My First Discus - Tazawa Tanks Fishroom Changes
Discus 5 years ago 8,177 views
That is right! I finally got Discus thanks to my friend Phil (Philthy Tanks). In addition to trying discus cichlids for the first time, I also am going to be making changes to my fish room. I want to have mire fun with different tank and fish, like I have had in creating the mudskipper habitat. I want to make my fish room easier to manage, with more interesting fish. Link to where I buy my aquarium lights, plants, fertilizers and other fish-related supplies: T-shirts and website: New Videos Twice Per Week (Wednesdays & Sundays)! Subscribe: Instagram: Facebook: Please Support via Patreon: Mail To: Tazawa Tanks 58 West Portal Ave #235 San Francisco, CA 94127 Email: Disclaimer: This video and description may contain affiliate links. If you click on the affiliate links, I will receive a small commission, which helps support this channel and allows me to continue making content for you to enjoy. Thanks for supporting Tazawa Tanks!
But life's too short to be to be killing yourself with water changes. As others have said below, there are
various degrees of autochanges you could employ...although I'm sure you have streamlined your techniques. One suggestion, I've been in the hobby for 70 years, literally, and I've yet to overcome my
obsession with overstocking and overfeeding. Yes, I know that makes me a bad person. But having had virtually everthing...except mudskippers...the fish seem to do well with 50% changes once a week.
Again, love your channel.
I look forward to see the changes.
It is very important that you do it to a way that you are most pleased with, after all you do have a family so there is also that from what I understand.
Thank you for sharing.
Have a great week.
10. comment for My First Discus - Tazawa Tanks Fishroom Changes
20. comment for My First Discus - Tazawa Tanks Fishroom Changes
I love the other pickups you got - calvus and saulosi!
I was sure you were going to quit your day job...
30. comment for My First Discus - Tazawa Tanks Fishroom Changes
50. comment for My First Discus - Tazawa Tanks Fishroom Changes
Let us know your experience with Discus after a while.
Would like to know how you keep them and how difficult you find them to be.
Water Temperature / Foods and possibly you can discuss Tank Mates?