New Gourami's!
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dwarf gourami and the iron gourami
it took him about three vigorous tries on her to get the eggs out, I think she was just so full of them.
I do have a couple of videos on my channel of the process.
Maybe she is naturally big bellied but cannot produce the eggs so the male sees her as a "pest" and the other female also? there whole aim to reproduce so they could possibly think she's a nuisance if she can't produce?
I'm absolutely no expert with gourami though
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The super pale color was the only reason I actually saw him in the dark tank, looked dead. I saw it moving a bit and I decided to buy it, didn't even put up a fight being caught. They charged me $7 for it!!! And my receipt read Misc. fish since they didn't even know the species/type. I really didn't think he was going to make it, he laid on his side for about 2 weeks.So fortunately he did make it,and he's still alive turned out to be a pearl Gaurami and his colors really pop now, :D
because the thin bodied ones are much faster and will eat all the food before the slower ones can get any
but if you are intent on 55
I would keep tetras or platys first because of how easy they are
in a 55g a school of corydoras would be perfect just get the same species as they wont school with other ones
whatever you do do not start with cichlids
sharks get massive
almost too big for even a 55g you would be dealing with a fish as large as your forearm
so....please give me some remedy for this disease
They told me to use Melifix for ich lol and the girl said she used to breed guppies for 5 years
Keep em comming :)
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