RODI water in a discus tank - Pros and cons

Deionization process of the RO-DI water unit and the benefits to discus eggs.

RODI water in a discus tank - Pros and cons sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Discus 10 years ago 9,938 views

Deionization process of the RO-DI water unit and the benefits to discus eggs.

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Most popular comments
for RODI water in a discus tank - Pros and cons

The One
The One - 6 years ago
marc taylor-olsson when you use marine pure and biohome, it does.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 7 years ago
+marc taylor-olsson I appreciate the watch anyways. Thanks for the comment. Not quite sure what your point is but it's all good.
marc taylor-olsson
marc taylor-olsson - 7 years ago
You obviously have no idea about water to write this. A river doesnt have a filter no. But the water in a river has been distilled at some point. An aquarium doesnt support anaerobic bacteria or have the plant life of a river either.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 7 years ago
+The Ninja Film Company Vidioanimations My water is bad. I don't have any hidden agenda and could care less about helping anyone sell anything. I don't "badger" my water, I control it so it's stable. I'm here helping people who need to know how to be successful keeping discus that have unusually high, hard water. These are just my opinions and what has worked for me.
rafal kowalski
rafal kowalski - 8 years ago
yes. after 12h the ph rises by 0.2. finally it is 7.6-7.7
rafal kowalski
rafal kowalski - 8 years ago
yes it is raising ph to 7.6 gh and kh to about 4-6 it is called mineralizer for ro water. thx for help. i live in poland so i have to get something that do the same thing as yours becouse i can't get anything as yours. we have in shop only something caled preis discus mineral.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 7 years ago
+The Ninja Film Company Vidioanimations that's your opinion. Some discus are being bred in moderately hard water, specifically Stendker discus, not others.
The Ninja Film Company Vidioanimations
The Ninja Film Company Vidioanimations - 7 years ago
rafal kowalski bare in mind....that Discus are now being bred in medium to hard all this stuff is no longer needed.
And much cash can be saved !!! By eliminating all the Frankenstein's gizmos plugged into you tanks
Good eh?
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+rafal kowalski pH stability is big for discus. Have you tried gassing off your water? Letting it age? What is the pH coming out of the tap?
rafal kowalski
rafal kowalski - 8 years ago
hi. when i have ro water my ph is 6.5 but when i put minerals i get ph 7.6 How to make water ph 6.5 ? i don't want to use acid.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+rafal kowalski So whatever you're putting in is raising the alkaline level and the general hardness, I'm assuming. I use a Alkaline Buffer to stabilize my water, and Discus Trace to remineralize the water.
elyh777 - 8 years ago
So if I use rodi water, all I need to do is get that discus trace to put in the water and I'll be able to keep discus?
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+elyh777 You can use RO water too. The discus trace is essential if you go the RO water route. It'll sure make things easier!
Sophie Sapphire
Sophie Sapphire - 8 years ago
is that a licking noise in the background?
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Sophie Sapphire Yeah, we keep water; the water keeps the fish. It is important for the long term health of the fish.
Sophie Sapphire
Sophie Sapphire - 8 years ago
+Scuba Steve on headphones it sounds like the person filming or something nearby is making a licking sound :D Great video though, I'm hoping to set up a betta tank using RO water or half RO/half conditioned regular water. So this video really helps.x
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Sophie Sapphire I sure hope not?

10. comment for RODI water in a discus tank - Pros and cons

AquaLady 420
AquaLady 420 - 9 years ago
Off topic, is the a pitbull barking in the background? I understand RODI a bit more now. thanks!
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 9 years ago
+AquaLady 420 (HoodChick) Maybe? I've got 5 dogs. I'm glad I was able to shed some useful info!
qazwsx66680 - 9 years ago
great videos , right on point and no way around it if you want discus, and i do want them, im working on my water now before getting any discus, Here is my problem at the moment, i mix ro and tap water, getting gh of 5 and kh of 3, however my ph is 7.4 when i do that, so i used seacheem discus buffer to bring it down to 6.5, is that ok what im doing or should i do it a different way, will that ph stay stable? i buy the ro si mixing it with tap i cut the cost
srbsilver - 9 years ago
ok, how about just ro water, where i get it from it has a ph of 6.5 0kh and 0gh. now if i just use ro and add acid buffer with alkaline buffer and the discus esentials will that lower the ph or what will happen to it. and is all this chemicals good for the fish
srbsilver - 9 years ago
yes thats an option, when i ran my tap tru a 5 gal bucket full of peat it lowered the ph for the day but then it went back up, and striped all the kh. seem like every time i get one thing wright the other thing lowers. im happy with getting ro mixed with tap, getting a kh of 3, and adding discus buffer as long as that will stay stable until the next water change
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 9 years ago
+srbsilver What about adding driftwood and peat moss? This is fairly inexpensive and will add acid naturally.
srbsilver - 9 years ago
Thank you, thats what i wanted to do, however been reading forums, and the reason i want the kh around 3 is to have a stable ph, if i add less tap water ill have less kh and i might get ph swing.the  person that i want to get the discus from uses tap water, ph of 7.5, kh of 7 and gh of 9. now the weird thing is that once he ads that water to the tank it switches to ph6.5, kh0 gh 13, and how that happends i dont know, same filtration as mine, the only difference is that he got some plants in the tank, no co2 and i have bare bottom, that might be it but not sure, Subscribed and going to watch all your vides, as i feel u got the best info here, right on point, and again thank you for sharing ur knowledge with us newbies.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 9 years ago
First of all, thank you so much for the feedback. Please look at some of my other videos. I believe I just spoke about that in a video I just did. Yes, use tap water to add some buffering content nack. Just add less tap water. Discus can osmoregulate just fine in very soft water with low mineral content. You can also add a mineral content, like discus trace by seachem. Discus buffer will also work but I hear you saying that you want to save money so just add less tap water. Add driftwood or peat moss to your tank, this will also help to give you that acidic profile you're looking for that is key to good discus health. Please look at some of my other videos and sub my channel. I discuss this all the time. Any questions or clarification you need, I'm more than happy to help.
Matt Mayorga
Matt Mayorga - 9 years ago
So basically Steve, if I'm putting RO water into my tank, I need to put the "Trace Elements" into the water as well?
Anything else I should be putting into my RO water aside from the Trace Elements?
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 9 years ago
Good info. In addition to buffering, your fish need some mineral and salts for electrolytes. Most people don't realize that fish can't live in pure water.
RO units only remove 95% of TDS, so your source water's TDS content is what determines the purity of RO output. The de-ionizer removes the rest.
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 9 years ago
+Scuba Steve thanks. I like sea Chem products too, but rarely use anything at all. I'm super low-tech. Lol
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 9 years ago
+Scuba Steve I don't have any experience with any of that stuff. I use my RO as base water for brackish and marine, but my "tap" water goes through a serious treatment to make it suitable for my freshwater tanks.
I think I'll do another video about my water.
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 9 years ago
Hi Steve, what are your recommendations for ro/di us made brands? Should I get a minimum of 5 stage with 2 carbon blocks? So much info on this it gets confusing.
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 9 years ago
There two different sellers on ebay. Is it the Liqua Gen brand for $99?
Marag q8
Marag q8 - 9 years ago
its very good information 
but i have question  if i want change r/o water  i need only to use trace liquid or do i need another thing put if that planted aquarium and discus tank ?
IFG - 10 years ago
Nice one Steve
PAUL MADFISH - 10 years ago
Thanks for doing this vid steve ive just got home for the weekend trying to catch up on some vids i may buy the di unit as an upgrade when im home full time thanks again steve
Nicolas' Aquariums
Nicolas' Aquariums - 10 years ago
Great informational video!

20. comment for RODI water in a discus tank - Pros and cons

Ricky Kenerly Cichlids
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids - 10 years ago
You did a great job of explaining to us what rodi does and how it benefits Discus!
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids - 10 years ago
And have fun while doing it!
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids - 10 years ago
You are welcome!  It increased my personal knowledge as well!

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