My beautiful discus fish in 600 litre aquarium

Just got this new tank and the present inhabitants include: 7 discus (red and blue turquoise, red melon, yellow cristal, pigeon blood, blue diamond) 4 clown loaches 1 pleco 11 neon tetras Enjoy!

My beautiful discus fish in 600 litre aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 30

Discus 15 years ago 142,122 views

Just got this new tank and the present inhabitants include: 7 discus (red and blue turquoise, red melon, yellow cristal, pigeon blood, blue diamond) 4 clown loaches 1 pleco 11 neon tetras Enjoy!

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Most popular comments
for My beautiful discus fish in 600 litre aquarium

EXIT Athlone escape room
EXIT Athlone escape room - 11 years ago
Beautiful fish. Really lovely. But the decor in aquarium can be a little richer. I bought my discus in and I invite you to my channel.
Rhyan Talbot
Rhyan Talbot - 11 years ago
Not if you add the correct substrate and plants. A proper substrate will also lower the pH which is better for them. Water changes can be done with aged water that has indian almond leaves in it. pH will be the same changing water.
Metalfishead - 11 years ago
Hello what's the name of the solid red ones with black tails?
Nadeen Nelson
Nadeen Nelson - 12 years ago
Beautiful tank, love the music, I will be checking out the artist..
Sam Jones
Sam Jones - 12 years ago
This tank needs so much work, really needs a substrate, some plants (real or not) and change that backing, so sick of seeing videos of peoples tank where they just constantly stay zoomed on the main fish, show us the whole tank from a distance!
rim rod
rim rod - 12 years ago
tanks looks so dull with out a substrate
VenusSensai - 12 years ago
even if you have optimum water conditions and filtration is it really needed to do water changes twice a week for discus?
captainhelmet69 - 12 years ago
Very nice love the red melon check out my account see what you think to my discus
Ed Grey
Ed Grey - 12 years ago
That's right. It is easier to clean the tank without substrate, and the wood (Mopani) is making my water yellowish . However i heard that beside coloring the water, is dropping the PH so.. if is good for the fish.. let it be :) Nice tank !

10. comment for My beautiful discus fish in 600 litre aquarium

evilmonkeyballs999 - 12 years ago
Burning Fields. Says it in the description ;)
Eric Stone
Eric Stone - 12 years ago
nice tank somday when im old enough to get a job id like a tank like that mabye u shold get some gravel and placos to clean it
borhanus - 12 years ago
its a sad tank ..add some deco ,fake plants
Mustaque Hassan
Mustaque Hassan - 12 years ago
cool tank bro
viesuliukas - 13 years ago
@TheBSideDJ added all these later on, but do not have the video. Also, in this way the water stays cleaner
viesuliukas - 13 years ago
@diamondmanoo in the UK Chen's Discus is the best. Google the name
manoj kumar
manoj kumar - 13 years ago
Hi buddy grt tank.suggest wher to get good discus
esteban arévalo
esteban arévalo - 13 years ago
Los botias payaso estresan a los discos
legrandzilla - 13 years ago
so pretty, nice cardinal tetras too!
Petr Warry WorldWarCollector
Petr Warry WorldWarCollector - 13 years ago
nice fish

20. comment for My beautiful discus fish in 600 litre aquarium

TheBSideDJ - 13 years ago
give them substrate, give them more wood, give them a chill environment... please ?
ridetheivory - 13 years ago
Could use some live plants. Discus are generally pretty shy fish and would probably benefit from it greatly. A lot of discus owners will choose plants over driftwood as spooked discus are known to thrash around and injure themselves.
TheEdgeLion - 13 years ago
Nie wiem jaki sens jest wpuszczanie ryb do akwarium bez podłoża.Później przydałoby się jakieś roślinki i na tył zamiast fototapety czarny brystol i lepiej od razu:D Tak to się patrzeć nie da jak 600l zbiornik się marnuje wraz z rybkami :P
tanya otwaska
tanya otwaska - 13 years ago
Sounds a lot like the Cranberrie!!! Nice fish.....
LunaticEntrails - 13 years ago
Absolutely amazing.
Dario Galvan
Dario Galvan - 13 years ago
whats ur PH
cichlidlover86 - 13 years ago
The name of the song is "burning fields" by sofia talvik : )
viesuliukas - 13 years ago
@Thuyenthao954 It's Sofia Talvik, but don't remember the song name. YouTube it :)
natedubes1 - 13 years ago
Beautiful fish, tank not so much.
natedubes1 - 13 years ago
Beautiful fish, tank not so much.

30. comment for My beautiful discus fish in 600 litre aquarium

GoldfishRsoDelicious - 13 years ago
Nice discus man, but doesnt your pleco trash your water quality for your discus tank!? Everyone I had was a total pooooo factory :)
Myke A
Myke A - 13 years ago
Excellent Tank!. Discus take some effort to look after, but well worth it. Please check out my 7ft discus tank :)
GwynnbrookFarm - 13 years ago
Very nice discus fish.
Slither - 13 years ago
No subtrate???
viesuliukas - 13 years ago
@NorthwoodTimberwolve Changing water once a week is sufficient, but 75% of it has to be filtrated (RO). Varied diet is important for growth, too. We had a successful batch, but only 1 baby survived as we did not move them to a separate fish tank (at the time there were only the two parents and the fry).
viesuliukas - 13 years ago
@NorthwoodTimberwolve yes, colour doesn't matter. As long as you can find out which one is male and which one - female. Normally it is difficult to tell until they lay eggs.
viesuliukas - 14 years ago
@raf4jack £20 is usually for 3month old one. The ones in the video are adults (8 months or more) and the price is between £40-90
jcaluza - 14 years ago
Very nice selection of discus. How long have you had these discus and what size is your aquarium? I really like the no gravel and plant set up... it's very contemporary and displays the beauty of your fish. Well done :)
LiliFromHali - 14 years ago
How does your plec get along with your discus?
Richard B
Richard B - 14 years ago
@rushthroughme i'm sure they noticed that after trying to run into it a few times :p lol
Athip Sweden
Athip Sweden - 14 years ago
@viesuliukas Ummm.... I have some at home, the distant between you and me are not that close. I live in the south of Sweden. :)
viesuliukas - 14 years ago
@Kohkrating Yes, you may, I am are selling a couple who made babies twice? Interested? Drop me a private message!
viesuliukas - 14 years ago
@bekeenonlife in North London, UK
qwerty134098 - 14 years ago
@viesuliukas i have 4 discus fish in a 55 gallon aquarium i clean the tank with water change every 2 weeks they have been alive for a year
bekeenonlife - 14 years ago
where did you buy them? they are big, beautiful and brilliant in color!
Athip Sweden
Athip Sweden - 14 years ago
beautiful discus, may I have one :)
viesuliukas - 14 years ago
@Ricine No, they just love their water super clean!
Sam Scharder
Sam Scharder - 14 years ago
@connorconard lolz $20 you have x 10 bro.
knircky - 14 years ago
so gorgeous!!!
nemam nemoze
nemam nemoze - 14 years ago
where are the plants and sand dude????

50. comment for My beautiful discus fish in 600 litre aquarium

nemam nemoze
nemam nemoze - 14 years ago
why there are no plants???
viesuliukas - 14 years ago
@connorconard yes, you have to change 50% water weekly, or even twice a week. If you can commit to this, they will live healthily ever after :)
viesuliukas - 14 years ago
@biggmomma100 thanks :)
viesuliukas - 14 years ago
@bobontheroof Yes we do! We connect the hose pipe from the bath directly to aquarium :) Well, through RO system. But then the water pressure does the job, not you. Only cleaning is done with a bucket.
bobontheroof - 14 years ago
How do you guys do such big water changes? I have a 2.5g bucket I use to transfer the water and that gets heavy. Do you guys use a different method or something? :o
viesuliukas - 14 years ago
@SDFMago Thanks, the song is called 'Burning Frields' by Sofia Talvik
MrPilenai - 15 years ago
na tikri grazuoliai,turbut pacios graziausios akvariumu zuvys,labai fainiai...
viesuliukas - 15 years ago
No, this is not the final version. Update video coming soon... :)
JostheBoss - 15 years ago
is this aquarium suppose to be complete? I miss gravel and real plants
viesuliukas - 15 years ago
Does your computer/laptop have SD card slot? Use the card instead of the cable :)
viesuliukas - 15 years ago
Thanks for your comments. Daily water changes for a 600 litre tank would be a BIG problem... At the moment changing 50% twice a week. Will buy some plants soon to make it look nicer :) PS Looking forward to your video!

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