Plants for Bare Bottom Aquariums - DIY Guide - Here’s the suction cups that you can use. Just take the hook off and use the suction cup. Suction Cups w/ Hooks: This is a trick I do to adhere plants to the bottom of a bare bottom fish aquarium. Let me know what you think. Local Petco find. He has no name , not 100% healthy but he's my little guy and I will help him grow. [No Name] wishes all of you a happy 4th of July ! & May you all be careful and have a blessed night He's pretty,my petco here in sc just got in a bunch of beautiful marbled bettas!! Oh I need to stay away!! Woke up to this this morning... Had to go to work and had no time to clean it up completely. It's already ruined a couple of the things I had stored near the tank (including an award I had that's very important to me). Pretty sure it's the filter that ends up spewing over the side because this has happened once before... I've had this tank for about 5 years... Maybe it's time for a new one. It's times like this that I want to give up on fish keeping... Get a sponge filter! So sorry. This sucks. Are the fish okay? I can't tell how low the water is. 'm honestly thankful that when this happened to me, it shorted out my outlet strip and cut the power to the filter. So it just got cold instead of empty :/ I can't imagine finding this when I woke up. It's a built in filter so I'd like to be able to fix it if I can. Yeah luckily I had the water change bucket under the table so most of the water got in the bucket but a lot of it also got on a plastic storage tub and on top of that tub I had a few things. A picture frame that's okay and then an award I won that's totally trashed now. I forgot it was under there. I should have moved it when this happened the first time but I forgot about it... I'm going to call the company to see if they could make me a new one or somehow mount the metal thing onto a new board. It's very important to me so I'm more upset about that then the tank honestly. If I have to buy a new one it's okay. The water level was only about an inch from the substrate so at least 4 gallons of water all over my floor. And my fish is fine, he was just pissed about not having a lot of water haha. I had to float him in a cup in the remaining water because all I had time to do before I went to work was lay towels down and unplug the filter, and out the media in the water so it didn't dry out.... Ugh... Such a hassle.

Plants for Bare Bottom Aquariums - DIY Guide sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Discus 11 years ago 6,323 views - Here’s the suction cups that you can use. Just take the hook off and use the suction cup. Suction Cups w/ Hooks: This is a trick I do to adhere plants to the bottom of a bare bottom fish aquarium. Let me know what you think. Local Petco find. He has no name , not 100% healthy but he's my little guy and I will help him grow. [No Name] wishes all of you a happy 4th of July ! & May you all be careful and have a blessed night He's pretty,my petco here in sc just got in a bunch of beautiful marbled bettas!! Oh I need to stay away!! Woke up to this this morning... Had to go to work and had no time to clean it up completely. It's already ruined a couple of the things I had stored near the tank (including an award I had that's very important to me). Pretty sure it's the filter that ends up spewing over the side because this has happened once before... I've had this tank for about 5 years... Maybe it's time for a new one. It's times like this that I want to give up on fish keeping... Get a sponge filter! So sorry. This sucks. Are the fish okay? I can't tell how low the water is. 'm honestly thankful that when this happened to me, it shorted out my outlet strip and cut the power to the filter. So it just got cold instead of empty :/ I can't imagine finding this when I woke up. It's a built in filter so I'd like to be able to fix it if I can. Yeah luckily I had the water change bucket under the table so most of the water got in the bucket but a lot of it also got on a plastic storage tub and on top of that tub I had a few things. A picture frame that's okay and then an award I won that's totally trashed now. I forgot it was under there. I should have moved it when this happened the first time but I forgot about it... I'm going to call the company to see if they could make me a new one or somehow mount the metal thing onto a new board. It's very important to me so I'm more upset about that then the tank honestly. If I have to buy a new one it's okay. The water level was only about an inch from the substrate so at least 4 gallons of water all over my floor. And my fish is fine, he was just pissed about not having a lot of water haha. I had to float him in a cup in the remaining water because all I had time to do before I went to work was lay towels down and unplug the filter, and out the media in the water so it didn't dry out.... Ugh... Such a hassle.

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for Plants for Bare Bottom Aquariums - DIY Guide

Tidal Flux
Tidal Flux - 10 years ago
cool sweet beans awesome juice at the end just made my day. great videos btw

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