My FAVORITE AQUARIUM FISH, 7 TYPES of Platies Swordtail Fish. Loving my Livebearers

My favorite Varieties of SWORDTAILS, PLATY FISH, and Livebearers Collection, How to Breed Swordtails, How to care for Live bearers, 7 Species of EASY AQUARIUM FISH on Sunday. Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: What's up Fishtank People? Dustin's Fishtanks bringing it to you LIVE on a Sunday baby how's everybody doing ? I hope you are doing well. So is a beautiful day I wanna show you some Beautiful fish that I am dealing with here in the greenhouse. That's right folks, it's Sunday, It's a super duper Species Sunday I'm talking about my favorite fish in the greenhouse right now and BABIES BABIES BABIES, Awe yeah. So first, let me give you an update of what's going on in the greenhouse. Yes- I am totally loving the full fun in the sun of the greenhouse. I am always happy with how great the plant growth is out here. As I said in the video last week. I don't understand why more people dont try and use full sunlight. While YES- the sun will cause algae if you get out of balance. I would argue that the benifits in this environment far out weigh the negative. Here is the rub with the Full Sunlight, Just because the center of our solar system is out, doesn't mean 2 things. 1. Us humans can't handle full scortching sunlight for 12 hours a day 2. Our Tanks can't handle full sunlight 12 hours a day. At the advice of the Grand Master Tom Barr I am using a 60% shade cloth on this sucker. Tom Told me to use an 80% I went with a 60 because I do have some nice tall trees around the greenhouse, providing me with some more shade periodically. Now- with full Sun, what's great is that the majority of the time you CAN IF YOU WANT to PUNCH your plant with Maximum Sunlight. This is one of my LOVE HATE TANKS. This 55 Sits in FULL SUNLIGHT- which will get us to the start of our Species Sunday in just a second. Here in this tank we have FULL THROTTLE SUN- There is no Shade- No protection. I will tell you this Fishtank People- This tank is my LOVE HATE Tank- It is the Ying and the Yang, it is Most favorite tank and the tank that I hate the most. Before I get into the live bearers for you, I want to show this tip for anyone who might be thinking to them self- "Hey I want a tank in full sunlight- This tank is supplied by the tank below it, which is constantly bringing in Cooler water too it. If this 55 were to sit disconnected and be free standing, it would have bigger temperature swings and MORE ALGAE, Or but it's Sunday It's Species Sunday I have 1,2,3,4,5 Types of Live bearers to show you out here. 1. Black 1. White 1 Showa 1 Lyertail 1 Virarites The First is in this tank right here. These are the largest Swordtails I have ever owned or seen in person. Not including the tail, they are over a half in bigger than anything I have ever owned. MONSTERS. Now here is the fun part for me- These fish have the solid black, but ALSO- Orange under them- Now I am no expert on Live bearers, but I believe- And I would love your opinion on this- I know some oldschool people are here to help. What is in the "Hamburg Black" I am seeing some babies coming out of here that are clearly the same color as the underlayment of these swords. Ya with me- SO if anyone has any knowledge on that, please let me know. Which brings us on from the Blacks to the Whites, so come over here with me. From here we are going on to the Showa Swords. Now these were also purchased at the American Live Bearers Convention. I am going to move down to the next fish which it a fun one. The LYRETAIL Sword!

My FAVORITE AQUARIUM FISH, 7 TYPES of Platies Swordtail Fish. Loving my Livebearers sentiment_very_dissatisfied 33

Discus 7 years ago 26,778 views

My favorite Varieties of SWORDTAILS, PLATY FISH, and Livebearers Collection, How to Breed Swordtails, How to care for Live bearers, 7 Species of EASY AQUARIUM FISH on Sunday. Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: What's up Fishtank People? Dustin's Fishtanks bringing it to you LIVE on a Sunday baby how's everybody doing ? I hope you are doing well. So is a beautiful day I wanna show you some Beautiful fish that I am dealing with here in the greenhouse. That's right folks, it's Sunday, It's a super duper Species Sunday I'm talking about my favorite fish in the greenhouse right now and BABIES BABIES BABIES, Awe yeah. So first, let me give you an update of what's going on in the greenhouse. Yes- I am totally loving the full fun in the sun of the greenhouse. I am always happy with how great the plant growth is out here. As I said in the video last week. I don't understand why more people dont try and use full sunlight. While YES- the sun will cause algae if you get out of balance. I would argue that the benifits in this environment far out weigh the negative. Here is the rub with the Full Sunlight, Just because the center of our solar system is out, doesn't mean 2 things. 1. Us humans can't handle full scortching sunlight for 12 hours a day 2. Our Tanks can't handle full sunlight 12 hours a day. At the advice of the Grand Master Tom Barr I am using a 60% shade cloth on this sucker. Tom Told me to use an 80% I went with a 60 because I do have some nice tall trees around the greenhouse, providing me with some more shade periodically. Now- with full Sun, what's great is that the majority of the time you CAN IF YOU WANT to PUNCH your plant with Maximum Sunlight. This is one of my LOVE HATE TANKS. This 55 Sits in FULL SUNLIGHT- which will get us to the start of our Species Sunday in just a second. Here in this tank we have FULL THROTTLE SUN- There is no Shade- No protection. I will tell you this Fishtank People- This tank is my LOVE HATE Tank- It is the Ying and the Yang, it is Most favorite tank and the tank that I hate the most. Before I get into the live bearers for you, I want to show this tip for anyone who might be thinking to them self- "Hey I want a tank in full sunlight- This tank is supplied by the tank below it, which is constantly bringing in Cooler water too it. If this 55 were to sit disconnected and be free standing, it would have bigger temperature swings and MORE ALGAE, Or but it's Sunday It's Species Sunday I have 1,2,3,4,5 Types of Live bearers to show you out here. 1. Black 1. White 1 Showa 1 Lyertail 1 Virarites The First is in this tank right here. These are the largest Swordtails I have ever owned or seen in person. Not including the tail, they are over a half in bigger than anything I have ever owned. MONSTERS. Now here is the fun part for me- These fish have the solid black, but ALSO- Orange under them- Now I am no expert on Live bearers, but I believe- And I would love your opinion on this- I know some oldschool people are here to help. What is in the "Hamburg Black" I am seeing some babies coming out of here that are clearly the same color as the underlayment of these swords. Ya with me- SO if anyone has any knowledge on that, please let me know. Which brings us on from the Blacks to the Whites, so come over here with me. From here we are going on to the Showa Swords. Now these were also purchased at the American Live Bearers Convention. I am going to move down to the next fish which it a fun one. The LYRETAIL Sword!

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Most popular comments
for My FAVORITE AQUARIUM FISH, 7 TYPES of Platies Swordtail Fish. Loving my Livebearers

KnifeCrazzzy - 7 years ago
Love and look forward to your videos man! What do you do if anything about algae in the koi pond?
Kelly Anderson
Kelly Anderson - 7 years ago
I got three the other day they are so pretty and are perfect for my 29 g:-)
09_jefFer Azucena
09_jefFer Azucena - 7 years ago
just show the fish, not ur face ... so irritating intro
FiSh KeEpEr
FiSh KeEpEr - 7 years ago
Do you cross breed your swordtail?
Extra fish Info
Extra fish Info - 7 years ago
I also like platies !!!
Great video
Carters models
Carters models - 7 years ago
Hey love this and all your videos I have been watching them for months finally got my first tank a 125 litre fluval Roma I'm looking at making it a community tank when it's cycled with platies guppies neon tetras and Honey Gouramis but I was wondering Dustin can Honey Gourami be kept with these fish sorry to ask
Matthew Zito
Matthew Zito - 7 years ago
Is it okay to keep male livebearers in bachelor groups? Is it okay to keep a single livebearer in a tank with other species, or do they prefer to live in groups?
Patrick Ayala
Patrick Ayala - 7 years ago
I like the info you give just dont like you! Your an asshole but the info you give is great so im trying my best to watch you
chris vos
chris vos - 7 years ago
thumbs up for dustin!!

10. comment for My FAVORITE AQUARIUM FISH, 7 TYPES of Platies Swordtail Fish. Loving my Livebearers

Oliver-Dean Bailey
Oliver-Dean Bailey - 7 years ago
Hello Dustin. You tell us that your black female swordtail is but, I can remember when I could buy swordtails that were 5-6 ins long (female) and the same for the males (plus there 3-4 inch swords). I must say though that, now I like to keep the much smaller swordtails so that I can keep more varieties. Would love to see a video about 'ENDLERS' guppies if you keep them.
T L - 7 years ago
Missed the live stream and I know I'm late, but I feel your pain Mr. Lyretail....same here haha
Expry - 7 years ago
What size would you recommend for a swordtail grow out tank? So that the fry can grow up without overstocking the breeding thank as quickly
Ben - 7 years ago
about what, a week or 2 to 100k!!!!
Camden Krysl
Camden Krysl - 7 years ago
Dustin is there any way that I could buy one of the white swordtails.
dylan  bickhardt
dylan bickhardt - 7 years ago
I love breeding these guys i like to do at least 5 females per every male have 2 males and ten females they do great no competition at all and do 2 to 3 water changes a week depending on water quality started breading about 7 months ago and been watching you seance the beginning thanks for doing what you do keep it up
Rod Hurst
Rod Hurst - 7 years ago
Great Stuff Man, your advice was spot on. I'm a past Canadian national live-bearing champ way back in 97' and I did it with swordtails, LOVE the swords man, I love them because it really is surprising how big and beautiful these fish can be developed. The more you put in to them the greater the results. I wish I could ship you some of the albino Kohaku's that I've recently started working on. It's looking good, I may get a couple 5 + inchers on my first ( F1 ) batch in nearly 20 years and that's just warming up, the deal is a prominent you tube guy lit a fire under my ass about 8 months ago when he slammed me. All I said when he was unboxing some big swords was that they were big but not THAT big, to be brief he stated that there was NO SUCH THING as a 6 + inch swordtail, well, not only have I grown 6+ inch swords myself (over 20 mayor show trophies should ad some credibility and I do have photos of me and the trophies, after all that was the important part to me) and once I've seen them quite a bit bigger than that (they were Florida raised pond monsters! not show quality but giant! Funny I didn't even buy any because mine were so much nicer. He says I only "think" they were that big, well, all I can say is it's true and I'm going to prove it and I won't be using any outdoor pond either and it's going to take a few years this isn't done in one generation. In the mean time I'm trying to develop a sail fin Kohaku. ( not a high-fin or lyertail) but "sail" fin. since the Kohaku's are albino it's not as easy as just crossing them together and to be honest I'm not sure if it's possible but I'm giving it a shot. I've got F1's of the cross just getting set to cross back, I know I'll get some albino's on the next cross, I just don't know if they'll have the Kohaku coloring that I want. can't wait!
Shaden0040 - 7 years ago
I love swrdtails but I prefer the green swords.
randitex25 - 7 years ago
We have a black fish that looks the same and is also skittish.. I never know if she eats
randitex25 - 7 years ago
What kind of camera do you use to film with?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
randitex25 this was shot with an iphone6

20. comment for My FAVORITE AQUARIUM FISH, 7 TYPES of Platies Swordtail Fish. Loving my Livebearers

Dwain Kitchel
Dwain Kitchel - 7 years ago
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder :) great fish great vid Dustin!
Junior Yao
Junior Yao - 7 years ago
hello every one , I had bought a fish , the fish is supposed to be a molly but after observing him i do not really know what fish is it i had upload his image please check it out thank you
Philip Varghese
Philip Varghese - 7 years ago
I think its a cross between white and black. I used to have that.
MrSuper1o1 - 7 years ago
You breed the lyre tail females with normal males.
Ruthlyss Targaryen
Ruthlyss Targaryen - 7 years ago
I love my swords! I have some Sky blues and panda platys from Imperial Trooicals and they're gorgeous. A few weeks ago, I got some X. Montezumae from Greg Sage and I'm in freakin' love!
WhoaDammit1967 - 7 years ago
i got 2 black swordtails (1male&1female) but i've never had any babies. they're in a 29 gallon tank with 7 otocinclus, a rubber nose pleco and some cory cats. why aren't they reproducing?
Nathan Kotas
Nathan Kotas - 7 years ago
just picked up a trio of koi swordtails (1 male and 2 females) two are showa and one is orange head, and tail, white stripe (unsure of name) does anyone know I'd they are a rare or hard to find strain or style of swordtails? thanks love the vids by the way, big part of what for me into the hobby
Anton Korol
Anton Korol - 7 years ago
I've had what I thought was a female green swordtail, but recently no it started growing a sword tail fin. I haven't seen it pregnant, but it's much closer in body shape to the other female I have than the male. is it actually a male, or do the females grow them too on occasion?
RookieAquarist16 - 7 years ago
If i crossbred swordtails, how would I know what to identify them as when donating/selling them to a LFS or person. Dk mixes have names or do I say this X that?
paulus matusevicus
paulus matusevicus - 7 years ago
King of DIY is a skilled expert at building things. Props to his natural born talent. (I'm a moron compared to my own brother who can build anything!) But Dustin is the master of plants and shows us how to keep planted aquariums in our limited living spaces. Nothing wrong in seeing a 2000 g tank, but Dusty makes it more real for us (or me at least). Tank on!
mikeymouse1985 - 7 years ago
hey Dustin I have a 30 gallon tank with 5 mollies 4 female and one male Molly I also bought a swordtail female about 3 months ago she hasn't gotten any bigger but I noticed there is a baby red fish my swordtail is red my mollies are yellow white and a couple Dalmatian mollies is there any way my male Molly could have gotten my swordtail pregnant also the baby red fish has a twin bar tail none of my mollies are red nor any color of twin bar tails

30. comment for My FAVORITE AQUARIUM FISH, 7 TYPES of Platies Swordtail Fish. Loving my Livebearers

Richard franz
Richard franz - 7 years ago
The Berlin(Hamburg) Swordtail is created by crossing a Black Female with a Brickred Male. That's how you get the red fins on the black body. When you breed the offspring of these together, you'll get approximately 50% Berlin, 25% Black, and 25% Red.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Richard franz here we go! Thanks for the info man!!
Steve Finestone
Steve Finestone - 7 years ago
Slow the camera down!!!!!
Frank Weber
Frank Weber - 7 years ago
stop yelling
Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 7 years ago
This is my true belief, Done it many times.Dustin. Make a calm floating nest on a right side of the tank , I have baby's all the time. Mothers guard the baby's up there too.
Nick K
Nick K - 7 years ago
Just got my plants on from you. Frickin awesome man, the anubias gigantica is huge and amazing and thanks for hooking me up with the dwarf sag
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Nick K thanks man, glad you got some of that plant. People don't know about it, it's
Killer- (might shed a leaf-) but it's awesome
Richard Campbell
Richard Campbell - 7 years ago
That's an insane set-up. Is that your house? What'd all that cost? How can you afford all that? You're a fortunate man.
David Paison
David Paison - 7 years ago
I agree with 3:1 ratio. I have actually had females get harassed to DEATH. Platys are awesome. I've bred out some pretty interesting varieties, myself. Just saw the sale at Imperial Tropicals and might get myself a few more, because I don't have any of those. Desperately want to get some goodeids from Greg Sage.
Jordan Roubique
Jordan Roubique - 7 years ago
do you keep gouramies Dustin??
Tuan Dinh
Tuan Dinh - 7 years ago
will you be eventually selling some off spring live bearers?
GammelErik8666 - 7 years ago
Love these fish, and love that you made a video about them :) ! Of all the species I have had, these seems to best fit and thrive in an Aquarium.
jason vallance
jason vallance - 7 years ago
the black 1`s that spawned the black and orange babies are all part of the fun of breeding these types of fish they are so much fun watching what kind of babies can be obtained from different types and colors of males and females. You should check out some books on dominant and recessive genes if u like live-bearer breeding, it really explains a lot of what can be got out of them.. love the vids
James Ranson
James Ranson - 7 years ago
I have a variatus plates there so cool
blaze lightwood
blaze lightwood - 7 years ago
boring man
sicilianotoronto - 7 years ago
Male and female lyretails are my fave!
Courtz courtz
Courtz courtz - 7 years ago
finallyyyyyyyy an old style video that mad me fall in love with this channel bro iv missed these kind of videos Dustin. I'm not a fan of all the plant vids. more fish more koi
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Courtz courtz you likely the fish videos eh? What more ya want my man?
David Ingram
David Ingram - 7 years ago
There is no such thing as a beginner fish.
It's all in what you want to keep.
Anna Karlavage
Anna Karlavage - 7 years ago
well there is, it would be the easiest to care for, such as a betta.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
David Ingram good call- I love these fish ;)
james yearsley
james yearsley - 7 years ago
i have a bunch of fresh platy fry there cross breed painted an a red wag
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
KOol_MAn_ JOnSon link up the platy vodeo!
I am bored
I am bored - 7 years ago
Sorry I missed the stream

I was watching the king of diys new video
Justin Stuart
Justin Stuart - 7 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks Hey Dude just subbed nice Garden man! you one lucky guy living the fish dream eh!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
I am about to go watch it myself!
Squidtherichandfamousrobloxian - 7 years ago
Mollies cannot breed with a Swordtail or Platy. It must be a Platy Swordtail cross [ Variatus ]
James Ranson
James Ranson - 7 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks your correct Dustin
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
I was told by Mike D at Imperial that Variatus is its own type of species all alone, does that sound right?
Abimael Limon
Abimael Limon - 7 years ago
subscribe me please...
Ryo Watanabe
Ryo Watanabe - 7 years ago
Great video Dustin! I think those fish are awesome! Your greenhouse is looking really nice :)
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
CW Aqua Vlogs thanks man, I'm enjoying the aquariums in there

50. comment for My FAVORITE AQUARIUM FISH, 7 TYPES of Platies Swordtail Fish. Loving my Livebearers

YASH MHATRE - 7 years ago
I had sub you but change your profile pic okk
RookieAquarist16 - 7 years ago
Neon Tetra Aquarist Also hi Neon!
RookieAquarist16 - 7 years ago
Neon Tetra Aquarist proceeds to ask
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 7 years ago
Nature's Finest How I know what vals taste like
Nature's Finest
Nature's Finest - 7 years ago
Neon Tetra Aquarist what shouldnt i ask?
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 7 years ago
YASH MHATRE What's wrong with that! (BTW Vals taste like lettuce, don't ask)
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
You no likey the plant licking

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