Neon Tetra Care - Dying Issue? Tank Mates?
Discus 7 years ago 932 views - These are the flakes I feed my neon tetras. They’re high quality and really bring out the colors in the fish. Omega One Tropical Flakes: Taking care of neon tetra fish. WHen you feed them use a syringe to suck them up and give them a min to settle to the bottom of it then put it right above the parent and slowly blast them so the bbs goes all around the parents. You’ll see the fry turn and eat them but they won’t go far from the parent to eat them till around 7 days. That sound like a more reasonable price. Not all farmers have crazy high prices but alot of them out their do and it gives discus keeping a bad name. I have discus and it's from hans. Paid 250 for them but it was a special. I don’t think they are in the business of making money on shipping. Overnight guaranteed is expensive for a box full of water. Yes it seems pricey for one fish but who really orders just one? Most people maximize their orders because of the shipping cost or use pages like this to coordinate orders and share shipping costs. Be careful with baby brine shrimp if not eaten they will foul the tank really fast a make a noticeable stink. If they are attached to the parents there is 0 need to feed baby brine shrimp. It's a nice addition but it is not needed. You only need to put a tiny bit of bbs with an eye dropper next to the parents until the baby fully learn to eat it. Then they can eat quite a bit. Neon tetra care. PS that is a ton of bbs in that glass! Try making smaller batches. The newly hatched babies are very nutritious but after a couple days they eat their yolk sac and are not as nutritious anymore. Thanks Kenny! I didn't put very much in the tank for them. My shrimp hatchery valve came off when trying to get a little out and all the shrimp came out, lol. I also did a quarter of the recommended amount of eggs and it made way too much for sure. Now I'm doing my daily water change and getting left overs out. Fun stuff! Learning process for sure. The singing in the background was cracking me up! I just use an old peanut butter jar and an airstone. Suck up about a foot in a piece of airline tube and then dump it in the baby tank salt water and all. But that's up to you some people think it's very important to rinse the brine shrimp in fresh water... Me not so much ;) Since they are with parents...unless you want parents to spawn again...bbs not needed...And never use too first..after they start to munch bibs like Pac man Eaton dots....their little bellies will turn color..Looks like you got good parents. Take some of the clove oil and some of the water from the fish tank and put them in a bottle put the lid on and shake it vigorously till the oil mixture and water is milky white. Then slowly pour it into the container with the fish do not ever add to your tank. The Fishes swim around frantically and go nuts for a few seconds and then slowly stop and fall asleep then you can add a lethal dose and watch the fish for 20 to 25 minutes. When it stops moving completely and there are no Gill movements for five minutes you are good. I have a dedicated clove bucket. I add some tank water, put in a few drops and swirl it around. Then I add the fish and cover the top w/ a towel. Check at 30 minutes. Also be careful with the oil, it can get on ur hands etc and stink for days if u handle it too much. My $0.02. ok i have a question for the group-just tested my hardness and my gh only took 2 drops to change color, and the kh only took one. i have seachem replenish, which came with my 150. is there any benefit to raising it slightly? For what reason? Only reason to raise General or carbonate hardness is for plants, inverts, or discus eggs/fry. You're better with stable water conditions than riding the roller coaster of trying to get it absolutely perfect. Neon tetra care Neon tetra dying
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