My discus and angelfish aquariums

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My discus and angelfish aquariums sentiment_very_dissatisfied 200

Discus 7 years ago 259,342 views

Meet up: Facebook ► Instagram ► JOIN MY TEAM: Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Check back daily as I make a video almost every day! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

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Most popular comments
for My discus and angelfish aquariums

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Discus Fish
Discus Fish - 7 years ago
ErthFalln Horror thank you
Thrashers Sh!tShow
Thrashers Sh!tShow - 7 years ago
idk if you have this fish, but I thought Id tell you to look into the discus tetra if you haven't already, I think you'll like them Joey! they are actually rare I guess but I think you'd enjoy their uniqueness.
Discus Fish
Discus Fish - 7 years ago
The king of DIY hello l love your channel and l love Discus fihe my name is Mohamed and lm from Syria and l live in the safe and wonderfull city of Aleppo and l will ask you for a request l hope you can help me .can you send me a Discus fihe to Aleppo and pay cost ? l hope you can send it to the nearest shipping center shipped to the city of Aleppo in Syria with warm greetings thank you and hope you help me please reply
V Lino
V Lino - 7 years ago
I don't like plecos that's so creepy when you own one and they just kind of hang out there all day doing nothing but staring that creepy prehistoric look like they'll just eat you
V Lino
V Lino - 7 years ago
God bless Frank
V Lino
V Lino - 7 years ago
We love Frank
V Lino
V Lino - 7 years ago
Blood worm who knew .. how about meal worms
V Lino
V Lino - 7 years ago
We love Frank
Alucard Hellsing7800
Alucard Hellsing7800 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY the algae looks natural and it's dark it will bring out better colors
Tom - 7 years ago
The king of DIY please put the Anubis out of the discus tank it looks terrible
Bobby Campbell
Bobby Campbell - 7 years ago
The king or diy: do u have to pay for the event
whatifgoddoesntcare - 7 years ago
What about a Blue or Green Phantom Pleco. I have the blue variety as and she is stunning.
darrylcarpenter1 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY i love the discus tank and how natural it looks. great work.
Josh Catlett
Josh Catlett - 7 years ago
Send me girl bettas
amit kumar
amit kumar - 7 years ago
The king of DIY when will u be in India
ChuTuber 11Kid
ChuTuber 11Kid - 7 years ago
The king of DIY The king of DIY
Dartist64 Rocks
Dartist64 Rocks - 7 years ago
Hi Joey, discus tank looking great, like the naturalized process, anubis would look great growing on some of the branches.
Angels look great too. Have a great trip across the pond.
Eric Wong
Eric Wong - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Bucktooth tetras
Ray Ray
Ray Ray - 7 years ago
The king of DIY where u get your fish
Daniel P. G.
Daniel P. G. - 7 years ago
In my opinion your discus should be acclimated already. Maybe the amount of hormones from the angel tank are making them suspicious? Just thought, although I follow you for a long time, you know better what's going on with them. I would also like to know why it's growing only brown algae in your tanks. It's seems that only brown algae is growing in all your tanks. Which I find really ugly. My first thought is the light spectrum. Is it on purpose due to your light settings or just because of the light itself?
D Godfrey
D Godfrey - 7 years ago
thats funny that you are saying that about london joey, i live in surrey just ouside of london and its 15 mins to midnight as im writing this which is funny, hopefully will see you!!
Zack, - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I think it would be a nice Idea to get a clown pleco they’re really pretty and they’re pretty close to the size parameters you said.
Vinnie Judilla
Vinnie Judilla - 7 years ago
The king of DIY. Love the angel tank it is beautiful.
just b aquatics
just b aquatics - 7 years ago
The king of DIY great video see u sat in london
Totally Pony
Totally Pony - 7 years ago
Are there still spaces for the UK trip because I don't want to come over if it's going to be too crowded
Vinston Coelho
Vinston Coelho - 7 years ago
DIY can't wait to meet you see you on Saturday
Kody Grieve
Kody Grieve - 7 years ago
hahahaha omg it was like 10 seconds in and youre drinking a juice box and taking the piss out of your audience with frank. fastest ive ever liked one of your videos. but like the algae, it does good things for the water and i've always been a fan of functionality over appearance.
alex pak
alex pak - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you should get a rhino pleco! Best pleco ive kept and doesnt grow to the massive size of a common
Mason Diaz
Mason Diaz - 7 years ago
The king of DIY get gold nugget pleco
Chris 0915
Chris 0915 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY please get a oscar fish or a blood parrot they are one of my favourite fish
Ayushman Singh
Ayushman Singh - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Angelfish rock
Sonny Bradley
Sonny Bradley - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I’m coming!!!
Aussie Attack
Aussie Attack - 7 years ago
Put some hopolo catfish with the Angel fish
C.Haskins - 7 years ago
The king of DIY can't wait to meet you and you should do another vid on you daughters fish hobby, hope to see you. Connor.
Peter Shannon
Peter Shannon - 6 years ago
I'm setting up my 60 gallon and purchased black sand (black diamond) does the black substrate affect the color of discus?
WALK-IN THE-SPIRIT - 6 years ago
please share how you made the decorations in the discus tank?
Eduardo Rizo
Eduardo Rizo - 6 years ago
Hey Joey what kind of logs you use in you Discus tank? Or what Kind of logs are save for aquarium?
Laura Exelby
Laura Exelby - 6 years ago
Don't get a Pelco seriously get a farlowella Catfish they eat algea and both mine have tons of personality and are just so cool!
Celfynde l
Celfynde l - 6 years ago
I like the plants in there..makes it look like trees with leaves on them.
Brad Syms
Brad Syms - 6 years ago
I love the branch tank never thought about doing that looks like a flooded forest
Kursusprivat Bahasainggris
Kursusprivat Bahasainggris - 6 years ago
The fish are as cute as you ;*
Jamie Knight
Jamie Knight - 6 years ago
What kind of wood is in the discus tank? Anyone know?

10. comment for My discus and angelfish aquariums

Dovey Dossett
Dovey Dossett - 6 years ago
The green of the anubias doesn't look bad, nor does a floating plant. How about something like Water Lettuce who's spooky fun Roots could hang down, offering more cover for fish, more shade, more absorption of water nastiness when you're out of town?
Katie Bergstrom
Katie Bergstrom - 6 years ago
Get the albino bristlenose bottom feeder they won't eat your fish but the pleco that black with white dots bottom feeder will eat your fish
Katie Bergstrom
Katie Bergstrom - 6 years ago
Do discus fish eat tropical fish flakes
Katie Bergstrom
Katie Bergstrom - 6 years ago
You should do a care video about the Discus Fish
09092008harrison - 6 years ago
The cardinaln testers are gone
jbe678910 - 7 years ago
You have a small penis
jbe678910 - 7 years ago
You are beyond annoying, and like it said before, I hope your happy mentality gets knocked down a couple notches one day
Dawn Ruhl
Dawn Ruhl - 7 years ago
Great video. The Angel tank is my favorite of your tanks. I have to confess tho, after Bettas, my next favorite fish is Angelfish.
Average Guys Garage
Average Guys Garage - 7 years ago
How did you prepare the tree branches in the discus tank before you put them in the tank?
Monica O
Monica O - 7 years ago
is bloodworm bad for all fish? Cuz I give my bettas frozen blood worms..

20. comment for My discus and angelfish aquariums

LeNeonWolf - 7 years ago
Lol the juice box
Steven Lio
Steven Lio - 7 years ago
maybe put bloodfin tetras for contrast in your angel fish tank.
KillaDankBudz Ski
KillaDankBudz Ski - 7 years ago
Don't kno if you still check your comments but I love your channel. Came across it accidentally last week lol but I've been watching your videos ever sense. And I was actually thinking about getting my own fish to take care of. Just wondering what u think would be a good starter fish. And I don't mean goldfish lol.
Bernardo Olsson
Bernardo Olsson - 7 years ago
Why do you do 50% water change weekly?
May Day
May Day - 7 years ago
L260 queen arabesque pleco
Sony Knoxville
Sony Knoxville - 7 years ago
let me get this right, you say you don't plan on doing any breeding but to us professionals like me. I'm watching this and seeing this tank... It is specifically set up for breeding especially with all your vertical poles in the tank are you kidding? Come on Fish Guy.
Kzoo Kid
Kzoo Kid - 7 years ago
If there's a dark or black pleko, they would look great in with the angels.
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 7 years ago
Woody's Discus (FB)
As you should know Discus are "darting fish" when chasing
df df
df df - 7 years ago
Bristlenose pleco is common and stays small and would Be very nice If buy long fin albino with The angels.
Lukas Diskus
Lukas Diskus - 7 years ago
Nice Tanks ! Wich Wood do you use for the Diskus aquarium ?

30. comment for My discus and angelfish aquariums

CupraBBD - 7 years ago
Both great set-ups tbh
DiamondSlayer - 7 years ago
Too many angels in the tank
Brandon Craig
Brandon Craig - 7 years ago
angel tank looks great.
Maxine Derasp
Maxine Derasp - 7 years ago
I love the platinum angels I want to get some even more now that I've seen yours
Ginger L
Ginger L - 7 years ago
Both tanks are beautiful, but the angelfish... Wow. The contrast is just stunning. I don't know anything about fish -- I didn't even know people had such interesting tanks. I love the upright branches (limbs? stumps?) in the discus tank. It looks so natural and interesting. I guess I always picture fish tanks with glaring lights and plastic, neon colored plants. These are absolutely beautiful habitats.
Kung Cidro
Kung Cidro - 7 years ago
L200 green phantom!!!
MannyBlunts1 - 7 years ago
My Polypterus nibbles on my fingers it’s scary!! I like the discus tank but starting to like the angles more and more. I was thinking zebras then you said zebras funny. Hill stream loaches are pretty cool. Kind of look like little stingrays!! Or maybe kuhli loaches!!
Ranjzh Rene Elijah A. Alenain
Ranjzh Rene Elijah A. Alenain - 7 years ago
How's Frank?
Katie Bergstrom
Katie Bergstrom - 7 years ago
Is it easy to take care of discus fish Can discus fish eat tropical fish flakes
Penny P
Penny P - 7 years ago
Angle fish tank is beautiful
Penny P
Penny P - 7 years ago
I'm sorry but I only have one word "FRANK" sry had to do it
Paul's Aquarium Support
Paul's Aquarium Support - 7 years ago
He Joey, question! The standing pieces of wood in your discus tank, what are they? Real wood?
fish bowl
fish bowl - 7 years ago
I bet all the SIMPLYDISCUS members are having chest pains hearing you are doing 1X/week, 50% water changes only......many of them actually believe you have to massive daily or every other day water changes,go barebottom,etc.....hopefully some watch your progress and learn that they were taught incorrectly,and perpetuate a myth that Discus require such.
Cilene Magnine
Cilene Magnine - 7 years ago
LOVE the Angel fish tank...! I like the algae growing on the sides and back. It gives the tank a more natural looking habitat look. Plus it benefits healthy fish conditions. Zebra plecos would look amazing in this tank.
corneliu coltoan
corneliu coltoan - 7 years ago
Fantastic scape. Natural look. Can u give me a link with the lighting u are using on discus and angels tanks please. My cardinals never glow like yours. What's the secret behind. Thanks
Ralph Belarmino
Ralph Belarmino - 7 years ago
Hi Joey how did you do that kind of lighting in the angel's tank? wanting to do that for my Datnoid
Wobbegong - 7 years ago
You should do a congo themed tank with some killifish, african tetras, nanochromis and rosefish. Also you should do something with the floor of the discus tank, it looks really barren. you should put a carpet of leaves on the floor and anubias tied to the wood so it looks like a flooded forest.
Todd Lowen
Todd Lowen - 7 years ago
Would California black worms be good for a betta fish? I’ve been trying to give mine a better diet.
FoamyOpals - 7 years ago
I love the algae! I let it grow on the back sides and bottom of my bare bottom tanks. Its more natural looking and I can complain about the benefits to the water conditions.
TheMrawesomeman24 - 7 years ago
Zebra plecos are cool, but I'm a bigger fan of the L204 "Emperor"/"Flash" pleco. They tend to stick to the wood in my experience and don't get too big.

50. comment for My discus and angelfish aquariums

Ubaid Shakir
Ubaid Shakir - 7 years ago
cant see discus
Marty - 7 years ago
Albino Dwarf Pleco No larger then 6 inches.
Avi's Fishtanks
Avi's Fishtanks - 7 years ago
I love Joey his videos really boost my work ethic. I just uploaded a dart frog vivarium I'm new to YouTube I also have a developing 10 Gallon live planted tank
Joe And fish
Joe And fish - 7 years ago
Angel fish
Alexandra Oe
Alexandra Oe - 7 years ago
I love the algae, I got the back of my goldfish tank covered and they love it. So funny to watch them nibble on it -

Prefer Discus over Angel

please more Frank :D
Periplaneta Missionary
Periplaneta Missionary - 7 years ago
Vampire pleco. Nuff said.
Debbie Wright
Debbie Wright - 7 years ago
My very favorite is your Platinum Angel Tank. Love the way they move and the set up is extremely awesome.
Tiana Cortina
Tiana Cortina - 7 years ago
Hahaha i liked this especially because he drank a juice box and said "what"
Carre Four
Carre Four - 7 years ago
How much is your monthly electricity bill???
polpterusdelhezi - 7 years ago
I once fed my Cardinals with Beefheart(because of the discus) and i can tell you, they got huge ! Some of them up to 2".
Crazy Mechanics
Crazy Mechanics - 7 years ago
Hi Joe I have a 10 gallon tank . wat type of hang on back filter do u recommend for me ??
Zealot - 7 years ago
You should add marble hatchets they are another great dither for the discus, need a top for the tank with those lol
josh pittman
josh pittman - 7 years ago
Steals sons juice box, questions us. Lmao
A G Balaji
A G Balaji - 7 years ago
hi can u tell how keep 2 3 male betta fish in same tank itis possible to keep them but lot of them have no idea how todo it it will be good education for them and it will change the way of keeping Betta fish can u do it in your planted nano tank Thank you
Christopher Valenhaven
Christopher Valenhaven - 7 years ago
Get some starlight plecos they are BOOTIFULL
Christopher Valenhaven
Christopher Valenhaven - 7 years ago
TeeGee EyeEff
TeeGee EyeEff - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, I'm one of ur biggest fans bro! I'm from NY but live in miami Florida now. I have a 92 corner saltwater reef tank. But ur fresh water tanks and knowledge make me wanna try and start up one. But I wanna see u start a nice big reef system like ur 2000g but smaller of course. Just cause I know ur amazing with what u do now. I'm sure u have marine water fans from all over, so can u make a reef tank just for us? Anyways Thanx for asking. June!
Simen the Animal
Simen the Animal - 7 years ago
You should get some longfin L144
Menachem Steinberg
Menachem Steinberg - 7 years ago
Isnt that too much food for the cardinals?
Jose  Gastelum
Jose Gastelum - 7 years ago
I missed what ever happen to the shell fish tank
Shane Gossman
Shane Gossman - 7 years ago
On the algae, I love it. It's very beneficial when you keep it under control and it provide a great natural look and the added nitrogen consumption and oxygenation, as small as it may be, is always a plus.
Hillary for President
Hillary for President - 7 years ago
The ugly brown algae looks horrific.
Brown diatoms are almost always seen in new tanks which have just completed their cycling process.
Dude hrushi
Dude hrushi - 7 years ago
What's the substrate used?
Cole Custodio
Cole Custodio - 7 years ago
DO A GUPPY TANK PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
nabenmike - 7 years ago
I like the algae, plus its hugely beneficial to the tank.
Silver Fawn
Silver Fawn - 7 years ago
im trying to get the algae growing in two of my Betta tanks. but because they don't get much light in them it is taking FOREVER so i just have this horrible brown mess growing in the tanks. sort of have to pull myself back from scrubbing it. at least once it turns green it will look nice :)
on the other hand my axolotl tank is going nuts with it. i scrubbed it just last week and i have to do it again already.
i really enjoy watching your videos Joey .. have fun over in the UK
TheWatcher - 7 years ago
I'm here to support the corydora
Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 7 years ago
Zebra,was my guess too with the angelfish
ちゃんすぎ - 7 years ago
maybe i will get tons of criticisms but reason why i love to watch his videos is because i think he is a real cute guy and sometimes i get to see his nice butt!!! :p
Gary Flores
Gary Flores - 7 years ago
I'm more of a saltwater tank type of Aquarist; looking forward to Joey' s salt tank. But I have to say I am loving the discus tank. And will be making a similar tank. The wood coming from the ground looks amazing and I never was into discus but the red looks stunning. I think the gallery is definitely serving its purpose. I am INSPIRED.
Tommy Scheer
Tommy Scheer - 7 years ago
love this guy
Tommy Scheer
Tommy Scheer - 7 years ago
so today's video is about Frank kidding it's not (doesn't even pause)
Robert Fonseca
Robert Fonseca - 7 years ago
To hard to pick . Both set ups are amazing. Love them both. I also love the benefits of the algae on the glass. For me back glass only. It creates a buffet of cope pods for my fish. Am a salt water enthusiasts but u have keep me in the hobby. For that I thank you.
lig ma
lig ma - 7 years ago
My angle fish follows me when I walk past the tank
Earthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim - 7 years ago
The Angel tank is probably my favorite of all of your tanks, my mom owned a few angels when I was little and I've always loved them, they look great with the wood and plants in that tank and I'm a little jealous of you!
IUOE 324
IUOE 324 - 7 years ago
Out of the two tanks,the platinum tank is jut stunning,great contrast.
Thanks for sharing!!!
LordofStuff12 - 7 years ago
angelfish ftw! Coryadoras will do great in there!
samthegreatgenius - 7 years ago
Emporor plecos are really beautiful.
AKINAacacia - 7 years ago
I personally LOVE the angelfish tank. Not only out of the racking system but out of all of your tanks. Actually, I like Frank's tank as well.

Secondly, I like the algae "background" and let mine grow out as well. I think pristine, overly clear tanks don't do as well as natural tanks.

Finally, BEST OF LUCK at the scaping contest! I cannot wait to see the video and know you'll do just fine.
Lee Dowsett
Lee Dowsett - 7 years ago
When are the next diy vids coming in?
Evan OBrien
Evan OBrien - 7 years ago
why cardinal tetras instead of neon tetras
Heng Heng
Heng Heng - 7 years ago
Where are the Discus?!
ηΑνΑᏓᎦηΙρΣᎡ Cringe
ηΑνΑᏓᎦηΙρΣᎡ Cringe - 7 years ago
The algae makes it look like the amazon river. I like it
108fishingvlogs - 7 years ago
Get an Oscar
DeadlyMuffinCat - 7 years ago
I think a leopard frog pleco would look great with the angels.
Chad VanLanker
Chad VanLanker - 7 years ago
Great video Joey. You have brought me back into the hobby along with my wife. We had zero tanks in January when I found your youtube channel, now we have 3 up and going. She has angels so have to go with that as my favorite. thanks for the videos
nietrelevant - 7 years ago
Most of it is diatomes not algea. Might be interesting to add that for viewers.
Henry Puspurs
Henry Puspurs - 7 years ago
Could due blue phantom vs green phantom plecs in the angelfish vs discus tanks. And Royal plec in the uaru tank.
Rob Bennett
Rob Bennett - 7 years ago
I'm a discus owner and have never really liked angelfish...until I saw your tank...That is how angel's should be setup...Stunning!
Maddie Graffeo
Maddie Graffeo - 7 years ago
Algae is perfectly fine, You are absolutely correct it gives it a very natural appearance. As long as you maintain that front panel of glass clean you are golden.

100. comment for My discus and angelfish aquariums

Asnl45 - 7 years ago
It’s great to see the discus bossing each other around.
Gold aquatics Life
Gold aquatics Life - 7 years ago
He guys I have a question I have 2 black tetras 2 white tetras and 2 baby mystery snails and I was doing a water change and saw a clear blob of jelly that had brown dots and it was under water I don't know what it is do you.

Oh ps I have the plant that it was on I a bucket with the fishes water
KJ - 7 years ago
Love the angel tank.
Michigan Tropicals
Michigan Tropicals - 7 years ago
Some of them would look great in your planted nano with some different colored shrimp.
JesseBoB On Weed
JesseBoB On Weed - 7 years ago
what do you think about rummy nose tetras
Nicole Zephier
Nicole Zephier - 7 years ago
Do a pipefish tank!!!!!!!!!
Jonathan Bennett
Jonathan Bennett - 7 years ago
The Malawi tank is still my favorite but of these two the discuss and cardinal tank is my favorite. Large groups of cardinals are really starting to appeal to me.
RM Aquatics
RM Aquatics - 7 years ago
"Just kidding it's not"

Evil. So evil. I was excited.
Logan Hill
Logan Hill - 7 years ago
Clean the sand
TheMarioVillamil - 7 years ago
Joey! Bring your Goldfish back and incorporate them into the gallery!
C K - 7 years ago
I look forward to the food video as I currently have one angelfish and couple Bala sharks, would love to know what to feed them to help them grow to their max potential. Also Zebra Plecos are awesome I'd love to have one, however I noticed they have a big range in price. Would like to know how to figure out what a fair price for a fish is.
president of random
president of random - 7 years ago
Remember that gold fish aquarium
president of random
president of random - 7 years ago
I like the algae
RLpsyd2213 - 7 years ago
what are you going to do with the angelfish tank when the fish grow to full size? will you be upgrading?
Antonio de Luca
Antonio de Luca - 7 years ago
Discus get used to you faster if you take all the decorations off the aquarium . If they can't hide they are less shy.
jOoLdotCH - 7 years ago
In my planted tank, I chase algae! Seeing you actually grow algae is just insane. I would add so much more plants in all of your tanks... Anyways.. it is really another way of doing this.
Morgs Hawk
Morgs Hawk - 7 years ago
I think a small school of about 5-6 Otocinclus (if that’s how you spell it) in each aquarium would look cool. If you don’t want them to be too noticeable they’ll be the perfect pleco/catfish to add to your aquariums. Zebra plecos would look beautiful with the angelfish. They would contrast very well with the platinum angels.
Bristlenose catfish are also good plecos that are relatively small. They don’t get too big, probably 4-5 inches at it’s biggest. Maybe you could get an albino one for the Discus aquarium. The yellow fish would contrast well with the red discus and red cardinal tetras.
Great video again Joey! Thank you!!
jason vallance
jason vallance - 7 years ago
I love the algae look, u have inspired me to get back into the hobby after 20 yr absence.. have made up my mind to start my very own fish room, have it all planned out,having lots of fun planning out everything from filter type to size of tanks and how many... keep up the great work. i love seeing a new vid from ur channel
DON_ TIBBY - 7 years ago
Dwarf suckers
DON_ TIBBY - 7 years ago
Zebra plecos and albino pleco ottosinclus
jason york
jason york - 7 years ago
Thanks for your videos
truly1676 - 7 years ago
Hands down the angel fish setup is beautiful. The fish are magnificent.
adms2 tune
adms2 tune - 7 years ago
L66 L128 L002 L46 L236 L173 L134 L270 L333 L260 L399 L400 L204 L397 L398 L387 L243 L257 L271 some smaller one for you that are really cool and for big tank L144 L600 L273 L427 L24 L25 what you think Joey
adms2 tune
adms2 tune - 7 years ago
Plecos get in !
Tim Desborough
Tim Desborough - 7 years ago
Golden nugget pleco for sure please Joey
MaxamillionGrey - 7 years ago
JOEYYYY. You should put moss on the discus tank tree trunk things. So the moss gross up the wood. You can also put some anubias on the wood. They would look sooooo good like a real tree.
Jerome Perner
Jerome Perner - 7 years ago
The angels really look sharp standing out well against the darkness of the tank, and acting so comfortable in it already. I also love algae for the fish as food and for a healthy aquarium took. About pleco's, it is good to have algae going before them, so there is a good reason to wait. How about clown loaches with the angels as the clean up crew?
Zahirah RLB Elsayed
Zahirah RLB Elsayed - 7 years ago
Love the algie.

Favorite tank is the angels.

Safe travels.
Ryan Brown
Ryan Brown - 7 years ago
Leopard Frog plecos would look amazing
eddie head
eddie head - 7 years ago
ok, so im watching this at 8.21 pm, that means you're here!! welcome and enjoy london.
Alicia Spence
Alicia Spence - 7 years ago
Yay plecos!
Riina Reiman
Riina Reiman - 7 years ago
You should add Flash plecos l204
Salvdor Ochoa
Salvdor Ochoa - 7 years ago
Would snake have aquatic habitat?
rob van  loon
rob van loon - 7 years ago
what kind of wood do you use in the discus tank to make the "trees"... Did you just find it in de woods or??
Tracey Lynn
Tracey Lynn - 7 years ago
I think I missed something. Why are you allowing algae to grow?>
JRFGaming - 7 years ago
I looking to buy a flower horn, I can’t seem to find any online, can anyone help?
FujiYuji - 7 years ago
wow, the tank wall looks really nice!
Geertje Peskens
Geertje Peskens - 7 years ago
The Angelfish look like little ghosts in the night. I LOVE them! :)
Muhammad fikri Izzudin
Muhammad fikri Izzudin - 7 years ago
Give me aquarium please
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
I would say white gravel in these aquarium are best to look at...?? These aquarium looks like little dirty.... I recommend water change in all once a week.
gapipkin - 7 years ago
1. Frank
2. Frank
3. Frank
Prayutsu Pokharel
Prayutsu Pokharel - 7 years ago
Mark my words, the Anubias are looking great in the discus tank.
Melisa Rojas
Melisa Rojas - 7 years ago
Love them both! My favorite has to be the discus! I’m way more excited about it. Also, I don’t think the algae looks bad at all!
TheLionell1 - 7 years ago
Im really bummed Joey, due to hurricane Maria I lost all my discus. I we have been without power and water for almost a month, and finding bateries for my backup equipment has been impossible. :(
Martin Roche
Martin Roche - 7 years ago
Clown plecos are awesome
fabriglas - 7 years ago
Bring a warm jumper and a rain coat when coming to Blighty aka England
Chad Harwick
Chad Harwick - 7 years ago
I am so in love with your discus tank! It's so natural!
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 7 years ago
I adore Gold Nugget plecos. They top out arooounnd....6"?

Yes on zebras, but don't put them in the angel tank. You need something that won't blend in with the angels so much. Green Phantoms are pretty cool and would look decent in the angel tank.
JFalk - 7 years ago
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 7 years ago
From a distance on the video the cardinals look like fireflies in a forest XDD
SUPERB GUINEAS - 7 years ago
Is it brown algae?
How do you deal with it?
Have you got a wave maker?

How do you know if you got good flow?

My tank is 40 litre and I have a fluvial u2 filter could you please give me some advice if I need a wave maker or if I could use some kind of filter media to help get rid of my brown algae problem?
Body Nabil
Body Nabil - 7 years ago
if you got pleco they will eat the algae but fancy plecos like blue phantoms are really good they have the blue colour like the blue bright of the fins of platinum angels
James Mayer
James Mayer - 7 years ago
you really need a green phantom pleco or blue phantom
Tonto Tube
Tonto Tube - 7 years ago
how is the ornate bischer doing????
Sharfin Bean
Sharfin Bean - 7 years ago
I really like both the angel and the discus tanks, really hard to pick one! Those are my two favorite tanks so far
Moazzam zai
Moazzam zai - 7 years ago
Do you keep cat fish
Paul Needham
Paul Needham - 7 years ago
Love the Platinums the best
Martijn Landman
Martijn Landman - 7 years ago
algea are awsome , beneficial and provide emergency food for all fish
fromhellit hippedyhopped
fromhellit hippedyhopped - 7 years ago
1. The Angelfish aquarium 2.Queen Arabesque Pleco and Green Phantom Pleco 3. I love algea!
Ahmad Echols
Ahmad Echols - 7 years ago
I think your color is to saturated I can't see some colors and you look pink literally
rednekcowgal - 7 years ago
Oh Joey, I like juice boxes too, no need to get defensive man, nothing but love for you here. I'm pleased to say that I will be getting a fish I've never had before, Apistogramma Macmasteri Mega Reds, I'm just glad that I could talk my husband into putting them into his tank, while my 150gal and 40gal go under re-construction.
Rohan Kadam
Rohan Kadam - 7 years ago
Hi Joey I am Rohan from India I want to start a freshwater aquarium can I put Shield drawllers and discuss together
Caspzz - 7 years ago
Kahlan - 7 years ago
Angel tank is the best out of the two.
The theory - النظرية
The theory - النظرية - 7 years ago
How do you feed your aquariums when you are travelling
Sirius Black
Sirius Black - 7 years ago
Get fancy guppys
Bright Shadow
Bright Shadow - 7 years ago
The Discus just can't beat my long standing adoration for Angelfish :\
One day i shall have angels of my own and they will be as spoiled as fish can be
Adnan Zaki
Adnan Zaki - 7 years ago
Angles for Life!
David Pierce
David Pierce - 7 years ago
A show all about Frank!!!! Oh you where kidding, how rude, lol. Love the video Joey!
Paul Farrell
Paul Farrell - 7 years ago
looking good with the algae. Sadly I can't make it to see you tomorrow as I have to work, hope you enjoy my country
oner baduna
oner baduna - 7 years ago
Hi Joey
I'm new to your channel. I hope you and your FISH are doing good.
I have a Question for you,
I've got a tank that's 5ft long by 2ft high by 2 and a half wide. I don't know how many US gallions my tank is.
I'm thinking of turning it into a Cichlid tank.
I want to know how may Flowerhorn Cichlids would I be able to keep in my tank?????.
I would also like to keep RED spotted gold Severems, again how many Severems in my tank?????.
I know that they grow between 12 to 14ins.
Between 5 to 7 Clown Loach and a few nice Pleco's.
I know you must get hundreds of emails a week and I know your a very busy person.
I know from watching your channel your the man to ask.
I would really appreciate it if you could get back to me.
I'm really sorry you lost Buddy, It was a beautiful FISH.
As fishkeppers when we lose a favourite fish we all go into shock ourselves.
I live in the UK.
Keep doing what your doing you are a true master at what you do.
AJ Naps77
AJ Naps77 - 7 years ago
Where's the rest of the angels, are they all in there? If where are they
nickt - 7 years ago
what about paying for simple video editing services on things like fiver
Adam Stone
Adam Stone - 7 years ago
I tend to be partial to Angel fish. Even though your discus are beautiful...
larryninja and the Renegade gamer
larryninja and the Renegade gamer - 7 years ago
What happened to the batta tank?
Mark Joshua Oliver
Mark Joshua Oliver - 7 years ago
Hi Joey your angel fish tank looks great and i had problem with one pair of marble and white ones they fought a lot and i saw yours so peaceful so i'm asking do you have all males or females ? or should i just makes it all marble/all white ones cause species ? i'm new with keeping angles. I would like your opinion :D
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona - 7 years ago
Robert Harris
Robert Harris - 7 years ago
Come to South Africa Joey:D
The Phi Code
The Phi Code - 7 years ago
Hi can you put ages while ypu talk about any fish type that isn't showing on the screen
Like the ones you were talking about adding them ?
Gelber Schwamm
Gelber Schwamm - 7 years ago
Show us the peacocks
WakkaDuck - 7 years ago
Come to Australia
OstrAdamus - 7 years ago
Hi Joey, i like your content very much, it kinda fullfills my own desire of having more awsome aquariums :).
Have you thought about planting some low growing spieces (like: dwarf sagittaria or echonodorus tenelus) into tetra/discus tanks? I know corydoras could digg them up in some situations, but for now tank lacks some visual balance at bottom. Some fist-size stones may add some wild natural look too. Good luck with the hobby and keep sharing the positive energy with us on YT.
Isuru Wanigasooriya
Isuru Wanigasooriya - 7 years ago
Hahha...great intro man, I personally don't understand the frank hype on joeys channel... The birchir needs more screentime though ;)
Aaron Carter
Aaron Carter - 7 years ago
Best diy food for discus is ox heart ground up with vitamins etc.
NoName67 - 7 years ago
is the gallerie going to finish or is it a never ending project?
Skeletor 890
Skeletor 890 - 7 years ago
Have a Sailfin pleco in the rainbow tank
Ana Santos
Ana Santos - 7 years ago
Does your daughter still have her betta fish?
Turt w20
Turt w20 - 7 years ago
I gosh darn LOVE the angelfish tank! It reminds me of my old angelfish tank when i was a kid...
Germs many
Germs many - 7 years ago
I love the videos you do with your daughter too
Germs many
Germs many - 7 years ago
Yay i asked for Cardinal tetras and you did thanks bud
David Stuart
David Stuart - 7 years ago
Hey joey, now that youve got some gorgeous tanks in the gallery, have you looked at them all with your enchroma glasses?
Luqmanul Hakim
Luqmanul Hakim - 7 years ago

I really love how you set up the Angelfish aquarium... the woods, the plants... and yes, how interesting to see platinum angels within dark set up... and for the bottom dweller for Angelfish aquarium, I might go with corydoras Paleatus?

Algae... actually, as we know... adding bottom feeders with the right number will be a good control for algae.. and we need to feature Frank in this one. <3

We Need Frank. Frank Is Love
Yannick - 7 years ago
Help, I need you guys!! I can't decide if I should get Discus or Angelfish. I will upload a Video on which species won☺
Soviet Eagle
Soviet Eagle - 7 years ago
Mbu puffer plzzzzzz if u gonna have a new big tank
russ - 7 years ago
Hey Joey!! I absolutely love your channel and you have definitely made me want to get back into fish!
The disc tank is my absolute fave of any set up you have. I want to set up my own tank based on the decor and set up of that tank. THANK YOU I cant wait!
Margery Curnow
Margery Curnow - 7 years ago
love algea on a tank, I love angel fish so my favourite tank is the angel fish tank, and they are stunning looking angel fish xx
Deakin - 7 years ago
l333 plecos :D
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 7 years ago
I think a or some long fined bristlenose plecos/catfish would look great with the angels and or discuss. There are some amazing colour variants available these day like Green  Dragons, Lemons and Calicos. Peppermint bristlenose are also beautiful but I don't know if they have long fin versions or them or if they just have normal fin ones.
Laura Neko
Laura Neko - 7 years ago
Awww I live in Liverpool :( I didn't know, I didn't know I'm sorry I'm gonna miss you.
Coxoul - 7 years ago
Where are the cory's??? :'( :'( :'( I call them little zoidburges because I think they look like zoidburge from futurama hahaha
Any chance you're coming to aus in the future?
Safri Natrio
Safri Natrio - 7 years ago
Did the moss in the rainbow tank look to be brown and dying? Hard to tell with just a quick view of the tank
Eleanor Gorsoski
Eleanor Gorsoski - 7 years ago
Also love the algae, I let algae grow all over my wood in my goldfish tank and the fish nibble at it they love it.
Eleanor Gorsoski
Eleanor Gorsoski - 7 years ago
Angel tank is my favorite just because of the contrast and the way they move. But the discus tank will look amazing when they grow as you said.
Brushingamol - 7 years ago
your gallery is great. I love it!!however that big 6700 l aquarium looks empty, and far from its full potential
Ant Love Forever
Ant Love Forever - 7 years ago
Dude you've got a new sub! I know nothing about fish but this is interesting!
Brian Chau
Brian Chau - 7 years ago
Zebra pleco are nice, but they are expensive and always hiding.
Mary Kinnear
Mary Kinnear - 7 years ago
Angels are beautiful :)
Creepy Crawler
Creepy Crawler - 7 years ago
Think you should keep the plants in with the discus attach them closet to the surface so it defused the light a little in the day that little bit of green looks really good in there or if not those plants maybe something else really would look more like mangroves with a bit of plant life at the surface
david w
david w - 7 years ago
cardinals always look awesome in a dim tank
david w
david w - 7 years ago
i think the tank that the angels are in looks way cooler than the discus tank. but if i had it id dedicate it to cardinals and other tiny fish
-KARL- ADJD - 7 years ago
nice angelfish thats the best angels that i ever saw
Matt Niven
Matt Niven - 7 years ago
Clean the gravel
John Lalnunpuia
John Lalnunpuia - 7 years ago
yes im so exited for ur next video
Young fish Keeper
Young fish Keeper - 7 years ago
Cardinal tetras will actually eat blood worms
Victor Liang
Victor Liang - 7 years ago
fish loveers
fish loveers - 7 years ago
I really like your videos DIY! For me dont pit any plecos in your tank. Instead just put some snails
Giang - 7 years ago
where is the asian themed tank? barbs, gouramis, betas, loaches etc
ROHAN S - 7 years ago
what can i feed my 1inch discus fry
Almero Hamming
Almero Hamming - 7 years ago
Hi Joey I love your videos . Everytime I see a notification of your videos I get so exited. What do you feed your Malawi cichlids. I feed mine only pellets. Do you prefer to feed worms or frozen foods ?
joseph weaver
joseph weaver - 7 years ago
I like angels but that discus tank is the best in my opinion the Cardinals work well with them
MIchael Falzone
MIchael Falzone - 7 years ago
Try to cach and ceep a fish such as small moth bass please do
Jacob Guy
Jacob Guy - 7 years ago
MIchael Falzone smallmouth bass tank would be awesome! I have kept largemouth before
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U - 7 years ago
Safe travels mate
Alondra Basurto
Alondra Basurto - 7 years ago
The cardinals look like aquarium fireflies in a forest. I love it!
Noah Huisjes
Noah Huisjes - 7 years ago
I like the angel fish more. I always liked angel fish, and the scaping and light really compliments your fish. Discus are also pretty, but not my favourite. The scaping with the discus is so creative to me!
Marion D
Marion D - 7 years ago
Your angelfish tank is so gorgeous ! :o
TheJibootyinfiresme - 7 years ago
cries in Australia
Jose S
Jose S - 7 years ago
Dragon plecos!
Fredrik Kullberg
Fredrik Kullberg - 7 years ago
The angel fish aquarium is beautiful
Hery Nofryansyah
Hery Nofryansyah - 7 years ago
Are you not interested investing for Koi pond?
Animal Countdowns
Animal Countdowns - 7 years ago
Get leopard frog plecos, maybe some green phantom plecos. Zebra plecos will look great in the angel fish tank!
Tactical Curry
Tactical Curry - 7 years ago
Bristlenose plecos
NYC Bettas
NYC Bettas - 7 years ago
BRACE YOURSELF: Everyone is going allow algae to grow in their tanks now
Alexandra Dupont
Alexandra Dupont - 7 years ago
Tank looks great! Please do Vampire Plecos for the Angel tank!
Elbia Del Llano
Elbia Del Llano - 7 years ago
Tony V
Tony V - 7 years ago
It would be cool if you had your family do a Q&A from your subs about your interest in fish. Like what do they think about your gallery. Anyway, great video as always.
ROHIT MESHRAM - 7 years ago
nice look with the use of algae man, u get a nice look as well as some good work done thru the little algae. and as for fav tank i love discuss tank, as its scaping is "hatke" (uniquely different) from rest of the tanks i have ever seen. jus waiting for the day when the discuss too will swim freely along with cardinals. damn that would be a sight to behold. <3 and safe flight and happy trip to u.k. say hi to all in u.k. from all of us around the world.
Solo Pine
Solo Pine - 7 years ago
Joey are you actually colorblind?
Ryan Wilson
Ryan Wilson - 7 years ago
L-014 , L-200, L-027 are some of my favorite plecos to keep
Chloe Tan
Chloe Tan - 7 years ago
Hey Joey! Perhaps you could do an update of your daughter's betta fish? It'd be great to see how it is after a year or so
moomin troll
moomin troll - 7 years ago
Chloe Tan she got rid of it. They did a final update of it, and the last we saw of it, it was a shrimp only tank
Aaron - OmgHazey
Aaron - OmgHazey - 7 years ago
You know joey, If you are The King of DIY*. Then is your daughter *The Princess of DIY Haha. Can't wait to see your daughter get back into such a great Hobby!
SettOfTheBrightSky - 7 years ago
How's Rex doing?
FossilFishKeeper - 7 years ago
I like the algae. I like the Angels, was never a fan of them until you got these. The more I see the discus the less i like them.
Michael Reyes
Michael Reyes - 7 years ago
angels >>>
Adelle Baker
Adelle Baker - 7 years ago
I adore the angel tank, they are just so nice. But I love the little splash of colour of the cardinals in the dark tank, it's so cool.
VRC Creative Events Fair
VRC Creative Events Fair - 7 years ago
i like the angle platinum tank more ...
Josh Sonnenburg
Josh Sonnenburg - 7 years ago
Vampire snow ball gold nuggets are amazing looking pleco but if you could get a blue eyed pleco hard to find but nice to have.
Rob Wiley
Rob Wiley - 7 years ago
You should anchor the Anubias at the button of the trunks of the discus tank “trees” to make the appearance of a forest
John Dom
John Dom - 7 years ago
I was like, ALRIGHT A FRANK VIDEO!!...... NOT! DAMNIT!!!
607Redneck - 7 years ago
Angels FTW
Faiz Fakri
Faiz Fakri - 7 years ago
Longfin albino bristlenose pleco in angelfish tank.. will look awesome
Brian Geiser
Brian Geiser - 7 years ago
I want to see a video of your upkeep. LIVE STREAM!!!
Antonio Tamer
Antonio Tamer - 7 years ago
So much flakey stuff everywhere. Is that over feeding?
Megalodran - 7 years ago
Get a royal Pleco or abristlenose Pleco! Although I have a common in a 75, I'll think of something eventually.
Matt McGregor
Matt McGregor - 7 years ago
The angels are beautiful, though I look forward to see the discus tank once they colour up.
Was wondering if you've ever kept synadontis catfish? I have 3 featherfin that I just love. Also had a valentine syno that I lost unfortunately. Very interesting, active fish.
piizzaa48 - 7 years ago
Make a dutch aquarium
natedogg2329 - 7 years ago
Love the discus, can't wait for do it yr self food? Must show us when u get back Joey
natedogg2329 - 7 years ago
Travel safe joey
vigilhammer - 7 years ago
neon light man...
not yellow.
we need white or light blue
Shaikh Mubasheer
Shaikh Mubasheer - 7 years ago
Vieltail bristlenose would be good for discus
BRANDON PAYNE - 7 years ago
When are we going to finish all the tanks in the rack
zzospreyzz55 - 7 years ago
Some algae looks good and lived in, but you plecos will decimate it. You have such a killer sump set up, why not plant the tanks, use an algae scrubber, or put in a refugium instead of brown algae? Gotta believe they other options work a ton better to stabilize and keep your tanks looking better
Upside town diy
Upside town diy - 7 years ago
Buying in groups of fish , looks very cool. But not ideal without seperate spawning tanks,for pair introductiin. When it comes to algae and oxygen, with in certain situations. There's ideally a bio filter idea, Of live plants, that filter and oxygenate the water. By having a special sump with live plants under constant light. Plenty of fish rooms and tanks where fish are for their purpose.
L S - 7 years ago
I like the algae. It totally looks more natural like you said. I think my favorite of these two tanks is the discus one just because of the scape, it looks so freaking good. I def love the angelfish but something about those shy babies down below just makes me root for them. But the arowana is my fave 5evr I love her
Mercedes Mendoza
Mercedes Mendoza - 7 years ago
You make me happy you're so hot
Erin. wc18
Erin. wc18 - 7 years ago
Look forward to seeing your daughters tank!
Sathya Narayana
Sathya Narayana - 7 years ago
Ur rainbow fish tank and Frank looks awesome.
But do you have any plans for having Oscar fish......????
Paul Federinko
Paul Federinko - 7 years ago
Get some L134 plecos for the discus tank. They enjoy higher temperatures and have great color!!
Evan Pennington
Evan Pennington - 7 years ago
Bristlenose pleco for sure. Grows to about 6 inches max.

Angelfish are great, although I do like the cardinals
jason davidson
jason davidson - 7 years ago
Varied Gary Podcast
Varied Gary Podcast - 7 years ago
Angels look great!
Sean Saunders
Sean Saunders - 7 years ago
Zebra or gold nugget plecos!!!
Stephen Andrade
Stephen Andrade - 7 years ago
Joey do some Gold Nugget Plecos would look amazing !
Danial Hadi
Danial Hadi - 7 years ago
His voice is so low. I had to max out my volume. Then it just blasts when i play other videos.
Jack Sawyer
Jack Sawyer - 7 years ago
love the angles <3
Scuba Spud
Scuba Spud - 7 years ago
Ummm I have two things ones a question and ones a suggestion for a pleco in the discus tank........... suggestion 1, definitely add an albino pleco to the discus tank as I believe it will break up the colour with the reds in the discus and blues in the cardinal tetras and even though it is an albino colour it still won't blend in as such to the substrate especially if you keep the algae....... question 1, when are you coming to the land down under, the land or the drop bears, land of the bouncing dogs if you don't know where it is from my hints, it's simple........... when will you be coming the Australia for a meet and greet, would love to have you here in Australia
KarenT - 7 years ago
Love the angels and I also let algae cover areas of my aquariums. As for places, eh not a big fan.
Abigail Massey
Abigail Massey - 7 years ago
i really really hope joey gets goldfish again ;)
Sam Lim
Sam Lim - 7 years ago
Update on bichir please
Duggerdean - 7 years ago
x Kaze
x Kaze - 7 years ago
I got lots of juice boxes!!!!!
x Kaze
x Kaze - 7 years ago
Can you please come to Toronto Ontario!!!!!! Please and thankyou.
Zbionix / Caleb H.
Zbionix / Caleb H. - 7 years ago
Please stop trying to put discus and angle lovers against each other, they can live together in harmony lol...
Melleefrase - 7 years ago
I like that you added the neon tetras to the cardinal tank. I like the platinum angels better though.
Dheeraj Kandoor
Dheeraj Kandoor - 7 years ago
Kat Cetera
Kat Cetera - 7 years ago
I've been growing the algea out for a long time. I love the look too. The angels are stunning. How's Frank's friend Mr Bashir?
Dheeraj Kandoor
Dheeraj Kandoor - 7 years ago
Angel fishes are awesome
Insomniac Raccoon
Insomniac Raccoon - 7 years ago
That angel tank is absolutely gorgeous... I think I'm more of an angel fan than discus fan now... oops.
Steve Thomas
Steve Thomas - 7 years ago
a long-fin bristle nose placo would go with the angelfish, I've been looking for a green dragon bristle nose
Just Curious
Just Curious - 7 years ago
Joey, a fish I've never heard you mention that I think would be awesome to have in the gallery would be a black ghost knife fish or maybe a knife fish in general. They are a very unique and cool fish that could eventually be added into either Frank's tank or the 2000g once it gets larger (some species can get quite large). Let me know what you think!!!
_Paws_ - 7 years ago
Having two tanks that have auwfuchs grazers and omnivorous fish, I rely on the algae as a second food source. The algae also indicates, to me, that the tank is healthy and it does give that natural appeal.
Jeni Gallion
Jeni Gallion - 7 years ago
Hey juice box, where 's your big wheel???
jordan ainger
jordan ainger - 7 years ago
Hey joey just wanted to know who is the oldest fish as in who have you had the longest currently? Love your videos, keep it up!!
SIGMA - 7 years ago
can you show more of the DYI part vs showing us the end product? im really interested in the process vs product
KALZONE850 - 7 years ago
heck yeah bro zebra pleco's would be perfect in that tank!
Shaun's Fish Tanks
Shaun's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
50% w/c a day to grow out my discus, and they are responding
Juan Guzman
Juan Guzman - 7 years ago
Angel fish look the best
Nel Ters
Nel Ters - 7 years ago
Name the arowana Samantha and sam for short :)
My Fish Corner
My Fish Corner - 7 years ago
I love the angelfish tank, regarding the alage, i personally dont like it. But hey like what you say, you are ok and i feel as long as the fish keeper feel comfortable then go on with it. There is no right or wrong as long as the fish are healthy. You are a good fishkeeper.
Caesar Castillo
Caesar Castillo - 7 years ago
I like the Algae too.  I want to say that I prefer the Discus tank in the way that it is decorated, but I prefer the Angels at this point.  They are gorgeous!
Joseph Piquette
Joseph Piquette - 7 years ago
Patience is the key, he says. But you set up like 8 aquariums in 2 months
Sean Eyler
Sean Eyler - 7 years ago
Got jokes today. "This video is about Frank just kidding."
Grace Schmidt
Grace Schmidt - 7 years ago
I love this channel and I got discus too because of this channel
jcash1322 - 7 years ago
Yes! Fancy Plecos! Consider some of the following: Zebra, Red fin blue eyed, L14-Sunshine, Gold nugget, blue phantom, green phantom, or maybe some king tiger plecos.
Grace Schmidt
Grace Schmidt - 7 years ago
chris one bxl
chris one bxl - 7 years ago
Jazmyne Grimm
Jazmyne Grimm - 7 years ago
I have extremely hard well water. Most likely from metal pipes. Is there a filter I can use to make my water safe for fish?
Justin Hart
Justin Hart - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, How are you handling feeding and maintenance for all these tanks while you are traveling?

And I like the anubias in that tank. may a few more small pieces ad different heights and positions would look nice.
super hero
super hero - 7 years ago
Every time I watch your video
Same question every time
Where is frank and his new bro
andrew richardson
andrew richardson - 7 years ago
dawg u have bread discus, these discus are being raised without the basics of healthy discus rearing...they look so un happy
Golden Gray
Golden Gray - 7 years ago
Nice juice box
Epic danke
Epic danke - 7 years ago
:D i have always want to raise angelfish
TrulyUnfortunate - 7 years ago
While I have no interest in having a fish tank and I tend to fast forward through some of your stuff I still find myself watching your vids.
I think it has to do with seeing just what you're going to do next as far as building the habitat for your fish and knowing you're going to do a good job of it.
Congrats,you've captured my interest even though I have no interest.
3drhodes - 7 years ago
The angel fish are stunning but overall the discus tank is gorgeous
Nancy Egan
Nancy Egan - 7 years ago
Angelfish definitely the best. The discus go well with the tank but would look better in there alone. You are an amazing source of information and have helped me immensely with my own tanks. Thank you!
daveefordays - 7 years ago
Frank just in the background trying to get in on the action lol
Garrison Smith
Garrison Smith - 7 years ago
Rainbow gobys are awesome in a planted tank they find cool little spots to chill
Simon Modzgabrishvili
Simon Modzgabrishvili - 7 years ago
Angelfish and add 2 smaller adult size plecos for the tanks
Jose Herrera
Jose Herrera - 7 years ago
Everyone talking about the juice box. The king is colorblind?
Finnick O'Dair
Finnick O'Dair - 7 years ago
Alex Li
Alex Li - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, can you help me with my fish? My Dwarf Gourami seems to be shrinking. He is not eating, and his feces is white. What is going on and can I treat it? Thx

P.S. He is in a 20 gall with 3 goldfish, one other DG and a betta that is getting along with everyone.
Ryan Caudill
Ryan Caudill - 7 years ago
Cardinal Tetras are AWESOME !!!
Green Cobra
Green Cobra - 7 years ago
Looking forward to seeing the Corydoras. :-)
PR East Coast Cichlids-PA
PR East Coast Cichlids-PA - 7 years ago
Good & Bad about Algae for our underwater pets
ALGAE= is an informal term for a large, diverse group of photosynthetic organisms which are not necessarily closely related and are thus polyphyletic. Included organisms range from unicellular genera, such as Chlorella and the diatoms, to multicellular forms, such as the giant kelp, a large brown alga which may grow up to 50 meters in length. Most are aquatic and autotrophic and lack many of the distinct cell and tissue types, such as stomata, xylem and phloem, which are found in land plants. The largest and most complex marine algae are called seaweeds, while the most complex freshwater forms are the Charophyte, a division of green algae which includes, for example, Spirogyra and the stoneworts.
The green algae (singular: green alga) are a large, informal grouping of algae consisting of the Chlorophyte and Charophyte algae, which are now placed in separate Divisions. Algae is calcium rich and may protect against osteoporosis in Human. When rats are fed a chemical that causes osteoporosis, feeding Spirulina fusiformis reduced the drug induced bone loss significantly. Due to Spirulina’s high levels of chromium and gamma-linoleic acid, researchers also noted that feeding this algae helped to decrease the fasting serum glucose, HDL, LDL and triglycerides levels in insulin resistance in the animals tested. Underwater pets not so much different. Algae products seem to activate stem cells necessary for healing. This effect is synergistic, meaning that when algae is used alone the effect is not as strong as when it is combined with other naturally occurring antioxidant and phytonutrient substances. But be aware not all algae are safe for your aquarium some forms of algae release toxins that are dangerous and algae grown in contaminated waters can contain environmental toxins such as pesticides and heavy metals. Although the term algae originally referred to aquatic plants, it is now broadly used to include a number of different groups of unrelated organisms. There are seven divisions of organisms that make up the algae. They are grouped according to the types of pigments they use for photosynthesis, the makeup of their cell walls, the types of carbohydrate compounds they store for energy, and the types of flagella (whip like structures) they use for movement. The colors of the algae types are due to their particular mixtures of photosynthetic pigments, which typically include a combination of one or more of the green-colored chlorophylls as their primary pigments.
Golden-brown algae (Chrysophyta). The Cryophyte, or golden-brown algae and diatoms, are named for the yellow pigments they possess. These single-celled algae live both in freshwater and salt water. Their cell walls have no cellulose but are composed mostly of pectin, which is often filled with silica, a compound that makes the walls quite rigid. These algae store energy both as a carbohydrate and as large oil droplets. Diatoms have two glass shells made largely of silica that fit together like a pillbox and are exquisitely marked. Their species number from 40,000 to 100,000. When they die, their shells help to form sediments on the sea the difference between an alga cell and a bacterial cell. The Gale Group Bottom. This fine-grained sediment is often used for filtration in liquid purification systems.
Fire algae (Pyrrophyta). Fire algae, or Pyrrophyta, are single-celled algae and include the dinoflagellates (pronounced dye-no-FLAJ-uh-lets), which have two flagella used for locomotion. Most of these microscopic species live in salt water, with some occurring in freshwater. Some species of dinoflagellates emit bright flashes of light when exposed to air, which at night look like fire on the ocean's surface.
Green algae (Chlorophyta). The green algae, or Chlorophyte, occur in freshwater, although some live in the sea. Most green algae are single-celled and microscopic (able to be seen only under a microscope), forming the slimy green scum found in stagnant ponds. Others are larger and more complex, forming spherical (round) colonies composed of many cells or occurring as straight or branched filaments (long, thin series of cells). Green algae are thought to be in the evolutionary line that gave rise to the first land plants.
Red algae (Rhodophyta). The red algae, or Rhodophyta, are marine plants that live mainly in shallow waters and deep tropical seas. A few also occur in freshwater. Their body forms range from single-celled to Green algae magnified to 50 times its original size the larger species have filaments that are massed together and resemble the leaves and stems of plants. They have no flagella and typically grow attached to a hard surface or on other algae. Some species contain a red pigment; others range in color from green to red, purple, and greenish-black. The cell walls of Coralline red algae become heavily encrusted with minerals and help to cement and stabilize coral reefs.
Brown algae (Phaeophyta). The brown algae, or Phaeophyta, are shiny brown seaweeds that are especially abundant along rocky coasts, although some float in the open ocean. Brown algae are large in size and include the giant kelps, which are located along the Pacific coast and form forests that provide habitat to a wide range of marine life. Some species of brown algae have structures called holdfasts that anchor the algae to submerged rocks. Attached to the holdfasts are stem like stalks that support wide leaf like blades. These blades provide the major surface for nutrient exchange and photosynthesis and are lifted up toward the water's surface by air bladders. Brown algae contain an accessory brown-colored pigment that gives the plants their characteristic dark color. Other well-known brown algae are the common rockweed Fucus and Sargassum, which floats in a thick, tangled mass through the Sargasso Sea—a huge area of slow currents in the mid-Atlantic Ocean that supports a variety of marine organisms.
Yellow-green algae (Xanthophyta). The yellow-green algae, or Xanthophyta, primarily occur in freshwater. They can be either single celled or form colonies, their cell walls are made of cellulose and pectin compounds that sometime contain silica, they can have two or more flagella for locomotion, and they store their energy as carbohydrates. They derive their yellow-green color from the pigments carotenoids and xanthophyll.
PR East Coast Cichlids-PA
PR East Coast Cichlids-PA - 7 years ago
Strawberry_Shark Strawberry_Shark
What you mean
Alex Li
Alex Li - 7 years ago
how long did that take you bruh
Sabri Amrani
Sabri Amrani - 7 years ago
I like the algae
75g Discus Tank
75g Discus Tank - 7 years ago
Bork - 7 years ago
Can you add a common pleco to the 2000g
JRPy Fish-n-Game
JRPy Fish-n-Game - 7 years ago
I prefer the Angel Tank. Thanks for sharing.
hisfishherfish - 7 years ago
The platinum angels are stunning. Just an opinion - you should add just one angelfish that is completely different. Like maybe a double-black or a Koi with alot of orange. Great looking tank as is, though!
Jayden - 7 years ago
Thumbs up purely for the juice box
Ashstagrl - 7 years ago
ZEBRA PLECO, the algea looks good, i like the angles
tommy borovac
tommy borovac - 7 years ago
Platinum Angel tank all the way!
Don't Mind me
Don't Mind me - 7 years ago
Having a pleco is a bad idea on a planted tank. Plecos eat live plants
pattydaly0227 - 7 years ago
I love the angel tank and I would do a l114 pleco my fav
aquatic hobbies
aquatic hobbies - 7 years ago
Could you keep swordtails or gouramis
In angelfish tank or discus
ETHANOSURUS REX - 7 years ago
aquatic hobbies
aquatic hobbies - 7 years ago
Bro plZ do on tiger barbs plz i need guide on them
FRANKIE BANTA - 7 years ago
A Galaxy/Vampire L240 pleco would look amazing with the angels!!!
VictorianFerret - 7 years ago
I really like the discus and the algae. Personally I dont really like plecos though
Billybobjoesmit - 7 years ago
A whiptail catfish would look great in the anglefish tank
joey prince
joey prince - 7 years ago
I like the idea of fancy Pleco's,but can I suggest not putting zebras in. Yes they look awesome! They also always hide!! If you do little research there are many other hypancistrus species that are more active in the aquarium. You could try L333's or the L260's. Far more active in my experiences ;-)
Limxuv Her
Limxuv Her - 7 years ago
Hands down, I think the angel tank is my favorite at the moment
William Simpson
William Simpson - 7 years ago
You mentioned California Blackworms. Do you have any DIY thoughts on raising those and other live foods?
Chaz *
Chaz * - 7 years ago
The Angel fish are my favorite, they are so vivid and the background is perfect, it looks like a super high end TV at like 24k lol
Japheth Gady Garcia
Japheth Gady Garcia - 7 years ago
What generator you use?
TheGamingSquid 235
TheGamingSquid 235 - 7 years ago
Can you do a puffer fish aquarium please
HoondaJu훈다주 - 7 years ago
the angel fish tank is so sexy. the color and everything
Sampreet Koshta
Sampreet Koshta - 7 years ago
add some yellow parrots to the arowana tank..☺
Flanker 07
Flanker 07 - 7 years ago
The anubias looks good at top of the tank. Tie it down to the top of the wood
Paula Samuelson
Paula Samuelson - 7 years ago
Joey you are so funny. I loved the juice Always like your tanks and your help. Have fun in London....
Saxena Aquarium House
Saxena Aquarium House - 7 years ago
Where is Mr and Mrs Frank
Aaron Stuckey
Aaron Stuckey - 7 years ago
I love the work you have been doing keep it up I need help looking for fish what sites do you use for rare fish
Jerry Phillips
Jerry Phillips - 7 years ago
Tie the anubias to the wooden columns in the discus tank! Using zipties or something. Its look like actual trees in your tank. :D if substrate is a problem use some in small pots and hook er up! Love the vids Joey.
angelfish4life - 7 years ago
L273 titanic plec
kbbmagno - 7 years ago
The discus tank setup is awesome. Just needs more time for the fish to grow.
All the best at London.
REDNECK AQUATICS - 7 years ago
Joey will u ever come to south Texas San Antonio would be freaking kool bro
Douglas Ingram
Douglas Ingram - 7 years ago
I love a rich tank, never been a fan of sterile looking tanks. The Discus and Angelfish tanks are starting to come into their own now.
Archaestra - 7 years ago
The angel tank is beautiful, very sharp contrast of pure white, my favorite. Discus tho, is a time bomb, once they grow and their texture/color explode they will be something to behold.
Ryan Henderson
Ryan Henderson - 7 years ago
Dude I think the Annubius looks good in the discus tank. IMO leave it in for a while and see what happens.
Sean Steenbergen
Sean Steenbergen - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, how about adding snowball plecos? They stay fairly small and also have the same kind of look as your black diamond rays. Love all your tanks, I think that your tanganyika tank is my favourite because it has the most to look forward to as far as the transformation in colour that the fish are going to go through. I myself like clean glass, but totally understand the whole reflection thing as well as providing benefits to the water quality by allowing the algae to build up. Keep up the great work!
John Beatty
John Beatty - 7 years ago
Perhaps some floating plants like frogbit would be interesting in the discus tank.
Jason Schau
Jason Schau - 7 years ago
I have a breading pair of albino bristlenose plecos I will give you if you want them.
anthony lovuolo
anthony lovuolo - 7 years ago
Long fin Bristol nose with the discus. Every other one I've kept with mine ate the slime coat
Alphahippogaming - 7 years ago
Hows the bichir doing?
Bottle Flipping Kings
Bottle Flipping Kings - 7 years ago
Hey if you could take the time to look at this comment I would appreciate it :)
So In my tank I have:
5 tiger barbs
5 botia loaches
2 angel fish
2 boesemani rainbow fish
3 zebra danios
3 long fin zebra danios
1 pleco
2 neon blue dwarf gourami
1 opaline gourami
1 gold gourami
1 pearl gourami
1 blue gourami
All in a 55 gallon

Would it be a bad idea to get a red spotted severum I read they are one of the most peaceful cichlids when they are alone or what would be a good bigger fish to put in my tank as a centerpiece fish?

Thank you for reading this! Have a good day hope to hear your feedback!
Bottle Flipping Kings
Bottle Flipping Kings - 7 years ago
FreshWater/SaltWater I've never had that problem but thanks for the advice i'll make sure in the future I stay away from that
FreshWater/SaltWater - 7 years ago
Why are you putting tiger barbs with long finned fish like the angelfish and the long fin danios.
They are known to nip at the long fins of other fish...
Alucard- Demon Hunter
Alucard- Demon Hunter - 7 years ago
Bottle Flipping Kings kk
I had a gold severum(technically the same as red spotted severum)
It was with my blood red parrot(they were the same size)
I added a tiger oscar bout the same size and both of them nearly killed him so
Speaking by personal experience it is not a good idea and plus they grow to 6 inches so it may eat some small fishes but since he is gonna be a new fish maybe he wont be too aggressive
kevin beauman
kevin beauman - 7 years ago
Adonis pleco !!!!!!
girish bhurke
girish bhurke - 7 years ago
Sound is low..
Erik Morin
Erik Morin - 7 years ago
Hi Joey!, you should get a bulldog pleco, i had one couple of year ago and i loved that guy! Good trip
Raven Frontino
Raven Frontino - 7 years ago
i love both tanks, but honestly, i like the angelfish better, not because i dont like the discus, they are beutiful too, but im a huge sucker for white/albino fish!
Spiderhole Records
Spiderhole Records - 7 years ago
HOW DARE YOU!!! FRANK FRANK FRANK, Don't play with our emotions! I wanna know how the Bichir is going.
K Eddy
K Eddy - 7 years ago
Love the angelfish tank. If i ever manage to get my goldfish outside permanently, I want to redo their aquarium similarly with some platinum angels. Thanks for the inspiration, Joey!
Mokong - 7 years ago
Tanks look good. Algae is good as long as controlled. Both tanks look natural unlike those ultra clean tanks. I like your method of making you tank looking aged by letting algae grow.
Polkop90 - 7 years ago
{Drinking}.......What?? xD
Jennifer Kleczka
Jennifer Kleczka - 7 years ago
Frank is trying to get your attention
Greg Evraire
Greg Evraire - 7 years ago
angelfish is my favourite
Siddhesh Urankar
Siddhesh Urankar - 7 years ago
Joe you should keep reed/rope fish in one of your tanks
Moose42 - 7 years ago
Just stfu
Moose42 - 7 years ago
You get too critical when feeding fish
William Tufts
William Tufts - 7 years ago
I'd like to see a large fire eel somewhere in the gallery.
shayna cope
shayna cope - 7 years ago
Golden nugget plecos are great but zebra's are cool also
Randomz Channel
Randomz Channel - 7 years ago
Joey vs George !!!!! Future prediction

Joey wins and the crowd has gone crazy !!!!!!
Lordmonfil - 7 years ago
Ohhh no wonder my Discus have bin worrying me about them eating
Anya Schmidt
Anya Schmidt - 7 years ago
Aren't those neon tetras? I have a school of them myself and I'm pretty sure they're neons
GatorsFishchannel - 7 years ago
Anya Schmidt just added new neons to my aquarium check it out !
Matthew Hitchcock
Matthew Hitchcock - 7 years ago
Floyd Morey
Floyd Morey - 7 years ago
L204 plecos for sure
Sandra - 7 years ago
I had a pleco called a dwarf bumble bee that was absolutely adorable! Loaches are nice also, like the clown and the weather loach is one of my faves.
Emily Ross
Emily Ross - 7 years ago
‘Today’s video is about Frank ... ok it’s not.’

alfaholic3 - 7 years ago
A large common pleco or even a sailfin or gold spotted pleco would be great in the 375g or 2000g
Mary Louise
Mary Louise - 7 years ago
You THINK this video isn’t about frank
But it always is
Red Foreman
Red Foreman - 7 years ago
Zebra pleco
alfaholic3 - 7 years ago
L168 clown pleco!!!!
Red Foreman
Red Foreman - 7 years ago
Lol looks like u overfed the angels
FortunateSon - 7 years ago
Red Foreman He totaly did
Carmen DeCristofaro
Carmen DeCristofaro - 7 years ago
I can’t WAIT for you to add the cories w the angels. They’re my favorite catfish I think they’re so cute. I love the whole angel setup
Music and Fishes
Music and Fishes - 7 years ago
Like the angels at the moment, and zebra plecos for the angel tank, and got to have some clown plecos somewhere because we normal folks can't afford zebras. Lol
Red Foreman
Red Foreman - 7 years ago
I like how the anubius plants are at the top looks realistic in the discus tank
GatorsFishchannel - 7 years ago
Red Foreman also have Anubis nana in my tank. Love them
Caleb Blagg
Caleb Blagg - 7 years ago
Green phantom. Blue phantom. Zebra. Seven point ultra red. Lepard cactus.
Blank - 7 years ago
Yes I want more Frank
doomiedee - 7 years ago
I like a L191 (dull eyed royal) pleco in the angel tank would be nice being its a wood eater
Derek Palmer
Derek Palmer - 7 years ago
Almost spit out my coffee with the juice-box and "what" comment. LMAO
Sarkazmo Loafy
Sarkazmo Loafy - 7 years ago
Why not just paint the sides of the tanks? You can't view through those panels anyway. That would eliminate the reflection and add more depth backing the algae.
Lisa Crowley
Lisa Crowley - 7 years ago
love the tanks, they both look so natural, and the fish look very happy , have a safe trip
CA Pearson
CA Pearson - 7 years ago
YOU TEASE !!! YOU TEASE !!! FRANK !!! Anywho, the Angels are one of my favorite fish, so I have to go with them of the two. Discus aren't bad either. When are you going to get the goldfish back? They need to be part of the gallery too !
Joe Maddo's Pets
Joe Maddo's Pets - 7 years ago
You made me want to start my own aquarium channel. just wanted to say thanks.
Joe Maddo's Pets
Joe Maddo's Pets - 7 years ago
Will do
GatorsFishchannel - 7 years ago
Aquariums and You check mine out! Just added new neons to my tank!
Nate Veith
Nate Veith - 7 years ago
I like the discus tank much more because i dont care for the plat. angels. In the angel tank you should do L180-184 (black ancistrus with white spots) and L134 in the discus tank.
Brett Skinner
Brett Skinner - 7 years ago
Sanctuary La Foi
Sanctuary La Foi - 7 years ago
the worst enemy to anubius are alga. these plants grow slowly and grow well in low light. the alga cover the leaves and deprive the slow growing plants of light.
Saravesh Jayaram
Saravesh Jayaram - 7 years ago
A review on your African Cichlids please
SALTY FRESH - 7 years ago
Omg I finally know who you've always reminded me of.....Dave freaking Mirra (RIP)
blahboi27 - 7 years ago
I think the discus tank actually looks really cool with the plants on top. Feels natural to have vegetation poking into the water
Jose Garcia
Jose Garcia - 7 years ago
What are you going to do after you finish all of the things you are currently doing
Destin H
Destin H - 7 years ago
Love the algi keep the videos coming man I'm getting my want to have a fish tank back from these videos
redrocket24 - 7 years ago
Joey FINALLY made me laugh! ;p
What, you mad I got a juice box and you don't??
Aquascapes_OR - 7 years ago
diatom attack eh?
Matteo Caria Marongiu
Matteo Caria Marongiu - 7 years ago
Totally love both of them!!! Good luck in UK Joey!
Just a question: what kind of wood did you use in the discus tank?
American Family2010
American Family2010 - 7 years ago
I’m not a fan of the algae. But they look great regardless.
Roma Aquatics
Roma Aquatics - 7 years ago
My favorite plecos, but I bet some of them will be really hard to find.

L046 - True Zebra
L397 - ???
L199 - Yellow Zebra
L340 - Mega Clown
Thomas Perkins
Thomas Perkins - 7 years ago
I just picked up some green phantoms Medusa's and sultans I love the colors you might you have the room some L193 would look awesome the white tails would complement the Angels
Crystal Ramos
Crystal Ramos - 7 years ago
I like the angelfish tank best, and think you should add a albino bristlenose pleco!
Drew - 7 years ago
I love the natural look that algae provides! Oh and my favourite is the angelfish tank by far!
Zack Gilliam
Zack Gilliam - 7 years ago
It looks better, more natural and that's what your trying to do as you said before right? Looking into how they are in the wild
47Viggen - 7 years ago
Angel tank is amazing. You might just have convinced me on a little algae in my tanks. I have a few blues in a 55. Under the right light gorgeous looking fish.
Paul Pollard
Paul Pollard - 7 years ago
Yes!! Zebra plecos will look awesome in the angel tank! Some other suggestions would be gold nugget pleco, sunshine pleco, snow leopard pleco and candy striped plecos
Bobo Man123456789
Bobo Man123456789 - 7 years ago
Can you get a peacock bass in the 2 thousand?
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
I'm starting a new 20g long and I'd really like to do something like that discus tank, with the tree branches throughout. Are those real branches or can I buy them?
Robbie Jenkins
Robbie Jenkins - 7 years ago
Has Joey yet to mention the type of lights he's using on his setups? I know in a few video pack he mentioned they are amazing and really affordable.
David diaz
David diaz - 7 years ago
Add farlowella catfish into one of the tanks thier so cool but they will eat all the algea and wont harm plants
SaltyPlayz 892
SaltyPlayz 892 - 7 years ago
Worst part of my day, the video ending. Like if u agree
Sheal Linfire
Sheal Linfire - 7 years ago
I love the natural look of the algae!
Nick Mckenney
Nick Mckenney - 7 years ago
The angelfish tanks looks amazing. I'm not a huge fan of angels but I LOVE natural looking tanks. Best looking so far in my opinion
Nathan Roon
Nathan Roon - 7 years ago
Love the Angels. Pleco wise I’m partial to L114, L075, and L265
x16 MiKe
x16 MiKe - 7 years ago
You should get zebra plecos for the angelfish because they're white and black and more white is nice for that tank
Lucas Pucas
Lucas Pucas - 7 years ago
I think the anubias in the discus tank look great, it looks natural.
GatorsFishchannel - 7 years ago
Lucas Pucas also love my Anubis nana in my tank!
bradley martin
bradley martin - 7 years ago
Get a Gymnarchus niloticus for the 2100 gallon
exclusiveimagination - 7 years ago
I just came back from London, i Cant stay for another week because i have classes and assignment. lol have fun
Melissa Byers
Melissa Byers - 7 years ago
What? Haha thanks for the laugh!!! I don't mind the algae, looks more natural in those tanks than the 2k tank. The angels are so majestic, love them more than the discus right now, but that's cause they are always hiding. Love discus' background more cause it gives so much depth. And I think the zebra plecos would look just fine! Good luck in the UK!!! ❤
TuckerSP2011 - 7 years ago
Frank Frank Frank!!!! C'mon!
Harvey Long
Harvey Long - 7 years ago
Do a Meet up in NYC ny
Nathan Fontenot
Nathan Fontenot - 7 years ago
Definitely Zebras!!
FlameMe2020 - 7 years ago
Joey, why don't you keep any Seahorses? They're exotic and very visually satisfying creatures. You should get some for your viewers
Musical Whiskey
Musical Whiskey - 7 years ago
That juice box killed me lol
laura corrigan
laura corrigan - 7 years ago
Looks amazing
Bree F.
Bree F. - 7 years ago
Albino, long fin bristlenose pleco would be amazing too! Like Solid Gold's.
Tinyo Parushev
Tinyo Parushev - 7 years ago
i think it would be awesome if you add a Black Ghost Knife fish in the 2 thousand gallon tank
Cliffepoos - 7 years ago
When are you going to start up a marine tank Joey?
Brody Stone
Brody Stone - 7 years ago
Can u do a video of the saltwater tank?
Lisa Fetter
Lisa Fetter - 7 years ago
So wait - growing out discus, not bare bottom, and water changes 1x/week??? Rebel!
Ido Wallach
Ido Wallach - 7 years ago
i love the angelfish tank more
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 7 years ago
The tank looks like the trees in the Amazon when the river floods the forest! I know these fish aren't from the Amazon but some documentaries I've watched have shown pictures from under the water during the floods.....pretty cool actually!
Bree F.
Bree F. - 7 years ago
How's the bichir?? Haven't seen him in a while!
lckniep - 7 years ago
Out of those two i like the discus the most, mainly because of the branches setup. I like the algae, it gives that natural feel, I only clean the front piece of glass too.
Thien Vu
Thien Vu - 7 years ago
Do a calvis tank Joey....
rich givens
rich givens - 7 years ago
I like The discus tank better than the angel tank but I'm a snake man myself
jamie pauwels
jamie pauwels - 7 years ago
For the angel fishtank i would sugest a sultan pleco L264 and for the discus tank the Panaque sp. L204.
I like this 2 very much.
Greatings jamie
AzraelThanatos - 7 years ago
For the angel tank, albino bristlenose would be a great option for it. They're also a classic tankmate for angels
XxKiller_KoolaidmanxX - 7 years ago
Green phantom pleco
Aaron J
Aaron J - 7 years ago
Do you have videos on how to make the wood backgrounds/collumns
Ordinary Fish Keeper
Ordinary Fish Keeper - 7 years ago
I know this is a little off subject, but have you tried Repashy food? If so, what's your take on it? Love the videos, keep doing what you're doing. Inspire.
Newty172 - 7 years ago
The juice box cracked me up!
Siafurler - 7 years ago
The discus tank is stunning :)
sothickitssickk - 7 years ago
can i put discus and angelfish together
Kev The Red
Kev The Red - 7 years ago
Absolutely love that Discus tank Joey!
Alexandro Acosta
Alexandro Acosta - 7 years ago
oww i really want one of that beautiful white angel fish, at my location its imposible to get one, they are awesome
Loc Lam
Loc Lam - 7 years ago
Have a safe trip Joey, cheers..
Jacob Warren
Jacob Warren - 7 years ago
Red bristle nose in the discus tank
It's Ethan!
It's Ethan! - 7 years ago
My birthday is today, and thank you for picking posting a great video!
KaoticBombingAssassins _
KaoticBombingAssassins _ - 7 years ago
Your not into turtles?? Would love to see you setup a turtle tank please.!!
JediGrandMaster - 7 years ago
Please post at least highlights of your scaping contest, and hopefully you guys have some curveballs to keep it interesting.
aimee1177 - 7 years ago
I love the tetras, very pretty.
Bagul Aquatics
Bagul Aquatics - 7 years ago
I think you should tie those Anubias into that tank. It'll help out with detox!
Paul Maner
Paul Maner - 7 years ago
I love them both for for different reasons so it's hard to compare them
Randy Farquar
Randy Farquar - 7 years ago
Zebra plec for the angels and maybe super reds long fin variant for the discus .
JustsBob - 7 years ago
These Cardinals might become expensive live food ....
Kyle Matesic
Kyle Matesic - 7 years ago
I guess I’ll stop cleaning the algae in my 10gal community tank
Mari Svenson
Mari Svenson - 7 years ago
Also, you should look up videos of "friendly sailfin pleco" on youtube!
Jerry's Channel
Jerry's Channel - 7 years ago
I think zebra Plecos would be cool. I have some of my own and they look great
motoxposse - 7 years ago
I think the wood in the discus tank looks much better,more natural. But I do wanna know "HOW IS THE SALTWATER TANK DOING"?
sujan gurung
sujan gurung - 7 years ago
omg he is cominggggg to londonn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fishing geek
Fishing geek - 7 years ago
hey the tanks but can we get some manly fish? I'm starting to think you are a fruit cake, is your wife just a decoy to hide your true sexuality?
Fishing geek
Fishing geek - 7 years ago
aggressive fish..and not talking bout frank goofy lookin a$$. sissy fish for sissy joey!
Cheetuh - 7 years ago
Wtf is a manly fish lol
The #1 Kill Joy
The #1 Kill Joy - 7 years ago
Love me some fancy plecos, i would deffo love to see some zebras in the angel tank, just got a couple of clowns for my new tank, not the fanciest but they will do for starters
Jay’s Aquatics
Jay’s Aquatics - 7 years ago
You should add some Bristle nose plecos !
Emma Martinez
Emma Martinez - 7 years ago
I can not decide what tank I like best and I do like the natural look.
Mario Villamizar
Mario Villamizar - 7 years ago
When are you coming to Colombia?
MB Dieter
MB Dieter - 7 years ago
I can't choose, I like them both. My favorite overall I think is still the peacock tank.
Jacob morrison
Jacob morrison - 7 years ago
I like the vids man! I used to be big into saltwater and had a 90 + a 40 gallon saltwater reef tank. Just got back into the hobby and purchased a 55 gallon breeder and scaped it with two jack dempseys, your videos inspired me to get back into the hobby. Keep up the good work!
Philthy Phill
Philthy Phill - 7 years ago
Can you make a video how to put in 3D backward with already set up tank
Dan Powter
Dan Powter - 7 years ago
Phantom plecos!
Karly Hawkes
Karly Hawkes - 7 years ago
What's a good fish to keep with angels? I have a 55 I'm looking to stock and I'm really stuck on what to put in it. I've been thinking angel fish but I want something else with them.
Legend Monstar
Legend Monstar - 7 years ago
The angels and the algae looks good
Naerwyn - 7 years ago
Zebra for angels, and gold nuggets for discus or rainbows?
I can't choose between the two tanks, they are both equally gorgeous to me.
Lacy Snow
Lacy Snow - 7 years ago
someone tell me what size those first tanks are --the one that the angel fish are in?
Yanbbrox - 7 years ago
where are going to find L46/98? I'm over 40 and seens them for sale once?
Greg Smith
Greg Smith - 7 years ago
Angel tank is awesome
Deathwish026 - 7 years ago
FRAAAAAANK... awwwwww
mackenzie fuson
mackenzie fuson - 7 years ago
Algae looks great. Is that real wood in the discuss tank? If so, what kind? Love your videos, keep up the good work.
Group of idots
Group of idots - 7 years ago
Albino bushy nose plecos
WilliamTomFrank - 7 years ago
1. My favorite is the angel tank.
2. I think you should get a zebra Pleiku for your angel tank and a leopard frog play go for your discus tank because angels and discus are usually neck and neck in popularity and the zebra and leopard frog or head to head in a lot of peoples opinion.
3. I love the algae look as well as having a natural buffer for your tank.
Minibull - 7 years ago
when you was talking about london and your daughter getting back into tanks, i thought you was stalling thought you remove the discus, didn't notice them on the left XD
kizanko - 7 years ago
So today's video is about Frank.
Frank: :D
I'm kidding it's not.
Frank: :(...*looks down kicks stone*
jeffxl12 - 7 years ago
The angel fish are my favorite right now. If those others will be getting bigger and more red then I am leaning towards them. But I love the rays. When will you breed them? I would like to see that process. I'm a miniature ball python lover and sometimes breeder. I know nothing about keeping fish. I tried they died.
Frederik - 7 years ago
Hi Joey! So about the Plecos.

Perhaps you should not get Zebras (L46 - H. zebra) since they are endangered and CITES regulated.
Maybe you can get hold of some captive breed specimens, but since this is a demonstration tank I still think it would be a poor choice as they are pretty expensive and doesn't really set a good example IMHO.
In this case L134 - P. Compta would probably be a more suitable choice. You probably already know this species but I felt like mentioning it anyway since it is not nearly as costly, not endangered (at least not yet), and a lot easier to come by.

I hope you will read this comment (even though the chances are a one in a million) and consider the endangerment and availability of the Plecos that you will consider for the racking system.

I have been following you since the old days when you started making videos and it has always been a pleasure to see you do the same kinds of projects that I have been doing myself.

Good luck with the gallery!

/Fred, Denmark
Devin Loewer
Devin Loewer - 7 years ago
I think zebra plecos with the discus and leopard frog plecos for the angels! Its angels vs discus so it could be zebras vs leopard frogs (since they're similar). You could really compare easily to see differences in color, behavior, and feeding habits.
Carter Soshady
Carter Soshady - 7 years ago
Your aquariums are great ! You did a great job. Watching you build it all, and seeing it come to life is an experience. I’m proud of you bro.
Joel Jaipersaud
Joel Jaipersaud - 7 years ago
How about a pleco tank with a nice Royal pleco? They do get big but not as big as commons hmmmm

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