Red cherry shrimp, Planted freshwater aquarium tank aquascape
Discus 7 years ago 1,075 views
Its Red cherry shrimp ( Neocaridina davidi ), Electric blue balloon ram ( Mikrogeophagus ramirezi ) cichlid, Cichlidae, Gold chinese algae eater ( Gyrinocheilos aymonieri ) Before after aquatic Planted freshwater aquarium tank aquascape photo slide video. Here is more planted aquariums link Discus planted aquarium Guppy planted aquarium Neon tetra planted aquarium Most welcome in Ravi Aquarium channel. Here I am showing you how to plant grow after setup. you can see in before after images. I have put red cherry shrimp, electric blue ballon ram, gold algae eater in the tank. Its 80 liter ( 21 gallon ) aquarium. I removed some plants and put new plants in the tank. There is already Guppy, Neon tetra, Rummy nose tetra and Harlequin rasbora fish in tank. I have put and attached plants in driftwood. Thanks for watching it. If you like video then Like, Comment and Share it. " SUBSCRIBE " channel with " BELL " It will help you for watching new uploading video. Dear Subscriber and Viewers Ravi Aquarium channel is for Planted, Aquatic, Guppy, Water lily, Pond, Goldfish, Saltwater, Arowana, aquarium, tank, aquascape, aquascaping, channel. You can see all videos in the playlist. Click on my custom URL link for watching playlist video. Custom URL Have a happy life journey.
I'd love to keep cherry shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda) at some point. Currently, I don't want to add a sponge to the intake of my hang-on-the-back filter. I may do so at some point so that the offspring would be in no danger. I may get some amano shrimp (Caridina multidentata) soon, since they don't breed in fresh water and are said to be the best algae eating shrimp.
Thank you for showing us this, amazing set-up!
E. J. Brinegar
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