My all in one discus aquarium update

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Discus 9 years ago 279,442 views

Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► All in one aquarium discus UPDATE How I built this aquarium system: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

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Most popular comments
for My all in one discus aquarium update

cristian molina
cristian molina - 7 years ago
Sale them to me ?:)
Cooleo - 7 years ago
to hard to feed
Love Rule
Love Rule - 7 years ago
They were really really really horny and he just finally got a room by themselves and got their freak on
bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
I lose interest every weekend, tank cleaning time.
Yunus Oruc
Yunus Oruc - 7 years ago
Where were your arms back then man
leo cavallini
leo cavallini - 7 years ago
what is the best filtration for them sump, internal what would you recommend
Gershom Leighton
Gershom Leighton - 7 years ago
Love to do this researched on many of your videos however not sure if it's possible as I have 16 amps to play with as I live in a caravan would the instillation of a sump and aquarium be at all possible?
That Creepy Family
That Creepy Family - 7 years ago
if you can get a hold of those large water bottles that plug into the water coolers they work great too! i actually used one back when i had a 40 gallon tank. I do miss my 40 and the fish that were in it (my husband adopted fish and one was a very nice pleco that harbored a hidden brain parasite, he went crazy and killed the other fish that and i simply dont have room right now... maybe when the kids are older we can set one up in the play room) i had mollies, a pleco, two catfish, shrimp that bred like crazy, trumpet snails and rams horn snails along with some apple/mystery snails (the breeder of them had them listed as both) and i had a 10 gallon set up to breed bettas....i might get into betta breeding again! :D for now i have breeding platties and they have two fry in the tank that survived! my daughters fry sadly died due to an air pump malfunction..... the shrimp and other critters are fine though! :D i just love all things living and a fish tank is a great thing to have. the main one sits next to my stove, which, is the perfect location, my beardie is next to my computer and is our focus point animal in the living room. and he has two micro nano tanks in his tank. :D btw that is a lovely pair of discoids i can tell you take care of them!
Mmgty - 7 years ago
This guy talks to much and he cuts half out lol

10. comment for My all in one discus aquarium update

Markwin Worp
Markwin Worp - 7 years ago
Question, what discus species that don't change color due to dark backdrop
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago
Harpreet singh
Harpreet singh - 7 years ago
can u tell me how these AIO tanks work, i don't know how these sections work. make a video just elaborating these AIO tanks working mechanism.
Ali Khan
Ali Khan - 7 years ago
Md Sohel Ahamed
Md Sohel Ahamed - 7 years ago
What is your name?
MiauwMiauw - 7 years ago
What kind of discus do u have ?
Jose Amaya
Jose Amaya - 7 years ago
i love discuss
Barry Allen
Barry Allen - 7 years ago
how to identify male or female in discus?
jr.turtle120701 - 7 years ago
this would be a nice saltwater aquarium
Josh Reeder
Josh Reeder - 8 years ago
mix it up make a frog pond with it

20. comment for My all in one discus aquarium update

Teflon Don
Teflon Don - 8 years ago
I just wanted to let you know that I always enjoy your videos & projects & you really have me interested in really getting back into keep fish again
Aqua Empire
Aqua Empire - 8 years ago
rip them rays
Ashutosh Kumar
Ashutosh Kumar - 8 years ago
o u killed all those eggs..
Corey Lister
Corey Lister - 8 years ago
I couldn't find anything on WHY you can't breed discuss AND have a nice tank? They need big empty spaces to breed or what?
j vdbogaard
j vdbogaard - 8 years ago
they need really clean water, and if you put a lot of plants in the tank it is hard to remove all the bacteria/algue from all the little spots of the tank, what is sometimes annoying because you need to clean the tank every 3 days or so.

but it is possible, only not when you are breeding them. you can use gravel or sand on the bottom but only add 1/2 inch.
hope it helped you

(i'm native dutch. i'm sorry if my grammar isn't perfect) :)
Christopher Rector
Christopher Rector - 8 years ago
plant it with barbs!! they make such a beautiful planted tank!! i would love to see that, and you haven't done barbs yet, (maybe you have i haven't watched all your videos)
ender yüksel
ender yüksel - 8 years ago
Rory - 8 years ago
So are thay juat living in The sump still
Robert Verdaguer
Robert Verdaguer - 8 years ago
Hey Joey! By any chance, could you (or any other knowledgable Discus keeper) let me know what strain of Discus these are and where you obtained them from? They are stunning! I am looking forward to your trip to California with Wes from Uncle Sam's Discus.
Carlos Varela
Carlos Varela - 8 years ago
How many gallons is this tank?
Carlos Varela
Carlos Varela - 8 years ago
Matthew Kelch
Matthew Kelch - 8 years ago
I got a question for I have a pair of discus that just laid eggs and are mixed between a penguin blood and a red turquise and they have been fertilized. How can I accpect them to turn out and are they worth anything?

30. comment for My all in one discus aquarium update

Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 8 years ago
do you not put anything in your tanks for looks?
Negative330 - 8 years ago
How many gallons is the tank?
rinokaz - 8 years ago
What do you suggest to keep? Best fish
Salman Salman
Salman Salman - 8 years ago
how much litter your discus fish akvarium ?
Madison Erickson
Madison Erickson - 8 years ago
whats the minimum tank size for two discus
jason rothfeld
jason rothfeld - 8 years ago
Im so happy I found you Joey! You've helped me improve my almost dead aquarium to its best.
Philip Korytoski
Philip Korytoski - 8 years ago
What do you suggest the minimum tank size for discus it?
Luca Davis
Luca Davis - 8 years ago
Please keep this tank and put cool fish in this
Pratim Roy
Pratim Roy - 8 years ago
hey Joey, do discus eat their eggs or fries?
Robert Clark
Robert Clark - 8 years ago
So a year later, what has come of this tank now?
Syd Pdx
Syd Pdx - 8 years ago
Hi Joey, I'm looking to start up a 125 discus tank. I'm thinking I want a sump filter because I feel they are most effective and add water volume, but it is in my bedroom and want it to be as quiet as my current tank with a canister filter! What would you recommend? Thank you! I love your videos.
Terrisa M
Terrisa M - 8 years ago
pfftttt a year without sex makes them horny af lol
vasanthan ilango
vasanthan ilango - 8 years ago
hey ....
do you have any idea about angel breeding?
TheBBallEnthusiast - 8 years ago
Why do none of your tanks have decorations?
EighthNotch - 8 years ago
TheBBallEnthusiast he talks about this multiple times in multiple videos.
goodall1bay - 8 years ago
I had the same problem with a pair of angels years ago.
Cool Big funky
Cool Big funky - 8 years ago
Wasted my 9.49 min
Edgar Varona
Edgar Varona - 8 years ago
I don't own any fish myself, but I always enjoy watching your very informative videos on the hobby!
Rhameen Kolyani
Rhameen Kolyani - 8 years ago
Those lights can't do corals or plants right?
bluesadness bluesadness
bluesadness bluesadness - 8 years ago
perfeckt job
Debnath Mukherjee
Debnath Mukherjee - 8 years ago
i wana going to,,,same like that....thank u...for ur suggestion

50. comment for My all in one discus aquarium update

Teresa Duarte-Hoffman
Teresa Duarte-Hoffman - 8 years ago
THANK you for your videos. They are Very Informative and Interesting , as well give GREAT Ideas!!
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 8 years ago
Joey you make ordinary guys look lazy and incompitant
khaany - 8 years ago
can you tell me what light is that? its not blue but its very beautifull i wanna use it for my aquarium where can i buy?
Daniel Kalinovskiy
Daniel Kalinovskiy - 8 years ago
Do you use RO water in the tank where discus was trying to bread>
JR - 8 years ago
my small discus wont eat Not even frozen worms we will just spit them out any ideas why
rinokaz - 8 years ago
JR // you look nice.
PG Gaddy
PG Gaddy - 8 years ago
What do you feed your Discus???
twoFEETunder - 8 years ago
hey my name is also joey and im a cichlid keeper ! big fan of yours
gobi venkatesan
gobi venkatesan - 9 years ago
how to differentiate male and female discu.... :-o
gobi venkatesan
gobi venkatesan - 9 years ago
how to differentiate male and female discu.... :-o
AJ Gingerbearded
AJ Gingerbearded - 9 years ago
Electric Blue Rams would look amazing in that tank
Adam Qureshi
Adam Qureshi - 9 years ago
Mate, Are Discus Fish friendly fish? I have Goldfish, Silver Shark, Big Angel fish, Gourami silver, normal ones, ...,, Koi carp, Koi-Angel mix, red cap goldfish, tiger shark, ghost fish, tiger barp something, some shark like fish but big in size almost cover quarter of my hands, and some small kissing fish..
Adam Qureshi
Adam Qureshi - 8 years ago
yeah i love them sadly i put the hiding place near heater and one of them kept bouncing out of hiding place and hid behind the heater and he dies just two weeks ago., i guess because of excess heat.. i saw a green color hollow cylinder shape tunnel like plastic. its nothing. if i was in australia i guess i could have got it for 2 dollars. but here in india, they think everything fancy and rare that comes around should be sold at gold prices... LOL.. that one is cool though. Ill send you photo sometime. you have fb?
JR - 8 years ago
yeah he takes a while for him to respond anyways the ghost fish are really cool fish mine is small gets along great with other fish even angel fish and discus he wont bother anyone just provide him with some good hiding places and feed him flakes but he loves frozen worms and he will eat from your hand he will recognise you
Adam Qureshi
Adam Qureshi - 8 years ago
The owner has never replied to any of my doubts and queries. I wonder if he is not available or not interested in doing his responsibility.
JR - 8 years ago
no im not
Adam Qureshi
Adam Qureshi - 8 years ago
+PreludeBB6JDM are you the owner of this youtube channel??
Adam Qureshi
Adam Qureshi - 8 years ago
+PreludeBB6JDM thank you :)
JR - 8 years ago
in F just do water changes that way your ph is good and clean the filters
Adam Qureshi
Adam Qureshi - 8 years ago
We don't have that many things available here ... The business is not that great.. But I can manage... The temperature you mean
 in F or C?? Secondly, I clean water every 3 weeks, nothing happens so far and I have three filter boxes inside so not dirty even with 21 fishes..
JR - 8 years ago
yes discus are sensitive fish they will get along with angel fish tetras guppies and mollies just have your temp at 84 discus temp should be at 86 but I have it at 84 since my other fish dont like the water at 86 discus are picky when it comes to food mine does not eat flakes so I give him frozen worms and he will not eat them so not sure why is ok if your other fish eat frozen worms and flakes do water changes every week change 15-20% of your water clean your tank dont remove your fish and add tap water but some quick start from API you need good bacteria for your fish and check your ph level it should be between 6.5 and 7.0 if the water ph is at 7.9 is a bit high you can lower it by adding ph down or ph up hope this work good info
Adam Qureshi
Adam Qureshi - 8 years ago
Thank you friend.. My local distributor is not very helpful. He only sells local fish like small goldfish parrot fish kissing fish tiger shark silver shark  dollars etc
Because of my busy schedule, I'm not able to look after several fish I have. I'm thinking of removing all of them and just buy a pair which breeds easily and have market value when i sell their young ones.. Somebody told me to have discus but my distributor says they are very sensitive and dies very soon.
JR - 8 years ago
yes they are but you cant have goldfish with discus in the same tank goldfish water temp is about 70 and discus is warmer 86 big diference
Adam Qureshi
Adam Qureshi - 8 years ago
Whats Undead?
Adam Qureshi
Adam Qureshi - 8 years ago
+Shinku The Undead
JOking about what?
Miss Shinku
Miss Shinku - 9 years ago
I hope you're joking
Chandan M N
Chandan M N - 9 years ago
how can saltwater tank be changed to freshwater? plz explain me
David Foley
David Foley - 9 years ago
What about the same tank with the filtration on the opposite side? It would block a lot of the room from their view.
Harrison Walker
Harrison Walker - 9 years ago
Hi will 2 discus be ok in a 98l tank
DutchReptiles - 8 years ago
Lord Twaddle
Lord Twaddle - 9 years ago
I wish I had this level of confidence. My 90g 5ft wide oak tank is wonderful but I always fear cracks, leaks etc especially with 3 very timid silver dollars. If I had the confidence I may keep discus but I'm not willing to spend so much money on them if I may end up losing them.
Idea - 9 years ago
This guy is like the LinusTechTips of fish aquariums!
jr.turtle120701 - 7 years ago
Idea - 9 years ago
Not to mention his knowledge w/ fish and aquariums is like Linus and tech stuff
Idea - 9 years ago
lol it's so true tho! With all the B-roll footage, builds and how he talks about what problems he encountered with builds and all of that.
RoboNarples2929 - 9 years ago
This is the truest thing I have ever read in the comments section.
MasterAquatics - 9 years ago
thank you Joey for the upload. loved the part when you were dumping the bucket of water into the tank. I do the same thing with my angels. but you have to be careful. some fish are just too damn sensitive and when you do that you might kill them. I learned that from experience.
Thai Aquascapes
Thai Aquascapes - 9 years ago
whenever you get some discus fry im definitely going to buy some from you. im in BC.. let me know! ive also started my own channel. check it out! =)
Anupam Immortal
Anupam Immortal - 9 years ago
hows the tank doing? what is in the tank right now?
PsychoFish123 - 9 years ago
+Anupam Anu sting rays but they died
Rey's Adventure
Rey's Adventure - 9 years ago
are you a filipino?
Matthew Ng
Matthew Ng - 9 years ago
Those blue scorpions are so nice.....Does anyone know where he got his blue scorpions? I would like one... maybe two or three or four
THORDOX - 9 years ago
I would have gone with a freshwater shark
MasterAquatics - 9 years ago
+THORDOX what compliment?
THORDOX - 9 years ago
Thanks for the complement
Grizzy Au
Grizzy Au - 9 years ago
Few neon tetras and 2 dwarf gourami
phoenixkool - 9 years ago
discus in the sump.... NOW if that ain't playa i dunno what is..
jeremy abdill
jeremy abdill - 9 years ago
Scorpion blues!? they look amazing. Is it a rare and hard to find breed?
riskbusin3ss - 9 years ago
what a depressing video..
Zodd Sonofthor
Zodd Sonofthor - 9 years ago
hardscape shell dweller tank for the win...
easy to care for and allways something going on.
could always do a diy cliff wall in the back to give a nice false perspective as well
Danielle lee
Danielle lee - 9 years ago
Really unique tank and placement of it, have you had issues at all with temperature regulation with it being next to the fireplace?
torkil86 - 9 years ago
nymphofilea armatica ? :) im just kidding great info vid thanks
Raul Cedillo
Raul Cedillo - 9 years ago
Andrew Bayardo
Andrew Bayardo - 9 years ago
How many gallons is the tank?
Ian Atkinson
Ian Atkinson - 9 years ago
And that vid was ausome
Ian Atkinson
Ian Atkinson - 9 years ago
I love how you can forget about discus
Aquarium Hobbyist
Aquarium Hobbyist - 9 years ago
is it ok to keep only two discus in an aquarium- many people recommend to keep at least 5 together - would love to know ur opinion
shubhankar shaw
shubhankar shaw - 9 years ago
you are superb bro
Camron Kelley
Camron Kelley - 9 years ago
send me the 2 discus.. you ole discus egg goblin
Eric Rogers
Eric Rogers - 9 years ago
Stingray's are getting big damn they look bad ass .......................
RPM05GT - 9 years ago
maybe a planted tank with like 50 neon tetras?
OI Avo
OI Avo - 9 years ago
Could you try putting a underwater waterfall in this tank, im interested to see how you would incoorperate one after your tutoriql on it, perhaps hidinig the pvc pipes with rocks instead of making a background for it? Anyway great vid as usual, keep it up!
thecubanknightanole - 9 years ago
If u plant it and give them places to hide they shouldn't thrash into the side glass course after typing this I realize u know a lot more about it then I do I'm sure u thought about that to
Jerome Horn
Jerome Horn - 9 years ago
That would be a great planted aquarium. Hope you go that route at some point.
Wils - 9 years ago
fantastic joey! I've just started fish keeping and your channel rocks! Subbed mate, absolute class!
Do you have an eBay account for your book ect? Cheers mate
khalxlogo - 9 years ago
Red Crystal Shrimp with a school of Emerald Eye Rasboras would go really well with the room. Also maybe a Gourami or Paradise Fish pair, or a male Betta to encourage the Rasboras to school.
?ch1maera ???
?ch1maera ??? - 9 years ago
I love the progression I've seen in your videos. They've always been awesome, but you're way less nervous now than you used to be and it's inspiring as hell :D Great work!
Hano Terblanche
Hano Terblanche - 9 years ago
hey i was wondering, i am going to try to breed blue acaras, and what is the best diy food for them, becuase i want them to have the best chances of breeding, the lfs told me they will recive them in two weeks. thanks alot
lisa addonisio
lisa addonisio - 9 years ago
Joey..... Do you have a day job? curious what you do for a living being how talented you are. Your videos are beyond amazing and if the right person were to see this im sure you would be on the discovery channel or have your own show..... With all of your talent and intelligence i think you are way too advanced to be just on youtube.
oakland002 - 9 years ago
How about adding a glass divider , so that they can't breed.. Would that calm them down?
Since its see through , it'll still look like 2 fish in 1 tank ....
Edgar terry
Edgar terry - 9 years ago
you could always stick some juveniles 4-5 depending on size in the tank.  sometime then tend to be less skidish.
2nd fo realz. you gotta get them beauties out of the tub.  something long and thin. in the style of the newish 12.5 longs but with blown up proportions. something like 10 feet long, 12-18 inches in width and 24-36 inch tall.
Alvin Yao
Alvin Yao - 9 years ago
Keep an African butterfly fish in a low tech planted aquarium. They're like mini arowanas

Or u could set up a hill stream biotope and keep hill stream loaches, which look like mini stingrays
David tropical aquariums
David tropical aquariums - 9 years ago
hi do you think i could havesome of the discus i am 13 and a novvis in the hobby but think it would be cool

100. comment for My all in one discus aquarium update

Vanspilla - 9 years ago
Discus are amazing!
Mike Nila
Mike Nila - 9 years ago
Nice videos, do you have a video showing how to plumb a tank for a sump? I'm new at this and im having trouble understanding how or where to add my pump cuz I would like to add a substrate filter and heater as well.. Thank you and keep up the great work
Team 9
Team 9 - 9 years ago
Joey ... youre the king. no im not joking, youre the king of DIY for aquarium stuff! i love ALL of your videos and i will build soo much of those stuff for my new tank that is coming in 2 weeks (330x85x65cm - no clue about feets haha) and since i saw that you dont have substrate etc. for a better water quality etc. i am somehow wondering if i should go the same way.

Also not sure yet what i am gonna keep. either a big group of 15+ wild discus with some smaller fishes like plecos etc. or a big group of 10+ altum angels (the real altum angels!) together with plecos etc. or maybe even two rays together with angels or wild discus ? Any advices ?
Nishan Grout
Nishan Grout - 9 years ago
Pretty new to fish keeping and I've been loving your videos. I was wondering why you say you either have a show tank or a breeding tank for Discus?
NickClimbsHills - 9 years ago
+Nishan Grout Its challenging to have a show tank of 5+ discus to breed successfully. The other fish will eat the eggs, won't fertilize properly etc. Either have a breeder tank with a pair, or have a show tank with 5+. Of course there are exceptions to this.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
It's the first Discus Pond, I've ever seen. LOL...
jayme alcay
jayme alcay - 9 years ago
Keeping it 100 I respect that
ZHER0 - 9 years ago
1st comment
Ryan Lee
Ryan Lee - 9 years ago
One of my favorite setups to date is a planted tank that houses rams. Either Germans of electric blues. They are simply one of the most beautiful species, and they compliment a small planted tank marvelously. I think that would be ideal for your setup, but that is only my opinion. I know you have moved beyond the cichlid species.
FlintSparked - 9 years ago
Yes! I want to get a bolivian ram, because they look so nice.
gromann - 9 years ago
What about a fowlr or micro reef tank?
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
Great story. Useful and detailed information.
The key message, I think, that family enjoyable display aquariums, and breeding tanks, are 2 very different things, best suited to different locations.
As always, super video production work.
Kittawh - 9 years ago
Build a 1000gallons tall for your discus in your basement wall! That would make a nice background for your videos :)
afoifa - 9 years ago
If you have alot of traffic and kids want entertainment,  go for a puffer, they are like little dogs, and so much personality,  mine has got to know my 4 year old and gets excited when he comes in the room, spits water out at him (when the lid is open) And he hand feeds them, he has a green spotted puffer. Such a pleasure to keep and ive moved him from fresh water to brackish and then upped the salinity 0.2 per week till finally marine.

My plan was to move from tropical to marine tanks and this has been exciting learning curve for me and kept me interested,  plan on moving the mollies (that can also live in salt) and adding maybe a maroon clownfish
ScreamingForClemency - 9 years ago
i work at a LFS for a guy who doesn't seem to know his stuff a lot of the time. he recently told me that if you touch the inside wall of a fish tank and it feels slimy then that means it's bacterial growth that is super harmful for the fish and needs to be scrubbed down before a water change. he uses this as his go-to reason for livestock losses when he doesn't know what happened (no, he doesn't even test first before reaching this conclusion).

this smacks in the face of all my years of experience. like Joey on this tank, most of my maintenance has been free of scrubbing. many of my tanks ran for years and years without algae scraping or any kind. just water changes and filter maintenance and sometimes gravel maintenance.

i thought this wall slime was from shed slime coating, or just bacteria that naturally occurs in the tank (and doesn't kill everything). the guy insists that it's the reason for fish death (as opposed to his poor husbandry). am i crazy or does this sound like complete BS to you guys? cuz it sounds a lot like BS to me.

he couldn't give a source for the info. just that some guy told him it was true a long time ago.

opinions please?
ScreamingForClemency - 9 years ago
very true. they are really quite the pain in the ass compared to home tanks.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+ScreamingForClemency To be fair. All retailer selling tanks, are the hardest to care for. Which is why knowledge, is critical.
ScreamingForClemency - 9 years ago
thank you for the clarification. i totally agree. bioload must be managed carefully and things can go bad very quickly due to bioload imbalances which are very common in retail tanks.

30 fish into the tank one day. 15 left after 2 days. 3 fish in the tank on day 5. Then another 30 fish thrown in on day 10. Not the way to have stability. Then there's the issues of parasitism and all kinds of other stuff. it's a high risk game that he chooses to play very, very, very high risk.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+ScreamingForClemency The bacteria are innocent. :-)
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+ScreamingForClemency My point was, the hardware must be able to cope with the biological load. Think domestic strength, vs commercial strength and vs industrial strength.The water changing intensity is different, the feeding volumes are different.Every thing about managing retail selling tanks is different in HOW you maintain them successfully.You are right that the owner/manager is clueless.And what you are saying is right, sand on top of UG tray filters, is a disaster, without any other factor being off.
ScreamingForClemency - 9 years ago
but i think the fundamentals remain the same. each tank has a different purpose and things can be adjusted to better suit that purpose, but the basic requirements for life remain the same right?

a tank full of 30 fish for sale or 30 of the same fish for grow out is going to require mostly the same things to keep those fish alive. with retail comes additional cross contamination concerns, but i don't see the bacteria in the tank as behaving in a fundamentally different way.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+ScreamingForClemency I will just add the point.There are essentially, different kinds of fish tanks, with very different needs.1) Display tank.2) Breeding tank.3) Grow out tank.4) Hospital/Quarantine tank.5) Temporary holding/Selling tank.The hardware and maintenance methods, must focus on the different requirements of each specific purpose of these tanks.Good Luck.
ScreamingForClemency - 9 years ago
i should maybe add that the uplift tubes are powered just by airstone. so the flow is probably pretty bad, especially on the tanks with clogged plates.
ScreamingForClemency - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY
joey! thank you so much for your quick response!

flow is pretty bad in most of the tanks. just under-gravel plates with usually one uplift tube and he used sand on many of them which means that they very quickly became clogged up underneath. his claim is that even when water quality tests out ok that the slightly slimy feeling on the walls of the tank are the culprit for fish loss. you can't see any film on the glass. you can just feel it.

to my mind the culprit is more likely his bad practices of not acclimating fish. not heating fish. waiting for water quality to get really bad before doing maintenance. adding sick fish with healthy fish. poor compatibility knowledge. and the list goes on and on.

the guy has some really strange ideas about fishkeeping a lot of times, and unfortunately I'm in the position of having to deal with the aftermath. I'm an employee of his store, trying to do the right things for the fish, customers, and business, and it's sorely against his will.

i know i should quit, but i am in a unique financial situation which kind of requires me to stay for the time being. i was just wondering if there was any validity to what he was saying. its' something I've never heard of and couldn't really make any sense of.

he seems to think that the bacteria on the walls "jump" onto the fish and somehow (?) kill them. you are so right. he really can't adequately explain any of it, which means he himself doesn't understand what he is even trying to say.

i feel like my skepticism has been validated by the DIY king.

thanks Joey!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+ScreamingForClemency Bacteria will grow on anything... including tank walls. Its generally the same stuff that lives in your filter. Every tank will have it to some extent. Some will have more than others. Calling it "bacterial" is insinuating something else though. If its more of a slime, that would be due to water quality. The slime would be a result of something wrong, not the cause. While it would still be bacterial, it is there for a reason. Something within the tank is wrong and feeding it/allowing it to survive/multiply. Generally speaking, this is almost always due to water quality, lack of filtration or even lack of circulation. If someone can not explain something simple enough for you to understand, they do not understand it well enough them self. Or they simply have no idea. My suggestion: Get your advice else where. let him scoop the fish you pick, but I would keep the conversation to small talk.
le hannie
le hannie - 9 years ago
Maybe make a nice scape to add with Malawi or Tanganyika or another cichlid fish. Maybe just a pair or so.
yocampout - 9 years ago
two big fat beautiful telescope eye butterfly tail goldfish would be awesome! u know all about filtration so u can keep them happy and healthy and they will entertain the kids. u much as a goldfish can interact. :) it'd be so cool.
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
Thanks for the update Joey!  They are a beautiful pair of discus for sure, but I understand you that they just aren't right for that situation.  That tank is looking great too!
Caoilfhionn - 9 years ago
Planted tank with afew australian rainbows and shrimp. Might be abit hard to source.
Brandon Havro
Brandon Havro - 9 years ago
Great video like always! :)

I mainly keep larger cichlids but have always been interested in discus and have wanted to breed them but have never made the jump to get them. Any tips on setting up a good breeding tank for discus? Maybe you could do a video on it or do any channels you would recommend?
Cosa Buena
Cosa Buena - 9 years ago
Jesus, I lost track of the last time you did a discus video. I was anxious. Like I literally texted my "former wife" about this because I made her watch your videos back then. My adrenaline was off the chart watching this. Lol. Thanks joe. Shame your other discus are not visiable :(
IEATCHAIR - 9 years ago
A couple ideas: I have a 70 gal tank in the basement/kids room that gets a lot of traffic.  The kids all want to feed them and hit balls against the glass. The goldfish love the attention and merrily accept any extra food.  Also I have about 60 shrimp in a 20 gal tank in a kindergarten class and the kids love it.  The kids just sit there watching the shrimp glide in the water.  Both tanks have java ferns, anubias, crypts and red rubins  (Red Rubin Sword (Echinodorus "Rubin").
Protokon - 9 years ago
Nice update Joey. I'm sad it isn't going as well as you had hoped. The tank still looks like an amazing piece, and I'm sure you'll come up with a plan to renew your interest in it.
Gavin's Aquariums
Gavin's Aquariums - 9 years ago
You should do a collaboration with Dustin, and make a sickkk aquascape, it's the perfect size tank to!
Gavin's Aquariums
Gavin's Aquariums - 9 years ago
Yes, Dustin knows a ton about aquarium plants, if you don't respect what he does for this hobby, then your crazy! I have mad respect for him and his business.
Ryan Lee
Ryan Lee - 9 years ago
+Cosa Buena Do not discredit Dustin man. He is VERY knowledgeable with aquatic plants, as well as lots of experience and dedication.
Cosa Buena
Cosa Buena - 9 years ago
Joe can pull it off him self. Joe is way more knowledgeable anyway.
Talon C
Talon C - 9 years ago
Do a sick dirted tank :) lots of plants and drift wood, you could make it awesome with your skills and knowledge!! Unless your looking for less maintenance with this tank.. A cool aquascape with low tech plants would look equally amazing . Idk you shouldn't let this tank just sit there though lol
J Spalding
J Spalding - 9 years ago
Hopefully you figure out something cool to do with that tank. Glad to see you took my advice about your logo on the tank. Looks sweet! Great update as always bro.
lap steel
lap steel - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
J Spalding
J Spalding - 9 years ago
Sweet deal. Just the right touch to the tanks.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+J Spalding That was you! I remember someone mentioned it but couldn't remember who! Thanks, and good idea. Its actually on all my tanks. :)
Sotdot - 9 years ago
Great video Joey, as always. I also agree with others on turning this tank into a planted aquarium. Maybe have Dustin join in on the action. That would be a cool video!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Sotdot That could be a cool idea.
Danny Chung
Danny Chung - 9 years ago
Fancy goldfish would be a great choice!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Danny Chung I think so too. Although, a lot of great suggestions have been made..... Im going to need more tanks. haha
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 9 years ago
That's funny. We've all run into the same issue. I went reef and had a pair of black sailfin mollies breed in there with fry going right into the overflow. Going to plan a modification to keep fry from going in there. Another project.
Gang gang Jeremiah
Gang gang Jeremiah - 8 years ago
Dee From Brooklyn
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Dee From Brooklyn I ended up adding some foam to the overflow... but it was ugly.
carlmelo - 9 years ago
Beautiful looking discus pair and tank, btw!. I would turn it into a planted tank with a couple  nice driftwood... natural looking scape and use non demanding plants and then put dwarf shrimps and a couple species of schooling fish as well as otto cats for algae. Although, I am not sure how dwarf shrimps will do with a sump. They might get sucked in.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+carlmelo I have done shrimp with an overflow and sump before. I can just add a screen or mesh to the teeth on the overflow to prevent them from being sucked in.
Joe Guinness
Joe Guinness - 9 years ago
What about an electric blue German ram tank?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Joe Guinness Those are pretty. Used to have 6!
Emily Hall
Emily Hall - 9 years ago
I currently have 6 tanks one community tank with neons and angel fish and red fin shark and other community fish in
One fry tank with guppy and Molly fry in
One angel fish breeding tank
A guppy breeding tank
A Molly breeding tank and a hospital tank

I am hoping to start breeding cichlids and discus soon :)
JEC11718 - 9 years ago
Wish I could have discus, wow, seven times!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+JEC11718 Well, its been close to double that now in that tank. This video was technically filmed 3 weeks ago...
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 9 years ago
If your kids are interested in fish, why not make it a tank for them.  Let them choose the fish and handle the daily chores like feeding, etc., while you handle the big jobs that they aren't old enough to handle.
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 8 years ago
Famous last words.
RyansAquarium - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY Funny how that changed eh! hahaha
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Emmit Stewart They are not interested in fish keeping.
Illusion Of Hatred
Illusion Of Hatred - 9 years ago
I would say to go look up to do some low light aquascaping in that.. Wouldn't be too bad.. like Javaferns.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Illusion Of Hatred I have done low light/low tech tanks in the past. I might do it again with this.
CallmeMAck - 9 years ago
why dont you try some Trichogaster microlepi (Moon Gurami) ?? XD
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+CallmeMAck I kept a few gourami back in my "community tank" days. Great little fish for sure. Not my thing anymore though.
adidas4lfe1 - 9 years ago
Aquascape with fancy guppies
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+adidas4lfe1 I wouldn't mind a tank packed with guppies. Would be beautiful.
Connor Whitman
Connor Whitman - 9 years ago
accidentally spawning discus 7 times... the hell...i couldnt even breed rats
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Connor Whitman Well, I actually filmed this video about 3 weeks ago or so.. So its been almost double that now.
Caio Stanchak
Caio Stanchak - 9 years ago
Your Discus are beautiful man! It's a shame you have so many hidden away lol
I'm excited to see what this new big build is all about!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Caio Stanchak New build might just be my best yet.... ;)
Whonton ____
Whonton ____ - 9 years ago
Have you ever tried rainbowfish? I would do a planted tank with a school of rainbows. Praecox would look really nice with sunlight hitting the tank, really reflective blue.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+A.K. Fish & Flora There are not too many fish i haven't had. I kept a couple species about a decade ago. rainbows were one of them. Beautiful fish for sure.
James Feenan
James Feenan - 9 years ago
Great update as always, i like the way your honest and tell things as they are looking forward to hearing about your next update.Fancy goldfish would be nice for your kids and they can interact with them just a idea coming from house full of young kids.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+James Feenan I dont mind fancy goldfish at all. I will think about it. :)
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 9 years ago
This is what being a responsible fish keeper is about. Good one Joey.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+NYCity Cichlids Thanks NY
Thomas Hatcher
Thomas Hatcher - 9 years ago
Low tech planted tank with some colorful dwarf shrimps would be great in the living room as shrimp are very active (fun to watch) and usually not too particular about people being around. Buuuut I'm biased as I breed shrimp haha. :P
Neptunodestroyer - 9 years ago
@The King of DIY you should do a tutorial of how to have discus
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Neptunodestroyer Been asked that a lot. Might do it eventually.
Joel Flores
Joel Flores - 9 years ago
Why don't you build a reef aquarium??
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Joel Flores The short answer: I simply dont want one.
The Graceful Savage
The Graceful Savage - 9 years ago
I wonder how many discus owners will watch this and be sad that they cant get their discus to breed, while joey accidentally gets them breeding non stop lol
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+The Graceful Savage :)
Benin Churchil
Benin Churchil - 9 years ago
The moment you said the fries were sucked up into the filter kinda stunt me  for a second. ;)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Benin Churchil haha
Vybz Viper
Vybz Viper - 9 years ago
You should keep a group of female bettas or a male betta with a couple of corydoras
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Viji Mano I can appreciate them, but i have never been a fan.
andre v schaijk
andre v schaijk - 9 years ago
Could you someday do something about indoor ponds, for exsample to house topview fancy goldfish?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+andre v schaijk Probably not. If i dont have a personal need for it, i simply dont have the budget to do it.
Dave H
Dave H - 9 years ago
Why don't you add some gravel, some plants and decorations and have Cichlids in it? That would be really nice for the family!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Dave H Discus are a cichlid...
Scott Campbell
Scott Campbell - 9 years ago
Really like your longer videos.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Scott Campbell I dont mind doing them either.
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 9 years ago
Awesome how discuss breed for you, and update
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Slim Tim It was fun when I was breeding them intentionally. But a lot of work.
Xan Beerboy
Xan Beerboy - 9 years ago
I say small schooling fish with lots of plants!
Dave Rudy
Dave Rudy - 9 years ago
+Xan Beerboy Clown Loaches
Grizzy Au
Grizzy Au - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY

tetras!! <3
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Xan Beerboy Good idea!
Nick J
Nick J - 9 years ago
If you don't mind the water changes, as you know some of the fancy gold fish are really incredible to look at. There almost fun to watch !
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Nick Musuraca They were actually the first thing i thought about doing. :)
RocketBunny2k - 9 years ago
Do a reef tank. a couple of clownfish, shrimps and a nice anenome
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Dr0pl3er1 I did a pair of clowns in a nano tank once. I never lost interest in a tank as fast as i did with that.
Over9000Unicorns - 9 years ago
Maybe a lie tech planted dirted tank? Or a paludarium :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Over9000Unicorns Good ideas
professorM - 9 years ago
Turn that tank into a nice low tech planted tank. It would be a nice highlight in the room.
Ryan Lee
Ryan Lee - 9 years ago
+professorM My thoughts exactly, except housing a few Rams. They are just beautiful in planted setups.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+professorM Thought about that. Someone also mentioned shrimp. I like that idea too.
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 9 years ago
as always great video & story.   were the kids interested  with the spawning process? or was it just another day in the life of dads hobby.
 stay well
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+mack bolan I think they are a bit used to these things. They don't care until its time to show their friends the tanks. Then all of a sudden they are experts. haha
ReeferGil - 9 years ago
You gave it a shot. I totally agree with you assessment and final decision. Go REEF!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+ReeferGil Only if you call me ReeferJoe
b.a. Warman
b.a. Warman - 9 years ago
Besides making awesome DIY videos, you are also a great storyteller.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+b.a. Warman Thank you!
Jeremy Cuva
Jeremy Cuva - 9 years ago
Love the tank Joey, how many gallons is it?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Jeremy Cuva I did a full 3 part series on this build with all the details on it. Its a 33 gallon.
myjoshrobinson - 9 years ago
VinoNCL - 9 years ago
I love your channel as I used to be huge fish keeper. Also ur channel is filled with free golden informations and techs. Keep up ur great work. By the way are u Canadian or American because both accent are just same to me. Hahah
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
I am Canadian. I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. :)
Attoz - 9 years ago
i wish there where more people like you in this hobby, animal well beign over owner satisfaction. You are great.
Chad Davis
Chad Davis - 9 years ago
Very Nice Update.  Glad to see some fish in there even if it isn't the final product.  A designer aquarium on a DIY budget...Awesome!
Victor Galvez
Victor Galvez - 9 years ago
Its Okay Joey! Its your tank, but It would be very nice to show us a videotutorial in breeding those fabulous discus. Anyway I admire your sincerity.

I wonder what you will do with this magnificent aquarium, by the way thanks for all your vids, with them I could build from pure scratch the table and the sump for my reef tank!!!

Keep on like this man!!!!
Ray Chipchase
Ray Chipchase - 9 years ago
thanks Joey, this tank inspired me to paint my latest betta tank white:)  Nice to see someone who wants to do what's best for the fish, and not just what's best for themselves
Arpon Islam
Arpon Islam - 9 years ago
AppleTree Fish
AppleTree Fish - 9 years ago
Joey I'm building some like this but is 60 cm wide 75 length and 60 tall , using as a return an aquaclear 50 power head, is it ok? Or should I use a 70 Thank you so much. love your videos
iamharryt - 9 years ago
That would make a killer nano reef!:)
Papja - 9 years ago
How tall are your big ray tank?
London Predator Angler
London Predator Angler - 9 years ago
why don't you just do a low tech planted aquarium, with java or anuibus on twilly pieces of wood? maybe a shoal of tiger barbs, the aquarium will be active and the kids will love to watch them fighting for leadership. sometimes keep it simple is the best a beautiful way. I used to over think and over complacte all the time and forget why I was doing it in the first place and kept changing things about, now im settled on my 7 aquariums how they r its less stress on them and me! lol good luck! but don't let it go to waste its an awesome aquarium
Aj Ravalo
Aj Ravalo - 9 years ago
Hi mr joey im a big fan of yours make more great vids
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Aj Ravalo Thank you. I make them every Sunday and have been for years. :)
Niall F M
Niall F M - 9 years ago
I really appreciate the honesty you show in your videos, it takes courage to admit a lapse in judgment, a bad decision or in this case simply unforeseen circumstances and that seems to be something you never hesitate to do.
I think that is why you are admired in this hobby, for reasons other than saving money through DIY
Timm Lombardo
Timm Lombardo - 9 years ago
Very cool!
Marcus Andersén
Marcus Andersén - 9 years ago
You can keep electric blue jack dempsay?
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 9 years ago
I feel you on the Discus breeding I just want a nice discus tank but can't because I can't stop my pair from breeding but I also don't want to get rid of them. Really in limbo at the moment
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Aarons Aquarium That about sums it up!
Zante - 9 years ago
"You either breed them or have a nice tank" I don't know. I went for a nice tank, quite heavily planted, with corys (which bred), bristlenoses (which bred) and tetras (which spawned).
I now have 20 or 30 little discus that are the size of a 10p coin and are starting to annoy the other adults. I never planned for them to breed but they just did, like the others.

As for the tank itself, have you considered a marine tank with a pair of clowns, or a marine invert tank? Something new and different to rekindle your interest.
Zante - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Ok, that's different, fair enough.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Zante I meant for breeding discus on a serious and intentional basis.
drewhull29 - 9 years ago
You could do a small reef set up. The white of the tank with the blue moon lights would look cool.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+drewhull29 I think that would look good as well
archie panes
archie panes - 9 years ago
Love your videos followed your vids to make my own tank an sump , keep up the great work
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+archie panes Thank you. Glad you enjoy them.
eric j
eric j - 9 years ago
Love this tank, it's what I want , maybe I'll try discus one day great fish.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Eric Jeffries Discus are awesome, You would love them.
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Direwolfgirl :)
Tamlin Giles
Tamlin Giles - 9 years ago
An amazing pair but you will find something to suit that tank eventually :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Tamlin Giles Thank you.
DavidVella98 - 9 years ago
Hi, nice pair, are you going to change the fish?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+DavidVella98 Hard to say. Im not sure what i want to do with it.
REEMIKS - 9 years ago
Number 2 comment yay
It's 5am really tired

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+REEMIKS It's 9am here. :)
Brad Suarez
Brad Suarez - 9 years ago
+REEMIKS Get some sleep bro, get some sleep.

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