NEW FISH for the Discus Tank! // Unboxing & Discus Update
Discus 7 years ago 147,027 views
Help support my fish room rebuild ► I realized that you guys haven't had an update on my new discus in three months... can that possibly be right?! WOW, time flies! In this video, you'll find out how I overcame their initial shyness, what changes I have made to the tank, what their favorite food is, and what new fish I have in quarantine right now to eventually add to the discus tank! p.s. I usually upload on Fridays and Tuesdays. This was meant to be a Tuesday video, but ended up being a bit late... sorry! ;) p.p.s. I hope my explanation of YouTube's so-called "adpocalypse" doesn't sound like complaining because that wasn't my intention at all! I just know that a lot of you guys probably don't know about what's happening in the nitty-gritty of the YouTube creator universe and wanted to explain it a little bit. :) NEW VIDEOS ON FRIDAYS (and sometimes Tuesdays too) Subscribe ► Website ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► solidgoldaqua Twitter ► Become a Solid Gold Member! ►
Link if you'd like to help support my fish room rebuild ►
Bristle-nose do not get that big.
U should add some plants for the them to use
Yeah she should make guppy videos
About 2 years ago (when I was 11)
I got my first goldfish
I didn't know nothing
About goldfish
It was 2 commits in quarter gallon tank
It was just tap water
Fish tank: made of plastic
No filter
And just flake food they lived for 2 days because I murdered them by feeding the over 30 flakes
Then I got a 5 gallon with 3 commits
I set it up at night
And the next morning we went to pet store and got fish
Then a month later I saw your videos but my parents said it's stupid and fake
I kept begging them for about a year then we went to the store and got a ten gallon I knew it wasn't enough but it was all we could get.
3 month later we bought a 40 gallon
All my fish died and we got knew ones
Then they died again
(Remember I watched all your videos)
And then we got a fantail and a red cap oranda there still small but there growing they are so cute
But we still haven't set up the 40 gallon. It's been there for almost a year
We might set it up this month
Or next month
My dad said the cycling the aquarium thing is just a myth there's already bacteria in the "filter"
But this time we will cycle it
1. Red cap oranda fantail
3.butterfly telescope
And make a video about it
10. comment for NEW FISH for the Discus Tank! // Unboxing & Discus Update
20. comment for NEW FISH for the Discus Tank! // Unboxing & Discus Update
30. comment for NEW FISH for the Discus Tank! // Unboxing & Discus Update
This could be one affected by a drop in alkalinity. Although they come from soft water a little bit of calcium rich rock can inhibit alkalinity drop.
In my past communities dither fish worked well. I used widow tetras.
50. comment for NEW FISH for the Discus Tank! // Unboxing & Discus Update
Thank you!
and how big is your tank ?
Thank you!!
100. comment for NEW FISH for the Discus Tank! // Unboxing & Discus Update
And Joey also told you day one, that having the huge driftwood makes Discus feel obligated to hide behind it.
Ps. Will donate,hugs
is your tank a 29 tall?
PS: Love from Spain!
Ps: I love your channel!
I have an orange veil tail Betta and I just recently added 2 ivory mystery snails to his 5 and a half gallon tank. :)
Also, good luck with the spider wood.... It's a love hate relationship with mine. I love its look, but it's so moldy! I had it since March, and I still need to clean it once a week with a toothbrush and hydrogen peroxyde. It shoots long stringy mold everywhere, and I had to throw away all my moss that was on it (2 Tropica 1-2-Grow), because the mold went into them, and caused stagnation and blue-green algae. Also, all the small wood strings rotted and broke down since.
Was wondering if you have a video about tank cycling? I've been doing some research on it and trying to make sense of all the information out there. It's an overload of info.
hope you answers me
Love the direction your going with the discus tank. 1 word of advice would be to either get a school of smaller tetras or get 10 more blk phantoms. They will get very fin nippy if kept in small schools.
Great update, sorry YouTube is killing all you guys with the ad rev issues. Like Google doesn't make enough money on its own. GAH! Keep the vids coming.
Good choice <3!
For this kind of fish (their category).. I often like the males better
But I guess its fine for you.. since goIdfish does the same and you are used to.. what they do
I never got them to eat pellets. It was always frozen food or frozen blood worms and I had a bad habit feeding them live blood worms. Feed them live blood worms and your discus will love you forever! Well until you don't do waters changes on time!
Your discus are beatiful!
your new fish is so pretty i love plecos! good luck with rebuilding your fishroom! :D
So what can you do, right?
i have a feeling he is gonna leave me soon but at least i gave it my best !
lol I can imagine the other fish praising the photo and bringing it food
Thanks for the upload!