Red Severums: The Poor Mans Discus???
Discus 6 years ago 1,775 views
In this video we take a look at one of the fish often referred to as the “poor mans Discus”. I currently keep 6 large Red Severums in my 120 gallon aquarium. They average 7-8” currently and have grown on me over the past year. Pleco Playlist: Discus Playlist: #Fishfam #FreshwaterAquarium #Cichlid ##DiscusFish #FishTank Help support this channel: TM Aquatics Zebra Pleco Logo Merch and Swag: Below are links to some great products I use in my fish room: Filtration and Air Pumps: Aquaclear Marineland Filter Filstar Canister Filter Whisper 60 Air Pump Fish Food: Northfin Cichlid 2mm Pellet Omega One Veggie Round Omega One Cichlid Color: Lighting and Accessories: 48” T5 LED Lighting 6500K Wi-Fi Smart Plug Miscellaneous: Marina Large Breeder Box
I actually like Severums a good deal more than the other two.
Nice promo to get people to buy Severums - they are too underrated..
I'm really liking the look of Red Shoulder Severums. I might try those one day.
10. comment for Red Severums: The Poor Mans Discus???
20. comment for Red Severums: The Poor Mans Discus???
I do love and have kept Severums for years: Gold, Green, Turquoise, Red Spotted, Gold Red Spotted, Turquoise Red Spotted, and Super Red Spotted. All breeder terms but descriptive for sure. They really are bullet proof, given a good diet and lots of room. Never lost one, nor can I remember having one sick. Easy to spawn and rear. Very personable fish that recognize and engage the person that cares for them. Thanks for sharing...(I also feed blanched Romaine, and they demolish it in five minutes)