No Maintenence Tank -FAIL- Aquarium Algae Mess Causes LIVE
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NO MAINTENANCE Tank FAIL- Yep, I am not afraid to do a little Maintenance on the No Maintenance tank....We have a little algae. It happens. In this video I talk about how I am battling algae in this aquarium. Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: No Maintenance Tank. So TODAY I wanna bring you LIVE inside of the no maintenance tank inside my wife’s pediatric clinic. As you can see the plan here has FAILED, Oh well. It’s not the first tank I have had to redo and it certainly won’t be the last. So let’s unpack how we got here. Well the first thing in LIGHTING. Yes—We have way too much light going on in here. But it isn’t one factor alone and I actually am working on another Algae video for you all but for today we are just going to focus on the tank here. Too much light AND TOO MANY FISH, Simple enough. Now luckly, this tank has the stringy kind of algae that is pretty easy to move. It is also equipment with the almightly FX4 from out friends at fluval. The fish load it pretty high. The other thing that I simply don’t have control of is how much food goes into this bad boy. So we have essentially two unknown variables. Could be WAY too much food. Could be way too much light. Here is another thing that is missing. NOT ENOUGH PLANTS. NO Sir. No Maam. Not enough plants to take up the excess nutrient. This sucks for me as I really like the way that the scape is kinda Baren and while the Buce is loose and is pretty killer. It’s not growing fast enough. But I have a plant that will help this out, actually a few of them….. Hornwort, Number ONE and You know CASH Rules everything around me, you know Crinum Rules everything around me too… Why not let some goodness flow with the CRINUM THAINUM Baby. Quick back Story on this Plant. It’s not Sunday but I’ll bring ya a little Species Action. Crinum Thianum Fish Tank People Social Community
10. comment for No Maintenence Tank -FAIL- Aquarium Algae Mess Causes LIVE
after your done with the algae you should clean up the wires underneath the tank lol .
good luck
Gonna lay a mini rant on ya - what's up with this "HYDROGEN PEROXIDE" fairy-tale ???.
Not pointing any fingers (not at you, anyway) as I recognize a fellow snail lover... :-)
but I saw like 4 or 5 vid's stating that I should use a spray of HP to attack the kind of "Hair" algy you have there in that tank.
I started off with a hand full of my premo Ivory Apple snails in a tank with a run-away algy thing goin', but they just couldn't keep up. (My first dirted, BTW)
SO, on the recommendation of said vid's, I did a partial to drop the water level, and did a minor spray - like 4.5 ml in a 18gal. bowfront with a tiny pump type sprayer.
First off, my apples started totally chowin' down on the algy - for like 2 hours... before they all sucked back into their shells, fell off what they were hanging onto, sank to the bottom, and died. Killed off the algy sure enough - but crap!!!
The videos assured this particular snail wrangler that, " ...look, see that? That fish just swam right through that blast of HP!!! That proves it really does just break down into hydrogen and water..." I wonder how long his fish survived?
OK, now - here's the twisted part - not one of the damned pond snails in that tank even slowed down. Why in hell would it kill of over a dozen apples and not touch the pond snails? Other way around I probably would have been pleased! Of course the pond snails weren't EATING the algy... ya-I just answered my own question right?
20. comment for No Maintenence Tank -FAIL- Aquarium Algae Mess Causes LIVE
last month
30. comment for No Maintenence Tank -FAIL- Aquarium Algae Mess Causes LIVE
Your blocking with the duck weed the direct light only slowing down the good plant growth. Algee using all light coming from the sides to bloom.
The good plants are not growing because they are not getting enough direct light for them to grow fast.
50. comment for No Maintenence Tank -FAIL- Aquarium Algae Mess Causes LIVE