Plant Question and 1st Water Change on the Discus Tank

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Plant Question and 1st Water Change on the Discus Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

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Most popular comments
for Plant Question and 1st Water Change on the Discus Tank

Shaun's Fish Tanks
Shaun's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
I feel sorry for you with all that stuffin abt with your water. My tap is ph 7 and KH 1 GH 5,,,, my discus are coming soon.
luan nguyen
luan nguyen - 7 years ago
How do you avoid stressing your discus?
Sam Mc
Sam Mc - 8 years ago
how many discus du you have in your tank... i have 23
Jorge Mireles
Jorge Mireles - 8 years ago
Plants need CO2 to thrive
Hyuna A
Hyuna A - 7 years ago
Jorge Mireles lol depends on what plants u have
Mr Hyde
Mr Hyde - 9 years ago
Nice video man. Hope you have luck with the plants. My discus tank with temp at 30deg cel. No plants grow .the leave just burn up and they die
J Dot Tee
J Dot Tee - 8 years ago
Quinton quinton some plants seem to grow at 30. But yeah most do just die.
Jose Guzman
Jose Guzman - 9 years ago
What lights do u have on the tank
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
just use peat granules to lower the ph
paitton71 - 10 years ago
Thank you for your videos on your discus set up i am a beginner also & lost one of my turquoise discus & am nervous bout getting more. I hate losing fish. I have low tech plants amazon swords & anubas on my driftwood i like the tennis effect plus am getting ready to invest in finnex lighting. I dont have problems with ammonia, nitrite or nitrates, but with ph. My ph is at 7.6 and high range ph is at 8.0. Even with peat moss beads & driftwood. The discus i brought at the pet store are in 7.6 & 7.4 ph. I'd like to get mine down to 7.4 or 7.2. But having trouble getting there naturally. Any advise would be appreciated help please! I really want to stabilize this soi can keep these beautiful fish. Don't know much about chemicals but am willing to learn. Thanks
Kevin Stecho
Kevin Stecho - 10 years ago
ive heard alot of people say not to worry too much about higher PH' long as its regulated (no spikes).  the fish will get used to it.  alot of times you buy fish from fish stores who have very high PH, and dont take the time or expense to lower their city water for their numerous tanks.    no, you wont get breeding, but most tank bred fish should be fine in high PH situations.

10. comment for Plant Question and 1st Water Change on the Discus Tank

Ricardo Gutierrez
Ricardo Gutierrez - 10 years ago
So the brown on the plants is from melting like any other plant would when they go to a new tank another thing as well is the lack of potash sand does not help plants grow and it's really hard for water to filter through and carry ammonia and stuff to the roots of the plants providing some nutrients for them
Braud d
Braud d - 10 years ago
in the end your tank water is still means there is no flow of water and the water is clean so which filter you are using ?
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
I was using a marineland C530 Canister filter when I had this tank set up
McCripz - 10 years ago
8 hours max fore light a day.. And i suggest a iron ferteliser and C02 from a bottle can also be use full. Then you dont have to buy a expensive Co2 Set.. 
NarutoFan9059 - 10 years ago
whats the intro music from?
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
It's called Cloud Connected by In Flames
Money - 10 years ago
funny how much you have mastered discus and planted tanks since this vid lol
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
thanks man!  Yeah, I've learned a lot in the past year and a half
Susan Kinsella
Susan Kinsella - 11 years ago
thoes lake stones have heavy minerals that will keep your ph up
Born Afain
Born Afain - 11 years ago
By this time those poor swords are probably toast.  I rec going to the planted tank forums if you still have interest in keeping aquatic plants. You certainly have some beautiful and healthy looking discus, and obviously don't mind a little tank maintenance.  Glad to hear you upgraded to T5's, they should make a big difference...especially if you got a 4-bulb or bigger fixture.  Now you just need some CO2 and you should be on your way to growing a jungle.  In my book no tank (saltwater or otherwise) rivals the beauty of a planted discus tank.  They are simply stunning.  Plants will help soften your hard water by taking up minerals, and will also help neutralize ammonia.  In fact, a lot of the buffers you were using can go right in the trash once you have some nice greenery in your tank.  You might just find your tap water supplied sufficient nutrients to your plants to void having to ever use fertilizers.  
Darren Arnett
Darren Arnett - 11 years ago
my bad old video. lol sorry
Darren Arnett
Darren Arnett - 11 years ago
root tabs made mine grow better than anything. prob in shock from the transplant. id keep eye out for new growth and see how it goes for a lil while. just mo.
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Thanks man, but sometimes I wish I still had a simple scape like this

20. comment for Plant Question and 1st Water Change on the Discus Tank

Tom's Fish Tanks
Tom's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Your Discus tanks have come a long way since you shot this vid.
Matthew Owen
Matthew Owen - 11 years ago
And when I got it at first it turned all brown and I was too lazy to take it out bc I thought It was dead and I just left it in there and I guess it came back to life
Matthew Owen
Matthew Owen - 11 years ago
I have one amazon sword plant that I've been able to keep with african cichlids for about a year now and have no idea how to care for plants and it grew from 4 to about 8 in tall now
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Yes, I add Seachem's Prime also.
The2basic - 11 years ago
Watched all your vids on discuss and plants. Great stuff!!! I'm just getting into both myself. :) Just wondering when you did your water change did you add chlorine removers? I saw the other stuff for nutrients but didnt see any for chlorine. thanks. Keep up the great vids
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
OK, thanks.
cyberaquarist - 12 years ago
The buffers that dahlyvh are using "does not harm plants". The acid buffer precipitates calcium and magnesium. It also turns KH into available CO2 for the plants. Yes CO2 injection lowers pH and is the best thing to grow plants, but it isn't necessary for a well balanced aquarium between fish and plants. Unless using high light 2.5 to 3 wpg, CO2 injection isn't essential. With 1 to 1.5 wpg, a quality nutrient rich substrate, a light planting, and a sufficient fish load, the plants will do well.
Dave Pitt
Dave Pitt - 12 years ago
most buffers that are used aren't plant friendly, i don't know about the ones your using but that could be your problem. also CO2 isn't really needed with so few plants but it will lower your ph, but you will need to start testing your oxygen levels. alot of plecos and other fish need oxygen rich water. if it is your buffers doing the damage, us peat in a filter this will bring it down and a product like Tetra Aqua Blackwater Extract or PURA Amazon Media might help but i have never used them
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
Thanks for the info!
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago

30. comment for Plant Question and 1st Water Change on the Discus Tank

MaryNMize - 12 years ago
And btw (got cut off), beautiful tank! My dream tank is an amazon biotope with discus and rummies. Its looking great. =)
MaryNMize - 12 years ago
Im honestly a plant noob as well. I bought two huge amazon swords about 2 weeks ago and the only substrate I have is sand. The sand is about 2 inches deep in its highest places (i plan to buy another bag and 2 bags of flourite). My swords were always kind of yellow and had pin sized holes, did some research, and ended up with seachem root tabs. My plants are already greener and the tabs dont buffer ph. I would give them some time to grow and let those roots get some nutrients so they can grow.
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
I got a T5 light on the way now, so that should help me.
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
I didn't realize Co2 lowers the PH. Good to know. What ferts do you use? I know I've heard you talk about dry ferts before. Do you use any of the Seachem products? As far as discus care, there are alot of opinions out there. For me, I'm just keeping my PH at 7.0 and doing 30% water changes per week. Nothing else. No RO water, no other chemicals (except Acid Buffer and Neutral Regulator for the PH). Thanks again for your help. Your planted tank shows you know what you are doing!
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
Thanks man! Yeah, I'm thinking about C02 down the road, just not yet. Funds are low after buying the discus. I know I was burying the plants too deep and have resolved that now. I think I will have to learn to be patient until I get the plant thing right. As far as chemicals, I'm only using acid buffer and neutral regulator to lower the PH down to 7.0. I've also got better lighting on the way, so that should help me there too. Thanks for your suggestions, I know you know your stuff!
Randy H
Randy H - 12 years ago
Exposed roots I personally don't like, fish can nip on them, and they arnt getting full nutrients.
Randy H
Randy H - 12 years ago
Cimbomba. Also I recommend you invest on a T5 light. For the depth of the tank get a higher powers one and maybe get some iron or excel from florite aswell. It helps out alot.
Randy H
Randy H - 12 years ago
Randy H
Randy H - 12 years ago
Plants usally melt. I don't like melon swords or cinbomba
Andrew Curnow
Andrew Curnow - 12 years ago
Pick off the dead leaves and then with the new growth will shoot right up good luck with the plants!
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
Tristan J
Tristan J - 12 years ago
i agree with csolo541,also leave the decaying leaves in the tank for about a day then take them out because they can up the nitrites but will alo lower your ph for the discus ;)
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
I'll try and that sometime.
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
Thanks Tim!
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
Someday I'll get one
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
RODI system is not in the cards right now, but maybe someday
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
Thanks Mr H. Yeah, an RODI unit is not in the cards right now, but maybe down the road.

50. comment for Plant Question and 1st Water Change on the Discus Tank

MrHoney2U - 12 years ago
just trim back the dead or dying leaves and follow cyberaquarist advice. that dude knows his stuff. If your not gonna inject co2 stick with the low light plants. If anyone ever needed a RODI unit its you.
DiscusMagic - 12 years ago
Maybe get a little ro unit, will pay for itself in the long run, no more buying buffer etc, just mix it with your tap water to get the correct ph.
Fish4Life340 - 12 years ago
Go on aquatraders and look at there fixtures. They have planted fixtures.
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 12 years ago
Good job with swords, pulling rizhome up
csolo541 - 12 years ago
Yeah the melting is because the old leaves were used to different conditions, when the new leaves come up they will be adjusted to the new conditions.
cyberaquarist - 12 years ago
The cheapest route would be to add another single lamp T-8 fixture. That would put you at 96 watts just over 1 watt per gallon. Or you could add another twin lamp T-8 fixture putting you at 128 watts for 1.25 watts per gallon. It all depends on how heavily you want to plant and what type of plants you use. The Cobomba is a high light demanding plant and really needs @ 3 wpg. Anubias, Cryptocornes, Java Moss, and Java Ferns are low light plants and will do well with less than 1 wpg.
cyberaquarist - 12 years ago
The 32w 8,000k T8 is fine, but the 20,000k isn't good for plant growth. I would keep the one and replace the other with the same bulb. Then if you can swing it, I would add another fixture with one more 32w 8,000k. I know you were looking at T-5 fixtures. Was that for the African tank or the Discus tank? If you decided to go with the T-5, the 48" dual lamp fixture used two 54w bulbs. It comes with a 10,000k and a 460mn. Those bulbs would need to be replaced with a 6,500k and the colormax bulb.
ashy waters
ashy waters - 12 years ago
Hey man I like the way u shown us guys hiw u do ur water change maybe u should do a video like this on ur Malawi tank
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
Here is what I have for bulbs - 1 32 watt 20,000k T8 and 1 32waat 8,000k T8. I'm also using a Marineland Hidden Sumbersable LED strip that is .06 watt, 400 lumins blue and white combined. So I need more wattage huh?
cyberaquarist - 12 years ago
The buffers are perfectly safe for aquatic plants. I've used them for years. How many watts did you say you fixture is putting out? Without CO2 injection, as in your case, I would recommend at least 1 to 1.5 watts per gallon. The bulbs that are great for plant growth are anywhere from 5,500k to 8,000k. That is the kelvin rating. A 6,500k bulb would be good, because it falls between this range.
Derrick Runion
Derrick Runion - 12 years ago
looks like melting to me
cyberaquarist - 12 years ago
Newly planted plants will loose the outer leaves to make way for new growth. It essentially takes the nutrients from the older leaves and sacrifices them for new growth. That's perfectly normal. Also, plant swords with the base of the crown just above the substrate. It looks like you corrected them. Don't stick the gravel vac down into the sand. Like I said before, just hover over the sand in circular motions to pick up debris. The buffers have nothing to do with the way the plants are doing.
smoonfish - 12 years ago
They could be "melting" or it could be the chemicals your using to bring down the ph.... The ph buffers apparently don't mix to well with plants. I live in a hard water area in the UK and using peat extracts to bring down my ph. I no expert tho lol
Forrest's Fishroom-Cichlidman09
Forrest's Fishroom-Cichlidman09 - 12 years ago
A lot of plants will melt like that. I would wait a bit for new growth.

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