Planted Aquariums, 125 gallon and 220 Planted Tank Fired up on a FRIDAY!
Discus 11 years ago 22,126 views
GET ON THE FREE LIVE 'THE IMPORTANCE OF SUBSTRATE' WEBINAR & GET A 50% OFF COUPON! GET AN AWESOME TANK! GET DUSTIN'S DIRTED TANK GUIDE! aquarium-product/new-dirted- tank-guide/ Newer Video with the Halides on my 220: Old School Version of my 220 How to Clean this Aquarium: Fish Tank Equipment GET ON THE FREE Planted Tank 101 webinar - Live! Planted tanks that are actually clean for a change. Shocker right?!! If you haven't already get your Fish Tanking butt over to and sign up for the newsletter to get the give away I am doing with launch of the New Complete Dustin's Dirted Tank Guide....It's been one of the most fun and challenging things I have ever done. I am excited to share it with you all...Also pumped that it's Friday and this is my job. Appreciate all of the help and the feedback I have received from everyone. Hope you had an AWESOME week.... TANK ON! Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on Planted Aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted Tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy. "Planted Tanks Made Easy" Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Instagram: Fish Tank People Social Community
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10. comment for Planted Aquariums, 125 gallon and 220 Planted Tank Fired up on a FRIDAY!
I'd kill to have your job (not literally of course lol)
20. comment for Planted Aquariums, 125 gallon and 220 Planted Tank Fired up on a FRIDAY!
30. comment for Planted Aquariums, 125 gallon and 220 Planted Tank Fired up on a FRIDAY!
50. comment for Planted Aquariums, 125 gallon and 220 Planted Tank Fired up on a FRIDAY!