Raising a monster. MONSTER PREDATOR FISH.
Discus 7 years ago 8,476 views
I got a new predator Monster fish! You can get the sponge filter I mentioned in the video here! Just click the link! http://amzn.to/2Cisuwg Check out the video of me getting the cory cats here! Click the link! https://studio.youtube.com/#/video/wA6Pe2YLC8A/edit CHECK OUT THE MERCH HERE! CLICK THE LINK! https://teespring.com/search?q=masteraquatics Below is what I use to breed my angelfish and record my videos. I buy these items on Amazon. If you would like to buy an item I use just click the link. Clicking on a link will help support the channel. Thank you! If you feel like my channel benefits you, Consider supporting my channel! Click here ! https://www.patreon.com/masteraquatics ----------------------- The items below are what I use to record my videos! My powerful camera! http://amzn.to/2eUwXzq My GoPro! For hands free and underwater shots! http://amzn.to/2eVTPi4 My GoPro Headstrap! http://amzn.to/2xm2qSI ------------------------------------------------ Items I recommend for breeding angelfish and planted tanks. The best thing to feed your baby angelfish! http://amzn.to/2fU1ygs Silent airpumps http://amzn.to/2vNMSFo My choice of sponge filters http://amzn.to/2vSYc1o Thrive liquid fertilizer http://amzn.to/2wcha5B planting tool kit http://amzn.to/2vSsEsp The best thing to use to make your tap water safe! http://amzn.to/2wcz48f Use this to make water changes easy for your fish tank! http://amzn.to/2ifVDDh
You can get the sponge filter I mentioned in the video here! Just click the link! http://amzn.to/2Cisuwg
Check out the video of me getting the cory cats here! Click the link! https://studio.youtube.com/#/video/wA...
CHECK OUT THE MERCH HERE! CLICK THE LINK! https://teespring.com/search?q=masteraquatics
You had 3, 4 fish plus feeders that was in a hospital tank that contained 3 fish that was sick (Angle and Cory cats), then you put the feeders and the peacock bass, into this "sick" tank.
The peacock bass eats the contaminated feeder, and you move the contaminated peacock bass into a 125 gallon tank?
why have a quarantine tank if you don't use it like a quarantine tank?
10. comment for Raising a monster. MONSTER PREDATOR FISH.
20. comment for Raising a monster. MONSTER PREDATOR FISH.
30. comment for Raising a monster. MONSTER PREDATOR FISH.
50. comment for Raising a monster. MONSTER PREDATOR FISH.
oh and the angelfish