should go saltwater on that tank.
smaller amarica
smaller amarica - 10 years ago
I would love to see if its a fresh water tank knife fish

10. comment for My New Tank!!

Fernando Hernandez
Fernando Hernandez - 10 years ago
You should make this an mbuna tank :)
otis decker
otis decker - 10 years ago
Over price tanks...Price on tanks gone up to high since the 90s
John Porter
John Porter - 10 years ago
drift wood plants and multiple coloured discus would make this tank look stunning and maybe some cardinal tetra's to
shooter23231 - 10 years ago
You should get an African chiclid tank or American cichlids with plant
TheCyanidePie - 10 years ago
Go Dutch!
Everything Fish
Everything Fish - 10 years ago
You should do a native setup. Jungle val, hornwort, elodea, and a few other native plants with some minnows and darters would look amazing!
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
What kind of fish. Ars going in to your tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
Thank you for responing to my post that your tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
Good luck with your fish at your stroe and your catifish to and other big fish to
User - 10 years ago
Come on guys give this man some likes! :)
TIMBIIIRD - 10 years ago
Aren't you in an apartment building? Isn't it a bad idea to put anything that big above a ground floor? because I have a 55Tall and a 120 that I would like to setup, but will probably just set up the 55 for now. Would like to know your input.
Voe2 - 10 years ago
lol @ the thumbnail. and I'm jealous. I have a poor little 30 g :'(

20. comment for My New Tank!!

Sam Biddiscombe
Sam Biddiscombe - 10 years ago
Everybody is saying discus. Screw that. Go some mad Altum Angels. Such a cool fish, and can go great with a heavily planted tank
Joel Sianturi
Joel Sianturi - 10 years ago
Amaizing ! discus fish with lots of plant would be great , but maybe a silver arowana ? ;) you used to love that
ReptileCorner1 - 10 years ago
What is your glass thickness and dimensions? I am looking for a tank too...
Antony Savill
Antony Savill - 10 years ago
What was the size of your other tank?
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 10 years ago
A planted Discus tank.
Mcluvin The Fish
Mcluvin The Fish - 10 years ago
Nice looking tank Jacob.
Miguel Mendoza
Miguel Mendoza - 10 years ago
You should get some African cichlid
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
Discus would look great in that tank
James Stoddart
James Stoddart - 10 years ago
nice one bud, get some more discus again, i love them
100itGang - 10 years ago
Would love for you to do a reef tank. I will be setting up my own soon and would love to hear tips and tricks from you!

30. comment for My New Tank!!

Alex Ramirez
Alex Ramirez - 10 years ago
Jack Dempsey
KHashi76 - 10 years ago
Great looking project on the way, I have two visio tanks and have been very happy with them. Definately a good quality product. If I had a tank that size there are two fish I would want to keep, angelfish or geo tapajos red head. Keep the scape simple with manzanita and java fern, swords and maybe Val. Low maintenance. That would be my plan. Can't wait to see what you come with.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 10 years ago
This tank would look great as a planted Discus tank.
Rk1D7 - 10 years ago
Please use dwarf hairgrass'
Ryan Lee
Ryan Lee - 10 years ago
I AM SOOOOOOOO JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jack7296 - 10 years ago
Looks amazing! also great video
Martin Alberto Gamino
Martin Alberto Gamino - 10 years ago
No matter what Biotype you use, I know it will be really nice just like all your tanks.
PM with the price you paid please, I won't tell.  :-)
T ISM - 10 years ago
Please Please Please, make this a marine tank! :)
Callum Earnshaw
Callum Earnshaw - 10 years ago
What are u planning on getting in it ?
Callum Earnshaw
Callum Earnshaw - 10 years ago
what about a pair of rams or kribs
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Not sure yet.
Gary Whaley
Gary Whaley - 10 years ago
Awesome tank, a Dutch style would be coolio bro, planted.
Awesomefill Does minecraft
Awesomefill Does minecraft - 10 years ago
What about a discus hardscape use in only rocks and driftwood
finkirk - 10 years ago
A mangrove tank! Full of branches an things for the fish to swim between:), have discus or maybe rainbow fish. Colourful fish!
Teamblubz - 10 years ago
Love it man :) post a vid after u add ur fish n plants:)
BH-Aquatics - 10 years ago
Think you should go for a discus setup. You can easily get 10-12 adults with other shilling and community fish in there. Discus complement planted tanks beautifully. I think stick with the ROTALA along the back like the 50 tall. It's a beautiful plant and I think less is more. Rather than having 200 species of plants :)
Willy d. aquatics
Willy d. aquatics - 10 years ago
Reef tank for sure. Lol. Nice tank.
Pauls Planted Aquariums
Pauls Planted Aquariums - 10 years ago
Love to see you do a Biotope style tank..
laura sutton
laura sutton - 10 years ago
Nice tank really nice stand. I'm partial to Amazon swords & angel fish. Can't wait to see it.
David P
David P - 10 years ago
After a short hiatus, you come back with a bombshell! Can't wait to see the process of setting it up. Arowana tank maybe? Did your apartment cave in and let you setup another tank?
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Arowana tank sounds cool, maybe. I actually didn't even ask them if it was okay lol. My insurance covers it, I guess thats it lol.
Harry Jackson
Harry Jackson - 10 years ago
Looks awesome. I'd have gone for African cichlids myself XD
Darren Arnett
Darren Arnett - 10 years ago
I love it!!!

50. comment for My New Tank!!

Wolfhammer - 10 years ago
Awesome tank good for you.
epicRMiddleton - 10 years ago
I need some advise, I had a tropical fish tank with a shoal of neon tetras in it, the water temp and pH was correct and the filter was large enough to keep the tank clean without sucking in the fish, however after only a week of having them the fish decided to swim into the filter, as I said the filter was not stong enough to pull them in, it was as if they were suicidal. Please help
epicRMiddleton - 10 years ago
OK thanks for the advise
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Is there a strainer on the intake to your filter? If so the openings may be too big for small fish, no matter what you can never trust a fish is not going to swim into your intake.
Gergő Czeglédy
Gergő Czeglédy - 10 years ago
Hi  Jacob !  a ryuboku style aquarium it should look nice in this tank :)
kkk - 10 years ago
Wow sweet aquarium. I think you should use driftwood in your new scape although it is expensive it is worth it you can do all kinds of funky stuff with it. Good luck
Keith's Planted Aquariums
Keith's Planted Aquariums - 10 years ago
Nice new tank Jacob:)
Bao Nguyen
Bao Nguyen - 10 years ago
a full tank of discus! with plants. and like a thousand cardinal tetras lol
inviish - 10 years ago
Dude that tank needs real fishes,u have plenty of plant's time to put some FISHES BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Erick O
Erick O - 10 years ago
When are you trying saltwater?
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Soon :)
Ricardo Gutierrez
Ricardo Gutierrez - 10 years ago
Discus and cardinals
John Francisco
John Francisco - 10 years ago
Do a reef tank! You have access to all those great corals!
Joris van der Kamp
Joris van der Kamp - 10 years ago
awsome tank!
Richard Domingo
Richard Domingo - 10 years ago
too bad us Canadians aren't blessed with purchases like these
Joseph Ferluga
Joseph Ferluga - 10 years ago
You should try some other carpeting plants such as dwarf hairgrass or glosso
Zet Aquarium
Zet Aquarium - 10 years ago
Go Dutch please. First, it helps you learn about more different species of plants. Second, the aqua scape world is bringing it back ( as ADA has its in their categories this year). Last but not least, your 50 proves that you have all potential to make an amazing dutch tank.
Cullen Dickson
Cullen Dickson - 10 years ago
Do an eartheater and other species tank
John Jp
John Jp - 10 years ago
Try a reef tank it would look awesome!!!!!
Damian A. Corona
Damian A. Corona - 10 years ago
is this second or third floor? i have a 40B on second floor and was worry about the weight.
Damian A. Corona
Damian A. Corona - 10 years ago
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Well we live on the third floor, I was worried about the weight too but I think it should be okay. If it was 150 gallon tank, then I'd be worried lol.
Silentwisher - 10 years ago
Whenever I go to their site, I can never find where to buy tanks?
Silentwisher - 10 years ago
Ah ok
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
We don't sell tanks on the stores website.
Tylers Tanked
Tylers Tanked - 10 years ago
Looks great!!

You could do a lot of different cichlid setups.

Malawi: I would do msobo if you chose Malawi. They all start out yellow and the makes turn an electric blue color. By far the best looking mbuna.

You could do a tropheus tank.

Or a predator tank with kendalli, calvus, leleupi ect.

Or an awesome community tank with a mix of shell dwellers, cyps, comps, sand julidochromis.

I would do julidochromis dickfeldi, cyprichromis leptosoma kigoma, kipilli zebra comps and (multis, similis, Caudopuntatus or any colony forming shell dweller.)

South American:
Rio tapajos biotope

Geophagus tapajos red cap- personality like your old goldfish/ angels


Apistogramma agazizzi

Checkerboard cichlids

Green neon tetras, cardinals, rummynose


All come from the same river

Excited to see this setup
Wes-Fish Care
Wes-Fish Care - 10 years ago
Make that your angel tank and your 50 a molly/neon tank :)
Ttoeknee01 - 10 years ago
Nice stand and canopy, nice jod.....
Jerome Horn
Jerome Horn - 10 years ago
I'd like to see you do a planted geophagus, rainbow fish or discus tank.
TheAllHammer - 10 years ago
Fluval Substrate with Roseline Sharks,Tetras,Barbs, etc & all the coolest plants of Global Aquatics.
amanti ismajlaj
amanti ismajlaj - 10 years ago
Also have you ever thought of saltwater??
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
That is for sure going to be my next tank. I think after having two planted tanks now, its time for a marine tank :)
amanti ismajlaj
amanti ismajlaj - 10 years ago
Cool video and that is a very nice tank
Tom will
Tom will - 10 years ago
so exciting to get a new tank. Looks great. Are you going to plumb like your old one
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Nah, this time I'm going to just use a canister filter instead of any custom plumbing.
Etmanning - 10 years ago
Aww no saltwater YET muhahahah you'll eventually get it- SW is where it's at man
MrRangerZr1 - 10 years ago
Dwarf hair grass this time
Baby tears are getting old
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
I agree :)
MrRangerZr1 - 10 years ago
Wow nice tank
Hope for the best!!!
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 10 years ago
wow now you have job you just have to buy a new tank  lol.   have yor way with it? you need to go see your girl  like right now
dajuan jones
dajuan jones - 10 years ago
hey you have any old tanks
TheRick2325 - 10 years ago
Great purchase man, cant wait to see it pimped out
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Thanks bro :) I'm excited ;)
Wilco1985 - 10 years ago
Korman korman
Korman korman - 10 years ago
Idea big jungle tank with neon tetras
Tom's Fish Tanks
Tom's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
Great looking set up. 
Riley Hucker
Riley Hucker - 10 years ago
BATMAN 2 - 10 years ago
CodCrazyClipz - 10 years ago
Best thumbnail ever
Jason K
Jason K - 10 years ago
I think it would be great for Discus. I love discus, and maybe add some Cardinal Tetras? Just some thoughts. Great quality tank!

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