My all in one discus aquarium update
Discus 9 years ago 279,442 views
Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► All in one aquarium discus UPDATE How I built this aquarium system: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
10. comment for My all in one discus aquarium update
20. comment for My all in one discus aquarium update
but it is possible, only not when you are breeding them. you can use gravel or sand on the bottom but only add 1/2 inch.
hope it helped you
(i'm native dutch. i'm sorry if my grammar isn't perfect) :)
30. comment for My all in one discus aquarium update
do you have any idea about angel breeding?
50. comment for My all in one discus aquarium update
yeah i love them sadly i put the hiding place near heater and one of them kept bouncing out of hiding place and hid behind the heater and he dies just two weeks ago., i guess because of excess heat.. i saw a green color hollow cylinder shape tunnel like plastic. its nothing. if i was in australia i guess i could have got it for 2 dollars. but here in india, they think everything fancy and rare that comes around should be sold at gold prices... LOL.. that one is cool though. Ill send you photo sometime. you have fb?
The owner has never replied to any of my doubts and queries. I wonder if he is not available or not interested in doing his responsibility.
We don't have that many things available here ... The business is not that great.. But I can manage... The temperature you mean
in F or C?? Secondly, I clean water every 3 weeks, nothing happens so far and I have three filter boxes inside so not dirty even with 21 fishes..
Thank you friend.. My local distributor is not very helpful. He only sells local fish like small goldfish parrot fish kissing fish tiger shark silver shark dollars etc
Because of my busy schedule, I'm not able to look after several fish I have. I'm thinking of removing all of them and just buy a pair which breeds easily and have market value when i sell their young ones.. Somebody told me to have discus but my distributor says they are very sensitive and dies very soon.
Whats Undead?
JOking about what?
easy to care for and allways something going on.
could always do a diy cliff wall in the back to give a nice false perspective as well
Do you have an eBay account for your book ect? Cheers mate
Since its see through , it'll still look like 2 fish in 1 tank ....
2nd fo realz. you gotta get them beauties out of the tub. something long and thin. in the style of the newish 12.5 longs but with blown up proportions. something like 10 feet long, 12-18 inches in width and 24-36 inch tall.
Or u could set up a hill stream biotope and keep hill stream loaches, which look like mini stingrays
100. comment for My all in one discus aquarium update
Also not sure yet what i am gonna keep. either a big group of 15+ wild discus with some smaller fishes like plecos etc. or a big group of 10+ altum angels (the real altum angels!) together with plecos etc. or maybe even two rays together with angels or wild discus ? Any advices ?
The key message, I think, that family enjoyable display aquariums, and breeding tanks, are 2 very different things, best suited to different locations.
As always, super video production work.
My plan was to move from tropical to marine tanks and this has been exciting learning curve for me and kept me interested, plan on moving the mollies (that can also live in salt) and adding maybe a maroon clownfish
this smacks in the face of all my years of experience. like Joey on this tank, most of my maintenance has been free of scrubbing. many of my tanks ran for years and years without algae scraping or any kind. just water changes and filter maintenance and sometimes gravel maintenance.
i thought this wall slime was from shed slime coating, or just bacteria that naturally occurs in the tank (and doesn't kill everything). the guy insists that it's the reason for fish death (as opposed to his poor husbandry). am i crazy or does this sound like complete BS to you guys? cuz it sounds a lot like BS to me.
he couldn't give a source for the info. just that some guy told him it was true a long time ago.
opinions please?
very true. they are really quite the pain in the ass compared to home tanks.
thank you for the clarification. i totally agree. bioload must be managed carefully and things can go bad very quickly due to bioload imbalances which are very common in retail tanks.
30 fish into the tank one day. 15 left after 2 days. 3 fish in the tank on day 5. Then another 30 fish thrown in on day 10. Not the way to have stability. Then there's the issues of parasitism and all kinds of other stuff. it's a high risk game that he chooses to play very, very, very high risk.
but i think the fundamentals remain the same. each tank has a different purpose and things can be adjusted to better suit that purpose, but the basic requirements for life remain the same right?
a tank full of 30 fish for sale or 30 of the same fish for grow out is going to require mostly the same things to keep those fish alive. with retail comes additional cross contamination concerns, but i don't see the bacteria in the tank as behaving in a fundamentally different way.
joey! thank you so much for your quick response!
flow is pretty bad in most of the tanks. just under-gravel plates with usually one uplift tube and he used sand on many of them which means that they very quickly became clogged up underneath. his claim is that even when water quality tests out ok that the slightly slimy feeling on the walls of the tank are the culprit for fish loss. you can't see any film on the glass. you can just feel it.
to my mind the culprit is more likely his bad practices of not acclimating fish. not heating fish. waiting for water quality to get really bad before doing maintenance. adding sick fish with healthy fish. poor compatibility knowledge. and the list goes on and on.
the guy has some really strange ideas about fishkeeping a lot of times, and unfortunately I'm in the position of having to deal with the aftermath. I'm an employee of his store, trying to do the right things for the fish, customers, and business, and it's sorely against his will.
i know i should quit, but i am in a unique financial situation which kind of requires me to stay for the time being. i was just wondering if there was any validity to what he was saying. its' something I've never heard of and couldn't really make any sense of.
he seems to think that the bacteria on the walls "jump" onto the fish and somehow (?) kill them. you are so right. he really can't adequately explain any of it, which means he himself doesn't understand what he is even trying to say.
i feel like my skepticism has been validated by the DIY king.
thanks Joey!
I mainly keep larger cichlids but have always been interested in discus and have wanted to breed them but have never made the jump to get them. Any tips on setting up a good breeding tank for discus? Maybe you could do a video on it or do any channels you would recommend?
Joe can pull it off him self. Joe is way more knowledgeable anyway.
One fry tank with guppy and Molly fry in
One angel fish breeding tank
A guppy breeding tank
A Molly breeding tank and a hospital tank
I am hoping to start breeding cichlids and discus soon :)
I'm excited to see what this new big build is all about!
tetras!! <3
stay well
I wonder what you will do with this magnificent aquarium, by the way thanks for all your vids, with them I could build from pure scratch the table and the sump for my reef tank!!!
Keep on like this man!!!!
I think that is why you are admired in this hobby, for reasons other than saving money through DIY
I now have 20 or 30 little discus that are the size of a 10p coin and are starting to annoy the other adults. I never planned for them to breed but they just did, like the others.
As for the tank itself, have you considered a marine tank with a pair of clowns, or a marine invert tank? Something new and different to rekindle your interest.
It's 5am really tired