My FAVORITE AQUARIUM FISH, 7 TYPES of Platies Swordtail Fish. Loving my Livebearers
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My favorite Varieties of SWORDTAILS, PLATY FISH, and Livebearers Collection, How to Breed Swordtails, How to care for Live bearers, 7 Species of EASY AQUARIUM FISH on Sunday. Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: What's up Fishtank People? Dustin's Fishtanks bringing it to you LIVE on a Sunday baby how's everybody doing ? I hope you are doing well. So is a beautiful day I wanna show you some Beautiful fish that I am dealing with here in the greenhouse. That's right folks, it's Sunday, It's a super duper Species Sunday I'm talking about my favorite fish in the greenhouse right now and BABIES BABIES BABIES, Awe yeah. So first, let me give you an update of what's going on in the greenhouse. Yes- I am totally loving the full fun in the sun of the greenhouse. I am always happy with how great the plant growth is out here. As I said in the video last week. I don't understand why more people dont try and use full sunlight. While YES- the sun will cause algae if you get out of balance. I would argue that the benifits in this environment far out weigh the negative. Here is the rub with the Full Sunlight, Just because the center of our solar system is out, doesn't mean 2 things. 1. Us humans can't handle full scortching sunlight for 12 hours a day 2. Our Tanks can't handle full sunlight 12 hours a day. At the advice of the Grand Master Tom Barr I am using a 60% shade cloth on this sucker. Tom Told me to use an 80% I went with a 60 because I do have some nice tall trees around the greenhouse, providing me with some more shade periodically. Now- with full Sun, what's great is that the majority of the time you CAN IF YOU WANT to PUNCH your plant with Maximum Sunlight. This is one of my LOVE HATE TANKS. This 55 Sits in FULL SUNLIGHT- which will get us to the start of our Species Sunday in just a second. Here in this tank we have FULL THROTTLE SUN- There is no Shade- No protection. I will tell you this Fishtank People- This tank is my LOVE HATE Tank- It is the Ying and the Yang, it is Most favorite tank and the tank that I hate the most. Before I get into the live bearers for you, I want to show this tip for anyone who might be thinking to them self- "Hey I want a tank in full sunlight- This tank is supplied by the tank below it, which is constantly bringing in Cooler water too it. If this 55 were to sit disconnected and be free standing, it would have bigger temperature swings and MORE ALGAE, Or but it's Sunday It's Species Sunday I have 1,2,3,4,5 Types of Live bearers to show you out here. 1. Black 1. White 1 Showa 1 Lyertail 1 Virarites The First is in this tank right here. These are the largest Swordtails I have ever owned or seen in person. Not including the tail, they are over a half in bigger than anything I have ever owned. MONSTERS. Now here is the fun part for me- These fish have the solid black, but ALSO- Orange under them- Now I am no expert on Live bearers, but I believe- And I would love your opinion on this- I know some oldschool people are here to help. What is in the "Hamburg Black" I am seeing some babies coming out of here that are clearly the same color as the underlayment of these swords. Ya with me- SO if anyone has any knowledge on that, please let me know. Which brings us on from the Blacks to the Whites, so come over here with me. From here we are going on to the Showa Swords. Now these were also purchased at the American Live Bearers Convention. I am going to move down to the next fish which it a fun one. The LYRETAIL Sword!
Great video
10. comment for My FAVORITE AQUARIUM FISH, 7 TYPES of Platies Swordtail Fish. Loving my Livebearers
20. comment for My FAVORITE AQUARIUM FISH, 7 TYPES of Platies Swordtail Fish. Loving my Livebearers
30. comment for My FAVORITE AQUARIUM FISH, 7 TYPES of Platies Swordtail Fish. Loving my Livebearers
Killer- (might shed a leaf-) but it's awesome
It's all in what you want to keep.
I was watching the king of diys new video
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