Mystery Snail Eggs! A mystery snail profile. Mystery SNails
Discus 8 years ago 32,613 views
I've got Mystery Snail Eggs. With finding that I thought it was time to do a species profile on mystery snails. Support us by buying here: Playlists: Fish Room Tours: Breeding Fish For Profit: Fish Room Updates: How to Quarantine Fish: How to Build a Fish Room: DIY Videos: Fish and Plant Profiles: Listen to our Live streams and other Content in Podcast Form: Website: Itunes: Android: Facebook:
It's the same size as the other hatchlings and I for sure only have the apple/mystery snails so what could be going on?
They are the purple ones if that matters, and it's only one baby like this out of about 40 snails.
Thanks. I've actually found two more like it today.
I guess I'll just leave them and see what happens.
10. comment for Mystery Snail Eggs! A mystery snail profile. Mystery SNails
I just got mystery snails from Sergeant TANKS, so trying to learn everything ...but right, now, basically how not to kill them... most important thing to learn right now...
20. comment for Mystery Snail Eggs! A mystery snail profile. Mystery SNails
30. comment for Mystery Snail Eggs! A mystery snail profile. Mystery SNails
Can not you make any movies about mystery snail?
I think this is really exciting but would like to see more of them
We appreciate the time you take to make your videos, I find them informative and interesting. it really helps us out.
My 20 gal. tank is doing well but I have a very slight black algae and and small green spot algae on my moneywort but very subtle. my cleaning crew keeps it that way.
dont need to reply to this as you have alot going on and it was to say thank you!
50. comment for Mystery Snail Eggs! A mystery snail profile. Mystery SNails
Thanks Cory!
Another key thing to note, if you have an escapee and even if they have been out of the water 24 hours (sometimes longer!) they will retreat inside their shell and look dead. Get a glass of aquarium water, place "dead" snail in there. Leave it alone for 12-24 hours, it should pop back out and start cruising looking for food if its still alive! I actually threw one away, researched it, realized it might still be alive and crawled into the big outside garbage can and retrieved her...put her in QT for awhile but she survived just fine and went on to lay eggs and live a happy snail life! :D
gal tall. I thought perhaps it was the Angels. what do you think?
Thumbs up Cory!
Do you know if Ramshorn Snails go into a food coma or do you know if they sleep? I've been keeping rams for some time but I've never really noticed them just laying on their sides looking dead.
Are they dead or dying? They are not empty shells. They are not all doing that. They aren't attached to anything. Their shells don't look damaged or eroded. I have checked my water parameters with the same strips that you use and it says everything should be good. PH ~7, TDS~350, etc everything looks correct with the strips you use normally. My tank is planned, has guppies, cherry shrimp, pond snails, mts, a bristlenose pleco, and of course Ramshorn snails. Substrate is turface. 24/7 Finnex light on 24/7 mode.
Any help or advice would help.
Also thanks for the generous giveaway. I was a lucky $25 gift card winner and I already used it to buy some stuff from your site.
I'll try feeding more often.
I can't wait until you start your 75gal profit tank.
I bought one too when you announced the awesome sale.
I am going to switch my current 55gal I have now, that you just helped me with, to the 75gal to try and profit from it too.
On a side note as I've seen people talking about it - Mystery snails are not Apple snails. In the same family that is really large with all different types, but they are not the same snails. Mystery snails are not Apple snails. Mystery snails are legal in the different countries, Apples are not legal in all.
I am not scientific at all, so it gets very confusing to me lol. But Mystery snails one is able to mail across state lines and sell in the stores, but Apples are against the law to mail across state lines.
Ampullarioidea is the Superfamily of all - where the "all Mysteries are Apples" comes in. Same superfamily, but not same snail. The "Apple" that is the true Apple gets to be about baseball size, whereas the Mystery gets to be about 2 inches.
I'm prepared to be re-educated if you can tell me the scientific name of mystery snails?
100. comment for Mystery Snail Eggs! A mystery snail profile. Mystery SNails
And why are they called mystery snails?
What fish would go well with livebearers ....I like blue rams ....but include clean up fish as well....I live in barbados
Keep your tanks well covered - they love to explore, we find ours wandering outside the tanks, just plop them back in they are insanely hardy. With a starting population of 4 we have produced hundreds in 1.5 years. White, gold, blue, purple, red striped, they are lovely.
A terrific food for these guys is turtle pellets - full of minerals they need for shell growth/maintenance. The floating pellets are also hilarious - the snails will chase them around, engulf them and then sink to the bottom to nibble the pellets ^_^
There are other apple snails in the genus Pomacea but it's very unlikely you'll find one for sale.
TLDR: common names cause confusion, scientific names are more precise