Planted Discus tank

Planted Discus Tank
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Most popular comments
for Planted Discus tank

mini zuz
mini zuz - 7 years ago
too many discus 
look my thank on my chanel
tho hoang the
tho hoang the - 9 years ago
đẹp quá
datauk64 - 9 years ago
wow thats so beautiful discus set up
Daltarich1 - 9 years ago
How much discus do you think can fit in a 72 gallon tank? I already have 1 discus, but I am planning to buy a lot more if I can fit more in my tank. I have 3 angelfish, 2 gouramis, 1 cory cat, 2 rainbow sharks, and 1 clown loach (including the 1 discus).
Joseph Karthic
Joseph Karthic - 8 years ago
does that mean a slight change in water condition will bring death to these fishes?
Zaffre - 9 years ago
+daltarich1 Hey there! Having a solo Discus is not a good idea. They're a group species, having a group around 6+ is enough to both keep each other company, and to disperse aggression. Seeing what you already have, a group of Discus would simply not do in your tank as it would be over-stocked and would stress all your fish. Those 2 Rainbow Sharks are a bit of a concern. Keep an eye on them. And something important to know, is that these fish are not only EXTREMELY expensive, but are also EXTREMELY sensitive to even slight water parameter changes.

I know this from LOTS of reading, and personal experience with these guys. (I personaly find Angelfish more enjoyable for many reasons, despite how pretty Discus are.)
August Duwell
August Duwell - 10 years ago
how could you afford that many discus? how long did you have the tank going before you introduced them, and how many do you think could go in a 55?
Renato Vieira
Renato Vieira - 10 years ago
Sell one discus, buy a bigger tank, fast. Awesome fish collection, but those discus all cramped in that small tank is sad to watch.  
D. S.
D. S. - 11 years ago
I can not believe this, tank mates for the Discus are Tetra Serpae?!
Mine tetra serpaes are worse than Tiger Barbs lol
Anyway awesome samples of fish, only i don't like that it looks little bit overcrowded.
Let's Play Cooked
Let's Play Cooked - 11 years ago
What are the small fish schooling?
Let's Play Cooked
Let's Play Cooked - 11 years ago
+Killian McElroy Thanks!! and how do you use your filter to keep the water so clear, and what type of bulb do you use and what is your ph kept at sorry to be a pain???
Killian McElroy
Killian McElroy - 11 years ago
Hey, buddy.
The small schooling red/black fish are called Serpae Tetra. Not sure where you are from, but here in Southern California they are relatively common. They are cool little fish. Easy to keep. I would recommend them. Great/easy color, active, inexpensive. 
royalton12 - 11 years ago
Very beautiful tank! Fish look very healthy. Nothing wrong with stocking larger numbers if they're well taken care of.

10. comment for Planted Discus tank

cellogabs - 11 years ago
You can keep discus at 28,29C very well
utsuriman - 11 years ago
CartoonsZ Channel
CartoonsZ Channel - 11 years ago
i have QUESTION please respond, as i know discus need high temperature of water like around 31C so can i keep plants (hemianthus callitrichoides this plant is more important for me) on that high temperature, will plans die or no? nice vid keep it up love ur tank
steven morton
steven morton - 11 years ago
what type of pleco?
Rodrigo Paula Vasconcelos
Rodrigo Paula Vasconcelos - 11 years ago
Beautiful Discus !!
jetstar5555 - 11 years ago
I have got to some of these fish!
Filipe Lourenco
Filipe Lourenco - 11 years ago
beautiful thank ,congratulations :)
Geocat21 - 11 years ago
That's a beautiful collection
KogreX03 - 11 years ago
Looks overcrowded.
AwesomeChris - 11 years ago
awesome tank ~!

20. comment for Planted Discus tank

KING - 11 years ago
NgocThuan Ngoc
NgocThuan Ngoc - 12 years ago
Cá đẹp quá ! Thật tuyệt ! Cảm ơn nhiều .
Ethan Eberson
Ethan Eberson - 12 years ago
No its not crowded, they are just all at the front because they think they are going to be fed i bet hahaha.
skrilexlover3150 - 12 years ago
cool tank how many gallons it sorta looks crouded
ichisuke ryu
ichisuke ryu - 12 years ago
how often do you change the water? what's your level of ph,gh,kh,ammonia??
Ruly Ornelas
Ruly Ornelas - 12 years ago
dohc1974 - 12 years ago
Yes, they are.
dohc1974 - 12 years ago
Loi Nguyen
Loi Nguyen - 12 years ago
they are so beautiful and wells color coordinate. someday I will make 1 like that. I am also a fish tank designer. thank you for sharing. if you have time look at what I have and please tell me what you think. I am a lucky bamboo designeraquariums
florian voinea
florian voinea - 12 years ago

30. comment for Planted Discus tank

Julius Pomeo
Julius Pomeo - 12 years ago
Tiene demasiados en poca agua...!
MiNdLeSs1234567890 - 12 years ago
Andy Chen
Andy Chen - 12 years ago
hey tuan , what type of plants are you using in this tank/? can you list them? you got the sort of look i was going for
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
TelepathicT - 12 years ago
what kind of lights are you running and what are the plants getting?
navydiverjt - 12 years ago
I dont know why people always complain about space for discus. Stendker the famous discus breeder say 10-12 fish in 180L. So long as the water is perfect there is no problem. I mean look at them, they dont have to swim on top of each other and i dont see a lot of swimming.
Vladimir Djordjevic
Vladimir Djordjevic - 12 years ago
I think this tank isnt big enough for 13 diskus's...
xScRiiPzHD - 12 years ago
Discus are like 60-100 dollars each... you could get quite alot with 500.
lukeo85 - 12 years ago
Way too over stocked. Poor fish.
L.A. Bernardino J
L.A. Bernardino J - 12 years ago
conté 14 discos, de a 50 litros por cada pez, ese tanque se queda pequeño.
contender180 - 12 years ago
estan muy padres lastima que en ese tanque esten tan mal es muy pequeño para tanto disco
Dave Pitt
Dave Pitt - 12 years ago
your discus make my discus look like rubish
RockenStill - 12 years ago
Trump Trump
Trump Trump - 12 years ago
are they expensive? how much each?
Danny Huynh
Danny Huynh - 12 years ago
$500 will get you about 2.5 of these discus.
captainhelmet69 - 12 years ago
Beautiful discus, love your set up, check out my channel :)
jimmy nguyen
jimmy nguyen - 12 years ago
I would say get 8 more :P but it depends on what u want, Kal 90 G is enough for 9 fish and a f ew little guys
jangotrooper - 12 years ago
bilal solmaz
bilal solmaz - 12 years ago
i need bigger tank
captainhelmet69 - 12 years ago
some beautiful strains there check out my channel see what you think

50. comment for Planted Discus tank

TheBlarg19 - 12 years ago
Discus are supposed to be in groups. I'd say 2-3 more to start with
lolapalusum - 12 years ago
That's gotta be 500 dollars worth of discus!!! Holy crap!
kal fortner
kal fortner - 12 years ago
can somebody answer this question: i only i have 1 discus right now with a few other amazon fish that is doing very good but should i add more discus and if i should what sise and how many should i get i have a 90 gallon
Tiago Marques
Tiago Marques - 12 years ago
i can never find a good fish shop in thos bloody london!!!
Tiago Marques
Tiago Marques - 12 years ago
b e eutiful... i want all of them!!!!
megasneake1 - 12 years ago
Amazing man!!!!! dis is soooooo.... Beutiful congratz
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 12 years ago
Beautiful Discus
Rasm354b - 13 years ago
Amazing fish!
Rasm354b - 13 years ago
Beautyful tank man!!
steveduong02 - 13 years ago
beautiful. some day I will be able to to this.

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