Planted discus community aquarium

Progress of my 6x2x2 planted discus community tank.Small and large discus living together in perfect harmony,small discus are left alone even when feeding no pecking or bulling i have had them in together for nearly a month.So many things are blown out of proportion when it comes to discus.They are as easy to keep as any other tropical fish. Discus are fish from the genus Symphysodon, which currently includes three species: the common discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus), the Heckel discus (Symphysodon discus), and Symphysodon tarzoo.[8] However, a further investigation published in August 2007 suggested that the genus held these three species: S. aequifasciatus (the green discus), S. haraldi (the blue/brown/common discus), and S. discus (the Heckel discus).[9] Other (sub)species have been proposed, but morphometric data (unlike in Pterophyllum, the freshwater angelfish) varies as much between individuals from one location as across the whole range of all discus fish species. S. tarzoo was described in 1959 and applies to the red-spotted western population. S. aequifasciatus and S. discus, meanwhile, seem to hybridise frequently in the wild or have diverged recently, as they lack mitochondrial DNA lineage sorting but differ in color pattern and have dissimilar chromosomal translocation patterns. S. discus occurs mainly in the Rio Negro. Whether S. haraldi is indeed distinct from S. aequifasciatus remains to be determined; if valid it is widespread but it might just be a color morph. Location and habitat Symphysodon species inhabit the margins of floodplain lakes and rivers in the Amazon Basin of lowland Amazonia,[10] where it is part of the highly diverse Neotropical fish fauna. The three species of Symphysodon have different geographic distributions. S. aequifasciatus occurs in the Rio Solimões, Rio Amazonas and the Río Putumayo-Içá in Brazil, Colombia and Peru. In contrast the distribution of S. discus appears to be limited to the lower reaches of the Abacaxis, Rio Negro and Trombetas rivers. S. tarzoo occurs upstream of Manaus in the western Amazon.[citation needed] Like cichlids from the genus Pterophyllum, all Symphysodon species have a laterally compressed body shape. In contrast to Pterophyllum, however, extended finnage is absent giving Symphysodon a more rounded shape. It is this body shape from which their common name, "discus", is derived. The sides of the fish are frequently patterned in shades of green, red, brown, and blue. The height and length of the grown fish are both about 20--25 cm (8--10 in).[citation needed] Reproduction and sexual dimorphism Another characteristic of Symphysodon species is their care for the larvae. As for most cichlids, brood care is highly developed with both the parents caring for the young. Additionally, adult discus produce a secretion through their skin, which the larvae live off during their first few days. This behaviour has also been observed for Uaru species. However when bred in captivity the larvae will tend to live off their parents secretion for up to 2 weeks.

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Discus 12 years ago 15,206 views

Progress of my 6x2x2 planted discus community tank.Small and large discus living together in perfect harmony,small discus are left alone even when feeding no pecking or bulling i have had them in together for nearly a month.So many things are blown out of proportion when it comes to discus.They are as easy to keep as any other tropical fish. Discus are fish from the genus Symphysodon, which currently includes three species: the common discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus), the Heckel discus (Symphysodon discus), and Symphysodon tarzoo.[8] However, a further investigation published in August 2007 suggested that the genus held these three species: S. aequifasciatus (the green discus), S. haraldi (the blue/brown/common discus), and S. discus (the Heckel discus).[9] Other (sub)species have been proposed, but morphometric data (unlike in Pterophyllum, the freshwater angelfish) varies as much between individuals from one location as across the whole range of all discus fish species. S. tarzoo was described in 1959 and applies to the red-spotted western population. S. aequifasciatus and S. discus, meanwhile, seem to hybridise frequently in the wild or have diverged recently, as they lack mitochondrial DNA lineage sorting but differ in color pattern and have dissimilar chromosomal translocation patterns. S. discus occurs mainly in the Rio Negro. Whether S. haraldi is indeed distinct from S. aequifasciatus remains to be determined; if valid it is widespread but it might just be a color morph. Location and habitat Symphysodon species inhabit the margins of floodplain lakes and rivers in the Amazon Basin of lowland Amazonia,[10] where it is part of the highly diverse Neotropical fish fauna. The three species of Symphysodon have different geographic distributions. S. aequifasciatus occurs in the Rio Solimões, Rio Amazonas and the Río Putumayo-Içá in Brazil, Colombia and Peru. In contrast the distribution of S. discus appears to be limited to the lower reaches of the Abacaxis, Rio Negro and Trombetas rivers. S. tarzoo occurs upstream of Manaus in the western Amazon.[citation needed] Like cichlids from the genus Pterophyllum, all Symphysodon species have a laterally compressed body shape. In contrast to Pterophyllum, however, extended finnage is absent giving Symphysodon a more rounded shape. It is this body shape from which their common name, "discus", is derived. The sides of the fish are frequently patterned in shades of green, red, brown, and blue. The height and length of the grown fish are both about 20--25 cm (8--10 in).[citation needed] Reproduction and sexual dimorphism Another characteristic of Symphysodon species is their care for the larvae. As for most cichlids, brood care is highly developed with both the parents caring for the young. Additionally, adult discus produce a secretion through their skin, which the larvae live off during their first few days. This behaviour has also been observed for Uaru species. However when bred in captivity the larvae will tend to live off their parents secretion for up to 2 weeks.

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Most popular comments
for Planted discus community aquarium

Enkii Muto
Enkii Muto - 7 years ago
I love the plants you used too.
Kevin Nguyen
Kevin Nguyen - 8 years ago
anyone know what's the name of the large plant on the left and the bunch plants in the middle?
Deonte Toliver
Deonte Toliver - 8 years ago
nice ,whats your substrate & water change schedule ?
dfunkt - 10 years ago
fucking sick!  only change i'd make: i'd have about 20 more albino cory cats in that bad boy, so they could flock around in their lovely stumbly bumbly ways...
Trae Stutzman
Trae Stutzman - 10 years ago
Good vid!
Hermawan Julianto
Hermawan Julianto - 11 years ago
wow, what background do you use? please advice for my tank at video response. thanks
Rusty Bosley
Rusty Bosley - 11 years ago
What kind of plants do you have? Are you running a co2 system? Beautiful tank and fish.
Cheese my burger.
Cheese my burger. - 11 years ago
Mind telling me the kind of lighting u are using?
Морока Нет
Морока Нет - 11 years ago

10. comment for Planted discus community aquarium

Ashlaloo1025 - 11 years ago
I. Want. This. Tank
lence eftimova
lence eftimova - 12 years ago
very nice
David reeve
David reeve - 12 years ago
I would like my tank like yours is it a special glass
David reeve
David reeve - 12 years ago
How have you got the greenish colouring in your tank.looks really nice
David reeve
David reeve - 12 years ago
That is a beautiful tank
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
Awesome looking tank, awesome looking discus!

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