My Top 5 Black Water Fish-For Color, Behavior & Ease of Care (Species Groups) More than Just Discus!
Discus 6 years ago 16,509 views
Hey Internet, this is a very broad list of my favorite Black Water Fish, and I am defining "Black Water" as having a ph of 5.5 or lower, leaf debris and high tannins giving it an amber to cola colored hue, along with vitamins and minerals ( and not calcium carbonate ). Found in The Amazon frequently, in ox bow lakes, seasonal ponds, and bogs throughout south east Asia and Borneo/Sumatra. My Top 5 Black Water Fish-For Color, Behavior & Ease of Care (Species Groups) More than Just Discus! - Tetras, bleeding heart, neon, black, silver tip, and If you're reading this... rasboras as well. - Dwarf Cichlids such as apistos and checkerboard cichlids - Gouramis from Countries like Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea with licorice and chocolate gouramis holding the title for some of the darkest and most acid fish - Angel Fish , with blue species catching my eyes most, beware they can be nippy - Catfish, from Woodcats, Big Red Tails and also the crowd favorite of corydoras! Special Thanks to Steve and Aquarium Zen in Seattle for ordering in my black water tank supplies and fish! check em out or drop a line on their Facebook If you'd like them to start selling rare plants online! (Steve's debating it!) My Artwork and Commisions art and coloring books Help Fund the Channel! To financially show love to the channel. If I've earned it and helped you out, I appreciate any Patreon Donations or Venmo/PayPal gifts, message me for details or use patreon link below. Much love to the Fishfam! Special Thanks to past and Future Aquatic Goods Sellers, Shrimp and Fish Shrimp Breeders, and LFS Owners who have contributed to the Channel! Seattle's Aquarium Zen and Steven Waldron The Fish Store in Seattle - Dan the Man LRB Aquatics - Lucas Bretz for awesome and the world's truest blue dreams, reds and yellow neocaridina. Shrimp and Plants: Flip Aquatics All Caridina Shrimp thanks to Rob & Amanda @ Flip. My Channel's Discount Code - "History10" For rare shrimp and beautiful plants. Bonus Channel Code - "SECRETSHRIMP10" A Geopolitical and Historic look at the world with a "fish bowl" as the starting point. We will explore subjects from biology, chemistry, geology, geography, evolution, politics, anthropology, financial issues, the environment and ecology. I hope to educate folks about some of the more obscure aspects of aquariums and the residents inside.
Have a few stunt guppies in there and used a little starter bacteria. Runs about 6.5 ph. A little less blackwater and much clearer than in the video. About 19 gallons (38 column) The entire support base is big manzanita root/branches. Having SUCH a hard time deciding on what to put in there it's ridiculous.
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