Mystery Snail Eggs! A mystery snail profile. Mystery SNails

I've got Mystery Snail Eggs. With finding that I thought it was time to do a species profile on mystery snails. Support us by buying here: Playlists: Fish Room Tours: Breeding Fish For Profit: Fish Room Updates: How to Quarantine Fish: How to Build a Fish Room: DIY Videos: Fish and Plant Profiles: Listen to our Live streams and other Content in Podcast Form: Website: Itunes: Android: Facebook:

Mystery Snail Eggs! A mystery snail profile. Mystery SNails sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Discus 8 years ago 32,613 views

I've got Mystery Snail Eggs. With finding that I thought it was time to do a species profile on mystery snails. Support us by buying here: Playlists: Fish Room Tours: Breeding Fish For Profit: Fish Room Updates: How to Quarantine Fish: How to Build a Fish Room: DIY Videos: Fish and Plant Profiles: Listen to our Live streams and other Content in Podcast Form: Website: Itunes: Android: Facebook:

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Most popular comments
for Mystery Snail Eggs! A mystery snail profile. Mystery SNails

Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I'd like to correct a mistake in my video of the reproductive organs of the mystery snail. To be honest I have never delved this deeply into the reproductive organs of mystery snails before, and have made an oversight. Please check out this link where I am confusing the "penis sheath" for the air breathing tube.
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
My blue snail was sitting on the branch holding something long up in the air ... straight up...what was that? Definitely was not a antenna.... forgive me this is all new to me....I've had tanks my whole life but never did keep snails
David Cliff
David Cliff - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op weird
SHMIDTEY - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op Easy mistake, I confuse my nostrils with my foreskin all the time. Makes picking my nose substantially more precarious LOL
Olivia Fizzy
Olivia Fizzy - 7 years ago
When I first got my mystery snails, I thought the same thing, turns out its just their syphon x'D
Fish in the Corner
Fish in the Corner - 8 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op lol you want us to buy plants? That link brings us to your plants :)
Tamara Simpson
Tamara Simpson - 8 years ago
I didn't either until I wanted to breed them :) I looked them up
Dark Shadows Reviews
Dark Shadows Reviews - 8 years ago
+Tamara Simpson oh ok, that I didn't know thank you :)
Tamara Simpson
Tamara Simpson - 8 years ago
+Dark Shadows Reviews mystery snails are dimorphic not hermaphroditic
Dark Shadows Reviews
Dark Shadows Reviews - 8 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op from my research I found all snails have no sex, they have both organs
Getting it Right
Getting it Right - 7 years ago
I changed all the water in my Baby snail tank. I didn’t know I had to acclimate them.
Michael - 7 years ago
I randomly found little snails in my tank I think it hid in the plant I bought, they’re basically illegal immigrants
Tom R
Tom R - 7 years ago
That 'appendage' Cory, is his lung air duck. not a sexual organ. although they are sexible if you examine them underneath for another similar 'appendage'. I Googled it.
Ashley Crowley
Ashley Crowley - 7 years ago
This is incorrect. That is the “snorkel” so they can breed every mystery snail has it. It’s almost impossible to determine the sex of the snails.
Jo Spargo
Jo Spargo - 7 years ago
Awesome. Ours have been breeding. We need to give them more calcium for sure!
TrashBeatz - 7 years ago
I thought snails could reproduce on their own and are genderless? I bought one snail and now I have over 10 babies
Adaira Heinrichs
Adaira Heinrichs - 7 years ago
Help? I've had my mystery snails for a month or so and the first batch of their eggs have hatched, but one of the babies shells is like a ramshorn snail and the face is shaped differently.
It's the same size as the other hatchlings and I for sure only have the apple/mystery snails so what could be going on?
They are the purple ones if that matters, and it's only one baby like this out of about 40 snails.
Adaira Heinrichs
Adaira Heinrichs - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op
Thanks. I've actually found two more like it today.
I guess I'll just leave them and see what happens.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Sounds like it's just deformed.
Störig Debbie-Mae
Störig Debbie-Mae - 7 years ago
The "reproductive organ" is their lung. They stick it out to breath while staying in the water.

10. comment for Mystery Snail Eggs! A mystery snail profile. Mystery SNails

Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
Is there rapashy for snails?...I just bought some blues...they are really cool.....
-Animal-fish-gamer -
-Animal-fish-gamer - - 7 years ago
I have like 0.000000001% alge but I have soooooo much beneficial bacteria
david lahey
david lahey - 7 years ago
Snails are hermaphrodite, they can switch genders at will. I guess you could call them auto-transgender
Keoko T
Keoko T - 7 years ago
Thank you for posting this! I got my first Mystery snail and I was told I didn't need to buy any food for him/her.
Rachel Kruse
Rachel Kruse - 7 years ago
I heard from ms. Jinx that the appendage could be the oxygen organ not the actual sexual organ if ya know what I mean. So an appendage wouldn't necessarily mean it's a male.???
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
no worries, thanks for watchin ;)
Rachel Kruse
Rachel Kruse - 7 years ago
Now that I read all the replies it's clear that I'm not the first to notice... apologies for being yet another person pointing out an error...I enjoy your videos...!
ShortNanxious - 7 years ago
Taking Notes again...
I just got mystery snails from Sergeant TANKS, so trying to learn everything ...but right, now, basically how not to kill them... most important thing to learn right now...
Cathy Robidoux
Cathy Robidoux - 7 years ago
Do you have an update on your colony growth?
Alex Po
Alex Po - 7 years ago
Can they live with a betta in a five gallon
Teah Phillips
Teah Phillips - 7 years ago
I have mystery snails. What are the sizes on them because I have a huge one and a small one.
Nathan Elgert
Nathan Elgert - 7 years ago
What if snails appeared over night?

20. comment for Mystery Snail Eggs! A mystery snail profile. Mystery SNails

fubuziom0 - 7 years ago
Are you sure it's reproductive organ? I don't think so, they are take air whit it from above the water, reproductive organ is in other site of that snails. ( sorry for my bad English)
need more time
need more time - 7 years ago
Hey Cory!!!   with different colors in the tank will they cross breed?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+need more time they will yes
Aubrey's Animals
Aubrey's Animals - 7 years ago
If you think 18 is a bunch of apple snails you should check out Steff J's Channel no hate towards her though I love her Channel
Never Naked Nails nail art
Never Naked Nails nail art - 7 years ago
I love your channel .. I have 5 Mystery snails .. they came as babies and this morning I found my first clutch if eggs .. unfortunately the tank is not sealed tight enough for humility to keep the sack soft .. so I'm going to try hatching them outside the take .. wish me luck.. I'm super excited to see what colors I get .. I think the mom is a purple one !!
RavishingRob - 7 years ago
my fish eat all the sinking food i put in the tank for them. Any advice?
Liam does stuff 12
Liam does stuff 12 - 7 years ago
Is it ok to have them with sand or substrate
Liam does stuff 12
Liam does stuff 12 - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op oh good
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+I like turtles 13 sure
831Aquatics - 7 years ago
Snails are both male and female so as long as you have 2 in a tank you have a chance to breed them if conditions are correct
Wyll Yancha
Wyll Yancha - 7 years ago
Awesome snails Cory. I have 6 snails of my own but they dont seem to lay any eggs. recently though 2 of them have buried themselves.. have you experienced this? what are they doin?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I haven't really witnessed them burrow before, not sure.
Fish Nation
Fish Nation - 7 years ago
cory , you should do an update on the awesome mystery snails that you have. Im barely getting started with trying to breed mine .
Tiger Boss11-Zoo tycoon 2 tutorials
Tiger Boss11-Zoo tycoon 2 tutorials - 7 years ago
Can i put a reed fish in there am sure it will be ok

30. comment for Mystery Snail Eggs! A mystery snail profile. Mystery SNails

Johan Widing
Johan Widing - 7 years ago
Hi Cory

Can not you make any movies about mystery snail?
I think this is really exciting but would like to see more of them
Mark Hope
Mark Hope - 7 years ago
so got a question for you what do you call a blue and golden snail mix why i ask is because my 2 snails had babies and no they didnt turn out green(damn) theyre brown with mostly yellow but they're feet and face r like the blue one? if u knw plz tell me
Chemeleon15 - 7 years ago
the ones with brownish shells i think would be called "black" mysteries and the yellow shells with black feet are "wild type"
Kayshizzle - 7 years ago
Do snails need a certain food
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Kayshizzle not really, some calcium rich foods can help if you have softer water
Jazmin Bretado
Jazmin Bretado - 7 years ago
Mine breed but wont lay eggs. I had to take out the heater because its hot now. But i really want them to lay eggs. And with out the heater theres no moisture. Some one told me that they like to lay there eggs in moist places. Its been a year since i bought them. Only once they layed eggs in the the winter but the eggs weren't fertile.
Lil Oreoz
Lil Oreoz - 7 years ago
I need help! My mystery snails won't come out their shells! And I don't know how to get them out ):
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I'd look at pH and hardness, those are usually what are wrong when that happens.
Lindsey Holland
Lindsey Holland - 7 years ago
when snails are born do they have shells? do their shells grow with them?
Ash - 7 years ago
Yes they have shells when they are born. Usually egg laying species have super fragile shells that take a while to build up. The livebearing snails' young have pretty hard shells when they're born.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I'm not 100% sure on that.
BB's bb's
BB's bb's - 7 years ago
cory, I only have one snail, how in the world was she able to lay eggs? I just got her like 2 months long do they carry there eggs,, very strange to me!
BB's bb's
BB's bb's - 7 years ago
Thank you, thats what i was thinking happened,,
deerheartedmama - 7 years ago
BB's bb's She mated before you brought her home and stored the semen until she was ready.
BB's bb's
BB's bb's - 7 years ago
Intresting, thank you:)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Some snails are asexual.
ashley ceja
ashley ceja - 7 years ago
My mystery snail just died after having her for a month
Cap'n Spicy
Cap'n Spicy - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear that Ashley, LFS are good for one thing, Taking your money and making you feel like a failure (Guess that's 2 things)... What snails need is water, calcium and lots of vegetable matter like collard greens that are high in calcium and low in phosphate... and that's about it, I kept these as a kid in plastic containers with no heater or filter, they can breath air and can tolerate normal home temperature and seem to live longer at lower temps, I used my moms coral sand for substrate to keep ph and calcium levels high where they like it, I just kept a piece of leafy veg in there at all times for them to eat and they bred like crazy, To hatch the eggs you don't have to leave them in the tank with a fancy tight fitting lid and heater and all that nonsense, Just take an old clay pot and turn it upside down in a cheap plastic container with a lid and poke some holes in the lid, fill the container with about 2 inches of water, the pot will wick up just enough moisture and release tons of humidity and when they hatch they crawl off the pot right into water, if all eggs are done hatching remove the pot and fill up your new snail tank, Oh and to get eggs off the tank just give the egg mass a few days for the eggshells to harden then using your thumb and forefinger gently wiggle the clutch till it pops off. If you're still in the hobby I could post a video of my little setups for ya.
JUDY TCP - 7 years ago
ashley ceja have a plant there and feed them fish food
Picklewaffles - 8 years ago
Thinks of 'If Undertale was Realistic'

Greetje Buijert-Nijdam
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam - 8 years ago
Beautiful eggs.
stephanie morris
stephanie morris - 8 years ago
I have 1 mystery snail and 1 apple snail is there a safe fungus medication I can use in my aquarium?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I've had good luck with Ich X, and Erythromycin.
Robert L
Robert L - 8 years ago
Hi again
We appreciate the time you take to make your videos, I find them informative and interesting. it really helps us out.
My 20 gal. tank is doing well but I have a very slight black algae and and small green spot algae on my moneywort but very subtle. my cleaning crew keeps it that way.

dont need to reply to this as you have alot going on and it was to say thank you!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Robert L thanks for watching :)
One Woman's Treasure
One Woman's Treasure - 8 years ago
oh my gosh! I love these. I have been wanting a couple of blue ones and purple for my tank. I haven't been able to find them at all. tat us a super cute pink ramshorn in there too.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Working on raising up tons of babies now :)
Walter Midkiff
Walter Midkiff - 8 years ago
I've got about 100 baby snails in my community tank and want to move a few to my goldfish tank. Do I need to bag them and acclimate them to the temperature change or can I just toss them in?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
You could just toss them in. Keep i mind your goldfish may eat them.
Peach Sweetizer
Peach Sweetizer - 8 years ago
Can they live in cold water?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
They can go cool water, but I doubt they'd over winter outside in my state for instance.
jtlegit amv
jtlegit amv - 8 years ago
where do you get the snails
Charlie Lim
Charlie Lim - 8 years ago
Question! How do you know if they're alive?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
They move around and eat.
Qotus - 8 years ago
Snails are hermaphrodites, to technically you only need to as a breeding pair.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Qotus that's only true for some snail species.
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
cory how are the turtle eggs?
nick G
nick G - 8 years ago
Great info

50. comment for Mystery Snail Eggs! A mystery snail profile. Mystery SNails

Angelica Bergman
Angelica Bergman - 8 years ago
As soon as your blog came out on Mystery Snails a few weeks ago, I went and bought a light blue one from your store. He is my favorite thing right now! So fast we nicknamed him "Turbo". Such a great addition to my tank! Thanks for the video. Learn something new every time I watch!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Angelica Bergman Enjoy :)
swiftmarshtomp - 8 years ago
whats happening with the turtle eggs?
PineTreeLooms - 8 years ago
Okay. Thanks cory
Nirvan Gurung
Nirvan Gurung - 8 years ago
I recently bought a three gallon aquarium and was wondering what fish should I put in the tank. Any suggestions?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Possibly a betta, 3 gallons is pretty small. Not a lot of options.
NightSky TV
NightSky TV - 8 years ago
I been Putting my Mystery Snail in my tank and know what Happen Buddy it ate my Platy fish and Guppy!
PineTreeLooms - 8 years ago
Cory, I sent you a direct message on Instagram and I sent you a video of my female Molly. I sent you that video because I think she's pregnant but I'm not sure. I would love if you could watch it and tell me if she is or not. My user name is @pinetreelooms
Thanks Cory!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I don't do DM on instagram, too many accounts for me to manage the direct messages. If your female molly has ever been with a male in it's life, it is pregnant.
Fish in the Corner
Fish in the Corner - 8 years ago
How do I send you a video of my tank for your next home show?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
upload it to a file service, then email the link so I can download it at
Brooks Menard
Brooks Menard - 8 years ago
did the turtle eggs ever hatch?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Hadn't yesterday, but I didn't look at em yet today. I'll go check now.
Steenfott Aquatics
Steenfott Aquatics - 8 years ago
Picked up some good info to help out with my snails, good update
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
You getting tons of clutches yet?
Brian's Opinion/Comments
Brian's Opinion/Comments - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing...
Luke Frampton
Luke Frampton - 8 years ago
I'm pretty certain they make their shells from Carotin(?) rather than calcium - only because I've kept golden apple snails for years with many successful breeding in with my wild betta ( betta krataios at the moment ) and have never had any shell problems with the adults or newly hatched young
heatherwanderer777 - 8 years ago
Don't forget a tight lid is very important because those bugger are escape artists!!! I've found a trail of slime leading down the hallway before! Then the cat got it and dragged it to the litterbox room. I think she thought it was stinky and that's where it belonged.
Another key thing to note, if you have an escapee and even if they have been out of the water 24 hours (sometimes longer!) they will retreat inside their shell and look dead. Get a glass of aquarium water, place "dead" snail in there. Leave it alone for 12-24 hours, it should pop back out and start cruising looking for food if its still alive! I actually threw one away, researched it, realized it might still be alive and crawled into the big outside garbage can and retrieved her...put her in QT for awhile but she survived just fine and went on to lay eggs and live a happy snail life! :D
Quintin Lourens
Quintin Lourens - 8 years ago
whats the minimum tank size for them?
Quintin Lourens
Quintin Lourens - 8 years ago
Perfect. Thank you
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Quintin Lourens for a single snail, 5 gallons
Paula Samuelson
Paula Samuelson - 8 years ago
ok thanks. I haven't had this issue before. however it is a much larger tank. before they were on a 10 gal and a 20gal long. now I have a 60gal tall and a 20
gal tall. I thought perhaps it was the Angels. what do you think?
Rob Hicks Aquariums
Rob Hicks Aquariums - 8 years ago
thanks Cory i just learn more about snails than i ever even thought there was to learn about them i hope to see more vids about other kinds if snails
AqualifeTv - 8 years ago
Just caught one laying eggs and made a video :P
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Muttly One
Muttly One - 8 years ago
Cory is going to be feeding Murphy some Mystery snails. Can't wait to hear the crunch.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Shh, no one was supposed to figure that out :P
Ruthlyss Targaryen
Ruthlyss Targaryen - 8 years ago
My snails LOVE Repashy!
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 8 years ago
I love snails!
Thumbs up Cory!
Philthy Phil
Philthy Phil - 8 years ago
I had purple and white mystery snails and they ate blyxa japonica and Amazon swords like candy. but now I'm thinking I was way underfeeding them.
T.Frakes Tanks
T.Frakes Tanks - 8 years ago
how many rams horns can be in a 29 i have about 25.
T.Frakes Tanks
T.Frakes Tanks - 8 years ago
you should do an in depth video in "pest snails" i know there are some from other people but id like your opinion on snails and a break down of the major species of them. i know your a busy guy already but your two sense mean a lot to a lot of us. thanks for always giving a quick reply and putting out quality videos. thanks cory!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
LOTS, i'm not sure the limit, but a lot really.
Brock small
Brock small - 8 years ago
Great video, are you planning on doing daily videos again anytime soon? I need my daily dose
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Nothing planned currently, but you never know.
lovefisted - 8 years ago
I have about 12 of these in my aquarium and also nerites, love snails!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Fun for sure.
Tamara Simpson
Tamara Simpson - 8 years ago
I make snail Jell-O and it works great :)
Tamara Simpson
Tamara Simpson - 8 years ago
I have purple and pink mystery's, most of which I bred myself. they aren't really hard to care for, but you can't keep them with corys, they out compete the snails for food
david rios
david rios - 8 years ago
I know it's off topic but what are puffers that are none brackish and fresh water only if any ? Thanks
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Lots, mbu, fahaka, amazon, pea puffer, arrowhead, murius, congo spotted, etc.
Paula Samuelson
Paula Samuelson - 8 years ago
I am having trouble keeling them alive. I have substract for the bottom. I have coby-cats and Angles. when I had my guppies and mollies they grew like crazy, but am not having any luck now. Any ideas?.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Perhaps a food competition issue.
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 8 years ago
so i guess they breed at a snails pace......
BraydensBettas - 8 years ago
My mystery snail has a shell size of like 2 inches
Langii - 8 years ago
Wow! That's a big snail! The largest snail that I had was 1 inch lol
Happy TheCat
Happy TheCat - 8 years ago
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 8 years ago
Just got my plants and sponge. The plants are great, I live bananas. How long can I leave in there pots?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
It's best to plant them but technically they could stay in there forever.
Dan Wilcox
Dan Wilcox - 8 years ago
Excellent information for those interested in snails. Thank you!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Nice species profile. I think the part you said was their sex organ is actually the lung (breathing tube) when they need more oxygen they stick it high in the air. They usual do this when there is too little oxygen or rotting waste in their environment.Their sex organs are much further into the body and you have to wait for them to move a certain way to be able to see it.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
That could be, from my research I was able to see it explained both ways.
Leam D
Leam D - 8 years ago
I've been breeding them for a couple years. In my experience they are not plant safe and love to eat certain plants like swords and anything leafy. They are very difficult to keep up with regarding feeding and water changes.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I haven't had problems with leafy plants myself yet.
MinorSwing82 - 8 years ago
put duck weid they love it to eat :)
OrisueCrew - 8 years ago
Those egg sacks look nasty. Cory, I am addicted to your videos haha.
christian yraheta
christian yraheta - 8 years ago
I like how the snails fall like it doesn't phase them
SuperFlojoGuy - 8 years ago
Hello Cory,
Do you know if Ramshorn Snails go into a food coma or do you know if they sleep? I've been keeping rams for some time but I've never really noticed them just laying on their sides looking dead.
Are they dead or dying? They are not empty shells. They are not all doing that. They aren't attached to anything. Their shells don't look damaged or eroded. I have checked my water parameters with the same strips that you use and it says everything should be good. PH ~7, TDS~350, etc everything looks correct with the strips you use normally. My tank is planned, has guppies, cherry shrimp, pond snails, mts, a bristlenose pleco, and of course Ramshorn snails. Substrate is turface. 24/7 Finnex light on 24/7 mode.
Any help or advice would help.
Also thanks for the generous giveaway. I was a lucky $25 gift card winner and I already used it to buy some stuff from your site.
SuperFlojoGuy - 8 years ago
Ok thanks!
I'll try feeding more often.

I can't wait until you start your 75gal profit tank.

I bought one too when you announced the awesome sale.

I am going to switch my current 55gal I have now, that you just helped me with, to the 75gal to try and profit from it too.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
It can be common that hungry guppies can get nippy on their "feelers" so sometimes they hold up in their shell with what would be an otherwise optimal environment.
SuperFlojoGuy - 8 years ago
Fancy Guppies
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Do you have fish in the tank besides a bristlenose or is that it? Sometimes they get harassed and hold up in their shells.
M. Yates
M. Yates - 8 years ago
Not to be rude Corey, but what you are calling their reproductive organ is actually the breathing tube that both males and females have. In order to sex them you must turn them upside down and wait until they try to come out to turn right side up (I used to use an empty egg carton to hold them in upside down as it can take a while for them to do so and will go back in if moved). When they are out of their shell enough you will then see this thick (hard to explain it without showing pictures) membrane that is on one side (males are either lefty or righty). But you can only see it when t hey are partly out of their shell. The tube you are showing is the air tube that they send up above the water line for air, not their reproductive organ. I bred and studied them as I was working with the different purple colors.. Love the video :)
On a side note as I've seen people talking about it - Mystery snails are not Apple snails. In the same family that is really large with all different types, but they are not the same snails. Mystery snails are not Apple snails. Mystery snails are legal in the different countries, Apples are not legal in all.
Chemeleon15 - 7 years ago
their air siphon is always on their left side and the penis sheath is on the opposite (right) side of the shell
M. Yates
M. Yates - 8 years ago
I didn't want to say anything, but didn't want people to buy them thinking all males and end up with babies lol :)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I believe you're correct about the breeding tube. I've seen the tube being referred to as an organ etc. I was aware they were breathing air etc.
Donald Gantz
Donald Gantz - 8 years ago
I would like to add that they breath air. I've had them get themselves wedge in between a filter intake or a fixed sponge filter and drown.
Laura - 8 years ago
Great vid man. I love me some mystery snails
Anna Hammarlund
Anna Hammarlund - 8 years ago
That's Apple snails (Pomacea Diffusa) beautiful snail <3 You shouldn't ceep the 2 colours together, they will breed out and go back to the "boring" brown colour...
Perth Cichlids
Perth Cichlids - 8 years ago
Hey Corey,just picked up about 50 babies,how old/what size are the before they start to breed and Can I add cuttlefish I collect from the beach for them to munch on?
M. Yates
M. Yates - 8 years ago
About quarter size they will start to breed.. and I have had no problem using cuttlebone with mine, but I purchase mine, unsure about off the beach - I'd be afraid of contaminants such as bacteria and waste.
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 8 years ago
When I first started, I had mystery snails
XwerewolfX - 8 years ago
They eat crypts, some swords plants, and java moss.
XwerewolfX - 8 years ago
Mine chew on some crypt wendtii bronze leaves, red swords, and eat some java moss. Mostly the albinos and blue mysteries snails
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I've kept them with crypts for years before and not had that problem personally.
Tessa Shining
Tessa Shining - 8 years ago
when will you have mystery snails for sale? will you be able to request which gender when purchasing?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
We have them for sale in the retail store. No current plans to sell them online.
Cole Schramm
Cole Schramm - 8 years ago
Perfect timing. We're getting ready to set up a 20 gallon long to start a breeding colony of mystery snails.
matthew garza
matthew garza - 8 years ago
corey do you have any tanks your not using?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Probably 40 or so at the moment.
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 8 years ago
Know these as Apple Snails more here in UK - though recently just because illegal to trade / import them here.
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 8 years ago
In the UK these would be classed as Apple snails, and the trade, import or sale would be illegal. Whether the people enforcing that law would be clued up enough to go into this as much as we have, I'm not sure! I'm not sure enough to argue the point either! I'm going to file it under "Not quite sure!"
M. Yates
M. Yates - 8 years ago
+Discus Newbie
I am not scientific at all, so it gets very confusing to me lol. But Mystery snails one is able to mail across state lines and sell in the stores, but Apples are against the law to mail across state lines.
M. Yates
M. Yates - 8 years ago
Apples get to be baseball size, Mysteries stay 2". They are in the same superfamily, I suppose it can be called Apples? But there are other snails in there as well. It is very confusing... lol I feel like it's just one of those things where people got lazy and things just meshed together to the point it's blended and hard to get accurate information.
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 8 years ago
Not to be pedantic, but aren't anything Ampullariidae called Apple Snails? Therefore Mystery snails are a form of apple snail? Maybe this is a naming convention thing?
M. Yates
M. Yates - 8 years ago
I get what you are saying.. they are in the same superfamily, but are still not the same. Ampullariidae which is put into different genera - Asolene, Felipponea, Marisa, and Pomacea. Mysteries are in the Pomacea - Pomacea Bridgesii to be exact for the scientific name for Mystery Snails.
Ampullarioidea is the Superfamily of all - where the "all Mysteries are Apples" comes in. Same superfamily, but not same snail. The "Apple" that is the true Apple gets to be about baseball size, whereas the Mystery gets to be about 2 inches.
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 8 years ago
M. Yates I disagree. Mystery snails are apple snails. All mystery snails are apple snails but not all apple snails are mystery snails.
I'm prepared to be re-educated if you can tell me the scientific name of mystery snails?
M. Yates
M. Yates - 8 years ago
Apple and Mystery snails are two different types of snails. Look similar, but completely different.
Ron Griese
Ron Griese - 8 years ago
apparently there are 2 types of which one will eat plants. just my luck to have plants eaters
Ron Griese
Ron Griese - 8 years ago
I feed my zucchini and drop in a cuddle bone for calcium: however after that they started to devour my plants. other people I gave them to had the same problem. plant eaters.

100. comment for Mystery Snail Eggs! A mystery snail profile. Mystery SNails

kharmoniet - 8 years ago
how do you raise your ph?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I typically use crushed coral to do it.
Thomas Petersen
Thomas Petersen - 8 years ago
Well, these are now illegal to sell and trasnport in the EU area ;(
Kieran williams-Denton
Kieran williams-Denton - 8 years ago
Can you use calcium blokes to increase the calcium or even a UVB bulb to help there shells
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
You can use calcium blocks for sure, I've never researched into UVB uptake via a snail shell.
Michael Hoffman
Michael Hoffman - 8 years ago
I've got some mystery snail eggs waiting to hatch too! Looking forward to seeing your updates.
Kinion Sober
Kinion Sober - 8 years ago
I love snails!!! ❤
Auzzie - 8 years ago
What is so good about mystery snails?
And why are they called mystery snails?
rurutu M
rurutu M - 8 years ago
just another type of snail that are for algae control. people like variety, these are just bigger and looks cool on the glass.
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 8 years ago
Thank you my friend ,That Endler in your picture is gorgeous!
Auzzie - 8 years ago
Marks Shrimp Tanks I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS:)))))
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 8 years ago
Its a mystery lol
meanimanni - 8 years ago
what is the name of that grass-like plants you have in the tank?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Dwarf Sagittaria.
esmeevogels1990 - 8 years ago
I thought snails could change sex. with a lot of snails all the snails are male and when they mate the one that gets 'poked' first turns in to a female :-p weird but fun.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
they don't change their sex.most snails are hermaphrodites meaning they have both parts.
Fish Guy
Fish Guy - 8 years ago
meanimanni - 8 years ago
great info very cool
Omar Osbourne
Omar Osbourne - 8 years ago
Hi ...I want to do a planted 40gallon ......I bought a 30 watt bulb ......and I'm doing liquid carbon I hope that works .
What fish would go well with livebearers ....I like blue rams ....but include clean up fish as well....I live in barbados
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Corydoras tend to do well. I would recommend a fertilizer that has nitrogen, and potassium etc in it as well.
V. Stag
V. Stag - 8 years ago
awesome info thanks for sharing
Kathy Lynn Maracle
Kathy Lynn Maracle - 8 years ago
OK Mystery/Apple snails - SO CUTE :)
Keep your tanks well covered - they love to explore, we find ours wandering outside the tanks, just plop them back in they are insanely hardy. With a starting population of 4 we have produced hundreds in 1.5 years. White, gold, blue, purple, red striped, they are lovely.
A terrific food for these guys is turtle pellets - full of minerals they need for shell growth/maintenance. The floating pellets are also hilarious - the snails will chase them around, engulf them and then sink to the bottom to nibble the pellets ^_^
Rockitty Lima
Rockitty Lima - 7 years ago
how old are they before they breed? I've got 9
Chemeleon15 - 7 years ago
if you find it outside the tank, it's a female looking for a place to lay eggs. she just went too far, couldn't find the water line and fell.
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 8 years ago
Will the snail eat the plants?
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 8 years ago
Brianna Harter thanks
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 8 years ago
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
pomacea bridgesii doesn't eat plants and is the most common species sold under the name mystery snail.but some places also sell other species under the name mystery snail like pomacea canaliculata that do eat plants.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I personally haven't had problems with this, but other people are reporting they've had problems.
Ricardo Ortiz
Ricardo Ortiz - 8 years ago
Hey Cory, I've always considered getting apple/mystery snails but will they eat plants? or just dead leaves like other small snails? Thanks
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
In my personal experience they've only eaten decaying plants. That being said, I haven't kept mystery snails as much as say my guppies etc.
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 8 years ago
So are Mystery Snails Apple Snails ?
ShortNanxious - 7 years ago
Marks Shrimp Tanks, right!?! ... that confuses me too!!
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 7 years ago
Thank you for the answer Ash :)
Ash - 7 years ago
Mystery snails are Pomacea diffusa
AILING CHEN - 8 years ago
Mystery Snails ARE apple snails. They're all in the family Ampullariidae (apple snails). The ones you're thinking of are in the genus Pomacea. Theres multiple species that are easily mistaken for one another. The group of species invading Florida are pomacea canaliculata aka the channeled mystery snail (the variety that make people associate apple snails with live plant eating). There's also a species of apple snail native to Florida. The species of snails that comes in the large variety of colors are pomacea bridgessi/diffusa(very minor differences practically the same).
There are other apple snails in the genus Pomacea but it's very unlikely you'll find one for sale.

TLDR: common names cause confusion, scientific names are more precise
XwerewolfX - 8 years ago
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 8 years ago
Ah thanks for clearing that up :)
XwerewolfX - 8 years ago
They are the same species but they have different breeds. Just like in the video it shows blue and yellow there are more color options.
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 8 years ago
Oh ,thanks i will google it and see:)
RIP PROOF - 8 years ago
I think someone released snails in spain or some hotter country and they decided to ban it
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 8 years ago
Hello Rip ,I have no idea to be honest would be weird if they were though because it gets super cold here in the winter and they wouldn't survive outside ..I will have to go to the local pet store and see if they have them :)
RIP PROOF - 8 years ago
You live in Norway right? Do you know if they are legal there? Its illegal to sell them in Sweden
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 8 years ago
Cheers Tyler :)
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 8 years ago
ah so these are the one that lay the eggs in clusters out of the water right ? big eggs .
K Dragon
K Dragon - 8 years ago
Marks Shrimp Tanks , yes they are.
Tyler_ - 8 years ago
Marks Shrimp Tanks I believe so
Lynczi - 8 years ago
Good morning Everyone
birdking12 - 8 years ago
when will the turtles eggs hatch ?
birdking12 - 8 years ago
ow oke lets hope they are fertile
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Checked on them this morning. Nothing yet, could be they weren't fertile.
Thomas keider
Thomas keider - 8 years ago
My mystery snails love repashy!
ramming_robbo - 8 years ago
hey corey i had 1 golden snail it layed 15 plus clutches over 12 months and there was only one because i gave them to my friend for his tanks so there was just one snail and my uncle and local fish say they breed by there selves
M. Yates
M. Yates - 8 years ago
Female Mystery snails can hold onto multiple sperm pockets for over a year after breeding only once. It's like livebearer females, just takes one time and they will lay over and over for a long time
ramming_robbo - 8 years ago
hey corey how are the turtle eggs?
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 8 years ago
I was wondering this myself .
Connor Winfield
Connor Winfield - 8 years ago

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