Pari Aquarium Fish Shop at Kurla Fish Market
Discus 5 years ago 13,545 views
Pari Aquarium Fish Shop at Kurla Fish Market Watch the aquarium fish stock of pari aquarium fish shop located at Kurla Fish Market. The pari aquarium fish shop of kurla deals in wholesale and retail of aquarium fish. Pari aquarium deals in freshwater fish and other aquarium fish varieties. Due to issues faced by the fish shop keepers related to fish price being mentioned in the video, the fish prices would be disclosed only to the genuine buyers who calls the seller. Pari aquarium fish shop delivers aquarium fish to all over india provided if the buyer fulfills the delivery amount. Address : Nehru Nagar, S.G. Barve Marg, Kurla East, Mumbai. Contact No. 9892006736 The aquarium fish covered Silver arowana fish Giant gourami fish Silver gourami fish Zebra fish Guppy fish Oscar fish Tiger oscar fish Fire oscar fish Copper oscar fish Albino oscar fish Albino flowerhorn fish Pearl flowerhorn fish Severum fish Rainbow shark fish Red tail shark fish Trangelin fish Golden pearl arowana fish Danisoni fish Neon rainbow tetra fish Black ghost fish Panda cory fish Sturvy cory fish Clown loach fish Mono angel fish Mono sebae fish Silver dollar fish Diamond angel fish Gold fish Shubunkin gold fish Oranda gold fish Koi fish Betta fish Half moon betta fish Discus fish Red panda discus fish Red melon discus fish Yellow melon discus fish Turquoise discus fish Blue diamond discus fish Red map discus fish Parrot fish Red parrot fish Yellow parrot fish Tattoed parrot fish Cichlid fish Tinfoil barb fish Red severum fish Yellow severum fish Shark fish Super red dragon flowerhorn fish
10. comment for Pari Aquarium Fish Shop at Kurla Fish Market
20. comment for Pari Aquarium Fish Shop at Kurla Fish Market
Feeding gold fish kitney tak aatta hai wholesale rate ????
30. comment for Pari Aquarium Fish Shop at Kurla Fish Market