Planted Discus Fishtank | 80 Gallon - 2015

Specs: 110x55x50 - 80 Gallons 4x 28w T5NO (4,5h on - 4h off - 4,5h on) Seachem Flourite caped with pool sand Pressurized Co2 1 bubble / 3 seconds 10g Seachem Equilibrium + 10ml of a NPK mix + 5g baking soda once per week 50% water change on sundays Plants are: Cryptocoryne beckettii Echinodorus amazonicus Giant vallisneria Anubias nana Hygrophila polysperma Ludwigia Fishs: 5 Discus (Pigeon, blue diamond, blue cobalt, red turquoise and blue turquoise) ~15 Cardinal tetras 7 Schwartzi corys 1 big flying fox 1 ramirezi I've been to this hobby for 10 years now, and this tank is set up for 8 months.

Planted Discus Fishtank | 80 Gallon - 2015 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Discus 9 years ago 3,072 views

Specs: 110x55x50 - 80 Gallons 4x 28w T5NO (4,5h on - 4h off - 4,5h on) Seachem Flourite caped with pool sand Pressurized Co2 1 bubble / 3 seconds 10g Seachem Equilibrium + 10ml of a NPK mix + 5g baking soda once per week 50% water change on sundays Plants are: Cryptocoryne beckettii Echinodorus amazonicus Giant vallisneria Anubias nana Hygrophila polysperma Ludwigia Fishs: 5 Discus (Pigeon, blue diamond, blue cobalt, red turquoise and blue turquoise) ~15 Cardinal tetras 7 Schwartzi corys 1 big flying fox 1 ramirezi I've been to this hobby for 10 years now, and this tank is set up for 8 months.

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Most popular comments
for Planted Discus Fishtank | 80 Gallon - 2015

Jimmy Le
Jimmy Le - 9 years ago
Thank you for reply, what a beautiful tank you got I love it
Jimmy Le
Jimmy Le - 9 years ago
What light you used?
Vivaldo Medeiros
Vivaldo Medeiros - 9 years ago
Hey man, no worries! I live in Brazil, and ordered mine in a local fishstore (i think it was imported from Europe). Can you find any HOPAR or BOYU next to you? These brands make similar fixtures/lamps and almost same price.
Jimmy Le
Jimmy Le - 9 years ago
+Vivaldo Medeiros one question where you order the light? I search but most of them are over sea I'm in USA you know where I can get one? Sorry to bother you again
Vivaldo Medeiros
Vivaldo Medeiros - 9 years ago
+Jimmy Le 4x 28w t5 normal output (3x white and 1x blue), and its a "dymax" brand lamps

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